“wow, you ran all around that lake???” “yep, a whole mile!!!”

(subject header overheard at church today – a mighty superhero runner discussing his feat at spain park… 🙂

so i was reading in my journal from three years back and at this point, i had some morning runs in the 40s – these are about the only moments i wish i could go back in time (i have a short memory as well b/c this “hot and humid” feeling i have currently out there is how i described summer running – which i’m sure was hotter but i truly can’t remember how much more miserable…)

on to the books – “in the water they can’t see you cry” by amanda beard – good bio about a swimmer – her bravery to discuss the abusive situations she found herself in – both abuse from others and things she did to herself – i admired her courage to come forth – very little about swimming in the book – good part about the whole issue of being an olympian at 13 and then a year later being a “has been” because you’ve hit puberty – sad that female athletes have to go through that

“the science magpie” by flynn – odds and ends from the magnificent world of science – and math – and literature – the cool part for me were the number of literature tie-ins to scientific works – poems about science – fiction about science – obviously, 90 percent was lost on me, but i do enjoy learning new things and this book was full of them

“pray” by hornby – recap of the 2011-2012 priemer league season – so british soccer – very cool as a comparsion to the football-crazed South – for example, the writer said 95 percent of teams live in the past – whether 5, 10, 15-plus years back, they go back to an era and live there – of course, alabama fans used to do this for years – now, they live in the present while ole miss still drags up archie manning and their 1960-something team that was really good – and ole miss is of course not alone…

“how the SEC became goliath” by glier – excellent book explaining how the SEC rose to power and won the last six BCS titles – a must-read for college football fans – even “experts” will enjoy it

okay, so that was a productive week – hope you get in some good reading before finals


63 thoughts on ““wow, you ran all around that lake???” “yep, a whole mile!!!””

  1. hehe, when i first typed my name in i spelt it wrong 😉
    i cant be the ONLY bad speller out there im just the only person whose computer doesnt have spell check adn will admit that im a bad speller so dont ONLY point out my bad spelling point out EVERYONES.
    OH NO!!!!!! i forgot to say whats up!!!! Well….. whats up peoples of the world? answers:
    1. 3/4 the world ( Amanda )
    2. Hal the world ( Caleb )
    3. Half the wrold ( everyone else )
    4. gas prices
    5. the sky
    6. space
    7. taxes
    thats all i can think of, if theres any more tell me or dont i dont care, if you smell weird please DONT come talk to me haha kidding i bet you all smell um…. awesome ( awckward )

    Today im blogging in the library while people around me pretend to read but really talk. And i can see Anna blogging . Oh and cant forget the brownie, I LOVE BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!

    Today i am going to do a poem, but i cant do it now so its a little weird to be blogging now but ya know i have nothing else to do 😉
    And in my next, next class i’ll be in your room Mr.Mayfield ( be afaid, be VERY afraid )

    I still want to be on the computer but i have nothing to talk about so im gonna type random sentences- to Bailey

    Do ya like waffles?!
    Yes I like waffles!
    Do ya like pancakes?!
    yes I like pancakes!
    Do yeah like french toast?!
    Yeah I like french toast!
    Do do…….

    ok that all for today untill next time, see ya later ( what you here EVERY time after your watching tv and the channel turns off )

    Bye, peace out homies 😉 ( dont forget tomorrows hippi day )

  2. Hey I never journaled on the blog before so I decided I would do it this week. (btw if i dont finish its not my fault im in the library)
    creative for monday
    Jan hustled to her locker. She fell and books for math, science and SS (social studies) went everywhere. She fell to her knees to pick them up when the first bell rang and 8th graders surrounded her in the hall. They stepped all over her books, binder and homework. Most of the rush was over, and she looked down to find half her books were gone. Her hand went to her mouth as she thought of how each textbook was worth over $100. Her parents could never afford that, so she scrambled on the ground looking for them. Now all of her books were gone. She put both hands over her face and began to cry when a voice from above her said, “Janet, why won`t you take these books?” The librarian stood behind her, staring at a pile of textbooks on the floor. “You will be tardy if you don`t hurry. I see you`ve apparently stacked them up already.” Jan looked in disbelief as the books stood in a neat stack by the librarian`s feet. “Wha-” Janet studdered. “Janet Bishop, pick the books up now or you and I will have a conversation on how to properly take care of them.” Janet picked up the books, nodding thankfully to her. As Jan hurried down tthe hall though, she seemed to hear her math teacher`s voice-“Janet, pay attention!” Mrs.Gurtole yelled. Janet sat up straight muttering a “yes Mrs.Gurtole” and tried to concentrate on the board. Math problems she didn`t understand and probably never would laughed at her from the board. “JANET!!!” Mrs.Gurtole stood by Jan. Nobody else was in the room. Jan could feel Mrs.Gurtole`s stinky hot breath. “yes, mrs.gurto-” janet was interrupted by the sound of another student opening the door to deliver a paper. “NOT NOW, JOSEPHINE!!!” Mrs. Gurtole was very angry at Janet, and she apparently felt she needed to take it out on


