Need Service Hours?

Do You Need to Complete Service Hours?

This was just sent to your sponsors from OMHS Athletic Boosters regarding an opportunity you may want to take advantage of via this year’s OAK MOUNTAIN EAGLE DAY which will be held on Saturday, August 18th. If you have any questions, please direct those to Kaye Smith.


We’d love to have participation from the N.J.H.S. 8th grade students again this year. If any of them need service hours, please share this link with them:
The shifts are 1.5 hours long, so they’d need to work as many shifts as needed to accrue their hours. They will also need to be sure to get their volunteer form signed before they leave.
I’m also attaching the order form for tickets, in case they’d like to stay and eat also. The more, the merrier.
Call/email me with any questions. Thanks!
2018 Eagle Day Ticket Form — the order form that was mentioned above.

NJHS Info. for Monday’s Attendees

Parents, Guardians, Family and Friends of the 2018-2019 NJHS Inductees,

For those of you are who are planning to attend Monday’s NJHS Induction Ceremony, please take a moment to read over the following letter from our School Resource Officer, Deputy Shivers. It will explain where you need to park, direct you to the only door that you will be permitted through which to enter the building, how to obtain a visitor sticker, and more!

Once you have parked in the appropriate location, entered the building correctly, and acquired a visitor sticker, please go sit in the gymnasium in the bleachers in the section closest to the stage. You may sit in the bleachers to either side of the gym floor—7th grade side or 8th grade side—, but again, please slide down to sit in the section closest to the stage. Also, if you need a restroom, following Deputy Shivers’ directions, please use the facilities on our Concession Hall.

An approximate time frame was posted last week to help with those of you who will be returning to work after the festivities. Just look for the Wednesday, May 2nd post.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Gingras. I am happy to help as needed!



Wednesday, May 2nd

The NJHS Induction and Reception will be held on the morning of Monday, May 14th. 7th grade students were informed today to report to the GYM to get further instructions from Mr. Burdett after the 7:40 AM bell. 8th grade students should report to Mrs. Gingras in the CAFETERIA. Students will miss all of 1st period and most of 2nd period; therefore, students should make plans beforehand to discuss turning in work and receiving make-up work with their respective teachers.

Parents, I know that many of you will want to attend this event and celebrate your child’s accomplishments. The induction will be from approximately 8:15 to 9:00 AM. The reception will follow thereafter and will probably last until 9:30-ish. (Please do not feel like you have to stay for the entire reception…although you are welcomed to!!) Refreshments will be served.

Parents, please check back in to this blog for further instructions on where you should park and which entrance you should come in to obtain a visitors sticker. Our protocol has changed, and I want to make sure I am giving you the correct steps to follow while maintaining our school’s safety plan.

Students (7th and 8th graders) were told today that they should be “dressed for success” on Monday, May 14th. Male students are being directed to wear khaki or navy pants with a nice collared shirt. Female students were directed to wear a dress that is within dress code–make sure the length is long enough in the front and back–or wear pants and a nice top. Students were told not to wear shorts or leggings with a long t-shirt. 8th graders who come to school inappropriately dressed for this more formal occasion will be sent back to class and will not participate in any of the induction activities. (Students will be given a small amount of time to change into more comfortable clothes, so feel free to bring a change of clothes if you wish.)

If you have questions, feel free to email me at

Otherwise, check back in early next week and I will have specific directions for those parents who are wanting to attend the ceremony on Monday, May 14th in terms of where to park and where to enter the building to sign in and get your visitors sticker. Thank you…and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Friday, April 20th

7th grade students who are being considered for National Junior Honor Society met with Mrs. Gingras today during Advisory. The application packet/process was discussed in detail. Students were not given a hard copy of these packets; therefore,students wishing to continue their selection process will need to print out the packet: NJHS Application Packet 2018

As was stated throughout the meeting several times, no 7th grade student has “made” OMMS’s NJHS; however, the students Mrs. Gingras met with today are being CONSIDERED for this service organization.

All paperwork is due back to an NJHS sponsor (preferably Mrs. Gingras) by Friday, April 27th.

Further information regarding membership into the NJHS will be given to eligible students at the beginning of May.

Friday, December 1st

OUTSTANDING JOB TODAY, STUDENTS!!!! I could not be prouder of you! Thank you for making good decisions today, remembering who you were representing, and having a willingness to support those in need.

Remember, those of you who shopped today earned SIX service hours. You DO NOT have to complete any paperwork regarding these hours though. I will update your files accordingly.

What a great day!!!



Regarding some of the numbers you heard at the beginning of this afternoon’s assembly/program, since 1999, students at OMMS have raised $442,278!! Again, that’s nearly HALF. A. MILLION. DOLLARS!!!!! This year we raised $22,207.44. With that money, you all bought 1882 toys today. This year’s cash amount broke down like this:

  • 6th grade: $3,633.00
  • 7th grade: $5646.10
  • 8th grade: $10,341.71

Again, AWESOME JOB, y’all! We are so stinking proud of all of the students at OMMS…but especially you 8th graders!!! My heart is so, so full!

