i read the texas a&m scoring report for journals…

“all our yesterdays” – second BOB at the high school level for me – what does high school BOB mean, anyway? i would argue, mostly adult-ish fiction material – a few of them are more adult fiction – but most still have young characters – anyway, i’m missing the point here b/c the point is to complain about this book:) spoiler alert – girl from the future goes back in time four years to kill her boyfriend of the past – who turned evil in the future – the girl in the future enlists the support of her future boyfriend – who was the boyfriend’s best friend in the past – a guy the girl in the past couldn’t stand (b/c if i’ve learned one thing from stupid fiction reading through the years, the key to a girl’s heart is getting her to hate you at the start – you’re bound to be lovey-dovey by the end if that’s how you start) – anyway, so the girl goes back to kill the boyfriend – but, tragically, the boyfriend in the past comes back from the future to kill everyone – b/c he’s just that evil – and so lots of sighs, laments, crash scenes – etc. – and for all that, a title that alludes to shakespeare – oh, why couldn’t there have been a sequel???

that was it for the week – you know the big other book i’m reading – if you’re watching – i’m still working on that one – do hope everyone enjoys the week


49 thoughts on “i read the texas a&m scoring report for journals…”

  1. My dad, cole, cole’s dad, and I played in a golf tourney (cole won hoghest net metabolism with 3 trips to the timberline buffet) and yet there are still no comments that i can see. So just in case…


  2. Monday- “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

    Willie Nelson

    Having negative thoughts shows in your results, when negative thoughts are running through your head you get distracted so you cant focus on the task at hand. Once you have positive thoughts your results will change because once you have positive thoughts you can think easily so your progress is better so once you have better progress you get better results.

    “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”

    Lyndon B. Johnson

    Yesterday was lost what ever we did or didn’t do we can’t get back or we can’t recover but tomorrow is a new day its a blank page, tomorrow we can chose to succeed or fail.

  3. f0r th3 r3st 0f th1s b109, 1’m 901n9 to sp311 th1n9s us1n9 numb3rs.

    😀 pr0b13m? 😀

    🙁 okay, never mind 🙁
    anyway, i’m still reading (addicted to) Warriors and all, and we where at the battle of Bloodclan when i left off.so the clans are preparing for battle, and after one long night, they attack attack Bloodclan. Bone, the leader, lead them into battle as well. in the fight, Darkstripe is killed, and a few others. after the battel, the 4 clans had won. and now, they could finaly have the peace that Starclan had promised.

    ~THE END~

  4. Tuesday-“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”

    Joyce Meyer

    To have a positive life, you must have positive actions and well to have positive actions you must have a positive mind you can not have both. You may have one which leads to others which leads to your life, its all connected.

    “Correction does much, but encouragement does more.”

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    When you correct somebody it makes them improve but there are also better way to help people improve, when you encourage someone it makes them think they can do it so instead of correcting them which is telling them they re wrong and can also be discouraging to some people. You can encourage them which does more for them ten correction.

  5. Wednesday-


    In the picture “Obama” is serving America or I don’t know if its supposed to be Uncle Sam but the platter he is holding is labeled promises and the thing under the top laid on the platter is labeled reality. This political carton is focusing on how Obama promised us many things and as it turns out in ” Reality” nothing really happened he didn’t not deliver like he promised to and the bone represents that.

  6. well, have i got some dissapionting news.


    i don’t think the blue hoodie fits anymore…. *snif*

    i know, right?! it was like, sixth grade last time i fully put it on… 🙁

    but no worries! i will not “hang up the hood” (so to speak) just yet. i’ll still see if i can find another hoodie to substitute, even if it’s not “blue”.


    *ahem*–anyhow, i’m reading a new book called ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doerr. it’s set in the early 1930’s, when the WWII was just starting. the setting is Paris, France, and it’s about this girl named Marie who goes blind as a young child, but her father builds her a replica of her neighborhood so she could find her way around it with her hands. it’s a book of mystery and suspense, and it builds as more and more events happen. it’s one of those stories where there are other people’s stories are intertwined with the main character’s, and where earlier stories are intertwined with those. so far, it’s pretty interesting. it doesn’t use chapters, either.

    here’s my creative:

    “We Could All Do It”
    by Blue

    We could all learn to love,
    There are some that may know
    We could all help the needy,
    and to them show
    How we could all be generous,
    Not green-eyes monsters like the rest
    We could all be more like Jesus,
    do our very best
    We could all be nicer,
    More respectful and polite
    We could all be lanterns,
    beaming proud and bright
    We could all show the nations
    How to Unite.


    well, that’s it for the week.

