College and Career Center to Host 4th Annual Pink Out Day

The Student Government Association of The Shelby County College and Career Center is hostingĀ theĀ 4th Annual Pink Out Day to raise money for breast cancer research on Monday, October 28, 2013 from 12:30-2:00. Pink pretzels, pink lemonade, pink cupcakes, pink ice cream, pink hair, pink nails, and pink face paint will be sold. The entire school will be decorated in pink and all students and their cars will be pinked out as well. Students will also pay $1.00 to participate in pinked out games and activities. T-shirts with the slogan “No treat. No trick. Give cancer a kick” are also being sold. The Health Care Science class is also hosting an information booth about the importance of early detection and self exams. The students hope to raise awareness and thousands of dollars for breast cancer research.

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