“you know, they’re probably more vulnerable now…”

okay, brilliant thought for the day brought to you by the man and his son that sit behind me – now for three years strong at the bama games – first series yesterday for the opposing team, the owls of fla atlantic have a third and one – and they delay the game and are backed up five yards – and the father says “ooh, they’re going to be better now here b/c we would’ve stopped their run” – and i’m like “seriously??? you think third and six is better than third and one??? quick! tell coach saban so he can decline the penalty!!!”

“Never Fall Down” – so i finished this book in a day – yesterday to be exact – 1/2 before the bama game – and 1/2 during the game (thank you pay-per-view timeouts – really people, if you pay $40 for a game, why should you have to see commercials???) and so i’m done with high school BOB – don’t consider this a high school book at all – serious topic, 197os cambodia-vietnam conflict – serious issues (child soldier) – but in my high school days, we actually would’ve, oh, i don’t know… READ about the conflict and what happened and grappled with the US involvement – rather than read a child’s novelization…

“Catherine the Great” – yeah!!! finished friday – took forever – if she’d only had like five lovers instead of 12, maybe the book could’ve come in at 475 instead of 575 – anyway, catherine was great b/c she got rid of poland (literally) and developed the ukraine – and she was russia’s last female leader – unique character – but like reading a russian novel, it required some patience – the names probably most similarily to a novel from the same country

freed up from BOB obligations now and with a “big, serious” book finished, i’m looking to go brain dead for the rest of the fall – good times await:)


77 thoughts on ““you know, they’re probably more vulnerable now…””

  1. Whats up!!!!!! 😉 :0 😉 😀 😛

    ok, this is my first time blogging from the library so its gonna be a short one. i just got this new book called ” Octavian Nothing ” by: M.T. Anderson <– and i know that sounds like a REALLY stupid name nut its pretty cool ( i think ). its about some kid who lives with those people you see in the history books with those stupid white wigs and none of them have names exept him and his mom. His mane is Octavian ( hence the name of the title ) and he appanently opens some door hes not supposd to ( says the back of the book ) and something TOTALLY weird happens ( idk what happens though, im just telling you what the back of the book says )

    ok, i MIGHT gt this book, and i might not.

    and i just figured out the title is:

    The Astonishing Life Of
    Octavian Nothing
    volume 1 * The Pox Party

    weird / long name right?!

    ok well by my peeps 😉 yep i said peeps ( it sounds REALLY nerdy the way i say it )

    as i said before i MIGHT get this book and i MIGHT not, but im pretty sure im gonna get it. Ok, here i go, i got to go cause im gonna go check the book out. bye my peeps ( i say agian )

  2. Reading The People of Sparks, still good, people are still unorganized. They were moved into Sparks’ Pioneer Hotel, which from reading it’s basically a dump. This because the leaders are giving a tour of the hotel. The leaders are showing them the hotel because they have told the Emberites that they will be trained to start their own village. Half of them are for it, and the other half’s like: We don’t know how to build a village.

    Anyway, they’ve been showing them around, and the bedrooms are missing beds, the dining room has broken chairs laying everywhere, and the ballroom is a mess. The stage is just torn apart, and there’s junk all over the floor. In mostly every room the walls have chipped paint in sizes the size of your head every few feet. It makes the walls look like cheetahs, when I think of it. Also, the floor is all scratched up and the floorboards are loose.

    This just shows that there’s going to be hardships in the future, like for me when I have to eat what ever vegan concoction my parents have made. (They’re vegan)

  3. creative

    so when we last left off our hero is facing death with an arrow sticking out of him
    “Bloody assassins,killing and robbing everyone they see”. the arrow is close to his heart so he has to be careful not to puncture the vital organ.he think long and hard as he tries to think of a way to get the arrow out.he takes his dagger and cuts some cloth as he tries to make bandages.he sees a tree and runs full force at it.when he hit the arrow flies out and he cuts the tip off.he pulls the shaft out and bandages him self up.

    he tries to remember where to go as he travels down the stream.he see a bear and walks around the den.he stumbles on some rocks and falls down a hole.he looks around and he realizes he is in the assassins camp. he pulls out his sword and tries to sneak out quietly.the assassins hear him and capture him.they throw him into to the catacombs and they go away to tell their leader.

    he tries to find a way out because the leader will skin him alive.he finds a hole and crawls through .he finds a rare sword called DEATHS TOUCH and he grabs a shield so he can protect himself.the leader comes in and pulls out he battle axe and charges in to attack. Tim grabs his sword and trust it out and jabs the leader in the gut.

    the leader chokes on his blood and tells Tim this is only the beginning.

  4. :} creative

    As the cold flakes stick to my window, I am longing.
    I am longing for many things at the moment actually.
    I am longing to see my father again,
    He is with the angels, I am certian.
    Daddy died in a ski accident.
    I am mourning his death in great sorrow.
    If only is thing I am wondering.
    If only we didn’t move to Maine,
    he wouldn’t of gone skiing.
    Then I could still hug him
    and feel his love wrapping around me like a blanket.

