writing prompt of the week

from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/bd/b8/d8bdb8d1d9cf44c27b56d3b6ba6312f1.jpg

you get a magical set of sidewalk chalk – anything you draw comes to life – either describe what you would do with the chalk or what rules you’d create with the chalk

13 thoughts on “writing prompt of the week”

  1. If I got a set of magical sidewalk chalk I would draw a babbleduck. I would make it look like a duck and instead of quacking, it would babble like a baby. Also I would give him some friends and they would be wraping paper and rapping paper. There names would be Emma and Farkle. That’s what I would draw.

  2. First! And now, to get to the point, first I would make a chalk machine that way I wouldn’t run out, then I would draw a dragon that would do every thing I want. And to get to the second point, here is a story I have written se far for NANOWRIMO:
    chapter 1, Tragedy at the ceremony

    you wait patiently in beside your friend, becquerel, in the lobby at the hospital, waiting for your testing. in this test, you get scanned, you take a quiz about your personality, how you were raised, etc. this information gets added to a database, and matched with your perfect soulmate. this happens every where around the world every year to every one who is thirteen or over that has not been tested yet. you don’t get shown a picture of your soulmate, but after screening a seemingly random glowing number appears on your palm, just under your skin and starts counting down by seconds. if you don’t have a soulmate, your clock won’t start. if your soulmate has already died before you could meet them, the clock would display negative numbers and count up. it is a very tedious and almost scary process, but it is worth the wait and nervousness.
    As you wait, you see a person sprint out of the testing room bawling. becquerel whispers too you
    “i bet their clock didn’t start, or it displayed negative numbers. oh well, too bad for them!” i whisper back to him
    “shut up! this is serious and it would be absolutely dream crushing if your or my clock displayed negative numbers!”
    the nurse up front calls “Andrew strider, your turn!” cheerfully. I sigh, and look down at my IlluminateGame2 mini, which is a top line electronic gaming device. i like it. Bec glances at my IG2 m.
    “what are you playing?” Bec asks.
    “a cool 3d optical illusional puzzle adventure game, and it is quite difficult to complete,”i sigh.
    “oh” the nurse calls becquerel’s name, and as he walks towards the testing room i call to him
    “good luck!” Bec doesn’t reply.
    when becquerel gets back, he is quite happy and he crows
    “Hey Dave, guess what! have a soul mate, and her interests and personality sound great!”
    “congrats” i laugh. “how long until you meet her?” i question. Bec replies
    ” um, let me see… 1 year, 3 months, 4 weeks, 9 hours, 37 minutes and 24 seconds!”
    “Awesome!” i reply excitedly. the nurse now calls my name. i call
    “wish me luck” to Bec, and he replies
    “break a leg!” i walk into the testing room, nauseous with excitement and nervousness. a doctor across the room asks me to sit in a comfortable chair. after i sit, the doctor walks over to me and asks me too many questions to list. then he tells me to stand in the center of the room, on top of a platform and close my eyes. I do as he says, and i feel a sort of heat pass through my body. I shiver. the doctor, doctor oak, tells me to open my eyes. he walks over to me and takes my hand. he scans your palm, and the zodiac cancer sign appears beside a picture of a gear. i ask doctor oak calmly while freaking out inside
    “what does that mean?” I ask.
    “I don’t know,” he replies.
    “does this mean i don’t have a soul mate?” i ask quietly
    “go back to the lobby, and we will call your home when we figure out what it means. in the meanwhile, don’t worry about it, I’m sure it will be fine.” I do as he says.
    As I slink out of the testing room, Bec asks me “how long until you meet your soul mate?” “I don’t want to talk about it,” I mutter forlornly as I sit.

    Chapter 2, cheeseburgers with a side of anger.

    You sit quietly during the tedious car ride home, contemplating the glowing images on your palm. After an hour of silence, your 20 year old brother Jake asks me
    “What do you want to eat?” As he drives up to the drive through of a fast food restaurant.
    “Cheeseburger with nothing on it but cheese, meat, lettuce, and ketchup.” I reply
    After we order, Jake looks back at you from the drivers seat curiously.
    “So… What did your palm say? You were being so quiet back there I thought I Might have picked up a ghost!”
    “It’s nothing.”you say forcefully.
    “C’mon! You can tell me! I’m your big bro!”
    ” I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “David, what is the number? I need to know” Your brother says more sternly now.
    “I said I don’t want to talk about it!” You snap, slightly raising your voice.
    “Well then,” bro snaps back, glaring at you. “I guess you won’t be getting a new carton of apple juice when we run out.”
    You look out the window, studying the surroundings, wonder when you will get home, and then start eating you cheeseburger, disgruntled.
    The burger tastes good, but you are to angry to savor it.


