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10/6 (Monday) - SI Lab Introduction
Students received their SI Lab directions and answer sheets. We went over each part of the lab w/directions that they were expected to pay attention and work the lab by themselves w/little to no assistance. Reading comprehension was emphasized. Questions were to be asked during the review session and not during the lab. They were also directed to have a pencil and the proverbial calculator for the 9 Weeks Exam on Tuesday.

10/7 (Tuesday) - 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test and SI Length Lab WS
Students were to take and complete the 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test during class and begin the Length Lab WS. The Length Lab WS begins the individual measurements and calculation that will be needed in the SI Lab. They were reminded to dress appropriately for the SI Lab on Tuesday.

1st Pd - Worked on the Measurement Rev. Guide in class. Most of them did not finish, so it was to be finished for homework and turned in Monday. They also picked up the Measurement Crossword Puzzle which was for homework to help them review for the Measurement Quiz on Monday.

All other Physical Science classes took the Measurement Crossword Puzzle when the bell rang. Then they took the Measurement Quiz afterwards. They were all given the 1st Quarter Review Guide for their Benchmark Test on Tuesday.

Today, we reviewed the concepts of measurement from the English System of Measurement to SI. The short way to convert and the dimensional analysis method were reviewed. Then, we discussed estimation of units and got the Measurement Review Guide for homework in preparation for the Measurement Quiz on tomorrow. The 1st Nine Weeks Exam will be on Tuesday. Each student will get the Review Guide on Friday.

Students defined the terms from Measurement Vocabulary and turned it in for a 40 pt grade. Many students had problems learning how to use their notes and the index for definitions as well as reading in the chapter. They will have the Temperature Conversions Test on Wednesday so that they may be able to look over and correct their mistakes.

Students took the Temperature Conversions Test today. They finished their Measurement Review Questions after the test. As we finish the chapter on measurement, students need to review for the 1st Qtr Benchmark Test. The 1st 9 Weeks Test will be on Friday, Oct. 10.

Today, we discussed how to read a table w/the information in it. We mentioned that it is a different way to ask questions w/the information put inside of the table. Students were to work 20 temperature conversion word problems using the Temperature Conversion Table. They must memorize the formulas for converting from Celsius to Kelvin, Kelvin to Celsius, Celsius to Fahrenheit, and Fahrenheit to Celsius. They will have a Temperature Conversion Test on Tomorrow. Once again, several students are not bringing their calculators to class and are lowering their grades as a result. Bring those calculators, you'll need them!!!

Students went over the 3 temperature scales. We named the boiling pt of water, freezing pt of water and body temperature on all scales. Then we converted from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. Finally we concluded with conversions between the Celsius and Kelvin scale. As class ended we began a Celsius to Fahrenheit worksheet. We will finish it tomorrow along w/a Temperature Conversion Table. NO HOMEWORK with the parade tonight.

Today, we reviewed the prefixes and had the SI Conversions Test. Short 10 question test to see if the students understand the dimensional analysis and how to convert in SI. They were given the SI/English Conversion WS to do if they wanted to complete it for extra points. They were not told it was for extra points though. It was an "If you want to" assignment.

We reviewed the process of writing SI conversion factors. Then, we worked 3 SI Conversions on the board. When, no questions resulted, we began the SI conversions WS. We will have an SI Conversions Test on Thursday. Many students once again, did not bring their calculators as they were instructed to have them each day.