“he’s gotta wear his goggles cuz the snow really flies…”

yep, back to journals – no more nanowrimo (congrats to the three of you that finished – remembered:)

here’s fun – the post header comes from where??? no fair googling

“choose your own autobiography” – NPH’s book – Neil Patrick Harris – for all the Doogie and Barney fans out there – not to mention fans of Broadway – very neat use of the choosing structure of the book – made everything unique – and very readable

“beating goliath” – baylor football’s art giles – again, a different structure-wise book – giles lost both of his parents – and his aunt – in a traffic accident when he was in college – they were coming to watch him play – for a while, he blamed himself – and football – for what happened – so moments like that are worth reading – you just get reminded of how every day is a blessing – and how you can appreciate others too – there were also fun facts in there – like one, baylor asked him no questions about his faith during the interview for the job – which i found amazing b/c of baylor’s mission/reason for being – another bonus you can look up if you need to

“how we live now” (please note, only detective will notice that this one is an addition – i thought i’d read more than two books this week – it came to me later) – book by a harvard scientist – who grew up in mobile – a book about mobile – it’s history – in words – in photos – in personal tales – in the stories of others – really a special book if you’ve ever spent time down there – and i have – and will be spending 26.2 miles worth in the near future

bottom line, happy reading – see you tomorrow

maf (the little kid running around chelsea park in his amari cooper #9 shirt this morning)

43 thoughts on ““he’s gotta wear his goggles cuz the snow really flies…””

  1. And I have watched how I met your mother over 20 times and Barney is always LEGEN- WAIT FOR IT- DARY!!! LEGENDARY!!!

  2. creative:


    If anyone had told me before that one day Max Johnson was actually going to be my friend again I would have told them they were nuts. But look at me now having lunch with him and his buddies at the “cool” table, all my friends at the “outsiders” table are looking at me like I just walked on Mars. Max is just sitting there staring at me; I guess eating lunch with him wasn’t too weird. I think he actually liked me sitting there, like he’d been waiting his whole life for me to sit there with him, or was that me? Ya see Max and I used to be best friends then we got to middle school and everything changed: not being in any classes together, all the girls falling all over him and not even one looking my way, him trying out for the football team and actually making it, we just grew apart. And then came the big fight we had, that’s when one of the eighth graders came up to me and we had a fight (I don’t know why) and Max just stood there like he didn’t even know me, I came home with a black eye that day, my mom almost blew a gasket. So now me and Max aren’t friends , but on the other hand I am sitting in front of him right now aren’t I?


    Am I friends with Dylan Bushower? Straight answer, no. We used to be friends, but I mean we are sitting at the same lunch table right now, and aren’t I the one who invited him over here and practically insisted he sit? He’s just kind of staring off into space even when I try to get him in on the conversation he just kind of nods then goes back to staring, I think he’s staring at our old friend Lila Hoover. Ya see me and Dylan used to be best friends, used to hang out all the time. Then we got to middle school and ya know everything changed, he got into honors classes, I didn’t, I played football he played chess, we just grew apart I guess. Then we had a big fight, ya see some eighth grader came up to Dylan and he clearly wanted to fight, gave him a nice old shiner in the end. I didn’t stand up for Dylan, I should have but I didn’t. And we never really spoke after that. I always kind of wanted to be friends again, but what I am waiting for, he is sitting right in front of me.


    “Ew Lila, I think that weird guy Dylan is starring at you” said one of Lila Hoover’s friends. Lila had always secretly liked Dylan, she would never admit it but she had a crush on him every since about 3rd grade. She remembers when he used to sit by her and that Max guy all the girls like when they were still in grade school. But now they were in middle school, their sweet normal lives were over. Middle school was a doggy dog life. Lila had finally made friends; she didn’t want them to think she was “un cool” for liking him. So she pretended to like Max, like all the other girls. Wait, hadn’t Dylan and Max had a big fight and weren’t friends anymore? How come they were sitting at the same table together? Lila didn’t know what happened but she heard that Max gave Dylan a black eye! Well that doesn’t matter all Lila could think about was that Dylan was actually paying attention to her again.

  3. “Unuseful journals!” shouted the always grammatically correct leader of Tacopire and soon to be leader of KateTopia

  4. Sure signs of crazy
    Sarah was sitting on the couch at Charlotte’s house, when Charlotte walked up beside her and handed her a book called, “The Red Badge of Courage” and said, “You will feel smarter and be proud of yourself if you read this.” Sarah did not know if Charlotte picked this because it said “Red, Badge” But she did not know. Sarah wondered as she sat on the couch, why can’t I just sit o the couch and drink coke and eat chips ALL day? Also why does it have to be sooooo hot?! Then as Charlotte walked away Sarah walked over to the table and started to read.