    .:Anna Report:.
    ~she’s doing just fine. she’s enjoying her school and all it has to offer her. she’s on the Robotics Team and the News Staff (she’s a journalist!) she’s doing just fine! 🙂

    i’ll be blogging next week–assuming nothing goes astray with any of my stalking missions–so…blue hood, peace out!

  7. Thursday-


    Beat , Beat, Beat….
    Lungs filling with crisp cold air
    Numbness fills your body
    Gripping your bat sends little prickles of pain up your arms
    A dull sound echo’s as the bat hits the ball
    Dinks on the ground as you let go
    Chunks of dirt flying in the air
    You don’t hear anything but your coaches voice
    Round first going to second
    Focusing in on that base
    Something comes right beside your head into the pitchers glove * Smack
    You hit third legs shaking
    A stare down is in the midst when you break and break hard
    Stunned she’s delayed
    You hear a metal cling, the ball was over through and hit the fence
    Sliding in to a mud puddle
    You lay there your nerves are shot but you still think ” I love this game”

  8. i am addicted to this book. so onward
    “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”;Line:’I saw a face the seemed to have been transplanted directly from the nightmares of my childhood’
    Commentary:Jacob is in the woods, watching his grandfather die. Suddenly the exact creature that he had been warned about,yet refused to believe in, was there. This terrifying tentacle mouthed rotten creature.
    So far has been a really good book and i recommend it to everyone.
    WaspMan Out

  9. “I believe time heels all wounds.”
    John Lennon
    I think this is the way people look at things when they are hurt or someone they care about die. But sadly this isn’t the way i look at it. I think stuff never exactly gets better (especially when someone dies) you just get better at coping with he pain. You could think back about someone who died and then you’ll start crying. The pain doesn’t just go away, it just gets easier to deal with.

    “Everybody loves you when you’re six foot in the ground.”
    John Lennon
    I think this is funny because the same concept was kind of talked about in The Fault In Our Stars. Even if you’re a mean person if you die no one is just going to talk about you and say bad things because you’re dead and thats not nice. Plus once you die it’s like you’re untouchable and even if people still talk bad about you if you die its okay because you’re dead, it’s not like it will hurt your feelings. I feel like that’s how people feel when they want to kill themselves, i feel like they feel that once they die everything will just go away because no one can hurt you when you die.

    “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?”
    Ernest Hemingway
    I think this is perfect because 1)i just love this quote and 2)its totally true. Even if your life seems like its falling apart when you fall asleep your dreams are perfect, and even if your dreams are bad or you have nightmares its okay because its just a dream.

    “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”
    Helen Keller
    I think this is great because it pretty much means that you either live life or you dont. And this is great because it was said by Helen Keller whose life was already hard enough. It means to make the best out of the life you have or your life doesnt really mean anything.

  10. Article 1:Toys R Us ‘Breaks Bad’ with New Crystal Meth Toys

    https://time.com/money/3524670/toys-r-us-breaking-bad/? d=yahoo_money

    Just realized something, both my articles have something to do with drugs. what a coincidence… seriously.

    Couldn’t find any pictures, but seriously. Toys r Us said it had a label that said 15+ but if it is in the middle of an aisle with Barbie dolls and GI Joe action figures, why wouldn’t a little kid look at it and ask his parents if they wanted a rich guy that has a funny bag of something right next to him. I don’t find anything at all if a kid wants to learn about future jo… I mean the dangers of the world. Fred and Will Morris got their first… Yeah I should stop there.

    I will be back, after I eat my drug in… I mean beef and cheese only tacos.

