it’s a yellow dust bowl out there…

wow, so i think the pollen count is high today…

“the secret race” by hamilton and coyle – hamilton was a famous cyclist during the “Lance” era – coyle helped him research and write – wonderful book to study with my kids – we’ll journal on some lessons beginning this week – basically, how long could you, could anyone, survive in a sport where doping becomes accepted? again, there a lot of angles we could explore – that we won’t have time for in class – but i think my sporting kids would love reading this and putting themselves in tyler’s position – as an endurance athlete myself, it makes me question things – and it obviously fits with all the material i’ve read from armstrong and others from that time…

and so that was it last week – which isn’t really true – i just haven’t finished another book – i’ve got three i’m working on – 1946 baseball year-in-retrospect, pat summitt’s biography (WONDERFUL), and one direction’s “biography” – i was about done with that one when i donated it to an unnamed – but very lovely – fan of 1D – who wonders if i’ll ever be able to finish the book and learn whether the z-guy – i forget his name – likes boxers or briefs (yes, one of the many “tough” questions the book tackles – i could ridicule it more except that it reminds me of my boy band books i have on the new kids on the block – who – by the way – released a new album this week – which made last week AWESOME)

i’m starting to write in all caps – like my kids – this is bad…


65 thoughts on “it’s a yellow dust bowl out there…”

  1. Hey me mayfield I will blog for ten minutes in creative I have been in the car for 59018389492991;8 hours now and I am tired and hungry if I don’t drive to get some food soon I’m going to die I try to crank the car but I’m out of gas so I get up to walk and then I fall and crack my head open so I can’t walk to get to the hospital and my heads gushing blood and my phones in the car ten feet away so I just lay to the side of the dirt road where nobody travels the road less traveled isn’t the best ever because I can’t live and I can’t even walk so I’m dead

  2. Wazzup my champs,(I came up with a new thing to call everyone!) Just got done watching Life of Pie…one of the saddest and greatest movies I have ever seen. I highly recommend watching it, the connection with Christ is Great! Here is a poem I felt inspired to write.

    How long…you have been a castaway.
    People seem to hate you and the other parts of you.
    People of you has gifts of greatness and love.
    But many have cast you out.
    They must open their hearts to you…
    A castaway of the world.

    Tell me how you guys like this poem.

  3. So today I WAS going to blog off my phone because I was trapped at my grandmother’s house because I had gone over there before the storm started and then I couldn’t leave and because of the storm I didn’t have internet access and I couldn’t blog off my phone. So now I’m back home, it’s still raining but when it started sprinkling I ran over here as fast as I could (my waffles could have been in grave danger) So now I’m here. On my computer. At home. Blogging. I have a poem, because the whole time I was over at my grandmother’s house I had nothing to read but text messages and the backs of CD albums:

    (This is going to be written in pros)

    So you and your friend like the same guy. You don’t tell her you like him because you don’t want to ruin a beautiful friendship. You ask him if he likes her because she asked you to. Turns out he doesn’t like her, he likes you. So he asks you out and you’re so caught up in it you don’t even think twice about her and you say yes. You’re happy while she’s dying. That’s when it all happens. You guys finally make up when he breaks up with you because he doesn’t like it when SHE’S mad. Later on you to make a pact: Either one of you can date him and you promise it won’t ruin your friendship. You pinky swear and then he asks you out again. You “date” for about 45 minutes then it’s over again. That’s the story of today.

    So right now everyone is “dating” I don’t know why we call it that, we don’t actually go on dates, or go OUT we’re just “boyfriend and girlfriend” But weather we actually “date” or not, you still get that warm fuzy feeling that makes you happy. Ok, that’s a little chessey but I don’t care

  4. We MISSED 5th block !!!!! NOOOOO!!!! Thats my favorite classs


    Unpredictible anytime it can change from good to bad
    It can cause disaster and tons of damage
    On the other hand it can be reproductive
    It can be tempestuous
    Or more on the lines of Bitter
    Its also tricking so it could be scorching outside and then freezing
    The weather could be dead
    It could be gross, and muggy
    Cloudy or Clear
    Or maybe blusterous
    It could be arid
    It could be dry or showery
    Weather is unpredictable you can’t trust it
    Always be prepared and never trust the WEATHER MAN !!!! 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  5. I’m reading Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. I’m to the part where they have recently caught snow and are planning to execute him publicly in front of his mansion. Katniss goes to kill snow, sees coin on the balcony, then releases her arrow too high and kills coin, and then snow laughs himself to death. Katniss is put in a room and for a week or two is planning her suicide. Then Haymitch tells her that they are going home. She gets to the victors village and peeta is there. He whispers to her, “you love me.” Real, or not real. Katniss answers “real” hats the end of the book.