  3. Chalk it Up
    by Mayfield

    “Welcome to Lifestyles of the Educated and Fabulous. I’m your host and nourisher, Carrie. With me is Princess Zachary. Hi Zachary.”

    “Hi, Carrie. You’ll have to forgive my grouchiness this morning. I didn’t sleep well. There was this pea underneath all the mattresses I sleep on. It bothered me all night.”

    “Thanks Zachary for reminding our viewers yet again how super-sensitive you are.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    “Anyway, today’s tour takes us back to our roots.”

    “Carrie, I don’t know what you’re talking about. My roots, unlike yours, are naturally blonde – and fabulous.”


    “It’s princess to you.”

    “Princess, we’re going to Wilson Minor Middle School today.”

    “What does that have to do with my split-end proof hair?”

    “When you were there, the school was known as Columbiana Middle.”

    “Mmmm, it sounds familiar, but I’ve repressed a whole lot.”

    “Well, you wouldn’t recognize the school anyway.”

    “Why not? Are you implying that my eyesight is bad? As a princess, I have to keep 20/20 vision because weak eyes mean glasses and no princess wears glasses because men want to stare deep, deep into an attractive woman’s eyes without any barriers – oh who am I kidding – guys don’t look at eyes they look at…”


    “Well, blush, that’s not what I’d call it, but if you…”

    “No, chalk. It’s chalk that changed the school.”

    “Are we still on that school?”

    “It’s what our show is about!!!”

    “I thought the show was about me and my awesome princess-ness.”

    “Legend has it that after a terrible scholar’s bowl season with a befuddled detective, a girl with a binder as her superpower, a thug enforcer who beat up other teams, and a Sarah – current TV celebrity for Fox News – yes, even then, no one was really sure why she was on the team – anyway, after that season’s team lost every match – badly – their sponsor Jason Mayfield…”

    “That name sounds familiar. Did I know him back in the day?”

    “Jason Mayfield sold his championship scholar’s bowl trophy from a couple of years back for a bunch of sidewalk chalk. Mayfield told his principal that the chalk was magical. She didn’t believe him, but she also didn’t really care because the math team had another third place trophy to cram into the trophy case.”

    “They had a good math team?”

    “No, they just had a lot of divisions so the math team wouldn’t get it’s feelings hurt.”

    “I see. It’s probably like princess pageants. You have to give everyone a trophy or else feelings get hurt. I bet they have to do that a lot to get kids to do math tournaments. I mean, I’m a princess so I’m not good at math, but I bet I could think of 15 good – no wait, what comes after 13??? that number – good reasons for…”

    “Turns out though, the chalk was magical so Mayfield had the last laugh…”

    “Was it an evil laugh?”

    “I don’t know because the principal retired to her farm so she could listen to sports talk radio the rest of her days.”

    “Those poor kids must’ve been troubled since the last laugh had been had.”

    “No, they turned out just fine because Mayfield used the chalk to remake the school, starting with renaming the school after his grandfather. Next, he drew up 40 more teachers so that the class sizes were super-small.”

    “Small as my waist?”

    “Um, sure. Next, he rearranged his schedule so that he only taught a TV news show class, debate class, and one class of gifted.”

    “They had gifted kids at that place?”

    “Well, there’s some debate about that. Mayfield created a special test and only included about 20 kids. He taught the class once a day and spent the rest of the day planning and writing. The kids all became geniuses, but Mayfield also erased their memory of the training so that they wouldn’t copy it – that’s probably why we don’t remember all of that happening.”

    “What happened?”

    “Exactly, anyway, Mayfield created a grand lecture room for his classroom with theater-style seating. He also created an indoor track for the school’s running teams.”

    “Funny, I would’ve thought small town Alabama would be into football.”

    “Well, they were before Mayfield created the track and made brand-new shoes for all kids who ran. It probably helped that the football team was pathetic. Anyway, very shortly, the school became a running powerhouse. The marching band begged to play for their races but Mayfield wouldn’t hear of it.”

    “Is that why there’s that trashy little trailer by the school?”

    “Yes, Mayfield has insisted that it stay there, despite its eyesore-ness what with the statues at the front of the school dedicated to famous students Mayfield taught.”

    “Funny, I don’t see myself up there.”

    “Yeah… can’t, um, figure that one out. Anyway, that’s about all we have time for today in our look at Wilson Minor Middle School. Home of the Fuzzy Pink Squirrels.”

    “I’m Zachary, the princess, saying stay pretty!!!”

