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Atomic Properties

December 8, 2014 -
We spent the period taking notes on the PPT from Atomic Properties and the Periodic Table. We learned how to determine the number protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom by using the Periodic Table. We concluded class with a worksheet on determining the parts of an atom.

Dec. 9, 2014
As we continued taking notes from the Atomic Properties PPT, we learned about electron configuration and how to determine where the electrons in an atom go. We drew atoms on the board and learned how the Periodic Table has relationships to help us determine where to put the electrons. Class was ended by finishing a worksheet on Atomic Structure.

Published on Categories Physical Science

About Maury Grayson

1988 - BS (Biology)- University of Montevallo 1990 - MS Ed (General Science) University of Montevallo - Teacher, Football, Basketball & Baseball Coach at Thompson High School (1990-2003) - Teacher, Football, Basketball & Baseball Coach @ Montevallo High & Middle Schools (2003-present) -

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