  11. Sure signs of crazy
    Tomorrow was Sarah’s birthday. She was turning 12. She new how b-days worked, her dad would stayup all the night before and get drunk and then the next morning he would say softly, “We will go shoping after this t.v. show, then, since he had a hang-over he would fall asleep after Sarah left the room. (Sarah wanted a ipod, and some other things but mostly the ipod.) When Sarah came back in the room and saw him asleep she just took $20 out of his wallet and walked to her friends house then they went to the gas station and they bought some comics and some drinks and some food. Then went back to her friends house…

  12. Sure signs of crazy
    After a while she said by to her friend and walked home. She had been eating peanuts, they were already half melted and her dad was still drunk. She thought it was the longest afternoon EVER! It was to hot of a day to ever walk to the library. So she was stuck there with her half melted M&M’S.
    (Later at night)
    She went on to bed with her dad STILL asleep and she thought, “I should be laying in bed texting on my ipod right now…”
    That is all for today.

  13. Book: Gom On Windy Mountain
    Prompt-1: Dialectical
    Line: “Before they had gone half a mile, Gom and his father were drenched. Before they had gone another, the cart almost ran away from them down the slippery trail.” (Grace Chetwin, 152)
    Commentary: There is a lot of foreboding in this paragraph, but also hope, as Gom made a bet with an older man. This bet was for food and was that it would not rain for a week, and this is the first time it rained in a week.
    Prompt-2: Dialectical
    Line: “‘There’ll be no rain today, nor tomorrow, nor for another week or more, just as my father said. He knows more about weather than any of you ever will.’ Gaffer’s knuckles tightened on his walking stick, and for a moment he looked set to use it. ‘Oh? Well, I repeat, Master Know-it-all that you’ll not get home without a dousing. I’ll lay a week’s bread and ale on it!'”
    Commentary: This was foreshadowing to later when the food will be their only thing to eat, other than a little left-overs and a gift from a relative. Gaffer was assumed by the town to be wise. This was also foreshadowing to when the town will be in slight fear of Gom because of his wisdom.
    Prompt-3: Point of View Change
    I was walking with my son Gom when rain started to pour. He looked oddly uncomfortable.
    “You all right, son?” I asked.
    He responded with a simple, unconvincing nod. I thought he shouldn’t have left the hut so soon, but he said he was fine.
    I told him he was going to be a hero because he was the one who got the gold for them, but for some reason he doubted it.
    Prompt-4: Creative
    I don’t think what I did was a good idea. It had some very bad repercussions. Like “someone blew up my house” bad. No seriously, someone did that to me. It almost killed me. Anyway, I was only walking down the street when I may have kinda tripped over an electrical cable that was connected to a gas station. It may have ripped from the ground and landed into a gas tank that was being refilled and may have took down 17 skyscrapers with it. I don’t blame myself. I blame the people who left a gas tank, an electricity cable, and 17 skyscrapers just lying around.

  14. The countdown has begun
    “Miss Peregrine’s”;Line:’beneath those photos were five more that grandpa portman had never shown me’
    Commentary:Jacob’s family is looking through his grandpa’s things after he died. Jacob finds five more pictures of astonishing kids that he still has a problem believing. Now if you have read this book you know how fake the pictures look. So I don’t blame him.
    WaspMan out

  15. DIALECTICAL YAY [note the enthusiasm]
    So this week I’m reading the Grimm Legacy
    Line : I was waiting for the talons to rip me.
    Commentary : Elizabeth is in Mr . Stones NY apartment building thingy- Elizabeth is experiencing fear- She is with Aaron, Jaya , and Andre- they are trying to save their friends- the talons are attached to the big bird that was outside of Anjali’s window- after the bird was about to get Elizabeth , she remembered the feather and released it to the wind and the bird was swept away by a dog on wings.

  16. here’s my creative poem – about Ichabod Crane’s fantasy life.


