“i’m saving space in my top 8 for you…”

nothing like “myspace girl” as lightening pops across the sky as you finish another sunday long run…

“the victory season” by weintraub – story of the 1946 baseball season – it inspired me to write tuesday’s poem on the blog – and it would be a great read for middle schoolers – gets jackie robinson’s first season in (white) professional baseball – the story of returning vets from war – as they restart their lives on the diamond – and much more – so it fits well with what you’re reading in history class – as for me, it was enjoyable – lots about the season i needed to be reminded of

“sum it up” by patt summitt – we’re journaling on the book this week – she’s an amazing woman – a great coach – good encouraging read for teachers – for people who care about Alzheimer’s and those it affects – one trivia bit i could throw at you is that Pat wasn’t Pat until college – she was Trish

“running the edge” by adam goucher – i guess i needed goucher’s first name b/c his wife’s the famous one now – anyway, running/psychology book – it worked in areas – definitely a fresh read from the “couch to 5k” books – the part about running after tragedy, i’ve done that and it was a much better recap of the experience than i could write

“moon over manifest” – not only do i assign summer reading, i even occasionally read it:) anyway, this was the second time for me with manifest – it’d been three years and i’d essentially forgotten it – i could tell last year when i was grading my eighth grade papers – the book held up much better than i thought it would – so i was more impressed this time around than previously

hope you have a great patriot’s day tomorrow


62 thoughts on ““i’m saving space in my top 8 for you…””

  1. Monday-SOAPSTONE-Green Glass Sea
    SPEAKER- The Author
    OCCASION- The building of the atomic bomb.
    PURPOSE- To entertain.
    SUBJECT- The part I’m at now the two girls have just become friends and are telling each other about their names.
    TONE- humorous

    Tuesday- CREATIVE-Green Glass Sea
    after Ashton got his SECOND shower of the day. We all decided it would be good if we actually DID get something to eat. And some stuff for tonight. I was so hungry. We walked in ans Ashton’s mom rolled her eyes. Yes she was my aunt but between the three of us girls we had been in there three times already.

    ”Hey mom.” He said grabbing a plate.
    “Hey honey.”
    “How are things?”
    “Good. Hi boys! Hey girls. Kayla you look great!”
    “Thanks Mimi.”
    I looked down. Oh this old stuff? Thanks Aunt Margaret!

    Wednesday-Alternate Ending- Green Glass Sea
    Dewey hugeness Eisenstein the duck. Then she felt something at her feet. A teddy bear. Must be from Suze. She through it back.
    “You awake?”
    “Why does it matter?” she replied.
    “I’m sorry for being so mean to you.”
    She was WHAT? SHE was SORRY. SUZE? TRUCK?
    “I forgive you.”
    ”Hey whats up with you and Charlie.”
    “Just friends.. Why.”

    Thursday- POV Shift- Green Glass Sea
    Okay so is Suze my friend now? I think so. I’m just going to say she is and leave it at that. I need a friend anyway. With my dad gone and anything stable in my life now gone as well a friend seems just like what I need. And then I found out Suze had a weird middle name. And I told her my weird first name. I hope we really can be friends.

  2. Heyo everyone! I have seen a ton of those “Living in Numbers” poems soooooo, I thought I’d do one…

    Living in Numbers

    Number of times I ran into a pole: 1
    Number of things I know: 8,091
    Number of times I have hurt myself: 5,096
    Number of times I failed: 9,000,003
    Number of wins: 203
    Number of loses: 508
    Number of people I know: 1004
    Number of years I have been alive: 12 (AND A HALF)
    Number of numbers: Infinity

    Ok I really have no idea how many of these is true. All I can tell you is that the first line (Number of times I ran into a pole) Is completely true.

  3. I’m reading Brian’s Hunt by Gary Paulson. In the book Brian is at the part where he just stitched up the dogs wound and then he moved on to the north where he thinks the dog was from, but he still cannot figure out why the dog ran away from its home. He packs the canoe and then all the sudden Brian doesn’t even have to put the dog in the boat, instead he just jumps right in. Brian starts to paddle down the river heading north. He comes across a dam and has to unpack all of his gear, lift the canoe to the other side, then repack it, and the start paddling again. Brian had to do this multiple times before he stopped at a lake for the night. He decided to go hunt while it was still light out. He saw a green patch about three or four hundred yards away, and takes a couple field points with him. He spots a buck, a little deer and a doe, he picks the little deer since he doesn’t know if the doe was pregnant or not, and the buck was too much. He draws back his arrow as far as it can go. He releases with his aim slightly above the young bucks shoulder knowing it will go down in flight. He releases. He hits. The job is done, the arrow went straight through the deer, and lands on the other side. The other deer walk over to the deer and stare at it not even knowing Brian was right there. Then he came out and the darted off. Then he took it and made dinner for him and the dog.

  4. You know what I realized NEVER EVER EVER throughout my entire middle school career have you responded to one of my blogs… I see how it is.

    I know you favor the sixth graders!

    So our computer had a virus and then we went to get it looked at and we reset the hard drive and then we got it back last week and now it hasn’t been working again so I haven’t really been able to blog very much this week and that stinks because I really would prefer not having to do my blogs all in one night because it makes it much harder for me to stay on topic.

    I haven’t felt well this week so I really hope I am not getting sick. I am not in the mood for that.

    Well as you know I decided to read Eragon again.. I don’t know why I was possessed to try and read that book again..

