madame butterfly makes her guest appearance at chelsea park elem today…

still poetry month – just sayin’…

“the radical cross” – by tozer – reprint of his work in what i’m guessing was the mid-20th century – he’s seen today as a well-respective Christian writer for conservatives – thus, he’s pretty harsh reading – that is, it’s not the lovey-dovey stuff – more harsh than positive – good intellectual points though

“mission high” – LOVED this book – reporter followed a high school in san fran for years – so instead of the “we need more money for public education” or “we need more tests for public education,” she reached the entirely sane conclusion that we need more time for teachers to learn how to be better teachers – to learn to work with kids – so teachers need more planning times – times to go over what’s working – and not – in the classroom – it was a powerful conclusion based on what she observed at this school – which was labeled a failure b/c of test scores – but a school that sent like 80 percent of its kids to college – really enjoyed reading the book

back to watching the masters


91 thoughts on “madame butterfly makes her guest appearance at chelsea park elem today…”

  1. I’ll stand behind her during top scorer pictures. The height difference is funny.

  2. King $1,000 Emperor Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    To Detective I say: If Bri knows how to use google then why didn’t she also i do know how to save pictures because that basic information
    To Dave i say: I already know everyone hates me but i don’t care because your hate fuels my powers (sorta like albedo)
    To victoria i say: stop talking about anything ever. nothing good ever comes from your comments
    To dr mafeld i say: Why did you let victoria suck you into her horrible comments.
    To myself i say

  3. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Also to dave: I made my name longer. U mad bro
    Also to dr mafeld: you need to go to to sign up for a bahamas trip. They are recognizing great teachers and i think you should apply.

  4. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    “Star Wars”;Line:”Foolish men often choke to death on their own delusions”
    Commentary:What Leia is saying is that you often dream up crazy things that will cause them to mentally rot because obsess over it when it’s not possible. Leia is talking to GMT when she says this. He wants to unite everybody in the universe so they can worship him. And leia’s like ‘you’ll kill yourself trying to do this’ and he’s like’well i have the power to blow up your planet so BLAM’
    WaspMan Out

  5. Line- I’m not any body magazine guy.
    Commentary-James Harker is old and is being interviewed by Johnny conaway and he’s like we would like to interview you for the encyclopedias “finest hour”
    And he’s like I’m not body model magazine guy lol

  6. This goes out to my band folks
    So at cheer practice today we were all sitting there stretching and Prather walks in there and I tried to high five him and he goes no just keep stretching and I’m in my left splits and he knocks me over and he also does a toe touch and says kate touch my toe and then goes There ya go!!!

  7. My juxtaposition?
    We do a bad toe touch
    Then we do a good one
    ( skirt Pom Pom infinity pike)
    We break something
    Quitting isn’t it
    (Cast broken shot)
    Trying out for cheer
    Is the great

  8. Creative Writing


    The dirt on your pants
    The mud all over your cleats
    The sweat rolling down your face
    The tears dripping down your face
    The POP of the helmets
    The clank of the shoulder pads
    The fight in the eyes
    The want to win
    The will to work
    Hard work and dedication pays off

  9. Monday- ” My family is my strength and my weakness.”

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

    Your family are people you go through to get you through tough times, for advice, or just to be there for you. Your family never puts you down they will help you up dust you off and tell you to try again. With family you’ll always bounce back there your safety net they’ll never let you fall if they can prevent it. You family gives you the “strength” to continue trough what ever is going on in your life but if you think about it family isn’t just are strength but also one of are main weakness you family will do anything in the world for you. Why not do the same for them ? People will drop everything if there family needs something. We would do anything for are family no matter the penalty its our human nature some may find it a flaw but really it s one of our best qualities.

  10. Tuesday- ” A smile is the universal welcome.”

    Max Eastman

    When some one smiles and not one of those “Fake” smiles but if you give someone a real smile it doesn’t matter if you don’t speak the same language its a “universal” sign for kind, welcoming, etc. When you smile you give a sense of kindness its very inviting. If someone was glaring at you, you wouldn’t want to walk up to them there not very approachable but if someone is whole heartedly smiling at you there very inviting. When smile it doesn’t matter if you speak the same language its a universal welcome

  11. Creative

    My favorite thing to do is flips
    Usually find me with my head below my hips
    Upside down is the way I like to be
    Right side up is just not me
    So now you know I think flipping is cool
    But please don’t try because you look like a fool


    I gave her a hug and told her to have a good day


    I chose this line because the mom is telling her child good bye on her way to the first day of school I also chose this line because she has two children and the other one had to walk to school because he had used half of their water supply and he wanted to look nice going to school


    Water bill in California has increased 4 times it has been


    I chose this line because she was on her way to see if she could get a bigger water supply and then she heard on the news that it had been 4 times as much I also chose this line because I am inferring that eventually they will move and go somewhere else that has water

  12. Juxtaposed Argumentation
    by Mayfield

    I don’t contradict

    I’m just ironic,
    get it?

