Schedule Change Request Form

Because the deadline has passed to request a course change, you will need to complete the “Schedule Change Request 22-23” form (linked below). Please note that you will need to include the student’s name, the class he/she wants to change from and to, the reason behind the request — be specific — and the signature of the student’s parent/guardian. ***If you’re not sure if your request requires the teachers’ signatures, just ask them. 🙂 Finally, include an email address as well as a phone number so we can let you know what the committee decides regarding your request.

Forms can be turned into Mrs. Gingras who is located in the Counselor’s Suite directly across from the front office.

Have a GREAT summer!!

Shelby County will have another staggered start “First Day of School.” We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 11th if your last name begins with the letter A – J. If your last name begins with the letter K – Z, we’ll welcome you on Friday, August 12th.

We are excited to have ALL students in the building on Monday, August 15th.

What other dates do you need to know? Check out Shelby County’s calendar for the 22 – 23 academic year here:

Stay safe! Get rest!! Make memories!!!

Pathways for Math & Science Courses

It is important to us that our middle school parents be informed of the math and science pathways available to students in high school as related to the math course taken in 8th grade.  For example, historically, parents have been frustrated when learning their child cannot take chemistry without being at least concurrently enrolled in Algebra II w/Stats, as well as not making it to Calculus in the 12th grade. Take a look at the information linked below that maps out classes from 8th grade to 12th grade.