  6. Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

    I finished catching fire and it leaves you hanging just like the last book did.
    So, katniss got chosen for the hunger games because of a quarter quell twist. She and a bunch of other victors went into an arena to fight to the death as in typical hunger games fashion. What katniss didn’t know was that the other victors and the head game maker plu-something heavens-something were, and had been, part of a plot to destroy the Capitol for a long time. Katniss also discovered that there was a district thirteen, which was supposedly destroyed during the last rebellion. Katniss an a group of here allies in the arena where setting up a supposed trap, which was really a way to destroy the force field surrounding the arena. Katniss shot an electrified arrow into a chink in the force field and everything blew up. Johanna (insert last name if you know it) cut the tracker from katniss’s arm so the Capitol couldn’t track her after her and everyone else escaped. Then gale confessed that district twelve was destroyed (end)

  7. Darren and harkat were riding a raft after they got the globe from the toad.while they were riding they remembered what the witch told them about the quest they were Darren was talking to harkat when they heard some noise.they looked around and realized it was a dragon.they dove under the water to escape the fire and the dragon dove in with them.the dragon flew back up then dropped both of them.

  8. Mon- I started reading a new book called caught. It’s the fifth book in the missing series. The series is a about all the missing children from history. In the future some time travelers went back in time to kid nap all the farmhouse children in history and then set them up for adoption for a lot of money in the future. But the plan fails and all the kids get trapped in the 21st century

    Tues- Katherine and Jonah have to save these kids from time before they all get captured by the bad guys again. Caught is about Albert einsteins daughter leisle. She is a legend in the real world but the book tells her story. Jonah is in the middle of class staring at a clock and waiting for class to end. He looks at the clock and counts of the same time over and over again.

    Weds- he thinks “how long is this minute” then he looks at his teacher and sees him frozen with a marker levitating above the ground. He looks around and everyone else is frozen too. He yells out and says that jb (the head of the time travel police) needs to come out but he never does.

    Thurs- then a door opens and Jonah decides to stay frozen just in case it’s a bad guy. He hears a girls voice scream ” oh no not you too Jonah” then Jonah says its ok I’m not frozen. He turns around to find his sister kathrin at the door. She asks him whats going on and he says he doesn’t know.

  9. “August Nights”
    By Mayfield

    A glorious gift my grandfather gave
    me at birth: a homemade bat.
    Not a “bigger than baby” bat
    but a bat about the size of an
    infant – or rather me.

    My granddad lost two fingers
    to a tractor well before I arrived.
    Polio took his coordination,
    and a lifetime of road work
    left him beat up.

    And yet, POG
    (He was Plain, Old Granddad to me)
    played catch with me through
    most of his Alzheimer’s –
    everything else gone
    but his love of the game,
    of the Cubs,
    of life.

    The bat reminds me
    I miss him.

  10. Hey Fred you forgot to mention. C.J. is a dumb blonde. Colt is a mob leader, im a stupid turtle.

  11. Looking for JJ
    S- Alice Tully
    O-Alice went to go hang out with her boyfriend
    A-the reader
    P-her boyfriend, Frankie, was moving back home with his parents
    S-in August he wanted her to come down and visit
    T- suspenseful – leaving you on the edge of your seat. Makes you want to read on to know what will happen next.

  12. Looking for JJ
    S- Alice Tully
    O- looking at an old pic of her mom
    A-the reader
    P- she misses her and the good times that they had
    S- her mom was a model and she was very pretty. And she loved to choose her moms outfits for her photo shoots
    T-almost regretful- wishing she hadn’t done the things she did so she could still be with her mom

  13. Looking for JJ
    When Alice was little she lived with her mom all by her self. Her mother was a model so she didn’t spend much time with her mom because she was always at the studio or she was doing a photo shoot. She always stayed asleep late in the morning and there would be many days where Alice would miss school because her mom would wake up so late. On the days that she did go to school,her mom would pick her up at least an hour late. On certain days, when her mother wasn’t late. All of the other kids’ mothers would all stare as she walked up to the school and back down the street towards their house. All the other mothers envied her and wished they were in her shoes.

  14. Will you be making an appearence at the high school BOB competition this year? Curious minds want to know.

  15. sydney, unfortunately:( i’m reading for the middle school this year – please let me know how ya’ll do – and yes, i’ll miss seeing the high school kids a TON

    (if you can’t guess, it wasn’t my choice at all to read for middle school…)

    miss you

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