    And my arguments
    make perfect sense
    despite logic’s leap
    of faith that takes
    me to the
    absurd conclusion.

    Disconnected thoughts
    are further proof
    of my brilliance
    as a thinker
    a writer
    a runner
    a human being.

  13. the submission period for the contest is over, and Copic should be starting the voting period in the next two weeks. if they email out the link for voting – if it’s okay, mr. maf – i’ll put it on the blog!

    (i think that it’s a one-vote-per-person-per-day scenario, so you can vote for a drawing once every day.)

    here’s a creative:

    by Blue

    Butterfly eyelashes
    sweet blossom breath
    humming of bees’ wings
    laying heads down to rest
    in a halo of flowers
    and sunlight
    spreading fingers and tendrils
    the waters lapping at our toes
    rumble of thunderclouds
    and rain christening the trees’ bodies
    the wind playing at their hems
    birds, conversing
    then receding as thunder silences them.


    i’m currently reading The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, and it’s pretty good so far. got the whole chronicle collection for Christmas. can’t remember what book of it i’m in… maybe The Magician’s Nephew?


  14. April
    Cal ran back to the lake house for his backpack, and when he got there it was TRASHED! The he felt a horrible pain in his left shoulder and then everything blocked out!!! 🙁
    Then he woke up in some place called “the leechwood administration” and right when he read the sign that it said that, he knew exactly where he was, whoever was behind this had thrown him in a psychotic house and stripped him of his identity! Now he was locked up in an insane asylum! Then all of the screaming stopped and it was so quiet you could here a pin drop! Then he remembered at least he was not in a straight jacket anymore, a guy had come into his room that night and took it off, and said, “now if you start to act up again than we will put this back on!” and Cal nodded in such a way the man shook his head and did a slight run/jog thing of the metal bolted door.
    That’s all for today! 🙂 🙂

  15. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Great use of juxtaposition kate (no thats not sarcasm)

  16. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    I think im going to start calling my spewing at specif people(usually in a rant) my shout outs

  17. his fall seemed to go on forever. it seemed like bits of him wrer being stripped away.

    first line and i like this book already. pieces of people bieng stripped away wooh hoo violence.

    falling into an immense void of nothingness for what seemed like an eternity… crunch!

    the auther of this book really knows what there doing right off the bat with some action and broken limbs. a really good hooker. you know what i mean!

    pain so much pain and then he took ain a great shuddering gulp of air.

    this book is really violent. falling crunching pain whats next the weeping and gnashing of teeth. hehe get it?

    he coughed and spat out a glob of black mucus.

    that’s racist and I’m skipping this line.

    the sky was blue painfully blue. he hated blue skies and sunlight.

    man this guy is emo. hating blue skies and sunlight perfect for Rachel.

    yes this is all about dating advise.

  18. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Shout Outs:
    To dave i say:why you no add to story
    To dr mafeld i say:thank you i was flunking life

  19. King $1,000 Emperor Earl Baron Chief Jedi-Master Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Dave never responded to my last story so i will have to respond to myself
    Creative:Blog War (in Dave’s perspective)
    That idiot Elijah made it very obvious fvkjg he ws hiding i knew that he was in asia.More specifically he ws in JaPAN So hopped in my plain and flew where he was then i decide that i would launch terrorist attack on the tokyo tower then he turn ed into that stupid ugly wasp guy and and tryed to attack my plain but i shot him with misil then he used his stupid watch to turn into a stupid alien it looked like a pile of wet wires he then attacked me with his long arm and knocked down my plain but be 4 i fe ll i shot the tokyo tower and it collapsed on elijah
    (ps the bad grammar and misspelled words were because dave never uses spell check)
    Dave out

  20. Foreshadow and Epiphany. Both have happened today. So, you know when you’re reading or watching something and all of a sudden, a line, phrase, or saying pops out at you and you remember it for the rest of the day. Then later, something happens that completely connects to what ever it was that caught your attention. Well earlier I read a line from “Grimm Fairy Tales”, and I noticed one of the first lines in a story. The line was: “A soldier who is afraid of nothing, cares for nothing.” I was going to do a dialectical journal, then it hit me later in the day (not at all like Mrs.Hawkins when she smacked me in the head with a journal). A friend of mine was, as blunt as possible, incredibly ticked off. He was incredibly hostile in his actions and speech, and had a treatening pressence about him. It then struck me. This guy had had the center of his entire world, his entire existance, ripped away from him. I know what that’s like, but I honestly never lashed out like he’s doing. But since he had his world taken from him, he’s a ticking time-bomb, waiting to go off on someone-whom might not diserve it-to the point that it could be harmful to him. He now has no real purpose, nothing to fear. Therefore, he truely has no limitation of cares or sentimentality to hold him back anymore.