    I am longing to see my friends too.
    I miss them.
    I wish for their comfort.
    They would surely comfort me in my situation.

    I am longing to be happy.
    Ever since the move I knew I would hate it.
    All these sorrowfull things in my life make me very unhappy.
    Whithout daddy, friends, and happiness…
    I long to be normal.
    I am longing to be me again.
    The real me. 🙁

  5. WOW, Annmarie, u should learn to spell someday. (not meant in a bad way just in the way that i always tell u that u are a horrible speller)

    Anyway IT’S CHEESEY INTRO TIME!!!!!!!

    WWWWAAAAAAZZZZUUUUPPPPP MY FELLOW GTers.(new word i invented 2
    seconds ago and now 3 now 4 now 5.)

    SO, i am reading a book called code talkers and it is a fake story about navajo indians who are being specifically to the marines to talk in there native language so the japs cant intercept their messages and beat the americans to whatever they wanna do in the middle of WWII (by the way, WWII means world war two) The main character had to go to bording school and he got a new name which is ned begay as apposed to the like 20 other kids who were named john this or john that. Ned and all the other navajos who want to join up with the marines can easily lie about there age because they dont get birth certificates on the reservation. Ned didnt exactly lie when he was asked his age, he said he was old enough. He thought 16 was plenty old even though legally you had to be 17 to join. So the guy belived him and he was shipped out to boot camp for basic training. He has to learn to swim which is hilarious becuase ned just walks around under the water until he is tuaght to swim by the instrucors. The book is funny and serious at the same time. Yall should get it.

  6. First of all, I feel the need to apologize for my horrible irregular blogging!!!
    That is totally not like me! So I apologize for not being regular. (: Lol..
    I am going to try and go ahead and do my twenty minutes of blogging tonight because I have a busy week this week!
    We have a football game Thursday so I won’t be able to do any blogging that night.
    My parents are going to the beach for their anniversary. And they are abandoning me for five days!
    So Tuesday night I will be packing my things to stay with my friends family for five days.
    So I won’t be able to blog Tuesday night.
    And then Wednesday I have band practice and then church!
    I also didn’t get to blog very much last week because I had NO Time to read! I did not get to read AT ALL last week!
    Band is really exhausting and time consuming! I love it though.

    Alrightey so I blogged for a very short time about the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
    I don’t think I did the book ANY JUSTICE Whatsoever. It is a beautiful book. Seriously, no words can explain how perfectly the author is able to capture a teenager’s mind.
    I don’t think that adults would be able to appreciate the book as much as a struggling teen may be able to.
    When you read the book, it feels like you have become friends with the main character. It’s pretty amazing.
    They actually have made a movie based on it that came out last weekend. It’s got Logan Lerman and Emma Watson in it (Percy Jackson AND Hermione Granger in ONE MOVIE!!)

    So I am going to do my absolute best to describe the book.
    Charlie is the main character. He is a weird kid that doesn’t have any friends. He is a social outcast. And it is his first year starting high school. He has been emotionally distressed because a year earlier the only friend he had, his best friend, commited suicide.

    It messed Charlie up so badly that he had to get therapy because he was so depressed all the time.
    Charlie starts his freshman year without any friends.
    The books is consisted of a bunch of letters that Charlie writes. It is like a diary but more personal.
    You really learn a lot about Charlie’s past and who he is as a person.
    He writes the letters everyday and then sends them off to some random address.
    Charlie ends up making friends with two people, Patrick and Sam. Patrick is a very Flamboyant character (He’s GAY) << He is COMPLETELY Likeable though!
    Sam is a girl who reminds me of myself. (So yeah, I like her)
    Charlie constantly tells you about all the special times that he has with Sam and Patrick.
    The author completely captures what friendship is and how beautiful it can be.
    And plus, you feel so much happiness very Charlie because he finally has friends and its amazing!
    Seriously, I cannot believe how emotionally invested I got into this book. I sound like a lunatic talking about it.
    So the whole book is talking about basical high school stuff and things that Charlie observes.
    Charlie also finds a friend in his English teacher who gives him books to read and tells Charlie to write essays on them. Charlie's passion for writing and books is beautiful too. I wish Charlie was a real character because I would completely want to be friends with him.
    I am also seeing the movie on Friday with my PJ Powers, Adriane Tharp, and Margeaux. I AM GOING WITH ALL MY OLD FRIENDS! Since most of my friends are older than me!
    We have a band competition this Saturday so WOO! It's all the way in Phenix City. So it'll be a long day.
    I hope this blog makes up for the incredibly horrible one I did last week!
    Have a good week!