  3. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, You don’t know who I am and it’s NOT Janie I reapeat NOT Janie. I’m in the library and I’m sooooo board. Iam already reaading a book and i don’t need another one. But anyway you know Colby Blythe right…….. ya thought so but anyway I keeped on walking by him and couldn’t stop laughing.He was trying to take an AR test. And I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut. You know it’s just good old me.

    The other funny thing is, is my brother he’s 9 years old and he says old miss

    Well gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. i am reading new town high. it is a grea book. the star is jo taylor. she is a girl not a guy.

  5. when jo goes away on a movie job her boyfriend kendall has his heart die down. kendall loved jo with his whole heart.

  6. i am reading new town high. it is about a girl named jo taylor.she is a girl not a guy.when jo goes away on a movie job her boyfriend kendall has his heart die down. kendall loved jo with his whole heart. will kendall ever see jo again? this will be revield on my next blog.


    Josephine. Janet awoke with a fright. The memories kept coming back. She pounded at her head with her fists trying to keep them in. As a clone, Jan`s job was to save the real Janet, not replace her. She could`nt think the real Janet`s thoughts. That`d be one step closer to being a replacement. Jan, or her real name, CLONE #53, needed to work on her “thinking about her work instead of trying to look at the real Janet`s life” skills.

  8. So, first blog of the week and i’m already delaying my cheesey intros.
    So without further delay,(except that delay) :D, WAZZZZZZZZZZZUP
    all of you futere hippies?!? Let me guess, your all thinking “YO MAMMA”, Just to let your self think your funny. Well, newsflash, YOUR NOT FUNNY IF ALL YOU SAY IS YO MAMMA!!!!!!

    But to start my blog, ive been reading Code Talker and i’m like halfway through the book. Its getting really interesting becuase the marine division that Ned is in hs started invading islands like Gaum, and other islands. The book is getting really action packed. Ned Begay, who is telling the story, talks about how they held off japanese attacks and banzai charges and other stuff like that. He even mentions how the japs would crawl into a foxhole at night and slit your throte. Ned has recently been temporarily medically discharged because he was shot in the shoulder by a jap sniper.
    He also mentions the people who went crazy and would lay in their cot and cry or mumble random words while ripping at their hair and clothes or just stare off into space. It’s sad what war can do to you. Seriously:(

  9. i forgot cheesey ending AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i must be loosing it 🙁


  10. this is the final chapter of our hero Tim.last we left of with him fighting the assassin leader.

    he is almost near his home that his family was killed in.he wants to go back and rest.as he nears his house he sees a group of bandits exploring his house.he sneaks around back and grads his axe. he comes behind a bandit and swiftly takes him out.

    he find a shovel and digs a hole under his house into the basement. he sneaks up the stairs and pulls down his bow and arrow to shoot the one that’s guarding the door.he pulls back his bow and aims carefully .if he misses they will attack him if he hits him he okay. he aims carefully and takes the shot.

    the arrow flies through the air and it misses.all of the bandits are coming closer to him and he runs.he makes on final stand as he pulls out his axe. he kills the bandit that is coming closer to him.as he comes back for another hit he gets pelted with arrows.as he stares in horror he sees a sword through him.he drops the axe and grabs the arrow and falls over before he dies he one of the bandits pull up his battle axe and swings it full thrust.the bandit walks away as Tim dies slowly.

  11. Hello Mr. Mayfield this is my first blog of the week and this is also my creative piece(it’s a free verse poem)


    The ticking never stops. It has been with us and our ancestors; through battles, our country’s biggest moments, the creation, and in all the moments between.

