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SI Lab, 9 Weeks Test

10/6 (Monday) - SI Lab Introduction
Students received their SI Lab directions and answer sheets. We went over each part of the lab w/directions that they were expected to pay attention and work the lab by themselves w/little to no assistance. Reading comprehension was emphasized. Questions were to be asked during the review session and not during the lab. They were also directed to have a pencil and the proverbial calculator for the 9 Weeks Exam on Tuesday.

10/7 (Tuesday) - 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test and SI Length Lab WS
Students were to take and complete the 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test during class and begin the Length Lab WS. The Length Lab WS begins the individual measurements and calculation that will be needed in the SI Lab. They were reminded to dress appropriately for the SI Lab on Tuesday.

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