  7. BOOK:Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
    PROMPT:Author’s Purpose
    SIDE NOTES:Great book, horrible movie, what a great mix.Anyway fall starting, or as I like to call it, the People-Shouting-That-The-World-Is-Ending-Soon-Although-It-Probably-Won’t-For-About-100-Years season.

    J.K. Rowling wrote this piece to show Harry’s feelings, confusion, and thoughts on his current situation.It also tries to show Harry’s want for for the truth about Dumbledore.J.K. Rowling tries to put details on Harry’s feelings about Voldemort and the Horcruxes.

  8. Oh, and that was just my short version of what I call this years fall, the long version is : People-Shouting-That-The-World-Is-Ending-Soon-Although-It-Probably-Won’t-For-About-100-Years-And-They-Can’t-Listen-To-The-Possibility-That-The-Mayans-Got-Tired-Of-Writing-A-Calendar-That-Goes-On-For-100s-Of-Years.

  9. Yeah AnnMarie, you really need to learn to spell. I can’t say much……my computer has spell check. >:)

  10. Haha Andrew, yeah I KNOW I’m a horrible speller, but guess what? Right now I’m doing this on my phone, and my phone has auto-correct so HA!!!!! Now I TOTALLY can’t mess up ( that much ) and I just realized I ALREADY did my blog today so………why the heck am I doing it again?! Just wanted to state that Andrew, my spelling isn’t ALWAYS that bad. I mean it IS but I’m not THAT bad. All right this blog was TOTALLY pointless but……ya know. Well I got to go so……..word to ya mother ( said in weird gangsta voice ) 😉

  11. Ok Andrew I figured out ALL I spelt wrong was instead of “but” I put “nut” and instead of “name” I put “mane” and instead of “bye” I put “by” and instead of “get” I put gt and THAT’S all. Now let’s put into account that I was in a hurry and the keyboard thingy was broken.

    BUT when u pointed out my spelling you didn’t even spell my name right. ( haha, would you like a side of EPIC with that FAIL?! ) 😉 I’m not mad or anything I KNOW I’m a terrible speller. But now that I too pointed out my mastakes you can go back and figure out what my blog was SUPPOSED to say. ( haha ) 😉

    And here’s a shout out to all my bad spellers ( I got this from a phone wallpaper ) ” Bad Spellers Of The World Untie ” the joke incase you didn’t get it was we’re the bad spellers and we couldn’t spell “unite” so we spelt it wrong and it turned out “untie”

    Bye my peeps, word to ya mother ( again )

  12. So I am reading this book called glass arm and it is a baseball book and a catcher who reAlly can not throw a baseball at all so he practices every day and finally he ends up making a good throw to second base but while he is there a stranger was war bing as the catcher did not know it so he makes the good throw and the stranger asks him “do you mined coming down to bills big hit ” and once he says that the catcher says sure I will look in to that so he does and he ends up going and he likes but of course when he comes back none of his friends believe it because they. Ever knew that he practiced or anybody invited him to that place because it turns out that all the great baseball players that they knew went there when they were younger so that Is most of everything I read and I will tell you more later…

  13. Creative Writing


    He was the greatest dog in the world. Loyal, amazing with kids, my dog.
    I loved that dog as much as Mr. Mayfield and a good book.I will never forget when I went to the pet store and saw him.A few months old, chewing on a bone bigger than three of you put together.I knew in that moment, you were mine forever.As we left the pet store, you found as many butterflies as you could, and tried to eat them.A few years later, I wake up and you aren’t their.I go to look outside, nothing.As I walk in the kitchen, mom looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

    Police sirens. Everyone looked at me as though I was an orphan on the streets. I was so little, so confused. No idea what was going on. My step dad was being put in one of the police cars and driven away.A woman came to me. A smile on her face was warm, yet too good to be true.She put me an my sister into a car and drove away. When she stopped the car in front of a house with hundreds of children, I knew what was going on. Foster Care. I stayed their for awhile. When I left, I thought of my parents.

  14. So it turns out that all of his friends actually believe because he bright them over for hem to see what they did there if he actually did go there so the believed him finally so the whole entire team worked and trained there for about a month a they ended up being one of they best teams ever they played in lots of tournaments. It the one they wanted was the state tournament so they signed in for that and they ended up winning state so they one state and they were so happy everybody had a great time they threw a party and everything so that is what they did and it turned out to be a pretty decent book it is not one of my favorites by it was still pretty good so that is the book I read and I will tell you about another book tommorrow.

  15. Creative Writing


    Sorrow, an emotion that is so confusing.
    Words for sorrow are not found, but shown.
    Sadness does not meet expectations,
    longing has almost another meaning.
    Sorrow is found in so many places, yet so many
    people still don’t get the meaning.
    So many meanings for one word.
    Sorrow, undefined.

