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We finished the Benchmarks in Physical Science today. Students were allowed to complete and work on a Periodic Table Wordsearch for BONUS points. AHSGE Exams will be next week. Language on Monday, Reading on Tuesday, BIOLOGY on Wednesday, Math on Thursday and Social Sciences/History on Friday. Then SPRING BREAK begins!!! Friday also signals the end of the 3rd Nine Weeks grading period!!!

Yesterday, we went completed the Reviews for the Chapter on Chemical Bonding and Chemical Reactions. We will orally review those concepts and complete the review on Motion and Forces. Students can go to the following link to review for the 3rd Qtr Benchmark.

Momentum and Newton's 3rd Law of Motion were discussed. In class, we completed the Momentum Word Problem WS and Forces Crossword Puzzle. Students were not happy, but were given the Forces Chapter Review to finish for homework over the weekend. All in an attempt to take the Forces Chapter Test Monday and the 3rd Qtr Benchmark on Thursday of next week.  Forces Vocabulary test was taken today also.

Now that we've finished to academic STUFF, we get to apply what we've learned about speed and acceleration. Today, we get to go outside and find our speed as we walk 10 yds then run 10 yds. We will determine our speeds in those distances. This is the 1st part to our SPEED lab. The weather has cooperated so far, so lets walk... and... Run.