why don’t you get to keep basketballs that go into the crowd???

merry early new year (i can only hope one direction kicks off the party tomorrow night on someone’s new year’s concert coverage:)

i guess this week answers the question of “what mr. mayfield does when he has a week off”Ā – at least for this week, it seems he read…

“the prince” by machiavelli – like most literary references, this one really is a short cut that undercuts the references meaning – that is to say, i’ve heard the phrase “machiavellian” for years – it was supposed to mean a power-hungry ruler – the book, or essay, really wasn’t as large as that term has come to meanĀ – for 125 pages, i definitely think AP gov’t students should all give it a whirl – what else do they have to do?

“institutes of christian religion” by john calvin – another great example of short cuts to meaning – calvin is always seen as a heartless early leader of the protestant reformation – reading his work gives him more flesh, more kindness – of course, i had an edited translation – i think the full work is 1,500 pages – that’s a lot of writing

“cost of discipleship” by bonhoeffer – bonhoeffer was a german pastor who resisted the nazi gov’t – and lost his life in WWII – great book about how discipleship means putting action to your faith – not just listening

“running for my life” by lopez lomong – a re-read – excellent, excellent book about running, faith, perseverance, schooling, poverty, government, refugee camps, adoption – just an encouraging read – makes me want to go out and run 30k

so congrats to the four of you that have earned the mega-huge bonus for between quarter points – i guess everyone else will fail – if you’re genuinely curious, we won’t have journals this week because there’s only a couple of days – but i guess if you’re working ahead, i will have you journal the monday of the BCS game so you might want to work ahead – oh, i did read notre dame’s game notes so i have fun irish trivia for anyone that wants:)



32 thoughts on “why don’t you get to keep basketballs that go into the crowd???”

  1. Ok, so I’m about to blog cause I’m bored and its a Sunday on Chirstmas break so of course being me I’m gonna blog. Then I try to blog off my AMAZING new computer that I ABSOLUTLY love and guess what?! NO WI-FI!!!!!! AGHHHHHHH!!!!! Yes I can get you crying now. Ok so my birthday is January 4th if any of you guys didn’t know, you don’t have to get me anything but if you WANT to then I have nothing against that *hint hint* haha kidding, you don’t have to et me anything. Wait YESSSSS!!!! I have wi-FI now. Give me a second

  2. Crap, ok actually I don’t have wi-fi. Jeez I get all worked up for nothing šŸ™ alrighty so YES I am the kind of person who is going to stay up on New Year’s Eve till 12:00 just to see if it drives me bonkers!!! I do what I want, when I want, how a want. AS LONG AS MOMMY SAYS ITS OK!!! Now I’m gonna type a long blog but devide it up into several smaller blogs cause sometimes I make long blogs on my phone (that’s what I’m on right now) and it gets cut off!!! That CAN’T happen!!!!! So here I am, AnnMarie typing away about useless stuff and there you are: AnnMariw stop typing already I want to sleep!!!

  3. And I’m like: NO, no one needs sleep. It’s not an essinional. I have a long list of essinionals and sleep is not even on it.
    Underwear (duh) *awkward*
    THATS ALL!!!!

  4. And I get thy I’m wasting your time but I mean, what else am I good for, killing bunny’s?! I don’t think so! So I’m just gonna waste your time and make you read (mwah ha ha ha ha) think about life’s problems (idk) and laugh. Mostly the laughing part. Thinking about life’s problems is for when your starring out the bus window to make sure you don’t have eye contact with the creepy people on your bus *more awkward ness* so did I tell you about my new computer?!?! (I probaby did already but I will again just for your pleaser. IT’S AWESOME!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!! Ok I’m done, not with the blog, I’m just done with the part about the computer. I’m not done with the blog till I get tired. Pshhhhh, NOT……GONNA…..HAPPEN

  5. Now your probably getting real annoyed at me cause
    1. I won’t shut up
    2. I’ve made so far like 5 (really who’s counting) long blogs about wroth less things!!!
    3. I’m hungry haha
    SOME ONE BRING ME FOOD!!!! Preferably waffles. Haha it’s so funny I’m not even the biggest fan of waffles but just cause um the waffle song I’ve got the whole 6th grade obsessed with waffles. I can see the headline now: LOCAL GIRL GETS WHOLW CLASS OBSESSED WITH WAFFLES THEN THEY GET ATTACKED! CONWENCEIDENC? I THINK NOT!!! <— ok that's a little long for a head line but ya know live and learn

  6. I just noticed this long scape on my arm, like a long mark. And I have no idea where it’s from, I hate when that happens, your just typing the. You notice this scratch on you and you have no idea how you hurt yourself. AGHHHHHHH my copyer just randomly turned on, it scared to poo out of me (so now I’m just AnnMarue, no poo) I though it was gonna print out some creepy picture then I was gonna get earn so I turned it off, that’s better. Ok I think I’m gonna stop with the blogs not. Not cause I’m tired just so I don’t waste anymore of your time, even though that’s my purpose in life.