  16. I am still reading the book Payback by Paul Langan. Well, Tyray goes out to try to get a gun to get his reputation back, because he can not wait a week for a gun. He finds two guys on bikes and a couple others shooting baskets at a hoop. Tyray recognized them immediately. The boys shooting basketball were Eddie Bryson and Len Staley. And they 2 boys that were riding bikes were Cedric Hodden and Shamar Briggs. Tyray walked towards them and he said, “Whassup guys, how y’all doing?” Len said, “I remember you from seventh grade. You the dude that us’ta steal my lunch money. What’cha want?” Then Len tells everyone that Tyray got beat up by this little kid, Darrell Mercer. And they all start bursting out laughing. Then the 4 of them gang up on Tyray and they steal his coat and throw it on the roof of the apartment next to them. Then finally they let him go and he sees his jacket up their and a old lady opens the window and gets the jacket and throws it down to him. Then Tyray walks home. He walks in and his dad starts throwing all these questions at him like, Where were you and Why are you out so late? and stuff like that. Tyray says he was out looking for jobs and his dad shouts LIAR!!! Then he says tell me the truth boy. and Tyray says that he was out with friends shooting hoops. His dad says you shouldn’t be out so late with friends shooting hoops. And Tyray says, It’s Saturday. Tyray goes to bed and thinks to himself. I hate feeling so weak. I hate Bluford. I hate all the students. I hate all the teachers. I hate Darrell Mercer and what he has done to my life. And that night. for the first time ever he said that he hates himself.

  17. Hey Mr. Mayfeild I will blog for twenty mins on creative.
    Suddenly the world stoped moving and he just layed there he was knocked out cold. He just got layed out my the strong linebacker that filled in the gap and took him down. He lost three yards on the play as he was stopped and took out of the game who says that you cant get hurt with full pads on lied. He wasn’t the smallest but close to it as he only weighed two hundred pounds in highschool he could run fast jump high and juke people out just like anyother player in any collage team. As he was just about to get a scholarship he gets injured and all the people just have to stare and look as he was carried off the field on a stretcher. The florida state scout was there and liking his performance up untill he got laied out. As he is rushed to the hospital he has his mom by his side and he says sorry mom for not being tough. I just couldn’t go on anymore. His team won the game by one touchdown and he had to sit out for the next two games with a straighned acl and he just sat there and watch his team lose game by game. The day he came back he wanted to hit so bad after the whistle was blown he didn’t stop runiing and hit a reciever because all they did was watch him get hit no block or even a push but just getting hit was enough to make them scared. Nobody lies to get hit because once you hurt them they stay down.

  18. Ok, so is it just me or is it just SO fun for everyone to point out that I’m a terrible speller?! Now I’m not gonna say names, Andrew and Bailey, oh wait I DID say names. Just kidding I don’t care I KNOW I’m a bad speller. But HA cause today I’m doing my blog on my phone and as I said before it has spell check, so HA HA!!!! Alrighty today I’m gonna do one of my TOTALLY magnificent terribly awesome horrible poems ( oxey moron Mr. Mayfield ) hummmmmm…….. What to write, what to write, what to write?

    Anxiety fills the air.
    Betrayal eats opon the people wondering though the halls.
    Carrying their books,
    Depressed and sad.
    Elephants trudging though the halls sadly.
    Fatel sorrow devowerig your soul.
    Gosh, you’d think it would be happy here.
    Happy because you get to see your friends but yet your
    Iceolated from them.
    Justice! We need it.
    Kept from talking,
    Left from your peers.
    Monitors watching you, making sure everythigs PERFECT.
    Nothing matters anymore, just silance.
    Open doors but still no way out.
    People all around but no one to talk to
    Quiet!!!! Someone near you yells.
    Running around the corner, hoping they weren’t talking to you.
    Someone pulls you over.
    Tuff luck, no one can help you now.
    Unite! We must unite to fight for the cause.
    Victory will be ours
    When we come together we can not be stopped.
    X- rays, it’s like they can see though your plan.
    Your the only person who can help.
    Zip! Too late we’ve got detention.


    That’s all. NOW, we all know school ain’t THAT bad so get over it, haha 😉

    Word up, peeps

  19. This is my creative post for the week.


    The breathing wind swallows our sorrows, blowing
    them elsewhere. The shining sun melts our mistakes,
    and absorbs them like a sponge. The people make our
    happiness grow, and become our friends. Only not
    everyday is redeeming.

    The storm clouds thunder, and our guilt returns, taking
    the sun with it. Not all people are nice and warm, but are
    jerks and are cold. We steal, harm, or kill. We steal
    happiness, or harm it, or kill it. Some days may seem
    perfect, but they never really are.

  20. Does caleb blog??? If he dosent read this someone tell him i close his locker like every day and he dosent notice until im gone. >:) evil laugh: BWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!