    As I eat my midnight snack,
    the crunching of the cereal
    makes my heart drop to my feet.
    The ‘snap’, ‘crackle’ and ‘pop’
    leave me trembling with fear.
    I go back to bed,
    but the pillows look like little
    pastry witches.
    I shriek as I lay my head down on it,
    because I feel something like slobber-
    definitely the pastry witch’s.
    I run from my room,
    and accidentally make like Shadrach and his bros.,
    and ran through the fire,
    seeing the devil’s arms climb my night gown.
    I felt helpless
    as I ran out of my door
    into the woods-
    starting an uproar of demons
    climbing all of the trees.
    I ran
    and ran
    and ran

  17. Those journals I did were for last week.

    Monday- ”

    Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

    Leo Buscaglia

    So when someone says this the things they are naming are not like life changing so to speak in a regular situation but, there known as ” the little things” so when someone is having a bad day or is thinking about doing something potentially harming to them selves or others these little acts of kindness can have the power to change their mind.

    “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

    Mahatma Gandhi

    If you picture the world in a different way than it is now, no ones is going to change it but you. ” You must be the change” which translates to you need practice what you preach. If you want to change the world you must also change your self, the way you act or how you do things is how you want the world to do. You want to make it in your own image but it has to be good.

  18. Tuesday-“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.”

    Nathaniel Branden

    So its like AA :)or an intervention like the first step is knowing there is a problem, and not trying to deny it and the second step is accepting that you need to change. Without these two steps you could not change because you would not think there is a problem at hand and see no need to change.

    “Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.”

    Maya Angelou

    “Love is like a virus” I don’t think I would use the word “Virus” to describe something people cherish deeply and wait for all their life but…ok.
    Its saying when your in Love is spreads and consumes you it doesn’t just happen to certain people , unlike others may think it can happen to anybody any where, any place, any time /love is not limited to anything it has no rules.

  19. http://profootballmock.com/man-awakens-from-two-decade-coma-asks-hey-how-have-the-browns-been-doing/

    This article is about a man who just awoke from a 2 decade coma. Too bad he’s a Browns fan. There are 2 ways to look at it…

    #1 Regular Person
    Why would want to know the draft picks for the Browns? Unless you were stalking these kids since they were 4, you wouldn’t even know who they are. Or he could live in the past…

    #2 NFL Person
    Who likes the Browns (that’s rhetorical)? If he was a browns fan then, he wouldn’t want to be a Brown’s fan now. They are terrible.


  20. The countdown has begun:1 week
    “Miss Peregrine’s”;Creative:my(horribly uncreative) nicknames for the Kids in Miss Peregrine’s Home:
    The boulder lifter twins
    sit in a bottle girl
    chihuahua girl
    two mouth clown boy
    the unedible pretzel
    creepy clowns
    WaspMan(not really)

  21. Creative poem about One direction.

    Said Louis Thomlinson to Harry Styles “I would marry you Harry”
    It was said in a video diary.
    For they were answering questions in the X-Factor house.

    Niall at Nando’s he was a hungry fella.
    He always cried at Finding Nemo.
    His coffee never needed extra cream-o.
    He wore the American onesie.
    And was always very funney.
    Oh, our little leprechaun,what if he was a coupon.

    Liam’s Disney films they were here they were there.
    He had four different types of hair.
    Four black arrows and one feather he loves Danielle Peazer.
    She is a dancer like Prancer the reindeer.

    Zayn (or his name originally spelt Zain) is vain, he loves Perrie.
    But Oh No Daily loves Zayn, she will cause Perrie pain.
    Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.
    Stripes,Curls,Little Leprechaun,Daddy Direction, and The Bradford Bad Boi,yo.

  22. “I was sick today…” 🙂 Sure signs of crazy
    Mr.Wistler (Sara’s teacher) always talks about how there generation texted way tooooooo much. But of corse poor Sarah just sat in scilence as her class-mates aruged with him. Mr.Wistler gave them a goal to TRY over the summer, it was to write a letter, a long text, or a book/short story useing correct gramer. (I would FAIL that… 🙁 ) Since he would not be there teacher the next year, he was going to offer a prize, a NEW IPOD nano <3 (That is what she wanted for her B-day, THAT she did not get..) She wanted it…

  23. Sure signs of crazy Quote
    “When your family’s crazy, can life ever be normal?”
    By the way this is written you can tell she thinks the answer is “NO”. You can figure out that she probably has a bad home life, She has low self of steam, and does not have tomany friends.