  4. So the side walk chalk I found had blood on it, I found it one a sidewalk by the way. So usually, side walk chalk would come with 12 pieces but this pack only came with 9. Anyways, back to the blood on the chalk, I grabbed the chalk and took it home… I got home and my parents said when I brought it in,” What’s on that stuff!!”, I said, Mom, I’m gonna be honest as I can and the answer is…I DON’T KNOW! She said,”What do you think will happen if we draw with it?”
    So I took the 9 pieces out and she said where are the other 3? Again, I said I don’t know. So the four pieces of chalk that had blood on them, I put them on the side. The other five I started to draw with even though they looked used. I drew a putter that I wanted for Christmas because why not? When I finished it, I put the chalk down And the paper started to glow and POOF! The putter appeared in my arms! I got so excited that I started having a panic attack and had a heart attack. I woke up in the hospital and my mom and dad were standing there and I asked my dad where’s the putter?
    My dad said back, “What putter?” I immediately started crying because I thought this was one of those dreams were you got something awesome
    In your dream and it’s gone when you wake up. Then my mom told me,”Brooks, your dad was at work when you passed out, the putter is right here.” (showed putter) I asked my mom wheres the chalk so she said,” I threw it away” I screamed WHAT!” She said I thought It might be dangerous. We got home and it was 2:00 at night, they fell asleep at 2:30, I snuck out of the house got the chalk out of the trash outside and ran away! I lived in New Jersey so I wasn’t very far from New York so I ran there I met an hobo named Hermes who stole the chalk from me. The next day I was walking down the streets and saw construction men putting up a billboard sign, I waited 30 minutes just to see what they were hanging up. They finished and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was HERMES!! It stated,”Local homeless man gets magical chalk and makes billions! Now he’s a business man.” I cried my eyes out and jumped in a river made my myself into a lake, I was trying to find out were I was, I found out I was in a lake called Lay Lake. I found my way to land because of some people on jet ski’s who took me to a dock. I said thanks and started walking. I maid myself to a town called Columbiana and started taking middle school every day after school I woulds go to the railroads and sleep. There’s been a few incidents where the train has almost ran me over while I was trying to sleep.I still wandered why there was blood on it. The next day at school someone said,” Dude you have blood all over your back.” I said what! I went to the restroom and took off my shirt to see what happened. A piece of pink chalk was stuck in my back, I ran to the office and they said go to the nurse! About half way running I started blacking out the nurse got me and took me to the hospital and when we got there. Half way up the elevator ride I passed out or it least I thought. She dragged me in the doctor’s office and checked my pulse and pronounced me dead. He pulled out the chalk though and I said on the side, PROPERTY OF BUNNY KILLER.

    Thanks , I don’t know how many weeks this covers but i’ll talk to you at school! Bye!

  5. Gifted in Space
    by Mayfield

    And now, it’s time for Gifted, in space…

    “Captain Patrick, Captain Patrick.”

    “Yes, Special Helper Evan.”

    “I just sold our intergalactic weaponry for these magic pieces of chalk.”

    “Evan, you ridiculous, good-for-nothing, sad excuse for special help. We need that weaponry if we ever hope to defeat the great and mighty Starship Babbleduck.”

    Evan walks away with a sad-puppy-dog face…

    Captain Patrick signed. It wasn’t just Evan, although, selling off Starship Mayfield’s weapons was a pretty dumb move. It was all of it, really. And then there was Abbey…

    “Captain Patrick, just how are we going to ‘kill them all’ if we don’t have our weapons?” Abbey, the first mate, smiled as she spoke smugly to the captain.

    The captain couldn’t stand his first mate.

    “First Mate Abbey, I guess we’ll have to find some tertiary planet to rob to raise the funds to get more weapons.”

    “Your tertiary vocabulary doesn’t impress me,” First Mate Abbey replied, “Even with your fancy words, this ship will be under my control soon.”

    “When are we going to go cruising for boys?”

    “Not now Lieutenant Delaina.”

    Lieutenant Delaina sighed. It was never time to go cruising for boys…

    “Here First Mate Abbey, I have the results of the secret poll you commissioned to find who was for overthrowing the captain,” Special Helper Evan said as he approached.

    Abbey blushed. She was caught. She had to think fast. Fortunately, it was the thinking fast-thing that got her this far in life anyway.

    “Why Special Helper Evan, I am ashamed,” Abbey said as her voice grew louder and Evan began to make his sad-puppy-face – again, “I NEVER, NEVER would have a poll like that. I told you to see who wanted Captain D’s for dinner, not who wanted to mutiny against Captain D’s authority on this ship.”