    So anyway i am reading code talkers and not much has happened since boot camp or indian bording school. So ned and his fellow code talkers have finally been shipped out to hawaii which i think is funny because the only part of the war that got to hawaii was the pearl harbor stuff. But ned and his brigade went there anyway for reasons that i dont know about right now. This book is fiction but at first i thought it was real because it was told from the point of view of a grandpa telling his grandkids about his story.
    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FORGOT THE CHEESEY INTRO!!! Ive let you all down. Please forgive me peeps.

  21. I’m reading Harry Potter 3. If you don’t konw which one that is ask fred. Oh and dr. mayfield your right AnnMarie ( and you can’t complain about that spelling) is a wildcard.

  22. I’m reading Harry Potter 3. If you don’t konw which one that is ask fred. Oh and dr. mayfield your right AnnMarie ( and you can’t complain about that spelling) is a wildcard.

    in this book im at the part where the gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch game. One of the fact is that Malfoy learns not to do stupid pranks any more. I infer that because He,Crabbe,Goyle, and Marcus Flint tried to dress up as dementors but harry used a potronus charn=m and stunned them.

    If you have any questions ask someone that loves Harry Potter.

  23. I am still reading the book Payback by Paul Langan. Tyray heard his dad yelling at his mom. He peaked out of the door through the crack and saw that Tyray’s dad was pulling his mom’s hair and and yelling in her face. Then Tyray’s dad slapped his mom in the face and she fell to the ground. Tyray waited for her to do something like grabbing a frying pan and hitting his dad on the head with it or pack her thing and bring him and Warren to grandma’s house. but she didn’t. On Monday the phone rang before Tyray left for school and it was Mrs. Hodden. She called to apologize for what her grandson did to Tyray Saturday night. Tyray’s face turned red hot with shame and said, “I don’t know what she is talking about. I heard she drinks a lot so she is probably drunk. Tyray’s mom stared at him with sadness and concern and with her look Tyray rushed out of the room. The only thing that kept him moving was the thought of the gun. After school Tyray went down to 43rd street and found Jupiter James. If no one had a gun it would be him. “Hey, whassup?” Tyray said to Jupiter when he walked up to him. “Whatcha want, boy?” Jupiter replied. “I’m looking for a gun.” Tyray answered. “What makes you think Ive got one?” Jupiter asked. “Because of your brother.” Tyray replied. “I ain’t my brother.” Jupiter replied. “I just need a gun.” Tyray commented. ‘What for?” Jupiter responded. “I got a score to settle. Some guys at school are hassling’ me, and I need to protect myself.” Tyray replied. “Lemme look around, but you know it’s going to cost you.” Jupiter commented. “How much?” Tyray asked. “Fifty and that’s only for a cheap gun, nothing fancy.” Jupiter replied. “Fifty?!” Tyray said surprisingly. “Yeah, you figuring to get a gun for chump change, boy?” Jupiter said. “No. No. I ain’t complaining.” Tyray said quickly. “I’ll get you the money and I’ll be back.” Tyray said. Jupiter did not acknowledge Tyray’s response. Instead, he strolled away in silence. Mr. Mitchell said, “Can I talk to you after class, Tyray?” And Tyray said sure while rolling his eyes. And Mr. Mitchell starts to talk about what happened between Darrell Mercer and him. Mr. Mitchell said, “A lot has happened to you in the last couple of weeks. How are you doing good with everything?” Tyray replies, “I’m fine. My wrist is healing up good. The doctor says I can get the cast off in 4 weeks.” “That’s great. Listen, I know that was a pretty rough experience you went through. If someone’s making it difficult for you-” Mr. Mitchell said. “Everything’s cool.” Tyray replied abruptly, leaning back in his chair and staring at his cast. “Tyray look,” Mr Mitchell said, “I know you’re hurting, and I just want you to know that I’ve been there. I’ve been right where you are now. When i was your age i built a wall around myself, too. A lot of guys do that because they believe that it’s the manly way. But it’s not. The manly way is to admit that you’ve got things tearing you up on the inside. That’s what being a man means. It’s not about hiding your feelings and being angry at everyone. It’s about dealing with them so that you can be stronger than you used to be.” “You are not in a good place at all.” Mr. Mitchell added when Tyray did not reply. Mr. Mitchell said if Tyray ever needs to talk to someone that he is always there. And Tyray walked out of the classroom thinking I don’t need anyone to talk to I just need 50 dollars and a gun, and that’s it.

  24. Heeeeeey, Anna is beside me right now cause im doing this in Mrs. Waites class. Anna just wants Mr.Mayfield to know that she REALLY deserves a brownie. And BILLY im not THAT much of a wildcard im just funny unlike SOME poeple ( i just WONDER who THAT is ). And guess what Anna is being my spell check person today so together we will concer the insults of my spelling TOGETHER!!!!!!!! Super Powers Unite!!!!!!!

    alrighty im doing a poem today but i have no idea what its gonna be about 🙂

    and we are about to have to go so im just gonna do my poem later and we can call this an intro ok? Well i dont care if you agree i have ALL power over the people right now OH YEAH!!!!!!

    bye peoples of the world. and for all the people that say : whats up. before they start their blog i am answering right now. Answer: Half the world. unless your Caleb thenn the answer is : Hal the world ( its an inside joke )

    word up peoples 😉

    just to remember this is my intro for the poem i will write later.

    haha my spelling isnt THAT bad HA HA!!!!!

