Wednesday, October 17th

An NJHS meeting was held this afternoon to discuss the Fall Fun Fest as well as the Toys for Tots posters. Additionally, we discussed service hours as I have seventy students who have ZERO hours on file. If you have service hours, fill out the appropriate paperwork and get it turned in ASAP. All members need to have at least three hours on file by Friday, November 16th in order to go Toys for Tots shopping.

TFT posters will be due upon arrival to school Monday, October 29th. Posters should be no smaller than half a sheet of standard-sized poster paper. Posters should have all the important information as stated on the informational handout (the WHAT?, WHEN?, HOW?, WHY?). Posters should be visually appealing. I understand that not all students are artists; however, each poster should represent the student’s best effort. The “Toys For Tots Poster Information” sheet (linked below) will need to be printed out and accompany the TFT poster on Monday, October 29th.

COMING SOON! As soon as I have one, I will post a letter that you can take out into the community to verify our Toys for Tots drive. Feel free to print it out and show to anyone that may question if you are truly accepting donations for this worthy cause.