Wednesday, November 28th

A meeting was held this afternoon during 7th period Advisory to specifically cover the Toys for Tots shopping trip. If you missed the meeting, you will need to read the letter (linked below) and follow the instructions…..otherwise, you just might miss the opportunity to go shopping with us.

***It is IMPERATIVE that students turn these permission slips into Mrs. Gingras by the due date of Friday, November 30th. I know that’s a really fast turn around, but as I stated at the meeting this afternoon—-when we make things as materialistic as a cell phone a priority, then the truly important things in life LIKE DEADLINES should be just as important. I’ll say it again this way….if it’s a big enough deal to you to want to go shopping, you will see to it that your permission slip is turned into me (Mrs. Gingras) by Friday, November 30th.

Concerning the DRESS CODE for Wednesday, December 5th:

  • Female NJHS members who wear leggings or jeggings to school on Wednesday, December 5th WILL NOT be permitted to go shopping.
  •  Male NJHS members must wear a belt AND tuck in their Toys for Tots shirt in order to be permitted to go shopping on Wednesday, December 5th. Shirts must stay tucked in from from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
  •  All members are required to wear their Toys for Tots shirt on Wednesday, December 5th in order to go shopping as well.

Students were directed to “stay tuned” regarding lunch details. When I know exact plans, I will begin to filter the word out via Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Colley, as well as Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Richardson.