  24. Wednesday-“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

    Og Mandino

    You need to always try your hardest because what you do know in life the decisions we make now or the ” plant” will benefit us in the future ” harvest”.

    “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”

    Sam Levenson

    Don’t sit there and watch your time run out, take a lesson from it, never stop the faster you do something the lest likely you are to run out of time.

    “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.”

    Robert H. Schuller

    When you have a problem there not ment to stop you in your tracks or are a ” Stop” sign their there to tell you your doing something wrong.

  25. “Oh, Judge, Injun Joe’s in the cave!”(Twain,1988)
    They sealed off the cave and then they remember about the murderer seems like a good memory to me

    “Huck, it’s in the cave!”(Twain,1988)
    They are all talking and Huck wanted to know if tom had the money but tom said it was in the cave

    “Well, it just does, Tom. And who’ll we rob?”(Twain,1988)
    Well then I guess they’re back to wanting to rob people again,this’ll be interesting

    “Good! Come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting. Here—hurry up, trot ahead—I’ll haul the wagon for you. Why, it’s not as light as it might be. Got bricks in it?—or old metal(Twain,1988)
    The chest full of loot is so heavy that it ways more than 50 pounds. Huck said that they’ll split the money in half but I would want more

  26. BOOK: Gom on Windy Mountain
    PROMPT: Dialectical Journal(2), Book Comparison, Creative
    SIDE NOTES: This book lasted me 2 whole journals. Yay. It was an interesting book, but too short. Or maybe I’m a very fast reader. I don’t know anymore.

    Dialectical Journal 1:
    Line: “Gom felt a sudden desire to go up to Mandrik’s grave, to tell him what had happened to relieve his troubled mind.
    Commentary: Gom felt a strange pull to go to an enchanted skeleton’s grave who had taught him about his mother who had disappeared. This was probably because this was the last thing that he could tell everything.
    Dialectical Journal 2:
    Line: “It looked closed and dormant, with great ridges piled along the curbs, blocking off the sidewalks, putting the houses under a sort of siege.”
    Commentary: His opinion of the town, Clack, was changing, as he was leaving for sure, so the town appeared less welcome, strange, even.
    Book Comparison:
    The book is similar to Harry Potter in the sense of strange magic and odd mystery. It is also similar in the idea of a child who can do strange things inexplicably. It is different in the sense that the person who takes care of Gom is kind to him, instead of treating him like he doesn’t belong.
    Creative (Eternal Blink):
    Do not blink when it appears. Whatever you do, never blink. It moves only when you blink. If you blink, you WILL die. Nobody who has seen it has ever been seen again. It’s as though you blink, but your eyes never open. But, of course, why should you trust me? I’m just a voice from behind you. Oh, and by the way, don’t turn around. It’s here. And IT is me.

  27. So I’ve been reading the new LeBron James book in the library, and I got it yesterday and I’m already 60 pages in.

    Line- Even in his celebratory moment after winning his first NBA championship, James showed great sportsmanship when he rushed mid court to hug Kevin Durant and offer him words of encouragement.

    Comment- Kevin Durant had also never won a championship and still hasn’t so the loss was probably hard on him the most as everyone had said he was second to LeBron, and that’s the way it had always been. And for LeBron to show great sportsmanship after a big win and not just rubbing it in in their faces, he did the right thing and it was recognized by not other Durant, but many reporters.

    Line- I told them to continue to work. I wanted it to be us and them every year.

    Comment- LeBron didn’t mean he wanted to face them because they could beat them but because he didn’t want everything to be easy. He put in work and he wanted it to pay off and it did, but he wanted to work for things. People always want to take the easy road.

    For all you 6th graders that think GRC is hard, yah it is but it is because you have a gift. Put in the work and your grades will be affected by it. Just had to say that

  28. Thursday- “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

    Henry David Thoreau

    Its not what you decide to look at its how you perceive it.

    “A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.”

    John Lubbock

    Worrying takes your strength away it just eats at you. It takes and takes until there’s nothing left (” exhausting”)so worrying about something for one day can be equal to a weeks worth of work. Worrying is mentally and physically exhausting.

