if rach(a)el spells her own name wrong, can fred kidnap the right person???

ah, sundays… ๐Ÿ™‚

“to be a runner” – national news writer, current cross country coach, wrote a great book two years ago about the lessons we learn as runners – he tried to make the book appeal to a larger audience in that he said your “running” could be like “marching band” – aka, some other activity that you have to work at – that claim was a bit of a stretch though – people aren’t going to read it unless they run – so the book’s audience will always be small – and all activities aren’t the same – of course, maybe my metaphorical thinking is off…

“grave mercy” – ah, the book I told several classes about:) first, it’s a high school BOB – I just think I have to explain why I end up reading 500-page romance books about young girls who leave their convent to kill men – except when they fall in love – and then the guy gets poisoned – then, they have to unravel the French plot to overthrow their empire and save the princess so that they can leave the convent and marry their love – whom they rescue by kissing the poison out (that’s some kiss…) I guess from this book, to do a journal, I would tell the book from the guy’s POV – and learn how he can get such a great girl – in that way, this book could’ve saved my dating life:)

“rising tide: joe Namath, bear Bryant, and Dixie’s last quarter” – story of the 1962-64 Alabama football teams – and its quarterback joe Namath – and coach bear Bryant – and how that team and that player lived through a rather tough stretch in our state – as many books as I’ve read about Alabama football, I still actually enjoyed this book – I was leery going in – if you ask me to read a book about teaching sixth grade, i’d be like “why? I already know everything and you’ll just make me mad b/c the author’s won’t” – but in this case, the authors did a great job – and, as always with civil rights, I could go back and talk to my parents – who lived through Tuscaloosa and Columbiana’s 1960s

happy return to writing

94 thoughts on “if rach(a)el spells her own name wrong, can fred kidnap the right person???”

  1. Heyo!!! Well I know yall missed me yesterday on here. You see i didnt get on because i was focused on something else, i was at my little cousin’s football game. He is running back and he can kick butt.

    Well today (yesterday? I don’t even know what to say) I am (was) going to write a poem:

    “You never know what you had until its gone”, that’s what people say isn’t it?
    Well I guess its kinda true,
    we as humans take things for granite and overlook what we have.
    Whether they are friends or inanimate objects,
    we don’t treat them the way they should be treated.
    We overlook them.
    But sometimes, especially with friends we lose people,
    and you can’t always get them back.


    Well hello random person reading this. I am almost finished with Story Time. Which i figured out is written by the same person who wrote Taken. (Edward Bloor) Again it is a really good book, so i recommend it to anyone (except for right after i turn it in because after i turn it in bailey is going to check it out so she can read it)

    This book has so many people dying in such odd, morbid ways. It’s freaky and awesomely awesome at the same time. Which in conclusion makes the book awesome but whatever. It also has a lot of people with secrets/a lot of people lying. Have these people if i were in the book i would just punch.

    I know thats terrible, but when i finish this book ill get a new book and my blogs will make more since. (i think i used the wrong “since”, “sense”) Its just that the week we didn’t have blogs i read a lot and then when we started blogs again i didn’t want to start from the beginning. Man this is bad, the old (6th grade) me would have spent an hour talking about 5 pages and typing forever, and now i don’t even want to type about what has happened. Now i feel sad, well ill get over it.


  2. 2nd poem baby!!!

    Sometimes life is as sweet as a piece of candy,
    and sometimes it’s as blue as the sky.
    But you never can give up,
    because when life gives you lemons,
    make lemonade.
    It’s not always easy,
    but it’s also not always hard.
    So don’t quit on yourself,
    because you never know.
    So now go, and make some lemonade.

  3. Alrighteey, I’m going to do a poem, and you guys are gonna have to guess who’s telling the poem. Here we goooooooooooooooo!

    I read all day.
    I have too, its my job.
    That’s what I was made for.
    I read everything from magazines, to books,
    and even the T.V.
    I am often to your liking, unless you are young,
    and “care” about your image.
    I assist you without much effort.
    I am used mostly by the older folk,
    but the youngn’s still use me.
    So what’s your guess?
    What am I?
    I mean, I am pretty important.
    After all, I help many conquer arguably
    the most important sense of all.

  4. I miss anna 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

    any way WHAT IF I HAVE SOMETHING AGAINST FALL AND SPRING FRED!?! GEEZ! *phew* that took some energy!!

    my creative—-
    B- the Bookmark of Jesus
    A-amazingly delicous
    C-crispy with every bite!
    O-outstanding burst of flavor
    N- never gonna stop eating it

    THAT i tell you is what i think about bacon. YUMMMMMM!!!!!!!! seriously- who dosn’t love bacon??? bye-bye GOOOO ORPHANS!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Will- The answer is glasses
    Amanda- Oh that was Billy im pretty sure because he is the only one on here who doesnt put their name or “name” he puts like subtext.