  5. Sure Signs of Crazy 🙂
    While she was reading she heard a car door slam! She ran over there to the door and it was not her neighbor that never leaves his house, it was Finn. Then Sarah rushed back to her seat and thought, “you just had to forget to put on some lip gloss this morning.!” Then as he walked in she casually said, “hey…” He said hey back then they sat on the couch and watched T>V

  6. “The Book of Mordred”;Line:”Something Bad is coming”
    Commentary :Kiera is trying to warn everyone but they don’t listen. then she is kidnapped and the house is set on fire. if they would have listened to her then everything could have been avoided
    WaspMan Out

  7. Sure Signs Of Crazy
    Sarah asked Finn, “You want to watch jeopardy?” He said yes. And Then she thought yep, there is another thing we have in common… Then she started thinking about her mom and she started breathing harder and harder. In her day-dream she saw her dad with a brown cardboard box with a sign that read fragile. She also saw herself walking down there sidewalk. She also saw a “Flashback” of herself and the first time they had to move, there was a girl, her name was Gina. This girl was the girl that started Sarah calling people “Darts”. This was the biggest one!
    That is not all for today!!! 🙂 😉

  8. I am gathering my army of mutated tacos and am about to attack KateTopia soon. Very Soon.

  9. “The book of Mordred”;Line:”We’re squired together. I’m Mordred of Orkney”
    Commentary: this is when the main character is introduced. It is also told that he knows Galen,Alayna’s Brother. Mordred later helps Alayna rescue Kiera

    By The Way: This book is in the library

    WaspMan Out

  10. Sure Signs of Crazy
    Back to the girl named Gina, She was a dart! While she was daydreaming she saw this girl in the flashback and this is what is was… (Sarah was at her locker at her old school and this girl said, “Hey are you the girl that had the crazy mom?!” Sarah tried to ignore her, but them Gina ran and then jumped right in front of her and Sarah had to stop quickly. And Gina said, “YEA! You are that girl, she tried to drown you and your brother! You have a crazy mom!” Then Gina started to laugh. Sarah then ran into the bathroom and cried and wrote some “Not true” things about Gina on the stalls… She was in there and kept thinking about what she had said. “You have a crazy MOM!” she stayed in there for 2 classes!
    That is all for this week!

  11. Mr.Mayfield, If I bring a Santa Hat may I wear it for the news show??

  12. I am now targeting kate but now sargent major rainbow sprinkles because of the unnessarily long name

  13. “Book of Mordred”;Creative: A conversation with Sir Lambert
    Note you are trying to explain you want toast

    You:You see that bread- Lambert: What bread,is it specially marked,what type of bread You:The white- Lambert: What shade of white You:Just white bread! Get the- Lambert: Where’s it at You:On the fridge, now- Lambert: What fridge You: THE ONLY FRIDGE WE HAVE!!!!!!
    *at this point things would get violent

    New emoji time! Taco Man and TACO (|

  14. hello.. my fellow katetopians (creepy voice)
    this just in…

    Katetopia is DESTROYED no one knows how it happend but scientist beileive it happend when katetopia had a baby lasagna rainstorm but no one knows we have here with us jason mayfield as a witness jason? “i was asleep and it smelt like somebody was cooking lasagna and i woke up my house was on fire i didnt grab no shoes or notin i RAN for my life and as soon as i stepped outside the lasagna was pourin and thats it the sound of it hittin the ground was like KAPOOYA KAPOOYA and i fell asleep. and then i decide to go runnin and yall showed up.


  15. I was reading my Sports Devotional from a few years ago and I saw this.

    The NBA wishes you a very Merry Christmas. Now would you please put down your gifts and tune in to all the NBA’s games today.

    The reason they want people to spend there Christmas watching the game is some you have to pay to watch or pay a lot of money to go to the games. In 2010 a Heat vs Lakers game was $556 dollars apeice. A lot of parents work hard to get us an education and gets us the new shoes and new clothes, and a lot of people dont pay them back. They dont help there parents as they get older. Once people get money they can completely change. They lose Jesus and everything else they had.

  16. Ok here’s a quick poem for my creative for the week.


    You know
    The past, when thought upon,
    become closer than they appear.
    The present is here, waiting to be
    It cannot be discovered until focused
    upon by us.
    Let the past be past.
    And open up the present that is the present.

  17. Later that night, Detective broke into song…

    “Away in a manger
    No Alexas for The Bear
    Binder Girl and Detective
    Made this their secret lair
    The stars in the sky
    Cast shadows below
    As Kate began to kill them
    With her bunny choke hold.”