    “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”

    Aldous Huxley

    So having “experience” doesn’t mean what are things you’ve gone through its what you do with the things you’ve gone through. If they may be big or small. If they are bad or good you have to make something out of your ” experiences” that’s what it means.

  29. The countdown has begun
    Now for my story
    I wake up in my bed feeling weird(nothing new by now). My legs hurt, so I check to see what has changed this time. I look to see that my already ugly,scaly,green legs are disfigured. I’m not surprised, but what does catch me is that I can’t walk on my legs in the normal, bipedal, human fashion. So I go back to the ‘walking on all fours’ thing from last night. At least my knees aren’t being scuffed up because,well,it appears that this transformation wants me to walk like a dragon too. Then it hits me! I missed the party last night. I was to go to surprise Brett. He would be if he saw me now.

  30. I find it interesting that Billy and I talk about each other on the blog yet we never seem to notice…and Billy-don’t be silly. My first drug run was before Toys R Us had those toys. Here’s some creative poems – upon request, I won’t explain why 😉


    Always striving
    Always wanting
    To find joy.
    In other cases, it’s an acronym
    That trips us up at times.
    Joy is everywhere
    Whether underlying or not.
    Find joy
    Embrace the joy
    Enjoy the joy.


    10,000 other reasons
    I have to do something significant
    I did it last week

  31. Here’s some quotes:

    “Would that the Lady had given us a light, such a gift as she gave to Frodo!”
    J. R. R. Tolkien (1965)
    -This is something that I thought very interesting. Gimli the dwarf says this to the broken fellowship. Dwarfs in general are greedy people (remember in the Hobbit Thorin changed because of the wealth and gold.) so why would Gimli be asking for this. If you kinda read between the lines here you can see another Biblical reference. Hebrews 3:7-15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion…” This is about how throughout the Old Testament the chosen people of God were taken out of Egypt. They saw many glorious works but they always forgot they complained about stuff they didn’t have, and forgot the joys and things God already gave them. In this passage Gimli does not see the things that he has already been blessed with, he needs to look for the joys and blessings he has already in life. This is the same with us, don’t forget that God has blessed you.

  32. Im reading private and it starts out as the main character is seeing his dad in prison for reasons i don’t know and they are talking through the phones and his dad tells him that on an island he has a bank account with 15 million dollars in it and that it was all his and for him not to tell his brother who would take the money and spend it all on drugs the first few months he had it. Now the man is contemplating whether he should take the money and how in the world did his father get that much money and at the same Time he didn’t want to know the answer to that question. A week later his dad was shanked in the liver and died a few days later in the hospital. Anyways go bama hope they win this weekend

  33. Line: Way Grill.

    Commentary: that was one sentence is that a sentence I guess it is but it could also be a restraint, if it is why is there a period on the end?

    Line: sawyer though t it was rude to give a broken gift

    commentary: it is rude but that shows how we stop and need a push to go the right way

  34. Monday and Tuesday
    Line: Way Grill.

    Commentary: that was one sentence is that a sentence I guess it is but it could also be a restraint, if it is why is there a period on the end?

    Line: sawyer though t it was rude to give a broken gift

    commentary: it is rude but that shows how we stop and need a push to go the right way

  35. Currently crying from laughing because I was scrolling through the blogs and according to Sarah- self esteem is three words- self of steam. XD

    Well… I’m reading the Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. Jason gets stabbed by an Imperial gold sword, which is deadly to both monsters and demigods. To survive, Jason must use his entire will, because the blade somehow pierced his soul. While he is laying down, being tended to by Annabeth and Piper, they summon the goddess Juno, and she tells them which path to take to get to Athens for the final battle against Gaea and the giants.

    Meanwhile…. Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge the satyr are free falling towards Mt. Vesuvius for unknown reasons. To escape, Reyna had to transfer some of her strength to Nico so that they could teleport away from their deaths. They teleport to where Pompeii was located- which is bad news for demigods. In the area, thousands of lemures- spirits of dead people- are located here, and they are angry- from dying from a volcano. I left off where Reyna, Nico, and Hedge begin to make camp for the night and hope for the best.