  12. ha ha, Andrew about something week exams i feel your pain but just maybe not as MUCH pain cant say much i have a 86 in math. And to all the people who know me from Wilsonville: YES AnnMarie, the great, funny, smart mouch, a little O.C.D, control freak, exessive about grades AnnMarie got a B. Plus HA you actually spelt something wrong in your blog Andrew and me being my awesome self is taking the liberaty of pointing out your mastakes ( lil’ old me hehe )
    1. instead of “future” you put “futere”
    and thats all 🙁
    but i liked the part where u said when someone says something and they reply : Yo mama! its DIFFERENTLY not funny its just stupid, it makes no since, andthe person saying it is probably the only person who tinks its funny. the guys just laugh and say some cause they think its SO cool to go around all day saying: OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!! BURN!!!!

    well today im gonna do a poem about……….ummmmm…….uhhhhhh………….cant think, brain fart, blonde moment ( nothing agaist blondes ) what ever you want to call it.

    ok “lets get er done” ( a quote from Larry the Cable Guy ) haha “Baziga” ( a quote from Sheldon Cooper of The Big Bang theroy )
    “ok lets stop it with the quotes” – you say
    “Patience young grasshopper” ( idk what thats a quote from but its fun to say )

    Thats life

    They get all the credit, while you work you but off and dont even get HALF the credit,
    Thats life.

    Your having a terrible day and no one even PRETENDS to care,
    Thats life.

    Everyone around you seems so happy and your so sad
    That life.

    Then that one thing happens that brings your hopes up, your happy again,
    Thats life 😉

    “Life is like a rollercoaster it has its ups and downs” ( am i like obessed with quotes today or something ) i dont know who wrote that quote but i ABSOLUTLY love it. It always reminds me that even if your having the WORST day ever it will get better because if your down on yoru rollercoast now you’ll be up later. <– that was cheesey, it sounded cooler in my head but once i typed it down it looked like a teacher said it ( shivers in fear )

    got to go, thats my blog, bye homies

  13. I will do another creative because…….


    6 year old Julie always loved watching the sun come up in the morning. She would always get up early to watch it rise. She always believed that it had some kind of magic. She wondered how it could rise by itself. One day she did the usual and woke up early but the sun didn’t rise. She ran to her parents’ door with tears streaming down her face. Her parents were very confused. She stood there for a moment getting a hold of herself. Then she said that the sun was broken. Her parents, still confused, said that the sun couldn’t possibly be broken. Julie took them by the hand to look out her large window. Then they both burst out in laughter. They told Julie that the sun wasn’t broken, there was just a solar eclipse. Julie asked what it was. When her parents told her, she laughed.That afternoon at school she told ALL her friends that her sun was taking a nap this morning.

  14. So I have just started reading the first hunger games series book and the first few things it talks about is what he does where stuff is and what division he is in and jut to let you know he is in division12 which I guess is cool I really don’t know why I am just saying stuff well considering that I am tires and I want to go to sleep so any way that is just about all the first few pages talk about so see yer later.

  15. So when Tyray arrived at school there was a peperally that day before lunch. This wasn’t a peperally that included football players, this was a peperally that included wrestlers, and Darrell Mercer that is a wrestler. At the peperally the wrestling team picks a player to give the award for most improved member on the team and they picked Darrell Mercer. Tyray was so annoyed that he pretended to be sick and sat in the bathroom until the peperally was over. At lunch, Tyray went and sat down at the table with Lark. Lark said that she went to the nursing home over the weekend and that she saw Tyray’s mom there because she works there. Lark said that she asked her if she liked her birthday present and Tyray’s mom said that her birthday was 2 months ago. So Lark figured out that Tyray was lying to her. Lark started to tear up. Then Jamee, Lark’s friend, came running over and says that Lark can come sit over here with us. Lark gets up with Jamee and leaves to go sit where she is sitting with Amberlynn. Tyray didn’t know what to do, he didn’t have anymore money and couldn’t get anymore money. But then a lightbulb hit him. He remembered that his mom keeps a stash of money in her clothes drawer. Tyray has never stole anything from his mom before, but what could he do? Tyray found the stash when he came home from school. And took 50 dollars from a 120 dollar stack of money. when Tyray took it. He was getting haunted by his mom and Lark’s crying in the darkened room. That night Tyray kept tossing and turning every few hours. He had a dream that Lark was in a pew at a church crying. Then he saw a coffin with his body in it. With a gun layed a cross his crest. And that is how the 8th chapter ended.