  18. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.(Martin Luther king Jr)
    you can capture the enemy or harm them and they wont become your friend but if you show them any love their is a chance that they will become you friend.

    Courage is found in unlikely places.(J.R.R. Tolkien)
    no matter who you are you kind find courage inside of you

    Experience is the teacher of all things.(Julius Caesar)
    a way to learn something is trough experience

    One man with a gun can control 100 without one.(Vladimir Lenin)
    If someone in control has some sort of power he can control the ones underneath him

  19. Im reading Jungle force and im going to do a dialectical joiurnal.
    line: once more he pushed himself forward and lurched uneasily, before crashing to the floor. This shows mr Mangwas determination to not look pitiful in front of the militants rescuing him as even though he is battered that he doesnt need anybody to help even though he does and shows that seconds afterward when he crashes to the ground right at the door trim. I think that he is trying to show that he still is high enough that he can walk on his own after being tortured and beaten by his captors. Immediately afterwards the the soldiers throw him over their shoulders as their whole mission is to save him from the kidnappers.

  20. Line: What a curious feeling

    Commentary: Alice is a girl who fell down a rabbit hole. When she was falling she thought about what the hole was like if it was a really deep well or what the hole really was. After she fell all the way down she hit the floor. Then she picked up a bottle that read “drink me”. Alice observed the bottle to make sure it wasn’t marked poison. She opened it and when she took a sip of it she said “What a curious feeling”.

    Line:Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table

    commentary: After Alice drank the liquid out of the bottle she shrunk. Then she saw a little glass box under the table that read “Eat me”. Alice couldn’t reach the key to the garden or slide under the door so, she thought that if she shrunk she could fit under the door and if she grew she could unlock the door to the garden. So, soon her eye fell on the little glass box that was lying under the table.

    Creative: Elves

    Once upon a time there was an elf.
    Her name was Angel because she was very nice.
    When she came home to a little girl’s house the little girl’s face lit up.
    Everyday her elf would do stuff like go fishing in her bathroom sink to using string to tie herself up to taking a bath in marshmallows.
    Everyday her elf would do something different.
    When Christmas was over her elf had to go back to the North pole.
    The little girl was just excited that her elf came and couldn’t wait for next year.

  21. Creative
    IM BACK MWAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
    I am going to make a little poem for all of your i guess you could say entertainment

    The christmas night was cold
    like the bunnies kate killed in her choke hold(thx mayfield)
    the tradgedy bears speak not one word
    but ate some alexas while in their herd
    the detective was sleeping sound in her bed when kate came up
    and kncoked her in the head(with a bunny)
    and as binder girl dreamed of saving people from a bunny killer
    she soudve watched out cause just killing bunnies wasnt the only
    thing that gave her a thriller…..

  22. Yes, I’m too lazy to change the email adress.

    Here’s a response to the excerpt of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
    I’m gonna comment on his description of Scrooge and he went about it.

    I think that Dickens described Scrooge thoroughly with metaphors and similes – something that I don’t think is done too easily. Figurative language, when used too often, can often create confusion – in my opinion. Yet, Dickens makes it work through a brilliant use of parallel structure and simple yet deep comparisons.

  23. Growing up Colt
    Colt McCoy
    I have read this book before, but it was a few years ago so I am gonna read it again. But I am gonna do some scripture tonight.

    Scripture- 1Timothy 4:12
    Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.

    Comment- I think this means that just because your young dosent mean you can’t share your love for God in whatever you are doing. By loving others, caring for them, and making them know that they are loved by Jesus

  24. Monday-

    The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.

    Ray Kroc

    To be a good leader which to be a leader you need to set a good example and to do things right to show others but you can not be a good leader if you set low goals for yourself because if you set low goals and then reaches that goal they aren’t successful because they didn’t set a high goal then you really didn’t succeed because you didn’t challenge yourself so you didn’t set a bar that was high but was one that was low enough to were if you didn’t succeed it wouldn’t matter. That is not a good example to set and would not be good characteristics of a leader.

    If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.

    Jesus Christ

    Why should doing these things that you should always do make you look better because even sinners do the same. You have to love people good and bad because that is Christ like thing to do not doing things that you should do already.

  25. Tuesday- For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

    Jesus Christ

    What’s the point if you get money, fame, fortune, etc. if in the process you lose what make you human or what makes you, you. Your soul is what gives you life its what makes you feel kindness and sympathy for others and if you lose it then is what you gained really worth it. It uses the word ” suffer” which means your in pain so when you lose your soul I couldn’t figure out if your either in pain or you will be in endless pain?