  25. This is a creative called “The Big One”

    One day I was fishing and i got a bite it took my bait so I rebaited and through back out I got hung or did I it was the biggest fish I had ever laid my eyes on it was at least 150lbs my net was to small to dip it up I could not pull it up on the bank it was to heavy I was going to get a camera to get a picture and he started to pull i fought it for another hour it was massive finally I got it to the bank and tried to pull again but he took off and I fought it for 6 hours it was dark my dad came looking for me and me and him together pulled it up on the bank we took it to a place to get its weight it was 136lbs the new world record it was the greatest moment of my life.

  26. i DESERVE that brownie you r the best teacher eva if u give me one
    ps i am not the best spell checker ever
    so dont be tellin me she spelled somethin wrong cuz i really wasnt paying attention
    (sorry AnnMarie)
    PS AnnMarie your name would be SO AWESOME IF IT WAS ANNAMARIE
    why? bcuz i am awesome therefore my name is awesome therefore if my name was in your name it would be awesome
    mr.mayfield if you want to that brownie can be homeade
    just dont spit in it like the stupid mcdonalds guy
    (long story not putting it)
    actually i would prefer it that way
    what? it will be done by the time i go to your class?
    thx mr mayfield see you in like 3 hours

  27. creative

    When will they come? Are they dangerous?Are they evil? What do we do?
    The fluffy teddy bears have found me.save your selfs! Don’t be fooled by there cuteness.

  28. i made the scholar’s bowl team!! anyway i am going to do another creative.
    Always Smile

    It was another day of, grrrrr, middle school.
    I try telling my mom how terrible it is, but she always says,”always smile!:)”
    but how can I when I am always getting bullied by the same girl?
    I am surprised to get through middle school.
    Next step: High School.
    I was so excited to get out of middle school until I found out that high school is worse. 🙁
    Of course my mom says,”always smile!:)”.
    I try my best and I am am doing pretty good until my mom gets cancer.
    I cry all day because of it.
    My mom says in a weak voice,”always smile”.
    She fights her cancer pretty well until it spread.
    Then slowly she died.
    I cried all day long.
    Then a little voice in my head told my this,”always smile!:)”

  29. HA to AnnMarie because I won the court case this afternoon and once again, HA!!!! 😛
    And I am an awesome lawyer because I won and you lost and I am better at interrogating than you so Ha, HA, and a side of HA!!!!
    Plus if one day I end up going to real court I DO NOT want the same people in the jury because you guys apparently just like writing “guilty”.
    Anyway Mr.Mayfield you can send me that brownie on Monday bcuz you aren`t gonna b here. BUT THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR LAST WEEK WHICH I DONT THINK YOU EVEN READ THE COMMENT!!!!!!!! You were supposed to give me a brownie like, a KAJILLION years ago. Besides if you have the weekend to prepare you can tell the people at whatever bakery you go to to put like little decorations with frosting or something. Like really you need to pay attention to how good I am compare me to some other random kid who slaps you in the face every day, like cmon I would give myself a brownie!!!!! O btw my foot hurts from “fastly” dropping that ball of taffy. Or toffee. Oh idc.
    (the only reason im doing this is cuz everyone else does it)
    god im so cheesey:)

  30. ps to what i just posted long story on the fastly part just ignore it unless you are mayfield 5th block then ya know whut im talkin bout

  31. Wazzz Up

    This blog is going to make up three blogs that I missed. I don’t know the exact date but I do know the day of the week so that is what it is going to labeled by if it is even labeled at all. This writing is fgoing to be three poems because I wanted to do poems the first time and now I get to do them.


    I woke up to fireworks poping and exploding out side my window
    To some peole Fourth of july is just spending your cold hard cash on an over sized over prized sparkeler but to others Fourth of july is a time to celebrate with your family learn a little history and enjoy the view
    I go out side and see little kids running away like the firecracker is a bomb
    I see adults on their porthches making sure the kids don’t burn the house down with a bottlerocket that went haywire
    I see kids running laughing and having fun not always safely but that is why there parents are there have you ever noticed that when it comes to fourth of july parents are so tense that you would think they are a statue they have locks on there wallents and they have a fire extingisher out in the open to intemadate you they always buy the lighters with the child lock on them thinking you can’t read the dreactions and want their money back once they notice you can light it an want to sue the company for not saying what they ment your parents don’t relize that if you can read it is not child proof I look out farther and see a single kid with his parents and no friends at first I felt bad for the kid and then I looked closer the kid was playing with his family and it looked like he was having more fun than the kids with there friends and there familys of to the side

    The point of this poem is that you can spend time with your family and friends on the fun holidays and still have fun and not be embarassed that you are seen with your family.

