last call for presidential announcements

i’m amazed that my choices for “podcast of the week” in cspan are a huge list of presidential announcements – yawn…

“john walker: champion” – once upon a time, there was a miler who ran really fast for a really long time – from essentially 1972-1984 – often, biographies can be more like a subject – so rather than telling a story, it’s just giving advice on running – this book was good – even autographed straight from connecticut to the local library – it was a personal story – so i enjoyed the book more than i thought i would

“in defense of a liberal education” – the book that answers the question “why do i need to study _____ b/c i’ll never need it in life” – if you haven’t realized it yet, there’s probably a lot in life that you’ll learn that you technically may never need – so why learn it? because the process of learning is fun – and should be celebrated – tragically, we live in an age where everyone’s supposed to know what they want to do by 8th grade (become a detective) and then focus all on that – this book rejects a narrow/technical focus early in celebration of learning for the joy of knowing things – it was a good point

“2 hours” – book coming out in the fall on the marathon’s quest to break the two hour barrier – very awesome book

back to watching women’s world cup


33 thoughts on “last call for presidential announcements”

  1. When you are in a New Hampshire Dunkin’ Donuts, lots of things could go wrong. It comedic, to say the least. By the way, I got a little star chart. No mire 2/20 on those worksheets (we could’ve had 3, I accidentally skipped over Oort Cloud)

  2. star chart is a good idea – although, i always suspected i’d get a galaxy worksheet if i studied stars

    master vic – dreadfully sorry

    back to billy – there should be a dunkin’ donuts on every street corner in the northeast – at least, there is in boston

  3. less from master vic, more from binder girl ii

    Binder Girl watched yet another made-to-order beautiful sunset at Mayfield’s Retirement Farm. She figured she was the only one to see it, seeing as how everyone else had gone to bed 30 minutes ago. Then, Morgan Elizabeth walked up.
    “Whew, I didn’t think this one old lady was ever going to go to sleep. I promised her I would spell things for her until she fell asleep, but she kept interrupting me with things like ‘hey, that’s not a real word’ and ‘what’s the language of origin for that word’ and such that I don’t think I was helping her get to sleep with the spelling.”
    “I guess you need me to get to my room…” Binder Girl began.
    “Nah, consider this a perk for not making the night staff change your bed pan 15 times a night.”
    “I do like it here,” Binder Girl said.
    “I like that my brother isn’t here,” Morgan Elizabeth said, “Did you see the crazy speech he gave to the campers, the ‘every boy can be a princess’ speech? Only a boy would be stupid enough to think of something like that.”

  4. how to entertain lil bri… teach her about heat lightning and put her in charge of counting the number of instances, particularly at night

  5. Or should you say ‘”watch your binders’ because unless you get my binder, my back is perfectly safe

  6. But let’s not talk about my safety anymore…. THE CAVS WON GAME THREE LAST NIGHT 96-91!!!!

  7. i’m with you master vic – i mean, people change, but sports girl??? i agree binder girl is built like a jock, but this seems a little cliche…

    (no, i don’t know how someone is “built like a jock” 🙂

  8. See, the sad thing is that I’ve always been a basketball person. Guess no one knew… except for Billy.

  9. Today has been pretty successful…

    1. Plymouth Rock
    2. Bourne Braves (Cape Cod Baseball)
    3. Whaling Museum
    4. Getting a foul ball at the game, beating a bunch of little kids to get to it.
    And most importantly…
    5. Getting LOBSTER PAJAMA PANTS!!!

    I don’t know who to cheer for if the NBA Finals; the Warriors have Festus Ezili who played at Vanderbilt, but Cleveland never gets a winner… because it’s Cleveland.

    Yesterday I went to the Basketball H.O.F. and dunked… on shorter goals. Too bad I don’t know how to properly dunk, I have a have a few cuts from the rim.

    To all the BOB team, a word of advice for next year: Try NOT to get wrecked by Chelsea.

  10. master vic – billy’s out of town so we’re forced to pick up the e! slack

    i’ll send some more binder girl story later – maybe that will help

    billy – yep, that was successful
    1. awesome
    2. cape cod – were you able to know who were the college kids and where they were from???
    3. reminds me of the heart of the sea book – still awesome
    4. i hope you didn’t give the ball to those kids – whiny kids deserve NOTHING – even if you’re 85, you should keep your foul ball – even if you grab if off the dead carcass of one of the kids:)
    5. nice – and root for golden state – it’s good to have permanent losers in certain matters – makes life less chaotic – like in the nfl, if we had the lions and dolphins in the super bowl, i mean, what do you believe in then???

  11. so i left my travel drive at home today – so no story:(

    currently, detective and kate are at Hello Kitty General Willie’s Emporium – detective is investigating Tragedy Bear’s disappearance – Kate is troubled by her brother

    how to entertain lil bri: get her to entertain master vic – problem solved…

  12. That’s what I need. Time with lil Bri. We would play Mario Karts all day..

  13. kate’s brother makes an appearance…

    “Okay, kids, paws out on a winner,” Coach Tone said, “I hate to be the one to tell you kids this, but due to a lapse in our security system, mostly that our security guard wasn’t securing the area, two binders showed up dead this morning.”

    Coach Tone paused for the shock to sink in, although, the pause was really needed because every kid needed the time to think, “Okay, where did I put my binder? Is it still under my cot? Am I going to get in trouble if my binder snuck out and I didn’t know it?” After all, as soon as the kids received their camp binders, they’d immediately put them away. It wasn’t like they were going to read something while on vacation.

    “Now, I need you kids to know that it’s okay to be emotional right now. In fact, there’s no wrong emotion you can have at death.”

    “Ha, ha, ha.”

    “Okay, kid, laughter is a wrong emotion to have with death, but pretty much every other emotion is okay. Now, I’d like us all to honor the memory of the two binders with a moment of silence.”

  14. Jays/Sox game was AWESOME!!! 3 over the monster, 1 diving catch and about 3 more homers. We were so close to the monster that I literally reached out and touched the left field foul pole, luckily I didnt fall.

  15. so you were opposite the famous pesky pole in right field??? that’s sweet – and yes, lucky you didn’t fall – or get hit by a bat – or anything:) i think i’ve told you the marathon goes a block from the stadium – it’s mile 25

    lil bri – i’m so glad:)

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