    You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

    Unless you learn how to be a good loser you’ll never be a good winner. You’ll have to lose to learn to appreciate winning if you don’t then you won’t be grateful and you probably be a sore winner.

  26. Wednesday- Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.

    William Arthur Ward

    Adversity which means a difficult situation can cause some people to crack under pressure and those people don’t make good athletes or anything for that matter a good quality to have is to thrive under pressure. When people thrive over pressure they do extremely well, well enough to accomplish great things.

    You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.

    Michael Phelps

    You can’t say how far your going to get and why because the human mind tends to wander and when it wanders it starts to dream and then our imaginations kick-in so we dream this big elaborate dreams for our selves and once we reach that point there no way to stop yourself the more you dream the farther and better in life you imagine your self you might think your day dreaming but your really actually setting goals.

  27. Thursday- Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.

    Walter Anderson

    When bad things happen which they will how you react to those events shows who you are. You could be one of those people that sit around all day and sulk and feel sorry for themselves, or you could be like what people hope they could do and instead of sulking like a little baby after a ruff patch you could be one of those people who get themselves up dust themselves off and keep on walking. Instead of pouting they get up after what ever devastating event and thank god they are breathing.

    In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

    Robert Frost
    I like this quote because it can apply to anything, My boyfriend dumped me ” life goes on” I gained 3 pounds ” life goes on”. What he’s saying is that from his experience all of the “brutal times” hes been through he though that they were the most horrific thing at the time but as he got old and became wiser he realized that even if bad things happen your still going to wake up tomorrow the world’s not going to end ” life goes on” .

  28. So I really hope everyone had a wonderful week back from Thanksgiving Break, with lasagna and not so Christmas dances and school pictures and Christmas parades. Even though the lasagna was disgusting, and the dance was a horrible replay of ninety’s music, and the school pictures are probably flooded with glares and bad lighting, the Christmas Parade was the climatical event of it all.

    So what now? Well, obviously journals.

    I finished a book this week and a book last week. The first book I finished was called The Giver. The Giver was a really great read. It’s the first in a series, and it received a Newberry Award. It really illustrated the importance of having choices and being able to live your life without being controlled in every aspect of your life, otherwise what’s the point in living?

    The second book I finished was really good too. Under the Baseball Moon takes place in a small town in California much like the modern day Sleepy Hollow. While America’s constantly moving, Ocean Beach stays pretty much the same, which makes it a great place for Andres to try and make his big break with his band. Andres is a trumpet player who meets a girl from his past- Glory. Since she left, she has acquired the passion for softball, and the two discover that when Andres plays music to match her movements, she plays better, and they both help each other to both make it big.

    I need some book suggestions. I’m out of books at my house to read. Any help would be great 🙂

    Have a great weekend,

  29. Here’s the journals for the week!

    Quote- “Aim at heaven and you’ll geet earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get niether.” -C.S. Lewis

    Response- this quote is very powerful. When you aim for Higher things, like the fruits of the spirit or even digging more into the gospel, you get heaven. But while you are doin such things earth/satan, will try to pull you back into the worldly things. These things do not mean anything once Jesus returns, unread if stacking up treasures on earth, we need to stack up in heaven. The other part in this quote also is very powerful. If we go for earth and store up earthly things, then we will get neither of them! Earthly things mean nothing in Gods eyes. Thus we most store up heavenly things.

    A vast sea
    Know my many,
    Swum by few.
    Many call themselves,
    “Swimmers of the sea”
    But only rarely do they
    Truly swim in the vastness.
    But then
    There is a chosen few
    Who dive in the sea,
    Digging for more,
    Wanting more of it,
    In their soul,
    They want to know more,
    Those chosen few.
    They are the ones who will
    Be applauded when the day comes.
    The day of the harvest.

  30. Woah, did I just read what I thought I read. KateTopia is destroyed! My baby lasagna attack worked. Now to destroy Quinnation

  31. “Book of Mordred”;Creative: Blame the wizards!
    Alright all the knights in Camelot are blaming wizards for the dissapearance of Keira. We interviewed both parties.
    Wizard 1:We didn’t steal the baby!
    Wizard 2: Do you have proof we did this?
    Wizard 3: Alright I did it but there is nothing you can do about it!

    Lambert: Stop asking me questions I have a wizard to interrupt
    Mordred: We know nothing about the girl. She has been taken by a wizard.
    Arthur:I blame Halbert!!!!!!
    WaspMan Out

  32. Creative: The Dark and the Light-
    Light is nothing like dark, yet they come in the same package. You are hatred and love, you are evil and good, you are dark and light. I am hatred and love. I am evil and good, I am dark and light. Light and dark are the same but different, and they will be for eternity.

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