    Happy weekend,


  36. you swing
    you hit
    you run
    your heart
    thump thump
    rounding first
    your safe
    you get up and run to third
    you feel good round ing third
    home run

  37. Line ” I found out that I had cancer when I was five”

    Commentary. I chose this line because I think that this is the most important line. Hazel was at a meeting and she had to introduce herself. She said her name. She said when she found out she had cancer and also what it was.
    Line ” I like the basement”

    Commentary. I choose this line because in the Book I am reading they both go to the basement to watch a movie. The movie was based on a book that Augustine read about. The book was saying the captin kept killing bad guys

    I was in mr mayfields room and I saw a picture of hello kitty. So of coarse I asked him about it and he said that he didn’t know what it was or where it came from. So that night I went to TSA and the picture was gone. So somebody looked and looked and looked but to this day we don’t know what happened

  38. Line: Before I was twelve I would have committed all three of those crimes

    Commentary: Katie is a girl that is very curious. She said how soft her uncle’s stomach was after she hit his stomach with her fist. Her uncle screamed in pain and threatened to spank her. Her uncle sent her to bed without supper and she thought about what her parents said. Katie’s parents said “Hitting was the worst thing you can do. Next it’s stealing and last is lying.” So, she was curious about what it would be like to steal and lie after she already hit her uncle. When she turned twelve she had already done all of those things.

    Line: We sat out on the front porch and watched them work

    Commentary: Lynn had saved enough money to move to a bigger house. Her family helped put stuff in boxes while Lynn and Katie sat on their front porch. After everything was in the moving truck they drove to their new house and put all of the boxes inside the new house. Everyone was so exited to start a new life in a bigger house. The girls had to go to a different school and meet new friends. Lynn and Katie quickly met new friends and quickly got used to their new school. The best part was their parents getting jobs that paid a lot of money. They had a happy life from then on.

    Creative: Once upon a time there was a fashion show in New York City. There was a monster disguised as a model. When someone saw a little piece of blue fur on the ground they got worried that something was going on. When the disguised monster was on the run way he took off his disguise and everybody screamed in fear. The monster caught three people and ate them. Then he grabbed four people and ate them and finally he grabbed the last two people, took them to his cave, and ate them quietly. All of a sudden the monster woke up from his awesome dream and headed to the New York City Fashion Show.

  39. story time!!!

    Meanwhile, back at school…

    “Hey kids, it’s time for our character thought on generosity,” Puppet Princess Sarah Elizabeth began, “Ever wonder what generosity and the school’s bell system have in common? Naturally, it’s the sort of question that could keep you up all night, that and the caffeine you drink because you’re hoping to solve another case or become delusional so that you dream sweet dreams of Tragedy Bear or get visited by Sheerwood Holmes. Anyway, the bell system and generosity go hand-in-hand. That is, if either one had hands, because here at Finishing School, you don’t just get one ring of the bell. No, if you listen closely enough, close enough to lose hearing close enough, you’d notice there’s a pretty long peal of the bell which should be all the reminder you need that generosity ‘good’ and stinginess ‘bad.’ Now, in that spirit, I’ve asked a special new puppet named Alexa to come on the show and…”

    “I told you,” Kate said, “I only voice Hello Kitty. I don’t know a good voice for an Alexa puppet.”

    “Nonsense, you’ll be bait, I mean, great,” the Detective said as she tried to set her “top secret” trap for Tragedy Bear, luring him into the studio with a lookalike Alexa puppet.

    “I don’t think this popsicle stick looks like any of the Alexa’s we’ve had here,” Kate complained.

    “ROAR!!!” Proclaimed Tragedy Bear as he charged into the studio.

    “Stop, bear, it’s Binder Girl!!!” Binder Girl said as she tried Method No. 43 for Killing a Bear: throwing your binder like a Frisbee in order to knock the bear unconscious.

    “Hey, that’s not reading Tragedy Bear to sleep,” the Detective noted.

    “Tragedy Bear must die.”

    “No!” the Detective said, “He’s just started to live. Again. I mean, he was in the woods but now he’s back and one thing I’ve learned from music is that you don’t break the band up once the band finally gets back together after years of drugs and blended families and things like that.”

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