
Below are links to websites and videos about computers.  Grab your headphones or earbuds and begin watching all of them.  Pay special attention to the vocabulary you see and/or hear.

Introduction to Computers – The Journey Inside

The Journey Inside – Direct link to the home page of many of the links below.

Introduction to Computers on Intel site – (Read through all seven lessons.  Press play to watch the video located at the bottom of some lessons.  Do not watch the other videos at the very bottom of the page.)

Circuits and Switches on Intel site (Read through all the lessons and watch the video if there is one at the bottom of the pages.  Do not watch the other videos at the very bottom of the page.)

Digital Information on Intel site (Read through all the lessons and watch the video if there is one at the bottom of the pages.  Do not watch the other videos at the very bottom of the page.)

Microprocessors on Intel site (Read through all the lessons and watch the video if there is one at the bottom of the pages.  Do not watch the other videos at the very bottom of the page.)

The Internet on Intel site.  (Same as above – read, watch the videos, and do any activities associated with the lessons.)

Technology and Society on Intel site.  (Same as above)

CPU Quiz – Test your knowledge about CPU’s.  (How Stuff Works site)

Computer History Quiz – Test your knowledge of computer history.  (How Stuff Works site)

(Video) Historic – Typewriter Training “Basic Typing I: Methods” pt1-2 1944 US Navy Training Film