    Hehe I sprayed perfume on Caleb on the bus today. Hehe, he smelled like a very pretty girl.

    Okay well today is my day with my aunt from California so im going to have to make it short:

    Well you finally got in,
    but you have something to do that night.
    Popularity or commitment?
    We both know which one you should and are going to pick,
    but how are you going to tell them?
    “I can’t come, wish i could, I have to do something that night”,
    they won’t care that much.
    But you’ll be known as the person who didn’t go,
    the person who missed all the fun.

  6. When Beauty was little she would go into the woods and get away from everything. She decided to do that today and she was trying to get away from all the whining, sisters, and momโ€™s annoying tasks. She was walking down the path (at night) and saw a girl, know her younger sister Stevie, with a boy and they wereโ€ฆ โ€œWhat were they doing here at night alone?โ€ she asked herself. She finally figured out that they were making out! She hid and watched the boyโ€™s fingers roll down her sisters back. She was horrified! She ran back to the house and went back to bed, confused.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  7. The next morning Beauty woke up and still remembered the image of her sister. โ€œI have to talk to herโ€ she said to herself. On there way to school Beauty pulled Stevie to the back of the girls and said, โ€œI am worried about you! I was walking down the old path last night and I find you making out with some guy!โ€ Stevie looked confused for one second until her face got red and she looked angry and said, โ€œAre you spying at me?โ€ โ€œNoโ€ said Beauty. Stevie said, โ€œDonโ€™t deny it, I saw you at the park looking at my every move!โ€ โ€œNO, I did not spy on you right when I saw you I ran! I WAS NOT SPYING ON YOU!โ€ Then they find Fancy who has wondered off to the back of the group and was playing with a puppy. Beauty said, โ€œYou canโ€™t wonder off and play with dogs that you donโ€™t know!โ€ โ€œWhat are you going to do?โ€ Stevie mumbled. Beauty glared at Stevie, and then Fancy said, โ€œI loved that puppy and it loved me! I gave it a kiss and he gave me a kiss!โ€ Then Beauty cringed, because it made her think of Stevie kissing that boy. Then she said, โ€œYou donโ€™t need to be kissing strange dogs, or kissing anybody.โ€ She said that and looked at Stevie. There was a lot of traffic and the other girls had to wait on Beauty and Fancy. โ€œWe could have been across this road already if it was not for you two!โ€ Stevie said. There was a man with a gray coat on behind them but they did not seem to care.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  8. Thay was my last blog for “The Missing Girl” ๐Ÿ™
    I feel sad ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

  9. The battles were over and mostly every one fighting had bad water and no food.some of them were shot if they betrayed his regiment.so some of them inflicted injuries on themselves like blowing their fingers of with their guns.next it shifted over to Dooley who was in a camp. They were talking about how most of them had parasites and scurvy .they came into the hospital covers in blood and dirt waiting to get help.while they were in the camps they dug a tunnel to the other side and no one suspected a thing until they escaped.

  10. so this week i have been reading the middle school books by James Patterson. And i have to say they are not nearly as good as his alex cross books.They are very funny and tell about a kid in middle school named rafe whos life is always changing. When school starts he decides to brake every rule in the code of conduct at hills village middle school and almost succeeds before his notebook is stolen and he is blackmailed with it so he tries to become a better student for his moms sake it does not work so he decided to start being bad again he gets expelled after drawing a giant mural on his schools back wall and his teacher suggests he goes to a special art school to work on and focus on his drawing instead of being held back.he decides to go but then his moms work burns down and they are forced to move in with their grandmother wich makes rafe upset because he can not go to the art school anymore. thats as far as i have read so far

  11. This week I’m reading The Pocket Idiots Guide Not so Useless Facts. This book is full of facts on random stuff about things. For instance, the rooster on the Corn Falkes box is named Cornelius, and Winnie the Pooh is named, Edward. It doesn’t have much grammar or literary features, I just like random facts.
    I once had a dream
    a dream that the world was anything
    a wish for this place to be mine
    a hope that I could change it all
    a dream of being a king

  12. BOOK: ??? (Still looking)
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Playing a concert got be all disambiguated (which is not a word).Weird symbols! โ‚ฌยฅยซยปยฃยกยขยฟโ„ขยฉยฎยฐ. Bet you can’t do that.

