Shelby County College and Career Center Students Donate Wagons to Children’s of Alabama Hospital

Children's CCC Wagons 17Students from the Shelby County College and Career Center donated eight custom designed wagons to Children’s Alabama on May 13. The wagons were a project of the Beta Club, Student Government Association, and Collison Repair Career Technical Academy students.

The project grew out of the Shelby County Student Leadership Conference held last September where participants from every high school in Shelby County were challenged to do a service project to impact their local school or community. Ā The students from the Shelby County College and Career Center choose to do a project to impact Children’s of Alabama.

The students decided to do the customized wagons and came up with child-friendly themes such as favorite Disney characters, superheroes, and Star Wars. Each wagon was spray painted in the Collison Repair paint booth with colors to match each theme before being customized with stickers to complete the chosen themes.

Children's CCC Wagons 6Bonnie Bivins, Volunteer Coordinator at Children’s of Alabama, said the wagons will be a much-needed addition to the hospital’s fleet of wagons already in existence. Ā The wagons, which are sanitized daily by hospital volunteers, are used not only to transport the sick children around the hospitalĀ but to also assist families bringing in car seats and luggage for extended hospital stays.

“The children are absolutely going to love these wagons,” Bivins said. “They will be very popular.”

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