    I read it towards the beginning of seventh grade and I thought it was okay.. It wasn’t really exciting for me though. I just remember the most memorable part of the book for me was when they were all in the Hadarac Desert and everyone managed to say that they were thirsty about thirty different times.

    And I remember the Eragon movie wasn’t really that good when I saw it.. But it came out a while back so now I am feeling a strong urge to watch the movie again just to see how it compares to the book.

    I don’t even really remember the movie that well.

    So yesterday I got done re-reading a book called Wither that is a pretty bad dystopia novel.. I guess it is my guilty pleasure though because it is so fun to read.

    The main characters name is Rhine and everyone in the book contracts a disease at a young age that kills them.

    For Females they get the disease whenever they turn 20 and when males turn 25 they get the disease and die.

    Because of this weird disease in order for the human population to grow everyone has to start having kids at a younger age so girls are sent off and bought my older men who use them to have kids…

    Which stinks. I would hate living through something like that.

    Rhine’s parents were scientists and they were trying to find a cure for the really weird disease that kills everyone off. Rhine’s paretns died in an explosion of the science lab they were working in so now Rhine is forced to live alone with her twin brother.

    One day when Rhine was wwalking home from work she got kidnapped by some guys in a van and sold off to a man named Linden. Rhine has two different colored eyes so she is like a Graceling or something like that!

    Linden bought two other girls to be his wife so Rhine has sister wives!

    This book is so incredibly weird. Well anyways Linden, who bought Rhine, turns out to actually pretty awesome and he is nice and loving but his father is a crazy lunatic who is trying to kill people so that he can use their bodies for science experiments.

    Rhine makes the mistake of falling for the servant of Linden’s home and the servant’s name is Gabriel and so Rhine runs away from Linden with the servant Gabriel and now Linden’s crazy father is trying to find Rhine and kill her.

    This series is a trilogy and I have no idea why it is so interesting to read..

    The second book is even worse. and the third one just came out so I haven’t gotten to read it yet.

    Oh well that is all.

    I am glad Battle of the books went well!


  5. This Week I’m Reading The Throne Of Fire By Rick Riordan One Of My Favorite Authors.
    So Far So Good I Mean The Bad Part About It Is That It Cost Me 5.99 An Outrageous Amount Of Money. But Any Who Its About A Boy Named Carter And A Girl Named Sadie Who Are Egyptian Magicians And They Have To Save The World Fr5om Apophis A Giant Snake Who Will Destroy The World A World That They Doomed! So Im At The Beggining Were They Have To Break Into A Museum To Steal A Statue And Then They Release A Griffon And They Release Some Chaos At A Museum Wedding And Their Babboon Manages To Save Themand They Leave On The Griffon And Thats Basically All I’ve Read So Far.
    So Yeah Bye

  6. Wednesday- I found out that the protagonist’s name is William. He has been attending primary school and is supposed to be going to secondary school next year. That’s when the food shortage started to affect him and his family. William’s mom started giving them one meal a day. Most people had started doing this weeks ago but it was still just as hard on him. When he worked in the fields, he almost fell over from hunger. William’s dog was getting skinny. Most dogs were only around for protection and they didn’t stay inside at all. When the maize ran out, there was no way for the people to live because their entire life revolved around it and tobacco. William’s parents came up with a plan to buy maize, grind it, make it into cakes, and sell it for a little bit extra and live off of the profits, even if there wasn’t much.
    Thursday-Creative Writing- Nicholas shouldn’t be forcing his elves to make him a Harley when there are Christmas gifts ti be made and he doesn’t even know how to ride. How would he ride it in twenty feet of snow anyways? I knew that I should have married the drummer from his future band. They never actually had a concert, or even a practice but they were all convinced that they would be more famous than One Direction. At least the drummer has a successful insurance company. Now Nicholas decided that his life is halfway over and none of his dreams came true, except for the one where he flies behind a reindeer with a glowing nose. he even got the elves to make him a guitar with a saw blade for a base. If he kills himself on that Harley I could get millions for the guitar on Ebay.


  7. Mon- Jonah and Kathryn decide to go to Kathryn’s boyfriends house. Jonah agrees so they leave the school and head for chips house. While they are walking down the street they see a car barreling toward them. Suddenly Jonah dives into a nearby ditch while Kathryn just stands there and stares at the car.

    Tues- Jonah tells Kathryn to dodge the car but Kathryn just turns at him and tells him it’s just jbs girlfriend. She pulls up beside Jonah and Kathryn and gets out of the car. She tells them to get in and Jonah and Kathryn do. Then they start telling her to GI to chips house.

    Weds- Jonah and Kathryn start telling her about how time stopped and she says she knows. Then Jonah looked at the dashboard and saw the elucidator. Janah was jelouse because jb never have him or Kathryn an elucidator. The elucidator is what they use to travel through time, but it can do very many things.

    Thurs- when they get to chips house Jonah unplugs the elucidator and it starts beaping. Jonah can hear static and jb talking. Jb tells Jonah not to be at chips house. But he was too late because at that moment Kathryn Jonah chip and jbs girlfriend were all touching each other. Suddenly Jonah and Kathryn fling through time

  8. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    I can respond to one of your blogs Julie.

    The movie isn’t that great. I hated it.

    As a huge Inheritance Cycle fan, it bugged the heck out of me because the movie didn’t follow sequence with the book at all. And the movie was 30% of the book.

    I wouldn’t recommend it.


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