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Today, we took the Temperature Conversions Test. Very easy, just take the time and do the math. Understand the various temperatures on the three scales. After the test, we began the 1st Qtr Benchmark Review Guide in preparation for the 1st Qtr Benchmark Test on Thursday. Grade Sheets are also due on Thursday at the beginning of class. The 9 Weeks grading period ends on Friday.

Today, we learned how to read a table w/some information put in and use that information to find the answers to the empty spaces. Reading tables and performing temperature conversions was our goal for today. We will have a test on Temperature Conversions similar to the table we did in class today. Also, each student will get their own 1st Qtr Benchmark Review Guide to review for the Benchmark Teston Thursday, Oct. 11. The test will cover everything from Day one to now. These items are Classroom Rules, Lab Safety, Lab Equipment, Scientific notation, Calculator Use, English Conversions, Metric System, SI Conversions and Temperature Conversions. Review and be ready.

1st Qtr Review Guide
Today, we converted from the Kelvin temperature scale to the Celsius scale and vice versa. We also converted between the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales on two worksheets. We are preparing for a Temperature Conversions Test on Tuesday of next week (10/9/12). We also will have our 1st Qtr Benchmark in Physical Science on Thursday, 10/11/12. I've attached the 1st Qtr Benchmark Review Guide which they will get on Monday/Tuesday. Review so, you can do well on the Benchmark which counts 18% of the 1st Semester Grade.

Today, we discussed the 3 temperature scales in science. We also learned how to convert from the Fahrenheit Scale to the Celsius Scale and vice versa. We also learned how to go from the Celsius to the Kelvin scale. We also transposed the body temperature, freezing pt and boiling pt of water on all 3 scales. Calculators are needed tomorrow so we can prove we can convert in temperature scales.

The students took the SI Conversions Test and began the English/SI Conversions Worksheet. They were given the 3 "Bridge" conversion factors to allow them to do the conversions. This is the final part of System Conversions using Dimensional Analysis. Next, Temperature Conversions. You will still need your calculator each day for the next 2 weeks.

Today we converted in SI. We used conversion factors to convert from one SI unit to another SI unit in mass, volume and distance. There will be an SI Conversions Test tomorrow. Again, you must bring your calculator for the next 2 weeks each day. We still have students who refuse to bring a calculator. It makes your work very tough. Get on Board!!!