    Waiting for the concert to start
    Torn between fright and anxiety
    Ready, yet that worry of forget
    So great you double check
    The fright of messing up
    Terrified someone will notice
    When you inevitably do
    You must stay calm
    Or you will mess up everyone
    Listening to you to stay in time
    And if they mess up
    So do you
    Everyone is listening
    Waiting for the concert to start.

  13. Ok i read The Fire Eternal,by Chris D’Lacey, in which David(The main character for most of the series) gets trapped in the Arctic and his wife has a daughter and she gets along with Lucy(a 14 year old friend of David) and her mom, Liz(a potter who creates clay dragons), are putting stuff out in their garden when suddenly all of her special dragons gather and eve-strop on them. So far that is all i have read because of the concert today I was forced to go to. Meanwhile I will dwell on how i didn’t make schoolers bowl or math team…..

  14. also Mr.Mayfield you are the best teacher and you should create a blog each Saturday for use to put how AWESOME you are on it!

  15. Well today I had to go to the doctor for my visit and after that……. Well I’ll just say I had to go shopping with my mom!!! So I will blog a poem about shopping. Just because it’s late!! [:

    The thrill of shopping with your mom
    is like biting into a sour piece of candy!!
    It has its goods
    like when you get a treat.
    But it also has its bads
    like when you have to go look at dresses or whatever is the latest fashion.
    But like today if all goes well
    you end up getting that toy you beg for.
    She finally gives in but
    the process of going in 3 or 4 stores
    really feels like 3 or 4 days.
    But there will never be a feeling like the one when you get home.
    You just have to bear with mom and act well
    and all goes well in the end.

    This is what my day consisted of.

  16. MISSING GIRL IS GONE ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!!!!!!!!!
    Go ahead little i mean tiny sixth graders kill me ( lloyd has already threatened to kill me at CHURCH, so i mean go a head)

  17. Wednesday- The Chances escaped the guys that kidnapped Rich and got back to the boss. He sent them to a little village with a nice private school. Rich and jade are nervous because it is the only real school that they have ever been to. Their math teacher is actually the banker, who was also sent to the school for protection and hiding. Mr. Chance is the backup in case the banker has any trouble, but none of them know that the banker is their math teacher or that Chance has to protect him in an emergency. One day Rich stays after school for a club and Jade stays for detention. They made a plan to wait for each other before walking to their house, and they meet outside of the banker’s classroom. Their dad unexpectedly meets them there. He recognizes the banker but doesn’t say anything. They talk for a few minutes and Mr. Chance comes back to talk to Rich and Jade. he tells them a little bit about the banker, but Rich and Jade don’t get suspicious.
    Thursday-Creative- Up in flames, New Orleans surviving citizens ran to safety. Luckily for them, there had just been a flood so everything was somewhat damp. The solar panels had been placed strategically on top of a man made hill so that they wouldn’t get destroyed in a flood. New York and Chicago had already burned in the middle of the night, along with most of the country’s other big cities. The wiring was defective but it takes twenty three years for the effects to show. The company had made the wire thin to save money, This lead the wire to get hot when electricity flows through it. There was a layer of fire resistant fabric around the wire but eventually, after twenty three years, it started to become combustible. The outside was covered in a coating that was more reactive than gunpowder. The wire and coating together formed a mixture hotter than thermite and impossible to put out. It just burned and lit anything in its path.


  18. Sorry I’m a little late doing this but I had a lot of stuff including a periodic table for McClaron, stuff for band, and other things. Now I had to get up for my sister for lord knows what and my brothers beta club induction and I get the shaft in the library (yay! Not really).

  19. dear roash-eel,
    your dear, dear precious little Nicole did not make it – I have kidnapped her and placed her at Fred’s All-Night Dino-diners until you solve these three riddles:

    1. if two trains leave stations at the same time 130 miles away from each other, which classroom holds your notebook for the weekend?
    2. recite by memory the last line of Jordan m’s nature poem from Wednesday – here’s the previous lines: “Beans, beans, the musical fruit…”
    3. What do I has in my pocket???

    good luck – NOT!!!


  20. i’m sorry, only one of those three are correct i-racheel

    in other news, Nicole has made friends with the other kids in the playground part of Fred’s Dino Diner, so take your time guessing wrongly… ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. 1- “Her eyes, grey as the sea, were hard and fell, yet tears were on her cheek.”
    2-“what’s taters, precious, eh? What’s taters?
    3- the precious!