  32. What’s up fellow pupils of CMS. If your Amanda and your reading this you just said: 3/4 of the world. If your Caleb you just said: Hal the world. And if your anyone else i HOPE you said: half the world. I’m doing this blog on my phone again so spell check. I realize that Anna didn’t do the BEST job spell checking my blog when we were in Mrs. Waites’s class. Darn you Anna ( kidding Anna your my friend ) so I said I was gonna do I poem in my “intro” and I WILL but I just wanted to state a few things.
    1. I actually AM a pretty good speller some times ( yeah I know pretty hard to beleave
    2. If your asking I didn’t try out for scolors ( don’t think I spelt it right ) bowl because ( and yes I’m admitting it ) I totally SUCK at triva. BUT Bailey ( if you know her ) is REALLY smart and is GOOD at triva.
    3. Mr. Mayfield I was the jugde in reading today and I was AWESOME, I went all judge Judy on them.

    Ok here’s my poem. And P.S. ( that stands for postscript ) ( oh yeah I pay attention during your class Mr. Mayfield ) when I wrote this it was Tuesday and I was sad so, ya know I’m happy now and this poem has NOTHING to do with the feelings I was having at the time. ACTUALLY, no I’m NOT gonna do that poem I’m gonna do a different one ( maybe I AM a wildcats )

    They fight for us,
    Put their lives at risk.
    We love them SO much,
    And we don’t even know some of them.
    We stand behind them,
    Hoping today isn’t their last day.
    We cry tears of joy when they come home,
    And others cry because their gone forever.
    Green and brown are their favorite colors,
    They love the red, white and blue.
    They raise their heads up high,
    And are proud to be a part of the American Troops

    To anyone who knows anyone in the Amry, Navy, Marines, or Air Force.

  33. This is my second blog


    I go out side and see children racing to find the eggs and see parents bragging about how their kid won first place in the easter egg hunt and how they won by a landslide
    I can hear camra’s cliicking and parens telling their kids to be quiet and sit still in the distance I can hear a parent telling a little boy to stop doing bunny ears on your sister
    I can sense joy and I can feel happines and love all around me
    I can see abrother and a sister competting over a easter egg hunt as I can see the brother won but instead of cloating and rubbing it in his sisters face he gives her the winnig egg and congrualates her on winning the contest
    I hear camra’s clicking and parents yelling at their kids to be queit and stop moving and I can hear another parent from the distance yelling stop doing bunny ears on your sister
    I can feel joy and I can sense that people are happy and they are just clad that they can spend this time with there family’s
    I can see a brother and sister copetting over who can get the most eggs as i can see the brother won the contest but instead of cloating and rubbing it into her face he gives her the winning egg an congradulates her on winning the contest.

    This poem is about how easter is about giving and celebrating that was a very good example of what you can do on easter.

  34. i am doing a journal for today now. my other journal was from yesterday.
    What About Me?

    “What about me?” she says when the girls pick other girls.
    “What about me?” she says when the girls are invited to the party.
    “What about me?” she says when they have dates to the dance.
    “What about me?” she says when the girls have cell phones.
    But when the bus wrecks and she is the only one to survive, she says in a small voice………what about me. 🙂

  35. If you saw today, I had a face-plant during P.E. today. It didn’t feel too good. I’m just glad we didn’t have a test today because I felt loopy for two hours.

    I’m reading two books now. You know the first: The People of Sparks, and the new one is Anna Karenina. That book was from the nineteenth century and it’s complicated, but I’m Fredward Einstein, I can understand it. (The only people from my fifth grade class will get Fredward Einstein.) P.S. MY NAME IS NOT FREDWARD!!!!

    Okay, The People of Sparks. Lina wakes up and sees the doctor frazzled, and she offers Lina breakfast, which would be eggs. Lina had never heard of an egg, and then Torren yells that he wants one too. They go outside and there’s only one egg available, and Torren yells that he wants it. The doctor lets Lina have it, and for some reason that sets Torren off. He pushes Lina, who retorts, and then Torren pushes harder, making Lina fall down. This pushes her to the limit, and she throws the egg at Torren and now he has “egg goop,” as Lina calls it, all over him. It’s fine with Lina because it grosses her out that people eat said “egg goop.”

    Hopefully I’ll finish Anna Karenina and pass the AR test on it. It’s worth 73 AR points! I’ve only read 8/942 pages, so I only recommend it to people who like long books.

