there are days when faryn is even smarter than she usually appears…

happy july – happy recovery day from the last day of june (also known as post-liberty day parade day or post-long run day)

“speed to glory” and “heart of a champion” – both short juvenille bios on olympians – the first is about cullen jones, probably the most famous african-american swimmer the US has had – i enjoyed that oneĀ – swimming books are almost as good as running books – the second book is about gymnastics – which is just not my thing (aka, agility, bendability, etc.)

“run to overcome” – a reread for me – on my second attemptĀ – or really second go round, i enjoyed reading how meb woke up at 4:30 am every morning when he first came to the US in order to do homework with his father – his parents stressed – we would say “overstressed” in today’s parenting – the importance of education – no wonder that all of the people in his family have achieved great things in college – and no wonder that my junior high boys that go home and play video games all afternoon go, um, nowhere…

“the guy under the sheets” – by chris elliott – his autobiography – in severe satire – there was a funny line at the beginning where he spoke of needing to finish the opening scene of chapter one so that he could go back to the beginning in chapter two and then progress chronologically – which is basically what all biographies do – that part was my absoluteĀ  favorite – lilly has a GREAT father in “how i met your mother” (that would be chris elliott)

“les miserables” – there are several was to attack this book – hugo wrote like 1400 pages – the county has an abridged 320 – barnes and noble gave me a 1200 page edition – so i’m in for a long haul – i’ve decided, at page 500, that i have to like this book – because otherwise i’m ridculous for reading it and can’t sucker anyone else into making the same mistake – that said, it’s definitely a book that can be cut down – but there are great moments in it – my favorite so far is the metaphor between indecisive men and cats

i would tell you that metaphor but i can’t decide if you’re ready for it:)



3 thoughts on “there are days when faryn is even smarter than she usually appears…”

  1. hey mr mayfield i will blog about the hobbit. my favorite part about the hobbit was when the dragon was shot in the uncovered part of his chest and he still destroyed the city. that shows determination other books that i have read with determinated characters are flush, kickoff, these books have a lot in common because the main character will not stop till they accomplish what they set out for

  2. Hey Mr. Mayfield I’m still reading Wednesday Wars, but now I’m to the point where Holling is about to run out of time to get his baseball signed by Mickey Mantle. Then he realizes that he has no baseball because it’s in the dressing room at the aututorium where he did a play about Shakespeare.
    That’s as far as I’ve gotten but I have feeling that the next part is going to be really exciting. That’s my entire for today. See ya Increadible Mr. Mayfield.

  3. Ha Mr.mayfield so I tell you the book called “captured” is a great book the cool change about this book to is how the baby owl gets pushed out of the nessed that he lived in by his brother.when his parents left to go hunt some meat for the first bone ceremony that the baby owl was supposed to have they warned them not to go out of the nest because they both do not know how to fly so they can’t get back up so maybe some predator may eat the baby owl and it may die. I think a cool change would be if the baby owls big brother did not push the baby owl out of the tree what would happen… Until further a do I am Justin and see ya Mr. Mayfield.

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