    Captain Patrick was charmed. His crew had a special nickname for him: Captain D’s.

    “Crew, we have problems. The Babbleduck approaches…”

    Just as quickly as she was there and speaking, Special Ops Bri was gone.

    “Was that???”

    “I didn’t think she was on…”

    “Why does she leave us?”

    “When did she get here?”

    “Did she have a cat with her?”

    BOOM!!! Just then, the Babbleduck struck.

    “CAPTAIN PATRICK!!!” Delaina screamed, “We’re going to die! and me being so young, so beautiful, and so many boys out there I needed to kiss!!!”

    Captain Patrick stared at his lone remaining weapon: Magic chalk. It was time to go to the drawing board…

  6. “Mommy mommy”

    “What sweetie”

    “I wanna go to the parade! I hear there will Be lots and lots of candy!”

    “Alright I guess we could could my little princess zach.”

    That night after the little princess zach was out for a midnight walk.

    “Hey little girl thing, you wanna trade your candy for a piece of magical space chalk”

    “What’s magical space chalk? Is it pretty!? Can it make me and my prettyness more pretty!?”

    “Um… Sure kid! It can make kids like you fly and all that melarkey.”

    “Yaaaaay! I’m gonna be a magical flying space princess”

    “Sure kid. Now gimme all your candy before the cops get here”

    Little princess Zach trade all 1000 ponds of candy to the th strange dealer! Even though he new he had promissed to share with with the whole class.

    “Oh know I needs to share with the whole class.”

    Quickly Zach drew a huge mass of candy and it appeared right there on the spot.hen Zach got home he didn’t tell any one about the chalk in fear that the secret government spies would find out. At school the next day Zach was drawing hideous freaks of nature all day scaring even the mean it’s of teachers. In the gifted class that probably is more gifted then there mean teacher allows, Zach drew tons of party food. There was cake, candy, soda but mostly there was horrible giant bats flying around the room stacking mister mayfield.

    “This is the best party ever! I stuffed myself with cake!”

    At that moment Zach had realized he made a horrible horrible mistake, he gave the gifted kids… Sugar. All the kids at one got up and ran out the room all at once as if to make this point clear.

    “No, please come back! I’ll give you more cake”

    Sack pleaded and pleaded but the kids refused to return. Zach was forced to ask the help of Mr Mayfield but he said he had a bat problem to deal with.

    “But Mayfield, people are fighting in the halls over snacks.”

    “Then deal with it yourself.”

    At that moment someone (probably Hall) had thought it was a good idea to jump off of a bridge. And because all the cool kids did it the nerds did it to. And that’s how Zach went to prison for wiping out a whole school.

    “But I didn’t do it it was Halls idea! I’m innocent!”

    We all know Hall is to stupid to come up with his own ideas.”

    “Exactly that’s why he jumped off the bridge, he’s stupid”

    “Shut up”

    “Did you just tell me, a princess’ to shut up, I will call the royals guard sir!”

    “Please mam uh, thing don’t call the guard will leave and never come back just please don’t call them”

    And that is how to get away with murder.

  7. ‘Hey mom,” said Rocky the raccoon. ” Did you find any water today?” Where Rocky is living there is a drought. ” No we haven’t seen anything today,” said Momma raccoon. Just then a squirrel ran in. “Hey Momma squirrel what’s happening,” said Momma raccoon. ” The water is back!” They all ran to the river, and sure enough there was water flowing wildly. Just then a huge wave came and the water rose and covered the bridge over the river! ” Oh no! Papa raccoon is on the other side of the river cutting down wood!” ” Papa squirrel is over there too!” Baby squirrel ran to Mama squirrel and said ” papa is over there Mama what are we going to do?” “rocky raccoon said ” Maybe we can build a bridge” ” Honey, that would take way to long to do,” said Mama raccoon. But, they all tried to gather wood and tools but there was only chopped down wood on the other side of the river, and the tools are with men who are chopping down wood. ” Maybe I can help,” offered Suzy the beaver. She tried to swim but with the water rushing in the current was way too strong. She came back and said she was sorry but she couldn’t swim in that current. Just then Papa raccoon appeared on the other side of the rushing river. ” I have an idea, Mama raccoon would you please go get my “special box”,” said Papa. ” I’ll bee right back with it” said Mama raccoon. A few minutes later she appeared with the box in hand. ” Draw a tall bridge over this river,” ordered Papa raccoon. “Why,” asked Mama raccoon. “you’ll see,” said Papa raccoon. Mama raccoon drew a tall bridge over the river on the sidewalk. Just then a bridge appeared over the river! Mama raccoon had just drew with magical chalk! Papa raccoon and all the men walked back to the other side of the river. ” I’ve been saving that for the right time,” said Papa raccoon. Mama raccoon didn’t care she was just glad that he was home safe. After that the “special box was locked away so in an emergency only, they would have it. The bridge stands tall over the river and help the men get to and from work in the woods. They all lived happily ever after. The end.

