i don’t want a lot for Christmas, just a bunch of Buffy wear…

happy out of school (yes, sixth grade, you must blog all during Christmas or else you will fail winter break – and no college will ever accept you if you fail winter break…)

“a snicker of magic” – like another elem BOB last year – folksy southern book – the main characters are sixth grade – i would think sixth graders could enjoy the book – definitely elem kids – it was enjoyable – i actually contacted the publisher after reading it

“elvis and the underdogs” – not a great title/book match – the cover wasn’t either – but a decent read – the dog’s voice allowed the author to have a smart-ical character in the book – although, the fourth grader was really bright – i guess i’ve been out of school so long that i “forget” how cruel kids can be – b/c there were several times in this book when i stopped and thought that teachers/kids wouldn’t let the abuse go on that went on in the book – maybe i just live in a happy bubble world…

“organic creativity” – my happy bubble world includes lots of new creative ideas for the classroom thanks to this book – things like fantasy teams for Shakespeare, Celeb Duels

“nazi hunters” – closed high school BOB with a fascinating read – the true-life story of a group of men’s dedication to the prosecution of a nazi government official – who got to live 17 years later than the six million people he killed – the wheels of justice can be slow to turn, but they do turn

merry Christmas – of course
