Jan Cibulski, center, is pictured with Deputy Superintendent Tom Ferguson and Assistant Superintendent Lewis Brooks.
Shelby County Schools Head Nurse Jan Cibulski was honored today as a recipient of a 2015 Healthcare Professional of the Year award given by the Greater Shelby County Chamber of Commerce. Cibulski, the winner in the nursing category, was one of 12 healthcare professionals from various Shelby County health related organizations who were honored.
“I am very proud of Jan for this honor,” said Dr. Lewis Brooks, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services. “With all that she has done to make sure that Shelby County Schools’ nursing program is one of the premiere nursing programs in the state, it shows how deserving she is of this honor.”
The award, presented by the Greater Shelby County Chamber of Commerce’s Health Services work group, recognizes individuals who have made an outstanding
contribution in healthcare to the community. Chairman Matthew Allen said this was the first year for the award, but there are plans to make it an annual event.
Any healthcare professional employed in the Shelby County area was eligible to be nominated.
Winners were recognized for their dedication to healthcare, accomplishing outstanding goals or tasks in a healthcare service role, and achieving outstanding status in the
healthcare community.
In addition to Cibulski, other winners were: Donna Sibley in the dietary health category, Stephanie Holderby for health administration, Donald Perrin for home health, Dr. Rupa Goolsby for obstetrics, Dr. Jessica Palmer for optometry, Dr. Mike Patterson for orthopedic medicine, Michele Carter for palliative care, Russ Hyde for physical therapy, Shanan Sims for psychiatry and Dr. James Sedlis for sports medicine.
State Representative April Weaver was also recognized as Health Care Advocate of the Year. Weaver was recognized for being a co-sponsor of the Gabe Griffin Right to Try legislation, which allows participants with terminal illnesses the opportunity to try medication that hasn’t been approved by the FDA. The bill, which was signed into law by Governor Robert Bentley is named for 10-year-old Mt Laurel student Gabe Griffin who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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