    Now onto the rest of the blogging. I’ve been writting, mainly because Katlyn wouldn’t let up on me getting Wattpad (a site for people to write stories; kind of like a merge between Deviantart and Nano Wrimo). So I’ve begun a story, horror of coarse, and I have the sort-ish beginning done. So here it is…

    The son of a middle-class family is average. So are his semi-talented friends, his grades, and even his relationships (which were all but common). There was only one thing out of place, he was numb to pain. Both physical and emotional. Death was a common sight for this son, because his parents were mortician. He was left to condole with the families so much that he felt as if funerals were just another day of the year, and (even one of his own family members passed) he felt no sorrow.

    Eventually the parents caught on to this and sent him to live with the grandparents. He dreaded being in the city but adapted when he got a summer job working sound systems for local events. Even though he found comfort in his music – which he blasted in his ears -, he still loathed his parents for sending him into a rat-infested city. He would find a way to get back at them.

    One cool day, later in the fall and closer to Halloween, the son was finishing taking down equipment from one of the parties that he’d hosted, when a heavy speaker fell on him, crushing some bones. The doctors say that he got up, and just walked to the hospital, while he should have been either lying in pain under the speaker or just plain out been dead.

    He returned home to his parent’s in an arm cast, both legs “temporarily” disabled, and in a wheel chair. Bed ridden for weeks, the son could only wallow in his hate. On the fourth day of being home, he got out of his bed and walked into the kitchen. His sister saw him walking and called the parents. He wasn’t suppose to walk for days while his injuries were healing. They rushed home to see the son on the sofa, watching TV and drinking sweet tea.

    “Hi mom.” Jackson said through a mouthful of popcorn. The parents looked at him with the mixed emotions of disbelief, shock, and some anger. They herded him back into the room and locked the door from the outside. He was stuck to toil over in his thoughts, slowly hating his parents more and more.

    Good stuff right. Anyways, that’s it. Peace out.

  21. StarGirl – Quote
    “She was elusive. She was today. She was tomorrow. She was the faintest sent of a cactus flower, the fitting shadow of an elf owl.”
    This was said because stargirl is awkward, and outcast, and know one can figure her out. “She was the faintest sent of a cactus flower” they said. That means that stargirl is Natural and light. The thing as a whole means she is not like the rest of them, she is not normal.

  22. May
    Cal knew that he HAD to make a run for it. So when he was on his way to the psychiatrist he walked not to fast not to slow and tried to act real calm. Then he saw the stairs leading down to the main entrance and he bolted leaving the tuff guy behind with him running and yelling, “Stop that patient! Stop HIM! Crazy and Dangerous patient on the LOOSE!” But what The man yelling didn’t know that was every time he yelled and said the word, “crazy” it just gave Cal a burst of energy. A few nurses tried to grab at him but he just yanked free from there grip, but now there was a siren and red lights were blinking!!
    That’s all for the week! 🙂 🙂

  23. Im reading dog tags: behind enemy lines. So far it’s a really good book and it’s about a Mexican American who has enlisted in the army in the time of World War Two and he is almost 18, but he lied when he enlisted and told them he was already 18. He signs up and is sent to Germany and Is watching the forest. All of the sudden artillery shells started coming down and they were attacked and he was knocked out in a foxhole. When he woke up he peered out of the hole and saw a dog with its German owner which was dead. The dog was trained to kill Americans like him but after a lot of struggle he got it to settle down enough to where it wouldn’t kill him. He then uses it to find the Germans where he is also hoping to find the Americans he knew.

  24. Playing with a Purpose

    Line- That’s enough, young man. Go report to the principal’s office

    Comment- Chris Kaman was a bad little kid. But now he is a successful NBA basketball player. When Chris got all his problems solved it completely changed him. Now he is a successful man.

    Line- This could have been the end of the line. Yet Jeremy knew that faith was the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1), and this latest zigzag was not the time to doubt that God was still in control.

    Comment- Jeremy had just been released for the 2nd time in his career. This time it was by the Houstan Rockets. It was only on Christmas Day. But Jeremy knew that God had a path for him and everything would all work out, even if it wasn’t anytime soon.