  8. Clown!!!

    I was running, from a clown of course. I,m in 8th grade and still afraid of clowns. I’ve been on the run ever since the circus came to town… yesterday.

    My mom had made me go to the circus the first time it opened and I ran. I had known about my fear of clowns ever since I was 3 and went to a kids birthday party, it was the worst party ever.

    I am not a good runner and ended up going two blocks. I was scared to death when Alex walked around a corner. “CLOWN!!!!!!!!”

    All we heard was screaming for 10 minutes, Alex screamed for 5 seconds, the rest was me. As I ran and screamed, I ran about a mile.

    A few days later…

    I haven’t been keeping time and I think I’m in Wilsonville when I trip over a set of chalk. I already know who it is; my childish friends playing outside together, Emmie and Delaina.

    I look up to find Emmie about to punch me and……………..

    I had the worst nightmare that Emmie was doing mouth to mouth and thank God that’s when I woke up. I told them I was running away from the circus and the clown and all she did was laugh. She told me to draw a picture of what I was afraid of.

    She never told me that the chalk was magic, but the picture was pretty good: red shiny nose, huge feet, big smile. It was scratching my eyes. None of it was as bad as it was going to be in 5 seconds. The ground shook as smoke lifted from the drawing. The clown was alive…ALIVE…A-L-I-V-E! It eats Delaina as Emmie and I run. The monster trips on the chalk and grabs Emmie by the foot,” HELP ME HELP ME”, Emmie screamed. I pulled her free, don’t you dare act surprised you know I’m strong.

    As we ran, Emmie gave me something, I thought it was a note, I opened my hand to find a jolly ranchers candy wrapper.

  9. If the chalk was magical I would make a legendary softball team to rule the world and mr. Mayfield could help me rule the world and you would not be able to be mean or upset and mad at anybody and any body could have any thing they want to as long as it’s not bad or against the rules and does not offend any body and Rylle would probably get hit in the head and pushed into the closet and Lilly will be the one hiting Rylle in the head. Avery will be the lady’s man and kayli will draw the babbleduck and it will probably murder her with a spoon and liv will be super liv making sure that every body is ok and Lauren will be the president


  11. Whoosh
    My starship enters through a portal just in time to see earth and alternia collide. As the planets crumble soundlessly into each other everyone sighs in relief. The planets and all their inhabitants are dead, and soon a new planet will form from the dirt, rock, water, and magma, all fresh and new. Now, I bet you are wondering “what in the world is going on?” So, let me start from the beginning.

    I walked up to the band room, go o sixth grade hall, go to pe, same routine as usual. But, although I didn’t know now, today would end up much different from my other days.
    As I walk to grc, I notice mr.mayfield looking exited in the hallway. I glance curiously at him, walk into the classroom, and get started on my warm-up-thingy. When mr. Mayfeild walks in he exclaims “well class, today will be a special day! We get to go outside and make art Iith this big container of chalk that I got from the thrift store that says :warning, use at your on risk! Won’t this be fun!” My class cheers.


  12. If I had some magic side walk chalk then i would use the green piece of chalk and draw some money and lots of it and the reason i would want to draw that is because if i had that much money then i could buy anything that i wanted so I wouldn’t have to waste the other colors on it. Even though i could buy a lot of stuff doesn’t mean it can buy everything, because it can’t!
    The next color i would pick is the red one because i would draw a nice shiny red Ferrari because i want a sports car when I get older because they are stylish and they are fast. They stand out between all the other cars when its on the road because not many people in our area have one. I have only seen two around this are and I’m pretty sure they were just visiting! The only thing is that they are really expensive, but i would use the money I drew with the green.
    The next color i would use would be the yellow to draw all of the bananas in the world because i love bananas so much. It would have to be my favorite fruit
    The next color i would use would be the blue so i could draw the biggest pool ever because swimming is one of my favorite things to do. Swimming cools me off and it makes me get my exercise. Another reason why I like it is because I love to play games and do tricks with my friends in it.
    I saved the best color for last and that color would be white because i would draw a magic baseball that can do anything by my voice activation and mind control. The reason i want it is because when I’m pitching i could control where i wanted to go and that means that i could strike anyone out at anytime. I could make it do anything i wanted it to do and i could also make some of the best hitters look so dumb when the swing.

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