  16. Wazzup??? AnnMarie, yes I like waffles. 😉 For all of you who don’t know about our waffle song should be ashamed of themselves!!! Dont forget everyone!!!! that tomorrow is homecoming!!!!!! Guys out their that haven’t asked a girl, stand up to yourself and ask them. The worst they can do is say “no.”


    Is life really what its worth?
    To live and die, with dreams
    that you never let become reality?
    Yes. Life may be full of despare, but
    remember that you can live life with
    ones you love. Never give up on you,
    or your life.

  17. hey…… i left off at blog. kendall lets jo goon the plane to new zeland. kendalls friends are trying to cheer him up. but kendall is very sad. kendall does not know jo will only do 1 out of 3 of her movies.continues on my next blog

  18. So Guess Who is in the High School Jazz Band!!!?
    Okay so this weekend was wonderful even though we failed miserably at the competition.
    On the bus to Phenix City I managed to get a GREAT amount of reading done! And then Sunday I read a lot and I read ALL day when I got home from Marching Band Practice yesterday.
    So The Perks of Being a Wallflower has been finished (the movie was amazing)
    I read a book called Fever that was pretty good. It’s about a disease that people start getting. So men die at the ago of 25 and girls die at the ago of 20. It’s kind of scary.. I definitely wouldn’t want it to happen.
    I enjoyed it because it was different than all the other Dystopia books right now. It wasn’t all the Post-Apocalyptic Hunger Games-ish stuff.
    I am reading a book right now called A Great and Terrible Beauty.
    It takes place in the 1800’s in India.
    The Main Character is Gemma Doyle and she is the typical bratty teenager. She was born in England and her family later moved to India.. I don’t know why someone would want to do that.. but okay.
    Gemma is 16 and wants to go to boarding school in London because she doesn’t like India (for obvious reasons)
    One day, Gemma and her mother were walking around the streets of London and Gemma’s mother got spooked and started freaking out. So Gemma’s mother runs away and gets murdered.. And then a year later Gemma is being shipped off to London for boarding school.

    That’s about where I’m at..
    I haven’t gotten very far yet
    But it’s pretty interesting
    So WOO~!
    That is all!

  19. WAZZZZ UP MY Hippi-ys today was Hippi-y day there was so much tie-dye and headbands I thought I was in the 60’s
    Any way I am making up for two blogs =)


    Night and Day

    Day is filled with light and warmth

    Night is dark and cold

    Day makes you feel safe and sucure

    Night makes you feel scare and affraid

    Day is filled with hours and minutes that you wait to end

    Night goes by quick it feels like minutes passing instead of hours

    People are like night and day they are diffrent and will always be you can’t change something thats just how it is ment to be.


  20. GROOVY(Don’t make fun of my words that I use and how I spell) This is my second blog



    Free Spirt “is what we stand for”

    World Peace”is what we stand for”

    No war “is what we stand for”

    Peace and Love “is what we stand for”

    No judging”is what we do”

    No rules “is how we like it”

    No worries “thats how we roll’

    No fighting “thats how we are”

    Hippi-ys ” we are proud to be one”

    Freedom fighters “will never change”

    Some hippi-ys were bad but someone were good they stoud up for what they believed in something we would never do to this day they used to go out in public and speak about what they belived. People do that to day but it is not the same as it was in the 60’s only someone from that generation will know and I don’t know anything else about hippi-ys so good bye. =)

    ( This blog and eveything about hippi-ys is based off ForestGump the movie =) )

  21. I need to double up on blogging tonight so here goes:

    Remember Anna Karenina? Yeah, well I think I’m getting, but I’ve gathered that this guy named Stepan Obloncksy woke up on the couch in his study and he can’t remember why, and when he remembers, he starts going on about how terrible it was. I didn’t really understand but I think it was because his girlfriend found something that Stepan was trying to hide from her, something bad. Well, she found it and started yelling at Stepan for about two hours.



    War is a terrible thing.
    Everyone fights to win.
    The people fighting,
    risk their lives to win.
    The doctors prepare for
    injuries to come.

    People enjoy watching this
    war because someone will
    win sometime. The war
    gets rough, and soon it is
    over, and a side has won,
    but with so many deaths, was
    it really worth it at all?

  22. hey mr mayfield i have still been taking in the auburn book slowly but i have really liked how they connect the storys to god. i will do the authors point. i read one part that said that the auburn’s swimming team had no divers but they still pulled off the victory still throughout the whole time they needed some star player to help out and be a diver they stepped up and domminated the other teams

  23. Hello this is my blog for tuesday( I’m doubling up tomorrow because of church) this is taking a point of view from another person.