    AnnMarue (no poo) OUT!!

  7. Your time thing is off. It’s 10:02 right now (just turned that) and the thug here it says what my name is and the date and time, that time is off.

  8. Wow that was a lot of type-is but I don’t want to have to go back and figure them out then tell you bout them so you’ll just haw to deal

  9. other two blogs didn’t post for some reason, maybe i didn’t do them….:(
    why are they called ‘hash-browns’?
    why not ‘hash-rounds’?
    if you go to Jack’s , the hash-browns are round.
    Maybe they really are called ‘hash-rounds’;
    and i don’t pay attention?
    maybe they blink when you blink
    maybe they are alive…
    end of hobo-stalker trilogy
    The hobo sat on a street corner and chewed on his sandwich, which he for some reason, never seemed to finish.
    The stalker stood in the shadows watching the hobo, and every time a mother and daughter would walk by holding hands, he would hiss at them like a cat or something and just freak everybody out.
    The hobo watched this strange man, and wondered why he was a stalker.
    Then the hobo wondered why HE was a hobo.
    Seven and 3/17 of a minute later, the hobo took the last bite of his sandwich.
    Then the hobo was sad inside because he no longer had a sandwich.
    To this day, the hobo walks up to people at drive-thru windows and asks them for a sandwich and some money.
    And the stalker?
    Look behind you…

  10. I have a tendency to check the blog whenever Iā€™m bored, so that tells you that Iā€™m bored right now.

    So, things that are going on in my life that you could care less about but just read because you have nothing else to do.

    1. Having withdrawals. I had to put up my Rip-stick for family get-togethers.
    2. Staying up for New Years.
    3. Thatā€™s about it

  11. anna, you do know you can save creative writing for next week, right??? šŸ™‚

    otherwise, i’m totally bummed about the end of the hobo stalker trilogy – the ending was too predictable:)

    see you thursday

  12. annmarue, queen of the waffles
    good to hear from you – best wishes staying up tonight – i’m sure you won’t be reading:)

    is there an over/under on the number of kids that will come in new clothes on thursday??? i’m thinking at least 75 percent of the girls and 50 percent of the guys (with 25 percent of the guys wearing the EXACT SAME THING THEY WEAR EVERY DAY) – but that’s my expert opinion after years of watching this

    me??? i sadly have no new clothes to wow ya’ll with – the plaid pants store is in an economic mess w/o my business


  13. fred, i have the tendency to respond when i’m bored, so i guess we’re in the same boat

    i was hoping for rain tonight at midnight so that i wouldn’t hear fireworks – oh well…


    ps – finished another book today – i need to find some movies to watch – or something…

  14. Ok, so I have Wi-Fi now, so I’m on my new COMPUTER!!!!!! and yes Mr. Maf I think a lot of people will come in new clothes, I was going to but the shirt I was going to wear I wore today (I can hear you crying now) And I am so sorry that the plaid pants store is such a mess, maybe you can give some of the boys some fashion tips and get them all to wear plaid pants, I can see the horror……*coughs* I mean……I can see the awesomeness now!!!! AND HIGH FIVE TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHOS MOMS ARE LETTING THEM STAY UP FOR NEW YEARS!!!! and guess what I figured out today, I am totally terrible a bowling my scores: First game 35 second game 29. my high score is 50. and to think on the Wii my high score is 320 and I’m a pro bowler. But ha ha cause Shelby is even worse then me. Well I got to go……

    AnnMarue (still no poo) OUT!!!

  15. 1. Sorry for the late/early posts
    2. You have the Harvard shirt
    3. VANDY WON
    4. Does the “super mega bonus count because Fred’s grade needs help
    5. It’s only a 100
    6. In all other classes he has a 105
    7. Got a new set of basketball skills for Christmas
    8. They are actually decent

  16. 1. no need to apologize until i get a smart phone that beeps me when this is sent to my e-mail – and i can’t ever, ever envision that day coming:)
    2. i do – i’ve worn it once – i feel smarter, stronger, and better looking already
    3. it was awesome – and the lone highlight for the SEC for a bit
    4. definitely
    5. really?
    6. b/c it totally makes sense to get more than 100 – b/c not only is perfection possible, so is above perfection…
    7. i got running socks from sister
    8. mine arent:)


  17. Bring on the trivia I go first.

    How many notre dame seniors does it take to change a light bulb

    None it’s a grad school course

  18. trivia No. 1 – Notre Dame is one of three schools to have only played “big” school football games – so since 1970, only schools that are bowl-eligble teams – not division i-aa or FBS or whatever it’s called – the other two schools are???

  19. I have three new shirts, but Iā€™m going to wear my Berklee College of Music Brass shirt tomorrow. Thatā€™s it.

    P.S. My grades are always 100 or above (99 in Math) in all classes except GT. In there itā€™s a 95.