  22. still missing no. 2 – you need to think more like Jordan…

    but, again, no worries – Nicole is having a blast at Fred’s Merry World of Dino’s Diner – she’s at the petting zoo right now – wait, is that a t-rex in there…

  23. nope – way off…

    Nicole and the t-rex are best buddies – they shared fries – ah, memories…

    rumor is both are going to sing “time of my life” as a duet when open mic starts in a bit at Fred’s all-night dino diner – definitely worth the price of admission (an oreo milkshake) to see that

  24. no, no, no, and, wait for it… NO!!!


    it doesn’t matter that you aren’t in Jordan’s class – you should be subscribing to his twitter feed to constantly know his thoughts – his poetry – his love notes to unnamed sixth grade girls

    as for the named sixth grade girl, Nicole – “time of our lives” was a smashing hit with the raptor – she’s taking a break right now before coming back onstage for “walk the dinosaur” – in fact, she’s begging me as I write for a “to go” box from Fred’s Fun Dino Diner – you get to pick your own egg under the fry-o-matic lamp, take it home and hatch it yourself, and then EAT IT!!!!

  25. Hey Dudes I just got finished with softball tryouts ( batting tomorrow:) )
    I just scanned through the top blogs and I am so confused and off track it escalated from kidnapping to stalking then some how ended up with to go boxes ? Ya’ll are weird .

    “Why do you always do this”
    ” I don’t do anything, what do I do”
    ” You say love me but you don’t show it”
    ” Are you serious you know I love you right”
    ” I really don’t know any more”
    ” No if you think that you never thought I loved you in the first place”
    ” Yes I did !!”
    ” Sweet heart no you didn’t, love is something unconditional your not supposed to doubt it , when you doubt it , its not love its called….well I don’t know what its called because I don’t through the words ‘ I love you’ around to anyone” ” Can you honestly say that you love me the way I love you ?”
    * Walks away *
    ” Wait no… I can tell you honestly that I love you I just wanted to see if you loved me…you see my heart has been broken so much every time its over with its not completely minded.. and this time I really am ankles deep in love with you and my heart couldn’t take it if you didn’t feel the same”
    * takes little box out of pocket….opens shows ring*
    ” Umm is really happening ?”
    ” does this say I love you………Will you marry me ?”
    ” Yes. . Yes.. a million times yes” * Hugs neck but don’t kiss because other people have cooties*


  26. All of this poetry I have been blogging about inspired me sorry bailey ๐Ÿ˜›


    When you fall your supposed to get up but sometimes you don’t have the strength
    After something tragic happens your supposed to move on for your sake but no you need to be human and feel regret and sorrow
    When your ugly to someone your supposed to apologize , what why you said that out of truthfulness not anger
    When someone is sad your supposed to make them feel better, when I am sad and some tries to make me feel better I get mad why would they feel any different
    The phrase ” What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” no what doesn’t kill you makes you paranoid and scared not stronger
    My favorite is ” if you love something let It go” that is just ignorant if you love something you don’t let it go you fight for it if you don’t want to fight then you really don’t love them
    when you look back at something it only reminds you but even if you don’t look back its still there
    Do you ever do something just because you want to impress anyone but you know if they weren’t there you would act the total apposite
    If I said anything that made you mad or that may have lit a fire up under you then take my advice and Rebel !!! dun dun dun


  27. Decappitating Sayings

    People say when you first don’t succeed that you need to keep trying but why when you don’t make it the first time or get it I mean ya sure there is the option you can try next year and get better but they will still remember last time and judge you on that and if you weren’t good enough to make it the first time why do it a second time and embarrass yourself
    They say the third time Is the charm um no not true I mean what if you can’t take the humiliation, anger, judgment, frustration, sympathy, and everything else that comes after the announcement or post what if you tried the first time you didn’t get it your still not over it then you go after something you have been doing since you could walk and learn your not good enough for some people there isn’t going to be a third time your heart can’t take it.
    The saying you can always try it next year…what about if this year you wanted to see if your good enough to make a team and you learn and your future is planned around this sport and another but mainly this one like you now you could never pay you way through college with out and scholar ship and its either and Academic or a Sport scholarship and they way you look if anyone saw you they wouldn’t expect you to know what 4 x 4 is let alone be actually smart so sports is your option and your dreams, and plans are taken from you and burned in front of you while your held down so you have to sit there and watch it burn.
    My favorite saying ” It will be ok”… I don’t know where you have been but no its no going to be ok you see you can only come back from so much and well with me its that way but with my heart every time its broken is minded but each time not as well and with thinner string so it only takes a little to break the seam.
    One of my favorites ” Are you mad”…. No I’m not mad my face is just naturally steaming red, and these are tears of joy ? I mean really how ignorant do you have to be to ask that question, the reason I have been breaking led pencils , punching walls is because its my new found hobby I mean seriously use common sense . And until the world needs my advice again and needs a lesson about what to say and what no to say then you know who to ask.

  28. Fred, we have had MANY hours of sunlight. Too many. Where is that silly little kidnapper?

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