    In the book I am reading, The Silmarillion the enemy Melkor is what seems to be a very dark enemy of middle earth. I think from his point of view he sees the world as he wants it to be like; dark, terrible, and filled with his own creation. But he has followers (even though it sounds horrible to be with him) many of the Maiar have been put under his spell and I think if I was him (which I hope I never become) I would do the same thing.

  24. i will blog for yesterday 😉
    Ummmmm Thanks

    Yea you remember those times when your aunt or relative didn’t know what to get you so you got undies.
    They thought it was the BEST GIFT EVER.
    And what you say is ummmmm thanks.
    You also remember your mom told you to say something nice about your gifts you get. So you say ummmmm thanks. Thats the nicest thing you could say. What else are you gonna say? JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!! What do you pee yourself often? So my answer to your question, what do i do when i get undies for Christmas, is simply say ummmmmm thanks. 🙂 🙂

  25. Wazzzz Up!!!!!!!


    The waves are black and blue

    They crash down hard on the wet cold sand

    The moonlight glessens on the water and makes is shine

    Brighter than a candle in a pitch black room

    The sand beneth the water was whiter then a pearl

    The sand that was dry looked like fine sugar

    The waves calmed down and it was still and quiet

    You could hear anmails beneth the sea

    Every swish of a tail you heard

    Every little wave that peaked up from the water you heard

    And the tiny crash it had with it

    You could hear the sand sinking ofter every wave

    You could hear the waves entercect every one at a time

    =) This is the most quiet place ever even though it does not exist =)

  26. Hi People. This is for Mr.Mayfield `cuz I know he sees the comments it`s a question for some reason I keep forgetting to ask in class. WHERE did I hear we didn`t have to do our journals this week? Like, I did mine anyway because I wasn`t sure but I thought we weren`t supposed to do them :I (CONFUSING!!!) Ok also about me blogging I forgot that I decided I was blogging this week and I ended up doing my journals in a journal. (haha that sounds wierd) Sooo…I re-did Monday`s journal in my journal (ha!!!) and I just did (like, 5 mins ago) Tuesday`s, Wednesday`s, and Thursday`s. (People can`t spell Wednesday. Lots of peeps put Wendsday. Sounds like you`re saying it with a runny nose 🙂 ) Anyway, just to clarify why I didn`t blog. But i`m doing a poem anyway:)


    Yaaay!!! Smile! That poem made no sense at all!!! 😀

  27. ok now for today.
    Jonny Boo

    It was a sunny day in pumpkinville.
    All the pumpkins plump and orange.
    Everyone was excited for the upcoming event: pumpkinday.
    Everyone except Jonny Boo.
    Jonny hated pumpkins.
    He couldn’t stand them.
    So every year Jonny stayed home while his family went.
    Purcilla, Penelope, Peter, Phil, and Paul each loved pumpkinday.
    Poor Jonny was always bored at home.
    One day he got an idea.
    He dressed up like a pumpkin and went to pumpkinday.
    That way he could just sit there and watch all the boredom of pumpkinday go on.
    Plus the pumpkins got all the glory too.
    His costume must of been pretty good because someone actually picked him up and put him in their truck to go home. Jonny never saw his parents again. 🙁

    The moral of this story is to never dress up as a pumpkin.

  28. Hey, I’m just getting to the point today.

    The Emberites are finally working, and most of them are having trouble with a shovel because they never used one in Ember, where it was all stone and no soil. So, they are building outhouses, and half of them gave up after trying to dig after an hour, when they were supposed to work until lunchtime. Doon was one of the few that worked the whole time, and then the leaders led them to a house for lunch. One of the workers never talked and ate the whole time because he was so hungry. At the end of the day, after all of the digging with little progress, Doon goes to the river and notices he has sunburn, which he doesn’t know about because he lived underground, where there wasn’t a sun.

    I think the author put this part in the book because she wanted to let the reader know that there were going to be a lot of hardships for the Emberites.

    P.S. Emberites are citizens of Ember.

  29. HEY! So before I blog, I just want to tell you thank you for actually reading and paying attention to my blog. When you told me Congratulations today on making the Jazz Band it made my day.
    It was something so small, but I like knowing that someone cares about me. So Thank You very very much.
    Anyhoot, I read some more in my book today.!
    It started off pretty slow but it’s finally getting interesting!