Tuesday, November 14th

A meeting was held this afternoon during 7th period Advisory to specifically cover the Toys for Tots shopping trip. If you missed the meeting, you will need to read the letter (linked below) and follow the instructions…..otherwise, you just might miss the opportunity to go shopping with us.

Concerning the DRESS CODE for Friday, December 1st:

Female NJHS members who wear leggings or jeggings to school on Friday, December 1st WILL NOT be permitted to go shopping.

Male NJHS members must wear a belt AND tuck in their Toys for Tots shirt in order to be permitted to go shopping on Friday, December 1st. Shirts must stay tucked in from from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

All members are required to wear their Toys for Tots shirt on Friday, December  1st in order to go shopping as well.

Finally, all members must have three service hours on file by 3:00 PM Tuesday, November 28th in order to go shopping. NO LATE HOURS WILL BE ACCEPTED! [This date had to be moved up because the Marines told us they were coming on Friday, December 1st.]

Wednesday, October 18th

An NJHS meeting was held this afternoon to discuss Toys for Tots posters. Additionally, we discussed service hours as I have ninety-eight students who have ZERO hours on file. If you have service hours, fill out the appropriate paperwork and get it turned in ASAP. All members need to have at least three hours on file by Friday, December 1st in order to go Toys for Tots shopping.

TFT posters will be due upon arrival to school Monday, October 30th. Posters should be no smaller than half a sheet of standard-sized poster paper. Posters should have all the important information as stated on the informational handout (the WHAT?, WHEN?, HOW?, WHY?). Posters should be visually appealing. I understand that not all students are artists; however, each poster should represent the student’s best effort. The “Toys For Tots Poster Information” sheet (linked below) will need to be printed out and accompany the TFT poster on Monday, October 30th.

Also, below you will find a letter that you can take out into the community to verify our Toys for Tots drive. Feel free to print it out and show to anyone that may question if you are truly accepting donations for this worthy cause.

Wednesday, Sept. 6th

This afternoon we met in the lunchroom during Advisory and discussed the following (via this Parent Letter 2017 that will need to be signed and returned with payment of dues):

  • ATTENDANCE: Members are required to attend all meetings. If a member misses a meeting, he/she must show verification of the absence being excused. Read the Parent Letter to find out more.
  • GRADES: Members must maintain a specific number of points in their four academic classes. Grades will be checked periodically; however, if a member knows his GPA has fallen too low, it is best to bring that to a sponsor’s attention immediately. Read the Parent Letter to find out more.
  • SERVICE HOURS: There is a specific number of volunteer hours members must acquire to go Toys For Tots shopping as well as to participate in the tapping and induction activities in the Spring. Additionally, there is proper paperwork that must be completed and turned in for volunteer hours “to count.” Sponsors WILL NOT accept emails from parents or the supervisor/group leader of the activity verifying a member’s participation community service hours. Proper documentation (the handout) can be found on this NJHS blog above.  Read the Parent Letter to find out more.
  • DISCIPLINE: Members should have ZERO offenses to include but not be limited to pink slips (warning), pink slips (detention) writing assignments, etc. Discipline records will be reviewed periodically; however, a member should tell a sponsor ASAP if they have been found guilty of an infraction. Read the Parent Letter to find out more. 
  • DEADLINES: There will be a number of deadlines that MUST be met if a member wishes to stay in good standing and/or participate in various NJHS-related activities. With roughly 130 students who make up this prestigious organization, sponsors will not send out individual reminders. Rather, members have been encouraged to attend meetings, check the blog, check with other members, listen to the announcements, etc. to stay in-the-know. Read the Parent Letter to find out more. 
  • DUES & VERIFICATION: Verification of a parent/guardian reading the parent letter and payment of dues is due no later than Tuesday, September 19th. Read the Parent Letter to find out more. 


Last Thing! Would you like to be considered for an officer position? If so, please submit in writing to Mrs. Gingras WHY you would like to be considered for an officer position and explain WHAT qualities, characteristics or talents you have that makes you a viable candidate and therefore should be seriously considered. The due date for this is Friday, September 22nd. 


Make plans to attend our first NJHS meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 6th during Advisory.

You will need to check in with your Advisory teacher for attendance purposes, but then you will need to hurry to the cafeteria where Mrs. Gingras will be hosting the meeting. Your attendance is mandatory, so again, make plans to attend!

Feel free to bring documentation of any volunteer hours you have gained since May 26, 2017. You will need to use this form Individual Community Service Hours and get the proper signature on it verifying your service.

DID YOU VOLUNTEER AT EAGLE DAY? In order to get credit for these hours you MUST get proper documentation (the service hours sheet linked above) as well as a valid signature by whom you received the hours.

Welcome Back!

NJHS Members,

I will be calling a meeting soon—and most likely we will meet during Advisory because it seems we get a better turn out then. For now though, if you collected any volunteer hours over the summer, make sure those hours are documented and signed by the adult who oversaw your duties.

Here’s a link to the Individual Community Service Hours


Additionally, are you looking for an opportunity to gain some (more) volunteer hours? Check this out from Mrs. Smith the OMHSAB Treasurer:

We need some help with the inflatables at the sports festival on Saturday

Eagle Day volunteers can sign up at the following link :!/showSignUp/4090C4BAEA72AA5F85-2016

We could always use some additional parent volunteers.