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We reviewed how to Add and Subtract numbers in scientific notation w/their calculators first.  Then we copied the notes on how to  multiply and divide numbers in scientific notation. Soon after, we worked some sample problems from the text on dividing and multiplying numbers in Scientific Notation from their textbook.  Then, students completed the worksheet on +, -, /, and x numbers in Scientific Notation (48 pt)

Students were allowed to copy the notes on Temperature and compare the three temperature scales.  We also reviewed how to convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius and vice versa. We also compared temperature and heat.  Finally we discussed how to add, subtract numbers in scientific notation.

9-20 (Wednesday)

We had a short poptest on scientific notation (10 pts).  Then, we reviewed the correct answers and completed the Scientific Notation WS ( 50 pts) in class.

9-19 (Tuesday)

Students were taught the 5 steps to writing regular numbers in scientific notation.  We learned the parts to scientific notation worked several problems, and were assigned the practice problems from p. R102, #54 (18 pts).  We also learned how to change scientific notation into a regular number.

9-18 (Monday)

The teacher was at a workshop, so students copied the rules for scientific notation from a worksheet and worked problems from their textbook on how to change regular numbers to scientific notation.  They also were to work problems dealing w/numbers in scientific notation (add, subtract, multiply and divide). All work was turned in at the end of the period.