    The main character, Gemma’s, mother has died. So Gemma goes to a boarding school in London.
    She keeps having weird visions of her mom being murdered. And all of the visions she has have been coming true.
    Gemma gets into a group of mean girls at her school. They force her to do things to other people that she doesn’t want to do.
    But she has friends.
    There is a guy though who has been following Gemma. He followed her all the way from India to London.
    He tells her to try and close off her mind so that she won’t get the weird visions because they are bad.

    So Yeah..
    That’s about it.

    P.S. I also am now taking Tenor Sax Private Lessons. <<<Yet another thing to take up my time.

  30. ALRIGHT, YOU READY FOR THIS?!?!?! ITS PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! MWAH HA HA HA HA <– evil laugh, did you know that evil is live spelt backwards its kinda funny how……….WOW sorry I’m WAY off subject. BUT guess what….. oh oops, I’m eating grapes right now and I dropped one on the floor…. sorry off subject again. I just noticed that I, unlike other people type the exact way that I would be speaking if I was talking this blog, unlike other people who if they don’t like what they typed they'll just backspace it….. sorry off subject, where was I? oh yeah guess what, turns out I had nothing to say so I just said guess what, like I have this wallpaper on my phone ( if you know me well enough you will know I have a wallpaper for EVERYTHING ) where two people are texting (a girl and her mom or something) and if goes:

    Girl: mom I'm so bored
    Mom: honey your dad was JUST in a car wreck where are you?
    Girl: OMG I’m freaking out, what do I do, I’m gonna cry!
    Mom: so your not bored anymore 😉
    Girl: grrrrrr

    It actually says some thing a LITTLE different but I’m not typing those words

    "HA Mr. Mayfield you were WRONG I'm not on page 45 of Octavian I'm not page 51………6 pages off Mr. " <— only funny and only make since if your in Mr. Mayfield's AWESOME 5th block class (we have all the cool inside jokes……. and no, Mr. Mayfield calling me a wildcard does NOT count as an inside joke) Stupid 1st block kids, KIDDING I know almost al the people in 1st block. 😉

    Alrighty, I decided that I’m gonna write a book, maybe two (on a computer that has spell check) and I’m gonna write it on here.
    1. The book I’m gonna write on here is a book I started in 5th grade so the beginning might not be so good.
    2. I know it might confuse you but since I’m writing two different books I might alternate in between the two on my blogs (so your gonna have to be smart and keep up with my craziness)

    Ok, I’m gonna type the first few parts of my book. and PLEASE anyone who reads this I can't think of a stupid title for my book so if you read it and can think of that you think might be good please tell me and I'll put it into account.
    Ok, well ya see the story that i started to write is on my moms cumputer which isnt starting now I've STARTED to write a bunch of storys so I'm just gonna type up a different one thats on MY conputer sooo…..yeah. Its not very good though:


    If anyone had told me before, that one day Max Johnson was ACTUALLY gonna be my friend again I would have told them they were nuts. But look at me now having lunch with him and his buddies at the “cool” table, all my friends at the outsiders table looking at me like I just walked on Mars. He’s just sitting there staring at me; I guess eating lunch with him wasn’t TOO weird. I think he actually liked me sitting there, like he’d been waiting his whole life for me to sit there with him. (Or was that me?) Ya see me and Max used to be best friends then we got to middle school and everything changed, not being in any classes together, all the girls falling all over him and not even ONE looking my way, him trying out for the football team and actually making it, we just grew apart. And then came the big fight we had that’s when one of the eighth graders came up to me and we had a fight (I don’t know why) and Max just stood there like he didn’t even know me , I came home with a black eye that day my mom almost blew a gasket. So now me and Max aren’t friends , but on the other hand I AM sitting in front of him right now aren’t I?


    Am I friends with Dylan Bushower? Straight answer, no. We used to be friends, but I mean we ARE sitting at the same lunch table right now and aren’t I the one who invited him over here and almost insisted he sit? He’s just kinda staring off into space even when I TRY to get him in on the conversation he just kinda nods then goes back to staring, I think he’s staring at that weird girl Lila Hoover. Ya see me and Dylan used to be BEST friends, used to hang out ALL the time. Then we got to middle school and ya know everything changed, he got into honors classes, I didn’t , I played football he played chess, we just grew apart I guess. Then we had a big fight, ya see some eighth grader came up to Dylan and he CLEARLY wanted to fight, gave him a nice old shiner in the end. I didn’t stand up for Dylan, I should have but I didn’t. And we never really spoke after that. I always kinda wanted to be friends again, but what am I waiting for he IS sitting right in front of me.

