OMES Students Hold Book Drive to Benefit Library in South Africa

OMES BookdriveOak Mountain Elementary GRC (Gifted Resource Class) students recently held a book drive to contribute to the Learning Dreams Library in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa.  Cornelius Ngosa and Prima Shimoomba, both residents of Jeffrey’s Bay, recently visited with OMES students and shared about their culture, heart for children, and love of education.  Their dream is to build a library which will give the children access to books, music and tutoring instruction. 

The OMES GRC students have spent time studying about compassion and decided to put their learning into action.  All of the students in the school became involved in this incredible project.  In the end, 1,752 books were collected.  The students invited Ngosa and Shimoomba back to the classroom after the book drive was complete.  They were able to celebrate together, see pictures of the children they will be helping, and learn even more about putting their compassion into action.

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