    So you were wrong Billy! Ha!

    See yā€™all tomorrow!

  20. If you were wondering why my Berklee shirt says Brass on it, itā€™s because I play trumpet for band.

  21. how about trivia no. 2 – notre dame is celebrating how many years of football this year???

    trivia no. 3 – notre dame has kept records since 1962 of how many of their players graduate – of those that stay with the program, what’s the percentage that graduate?

    trivia no. 4 – what’s notre dame’s overall record as a no. 1 playing a no. 2???

  22. Anna looks at all 20-something comments and her eyes hurt from all the things from AnnMarie (roopoo) says:

    CONWENCEIDENC. AnnMarie, is this a word? It was in your-1,2,3,4,5,93…-ONE of your blogs.
    WELL, I did kindof jack up my blogs for last week, normally I would do them right but on Christmas break my brain gets more stupid leaving me dumb (no not putting dumb-ER b/c i am not THAT dumb. sometimes…uh…) and I might have forgotten how to do it right at that moment…
    yeah…*cough cough*…i FORGOT…
    anyways i will re-do them if i need to…
    whats up with all the dots? …

    TO CALEB: yes i am doing a long-blog-anna-blog (like that makes sense!?!)
    TO roo: (since you scared away the poo) (haha, that rhymed) (that is all)
    AND i counted all of roo’s blogs, in the end it was 11.
    :O *wierdness* *cough* *whaaaaaaat? i didnt say that….*
    *cough???* is that nessicary anymore?
    AND to the hobo-stalker trilogy, it did end but i forgot the epilogue…
    the SECOND epilouge…

    The hobo found a sandwich under a broken down school bus and he was elated. He took a big bite out of the sandwich and a roach crawled out of the other end. (GEEEEEEEEEEEERODY!!!!) He spit it out and threw the sandwich on the ground, then killed the ‘sammich’ by rubbing it in with the bottom of his foot.
    He now felt sad inside, and desperatley needed a counselor.
    The counselor helped him learn to be civilized, and to this day the hobo is a lawyer. ‘Dr.CivilAndSophisticated’ became his new name.
    The stalker ran away to Elvin hill and met another stalker. They started dating and grew up and had 35 1/2 babies. The babies became stalkers when they grew up, too.
    (OH! And if there is confusement on the stalker getting married the stalker is a guy sorry i forgot to put that. if he wasnt that would just be wierd.)
    WOO! long blog anna was here!!!!

  23. So if you saw my username you will know why i am blogging on a friday (today is friday. i think…) AND we do not have homework this week anyways, the only reason there are 20 something comments is because AnnMarie was awake all night for new years and apparently she got bored. (I stayed up to but i am not going to constantly check the blog and type on it. only reason i saw it on christmas break was because i was bookmarking stuff for my tablet and bookmarked the google search for this and i clicked it by accident. i am not a stalker who checks this thing every day. emily stoves is, though…)
    SOOOOOO…first i need to do what all other typical 6th graders do and start off with a stupid intro involving kindergartener’s toys.
    My sister is in kindergarten, and when i am at my momma’s house i have to share a room with her. WELL, for Christmas she got a ‘Dream lite’. Not a big deal. YEAH RIGHT. It’s not funny when you wake up and freak out because there is a giant UNICORN on the ceiling and you suddenly remember it’s the stupid dream lite and THEN you start falling asleep again…
    UGH. It has a 25-30minute timer, but i fall asleep in 10 mins and wake up then fall back asleep again. Idk why i do that…
    HOMEWORKTATION will now begin!!!—————————————-
    later! i need to work on my science fair proj.!!! i will do this 2nite!!!
    (yes i know how to spell ‘light’ but dream lites are supposed to be spelled that way…)


  24. I do not like dream lites…
    no, i dont wake up EVERY night but most of the time i do not like going to sleep when a purple unicorn is staring at me…

  25. He he I am on my new computer right now and Bailey is here cause we have to work on our science fair project. Oh and guess what (this is a joke between me and bailey and Caleb)

    Me- 3 (years old)
    Bailey- 6 (years old)
    Caleb- 4 and 6 (years old)

  26. Iā€™m going to blog for Monday because Iā€™m watching the game. (who isnā€™t?) Iā€™m reading Eragon now, because I got a ton of books for Christmas and I havenā€™t gotten interested in Museum of Thieves yet, so I put it on hold.

    Iā€™m going to do a SOAPSTONE for a chapter in Eragon: Fateā€™s Gift.

    S: Narrator, or author
    O: Dragon egg hatching
    A: Teens and young adults
    P: To pull the reader into the beginning of a dangerous adventure
    S: The beginning of an adventure
    Tone: Exciting

    There, now Iā€™m free to watch the game tomorrow. Buenos Noches!

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