Welcome Back!

I am so excited about starting a new year! We have lots of new faces and are all at a new school. The first two days have been busy and exciting. I can’t wait to see what wonderful things the students will accomplish this year!

End of the year-Important Dates!

  • May 6th – Registration Packets Due
  • May 6th  May 10th – 3rd Grade ARMT Testing 

Monday, May 6th      “Defeat the ARMT!” Wear team shirts

Tuesday, May 7th      “Let your true COLORS shine during testing!”   Wear bright colors

Wednesday, May 8th      “Don’t let the ARMT give you the blues” Wear something blue 

Thursday, May 9th      “Teachers are your biggest FAN!” Wear Mt Laurel shirts 

Friday, May 10th             “RELAX and do your best on the test!” Wear pajamas       

  • May 15th– Field Day
  • May 16th– End of the Year Party (more details later)
  • May 17th– Field Day Make Up (if needed)
  • May 23rd– Last Day of School!  School dismisses at 1.

Boosterthon Fun Run!

We will be having our annual fun run on Friday, April 12th at 9:00 am.  You are welcome to come out and support Mrs. Cespedes & Mrs. Holland’s Hall of Fame team! Thank you for all of the pledges you have already gotten and thanks in advance for the pledges you are still working on.  So far our class has earned extra recess, a pajama day, Popsicle party, and movie day with $46/lap  pledged so far! That is fantastic! Keep up the good work!

Renaissance Faire

Thank you to all of the parent (and student) volunteers that came out and helped make our Renaissance Faire so successful!  A HUGE THANK YOU to Joss’ mom and Reaves’ mom for all the hard work of putting our baskets together and getting our booths organized.  Thank you to ALL parents for the generous donations. We had so much fun and know you did too! (Even though I didn’t win the basket 🙂 )
Also, a BIG thank you to Kate P.’s mom for putting our classroom directory together.
We are looking forward to a fabulous October! 
Don’t forget- we will visit the school Book Fair on October 10th at 8:00.