madame butterfly makes her guest appearance at chelsea park elem today…

still poetry month – just sayin’…

“the radical cross” – by tozer – reprint of his work in what i’m guessing was the mid-20th century – he’s seen today as a well-respective Christian writer for conservatives – thus, he’s pretty harsh reading – that is, it’s not the lovey-dovey stuff – more harsh than positive – good intellectual points though

“mission high” – LOVED this book – reporter followed a high school in san fran for years – so instead of the “we need more money for public education” or “we need more tests for public education,” she reached the entirely sane conclusion that we need more time for teachers to learn how to be better teachers – to learn to work with kids – so teachers need more planning times – times to go over what’s working – and not – in the classroom – it was a powerful conclusion based on what she observed at this school – which was labeled a failure b/c of test scores – but a school that sent like 80 percent of its kids to college – really enjoyed reading the book

back to watching the masters


91 thoughts on “madame butterfly makes her guest appearance at chelsea park elem today…”

  1. nah, i’m thinking of making you the damsel in distress next year – play your cards right, bri might kill you over a love triangle with loki

  2. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya because he knows Detective's name says:

    Hmmm… So what I have picked up from the above conversation is that bri is Rachel’s sister. This information could be useful to me.

  3. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya because he knows Detective's name says:

    Maybe I should start to read blogs that happen after wednesday more often. I just realized that everybody called me a stalker. And bri gave me an answer. And dave messed up the plot of our story again.

  4. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya because he knows Detective's name says:

    Dave how did i get in jail if i was on a different planet?

  5. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya because he knows Detective's name says:

    Creative:Blog war 2
    So when i left i sprayed a hallucinogenic serum all over the area dave was in. That’s why he was seeing dr.mafeld put me in jail. But that didn’t actually happen. So while I,in the form of Heatblast,was on PLUTO (hint hint that’s the really cold planet i landed on) i decided that since dave wasn’t going to find me ever i would make it easier on him by going by to earth. So i used my omnitrix to turn back into WaspMan and fly to earth. When i got to earth i hid on a continent that is not north america( because im wanted for being a stalker there) and this continent has really good food. Since i wanted to blend in (and WaspMan cant do that among humans) i used my omnitrix to turn into Elijah.
    So Dave can you find me?
    Elijah Out

  6. โ€œIf your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.โ€
    John Quincy Adams
    I think there is more to being a leader than just taking charge. Being a leader means you inspire others to be like you and do the things you do just because yoโ€™re that great of a person that you make people want to live their live like you do because they see like your life is so good. Being a leader is good for you and for others.

    โ€œA leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.โ€
    John C. Maxwell
    A lot of times in dance our teacher chooses a person to show the others a move, and we all know it doesnโ€™t mean that one person is better, it just means that they know how to do it. Being able to do something and then show others how to do it is good leadership. You need to be able to take charge when needed and lead others to where they need to be.

    โ€œLove is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.โ€
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Love is a powerful thing, it brings people together and brings up the weary. Love is the only things that keeps the universe together. Love is what makes your friends your friends. Love is something that makes people happy and joyful.

    โ€œOne of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.โ€
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    A good friendship is when you understand each other and talk to each other about personal things.

  7. Umm… Explain the meaning of “love triangle” mr.mayfeild. Btw, do you have any good suggestions for a book to read? I can’t find ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™
    Forever alone….

  8. in the year of the hang man Creighton helped the colonel and the other guy escaped from the prison and he demanded to go with them but his own uncle hit him with a gun. (don’t do macaroni it leads to child abuse) Creighton woke dazed and confused after he made it back home. Dr Jeff knew that he helped them escape but didn’t tell the others. So Creighton spoke the truth and tolled him that he helped them escape. Dr Jeff told the others that he fainted and hit his head on a wash board.

    i got a book called dark lord. its about how to summon demons and cast black magic.(not being racist) not really i actually don’t know what its about.

  9. hey, i just entered an international art contest for a new character design for an online comic!

    it’s an art contest for the Copic marker company, and thankfully i managed to get her done and submitted before the deadline this Wednesday.

    the point of the contest was to invent a fairy that was based upon a product of theirs – an ink refill bottle, to be specific – to become the newest character in their web-comic, III Academy. the grand prize winner will win a boatload of Copic art supplies worth over $500!

    super stoked! i think i have a pretty good chance at becoming one of the finalists!

    i’ll be sorta kinda following up this post at SOME point in the next week or two about the contest’s public voting period. i’ll give you ALL the details then!


    – Le Blue

  10. Romiette and julio, left for dead, january (365), sure signs of crazy, counting by 7s or tesla’s attic. I vouch for none of them

  11. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    To Rachel I say: Fine i don’t care because i am fueled by other’s hate. the more people a one time trying to obliterate me, the better
    To Dave I say: Thank you for not writing a response journal yesterday because i need to get a dialectical in
    To my fans I say:…(I still have no fans)
    To my haters I say: I have finally devised a winning scheme

  12. King $1,000 Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    look at my new name

  13. King $1,000 Emperor Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    i got a new name again

  14. King $1,000 Emperor Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Hey, Bri if you want to know the definition Google it. You know Google like the magic website that gives you any answer you need. It is really easy.

  15. King $1,000 Emperor Grand-Master Admiral Councillor General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    “Star Wars”;Line:”As for Greedo you sent him to kill me.”
    Commentary: Alright so Han Solo is talking to Jabba about how Han killed Greedo. Then Jabba points the blame finger at Han and is like ‘hey you dropped your cargo and owe me money’ and Han points his blame finger back at Jabba and is like ‘yeah but i had imperial ships tailing me and im about to pay back with interest plus…WHY DID YOU SEND GREEDO TO KILL ME’ So Han and Jabba just go back and forth until they work out a deal that tends to both of them. Han pays Jabba back with 20% interest. Then Han went to do his job.
    It was a really boring part of the boook
    WaspMan Out

  16. dear Elijah

    I’m sure that the other blog members have had enough if not more of your stupidly long names. we would all be very happy if you would change your name or even better never speak again in your life. You are the most annoying person any of us have ever seen in our lives. it would be great if you would stay away from the school and a 10 meter minimum away from any one ever. we would very much appreciate it if you would GO AWAY! SERIOUSLY STAY AWAY FROM US WE DON’T LIKE YOU.

  17. April
    Cal knew that every cop in the city would be looking for him so he needed to act casual. So he tried his best to not look suspicious until he rounded the corner and there was a cop, and its car with al the lights on. So he took off running as fast as he could. But the cop took off in the car. Cal got really worried about the cop in the car because Cal figured that the cop would see him and his first instinct would tell him to tae off after him. But he was wrong until Cal came to a short white fence, that Cal quickly jumped over, but when he was climbing over he remembered the face of THIS cop. Then it came to him it was the cop that he had tased and ran off with the cops taser!!!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Hey, Elijah, Bri probably knows how to use Google better than you do. Do you know how to save a picture yet?

  19. There is a chelsea girl hitting on me. 4′ maybe 3″ and in the sixth grade. I would like thoughts… I’m kidding please don’t

  20. *smiles* Yeah, hear that Detective? Good things come in small packages. Short is the new good.

  21. Beast mode (marshawn lynch) says the skittles are for him. So when he gets my autograph, I will give them to him. Nicole says high, I mean she says hi, but she is high

  22. poor billy – torn between the girl that kicked his tail from hoover and the girl that kicked his tail from chelsea

    at least he’s not losing to guys…

  23. Billy is being stubborn. He won’t take a picture with her. You need to make him.

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