  25. I know lots of tricks with the Internet and electronics not many people know of… And seriously, take a look at the new emojis! They are awful!!!! 🙁

  26. Btw, waspman, no one reads your name anyway, so save us space and time, and make it into just plain ole’ waspman, K? 🙂

  27. okay so in this blog I’m going to write a few poems and summarrize what I’ve read this week during testing.

    this week during testing, I had the opportunity to read a lot of my book in class.I’m reading into the heart of the sea, and it is getting good.the storyline is picking up because the sailors are getting hungry and are stuck in the middle of the ocean. I’m not saying I want to see them starve already, but I kind of am. I don’t mean that in a evil way, but I’m very interested to hear the tale of how they far, they have eaten a few of their tortoises, most of their hard tack, and have caught some fish already.soon, I imagine, they will run out of food and go towards drastic measures. that is where I am to this point in my book this week.

    here are 2 creative poems


    the road we hope will never end.
    The adventures we hope will last forever.
    the journey that we hope is not over yet.
    The trials that we hope are nearing in favor of great joy.
    the legacy we hope to leave behind for generations to come.


    we all have that one goal
    the one thing we see us doing in the future.
    everything we try to do to build upon this one thing.
    may or may not pay off.
    All we have is a hope, a dream.
    what we see for ourselves is truly what we hope for ourselves as well.
    if we believe that it can be possible.
    Then the dream will be achieved and it will no longer be a dream.
    our success will prompt a new dream,a never ending cycle of prosperity.

  28. WE MADE IT!!!!!!!

    Yes, it’s true. Testing is now complete for the entire CMS student body. Well, everyone except for the ones who have to make it up tomorrow. But other than that, we’re finished, and it’s quite a relief. Hopefully we can successfully run a news show tomorrow.

    Since we had testing this week, I’ll just talk about the book I’m reading in class and then contribute to National Poetry Month.

    I’m reading Little Women. I’m about two hundred pages in, and it has taken me this long to discover a pattern in the storyline. Before now, I had been wondering how this book became popular, because no offense to Louisa May Alcott, but it’s not very entertaining, at least in my opinion. The storyline seems to be sets of fables. Each chapter is a story within the grand story in which the girls learn a life lesson. I think the book became popular because it taught morals and gave advice for young girls in that time period. The book is not to entertain the reader, as most fiction is. The book is a book of fables, all using the same characters.


    The crowded gym
    after testing.
    Seems like a good idea
    at first
    but reveals only
    mass chaos.

    Basketballs flying,
    children are crying.
    The body odors and the deafening voices
    are unbearable.
    What were they thinking?
    If only there were no rain
    So that there would be more room
    to breathe.

  29. Line- He finally gave in.

    Commentary-James Harker finally beileived johnny and all the stories jimmy told him. So now he is showing Johnny his real historical stuff and how it all happend

  30. Wednesday- “A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.

    Leo Buscaglia

    If you can dedicate yourself to a single rose and make it your entire garden you are not only dedicated but those object really means something to you its very special. If you a friend is special enough to you that makes them your entire world then you are a dedicated friend. If something or someone is that special to you, you give all of your time to that object or person because there that special to you, they make you want to spend all of your time with them to Charish the time you spend with them.

    Thursday- ” Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.

    Loretta Young

    Many people go looking for love when if you think about it you don’t find love the universe works in a way that If your in the right place at the right time , love finds you, only thing is you just have to go out and look around not go intentionally going and looking for love but wait and love will find you.

  31. Dialectical Journal 1:
    Line – I should not have dwelt so long upon this particular, if it had not been a point wherein the reputation of a great lady is so nearly concerned, to say nothing of my own; though I had then the honor to be a nardac, with the treasurer himself us not; for all the world knows that he is only a clumglum, a title inferior by one degree, as that of a marquis is to a duke in England; although he preceded me in right of his post.
    Commentary – This refers to the fact that people tend not to care about others’ reputations when the end result may be an increase in their own. This applies to anyone, regardless of their or their opponent’s rank or job. To these people, anyone who stands in their way is an enemy, even those whom they care about.
    Dialectical Journal 2:
    Line – I did wonder, in all this time, not to have heard of any express relating to me from our emperor to the court of Blefuscu.
    Commentary – This is talking about the fact that the court had received no information about the author’s alleged treason. He saw this as a good sign, and that the emperor was not going to pursue his absence. Even though that assumption was, in fact, incorrect, he still had hope that there would be no message.

  32. Is Madame butterfly in any way related to madam LuLu? (Series of unfortunate events)

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