    Now I realize that some one in our school might have a name simaler to one of the names of my characters, but these people are NOT based on real people.

    Peace out 😉 na na na na, na na na na, CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!!! ;P

    That is the best song ever. I just finished a box of lemon heads and i am PHSYCED!!! Amanda, how do you make your name blue? I want to make my name blue to. That ryhmed, im a rapper! OH YEAH! I need new cheesey intros so please submit any ideas for me to use.

    So, i am reading code talkers and im almost finished. So far Ned Begay and his marine division have been succsefully taken Guam Iwo jima and other jap controlled islands in the pacific. Ned took place in the largest marine invasion ever assembeled, the force that took Iwo Jima. Yall have seen that picture of the soldiers pushing up the american flag ontop of a mountain. Well the picture everyone sees is stagd but the marines did actually raise a flag. The guy to the far left of that pic is actually an indian. I left off right at the start of a chapter, which is good cause it gives me a decent place to blog about again if i use the same book again. But Ned talks about the US dropping the atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki. Another sad part was when neds pal goergia boy got shot in the throat. He lived and returned to action though. Also in need of cheesey closings but for now, WORD UP NEON PEOPLES OF TOMARROW!!


    you cheater

  33. BOOK:Lord of The Rings
    PROMPT:Put into another’s point of view(Sam)
    SIDE NOTES:Was going to wait till Christmas to tell anyone this.I’d still be reading it, though.1031 pages, I’ll probably still be reading it in March. Birthday happens to be March 26, 2012.Highly suggest you read the book at least until you are comfortable with the characters at this point.With the case Harry Potter,almost everyone knows Harry, Ron, and Hermione, though now, not so much.Just read the book…NOW! 😛

    Sam listened and dreaded the moment when he had to reveal himself listening at Frodo’s doors and windows.As soon as he finished his thought, they called upon him.He felt himself redding as he rose.

  34. so the book I am reading is hunger games I am reading the first book and I have gotten to where he talks about his friends and stuff like that and about what will happen if they run away and if they can survive in which they think positive about but any ways that is part of the first chapter

  35. The second part about the first chapter is about him and his friends and kind of what they are talking about while they eat what they call is a feast is bread,goat cheese, and berries an they just talk about stuff like what if this happened why if that happened just stuff like that but I am just going to keep reading to see if any of the stuff they were talking about if this or that happened or did not happen

  36. hey mr mayfield i will do a ten min blog on creative one day susy may walked down the halls and got picked on for the cloths she wore so she went to the councilors office and reported the people for picking on her sure enough they got called up and had to plan a revenge plan to get even after they came up with it they carried it through the new day after she noticed it they had to have a backup plan for the next day by tripping her in the hall they all wanted to get even so they all tripped her she was late to class because all her stuff was kicked around well thats it

  37. hey… kendall and lucy (new girl) kiss on the elevater. in the lobby jo is back. kendall was suprised.omg. kendall, lucy, and jo stared at each other. this is a bad day. next…

  38. Ok, HOW do you make your name blue?!?!!?! Only random people do and I want a blue name!!!!!! And Andrew you are NOT a rapper, I know you enough to know you CAN’T rap. And Carden ( again ) BUSTED!!!!!! You CAN’T blog about what you whatch.
    And in the prep rally 6th grade SO should have won ( we’re better lookin!!! Haha ) And we’re SO cooler, except 1st block reading!!!!!! I’ll have to do my blog later sorry, I have to go to the orthodontist. When I get back I have to blog for today AND tuseday.

  39. Ok, I’m back. I got orange and blue braces, hehe, and all the Alabama fans out there if you don’t like my braces go cry me a river! OMG!!!! I have to go AGAIN SO sorry!!! 🙁

  40. This is my crative righting for the day and
    Wazzzzz Up!!!!!!!

    People are mean and cruel

    They make you feel real blue

    People can be harsh and unfair

    They can make you feel depressed

    People will twist your words

    They will play with your head

    People will hurt you in all ways possible

    They can hurt you with words

    They can hurt you with other people

    They can hurt you with stuff

    People will try to hurt you in any way they can

    They will make you regreat the day you even talked to them

    People are mean and these are some ways they can hurt you I have pesonalexpeions with this so take it from someone who knows. =)

  41. Wats up tristate area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok so I am reading Imaginalis by J.M. DeMatteis. Ok so she gets picked in because she does this series every year. And dumb people like Laura thinks it’s the same book over and over again for the past I don’t know how many years. Anyway in her book King Imago has just shattedered the whatever mirror. ( I forgot what it was called) Anyway he shatters it but he can still hear the voice in the mirror. What is really cool is that the person in the mirror can be whatever it wants to be and for the first time ever he shows his real self. And anyway he can still hear the voice, after he shatters it. The voice says, ” You will regret this Imago!!!!” Imago is extreamly scared now.

