Montevallo High School FFA Provides Support for Shelby County Water Festival

Eight students from Montevallo High School recently helped with the Shelby County Water Festival.  This event promotes environmental education in a “hands-on” way to approximately 1,200 4th graders from all across the county.  The purpose of the program is to emphasize the reality that water is a non-renewable resource that must be conserved and protected in our daily activities.

The event is hosted by the Shelby County Soil and Water Conservation District.  The event depends on community volunteers and the Future Farmers of America chapter at MHS was more than happy to provide volunteer assistance to make it a huge success.

The students helped escort students from building to building and provided assistance to presenters with setting up and taking down presentation displays. The students who assisted with the event were: Elizabeth Frederick, Meredith Goggins, Seth Hawks, Jesse White, Madison Fancher, Lupe Serrano, Lavoy Goetz, and Lena Buttgereit.

Many of Montevallo FFA’s volunteers actually attended the event when they were fourth graders. “It was really cool to be able to lead the fourth graders through the water festival.  I am a high school senior now but I can remember going through the program when I was their age,” said Seth Hawks, MHS FFA Vice President

 Blake Ray, the teacher advisory said event provides an opportunity for his students to serve the community as act as older role models for the younger students.

“I am thankful for the opportunity to allow our High School FFA officers to serve in this capacity.  They get so much joy out of helping these 4th graders learn a little about what they’ve gained as Agriscience Students,” said Ray. “I think the age difference is a great component to the whole situation.  The 4th graders see the FFA Officers as role models and the officers can still remember when they were in fourth grade.  So many high school students are too interested in what they can get out of the community, but these FFA Leaders are more interested in how they can volunteer and give back to society.”

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