  36. Congradulations on making scholers bowl amanda!!!!!!!!! AnnMarie, we all know that ur a terrible speller and its not nice to point names. :'( (haha jk)
    Also Billy, Harry Potter is the second best series in the world!!!!!! ( A series of unforcuates events is #1) (anyone tht doesnt agree can go die in a hole.) c u l8r!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -triple B

  37. Changing a Book

    I was so confused. Everything seemed to happen at once, and no way to stop it. I will never forget her beautiful face, telling me good-bye. I never got to tell her how I feel, or never know how she felt about me. Kathrine was beside me, throwing up because of time sickness. My head spun, eyes blurred, and ears rang. I held my hand in front of my face, or tried to. Nothing. Everything was a blur. I had no way of telling if someone came by and saw us in 100 years time of clothes trend. Noise. When I regained my sight, I was being pulled away in somewhat of a bag. Three men pulled me out of the “bag”. Thats when I realized that my hands and feet were tied. I saw Kathrine being pulled out another “bag” right beside me. Thats when I saw the ropes hanging on a tree nearby. ” My life ends here,” I thought. As they lifted me up to the ropes, I realized, ” All this time, I will never be able to see my family again.” The ropes were cut and I was taken away. Not knowing were.

  38. I am still reading the book Payback by Paul Langan. It is a petty good book. I am on chapter 6, page 68. Tyray spotted Lark walking alone in the hallway. When Tyray saw her a idea came to him. The idea was that Lark could help him to get some money to get the gun from Jupiter. “Hey, Lark” Tyray said trying to sound friendly. “Hi Tyray” Lark replied. “How are you doing, girl?” Tyray asked Lark. “I’m good” Lark said with a smile. “How about you?” Lark said. “Not so good” Tyray replied. “What’s wrong” Lark asked. “I’m broke” Tyray began. “My mom’s birthday is coming up, and I wanted to buy her this nice necklace. But I can’t afford it. Mom’s been under a lot of pressure lately with my aunt being sick and all. I just thought the necklace would cheer her up, you know.” “That’s such a sweet idea,” Lark said. “It’s a shame you don’t have the money.” Tyray’s plan was starting to work. “Maybe I’ll be able to get it for her next year.” he sighed. “If I’d only started saving sooner.” Then Lark said, “You know what, Tyray?” I’ve saved some money from baby-sitting, and I could lend it to you for your moms present.” “For real?” Tyray asked surprised. “You sure, I don’t feel right taking your money. I could just get it for her next year.” “No, I’m serious. You’re being so sweet. I’d love to help your mom get her present.” Lark commented. “Girl, you’re all that.” Tyray said. “Mom’s going to be so happy. The necklace cost 80 dollars, but I already saved 30 dollars, so I only need 50 dollars.” “That’s a lot of money.” Lark added. “I know it, girl.” Tyray said, trying his best to work his charm, Why don’t you just forget about it. I’ll just get the necklace next year.” “No, I’ll have 50 dollars after i baby-sit this weekend. You can borrow it.” Lark said. “You sure?” Tyray asked. “Yeah.” Lark said. “I want to help.” “Thanks, girl. You more than alright.” Tyray said. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.” When Tyray got home from school, his mom was cooking dinner. On days she gets home early she cooks home made meals. Tyray eyed his mother as she worked, “What are you looking at, sweetie?” She asked. “You wondering if this pie will be done by dinner time? Well it will.” Tyray wondered why his mother married hid father with the way he treated her and rule over the house. Yes he knew that his dad got his mom pregnant at age 17 with Warren and then immediately married her. That is when she dropped out high school and that is why she works at a nursing home. Then Tyray asked his mom those questions and his mother replied by saying why would you ask me that and because I love him and he loves you too. Then Tyray said i saw what father did to you when I was in 5th grade. When he was pulling your hair, screaming in your face and slapped you in the face. His mom said how do you know that. And Tyray said because that night I couldn’t sleep and i saw through the crack in my bed room door. When Tyray was little, Warren would always let him hang out with him and his friends, but when he was a teenager he stopped that. Then when Warren went to prison they wrote letters to each other a lot. But know they don’t, rarely. Warren went to jail because the police found him with a load gun and they took him to jail for 3 years and he has only been in there for 1 year so 2 more years to go.

  39. So I am this new book name the lightning thief by Percy Jackson so anyway it starts off by Percy and what to and what not to do with the book and yes at first it is like if you do not blah blah blah blah blah books you need to go get another book if you do like those types of books you need to keep reading so that his how this book begins and I starts saying stuff about how his life stinks and stuff but that is how a little bit of the begging go’s and I will tell you more later.

  40. So I started reading some more of the book and it turns out he ends up calling him self a trouble maker and he is to and he most go’s on and on about how he his and then how he is going on some field trip and he thinks it would be fun but it ends up being pretty boring and the reason he thought it would. E good is because his favorite teacher brung him. It either way it was still boring to him so that is about it and I will tell you more about it tommorrow

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