    AnnMarie has read this book and when i showed her this book she started laughing for some odd reason I don’t really know.

    Well i am so awesome because I’m listening to music, eating cereal, and typing. I am like a multitask person. But don’t take that for granned and try to make me do some crazy multitask thing. I DON’T LIKE TO BE TOUCHERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  42. TO ANDREW:haha nice one andrew:)
    TO ANNMARIE: I feel you, my “pooter” (quote from Colt) doesn`t have spellcheck, either. That`s why I typed this blog like-(1,2…) TWICE!!!
    Ok to make this blog not pointless i will do a poem
    Chicken is shaped into nugget form
    Handy, I guess
    “ICKY!!!” The strange kid in the back of the room says
    Can you fit more than five in your mouth? (I can`t!)
    chicKen nuggets rule!!!
    Everyone should “to-to-ally” think that
    Nugget is a weird word

    Un-entertaining because it won`t dance
    urG, I keep stabbing it with my fork (won`t get on there!)
    Get on there you nugget!!!
    Everyone loves chicken nuggets
    noT the one that won`t come off my fork, though!!!!!!!!

    Yayy!!! This is the true and tragic story of a chicken nugget that wouldn`t get on my fork and then when I got it on there it wouldn`t come off.
    (Brings tears to your eyes, right?) OH!!! I will give you five bucks if you can make a chicken nugget dance!!!!
    (BTW why do my poems never really make sense?!?)
    (The “to-to-ally” part is a quote from some kid in the hallway, didn`t see who it was!) (JUST TO BREAK IT TO YOU, IT WAS ME!!!)
    too many parinthesis (Is that spelled right? I`ve never typed that word before!)

  43. These are three five minute poems.


    Different colors,
    different sizes.
    Different ‘do’s,
    different attitude.
    ‘Fro for hip-hop,
    mullet for rock.
    Dreadlocks for rap,
    buzzcuts for jazz.
    Hair explains a lot about someone.
    What does your hair say?


    Chewy, pink.
    with flavors that don’t stink.
    Gum goes from hard,
    to soft.
    Like a tiny apartment,
    too a mansion.
    Gum tastes good,
    ‘like it more than Elmer Fudd.
    Shooting “wabbits” ’till the sun goes down,
    I like gum more than getting a triple crown.
    Gum, can change your expression from a frown.


    Animals everywhere.
    Everywhere you look.
    You see eyes looking back at you.
    You may not see them,
    like ants or bugs.
    But they see you,
    as a giant.
    Perspective is key.
    To a gorilla,
    you might seem normal.
    To a monkey,
    taller than him.
    The jungle is alive,
    you’re not alone.

  44. ok i DO NOT know how the heck my name is blue!!!!! anyway i want to do another creative bcause they r fun. =)

    Purple, green, and blue,
    My crayons are NEW!!!
    Pink, orange, and red,
    There is one thing i dread.
    That is when i wonder why,
    They take my crayons, make me cry.
    Now my crayons are crushed.
    Those bullies fill me with disgust!!! 🙁

  45. I’m blogging on my iPod Touch! I have to go soon so I’ll say a little bit. It takes awhile to get to the bottom of the screen because of the small screen. Anyway, I am going to blog once again about The People of Sparks. I’m abandoning Anna Karenina until next year because it’s kind of boring now. So, The People of Sparks, Poppy’s not doing well, and a roamer, someone who leaves the village and looks for stuff, comes into town and sells the stuff he finds. Then, the roamer tells Torren that Caspar, (Torren’s brother) was heading home soon. (Caspar’s also a roamer.)

    Later that day, Lina sees someone riding on a bike, something she has never seen before. So, she asks the doctor if she can borrow her’s and soon she’s learning how to ride a bike. When she masters it, she goes to the Pioneer Hotel to see Doon for the first time.

    I have to go now, bye.

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