it’s a yellow dust bowl out there…

wow, so i think the pollen count is high today…

“the secret race” by hamilton and coyle – hamilton was a famous cyclist during the “Lance” era – coyle helped him research and write – wonderful book to study with my kids – we’ll journal on some lessons beginning this week – basically, how long could you, could anyone, survive in a sport where doping becomes accepted? again, there a lot of angles we could explore – that we won’t have time for in class – but i think my sporting kids would love reading this and putting themselves in tyler’s position – as an endurance athlete myself, it makes me question things – and it obviously fits with all the material i’ve read from armstrong and others from that time…

and so that was it last week – which isn’t really true – i just haven’t finished another book – i’ve got three i’m working on – 1946 baseball year-in-retrospect, pat summitt’s biography (WONDERFUL), and one direction’s “biography” – i was about done with that one when i donated it to an unnamed – but very lovely – fan of 1D – who wonders if i’ll ever be able to finish the book and learn whether the z-guy – i forget his name – likes boxers or briefs (yes, one of the many “tough” questions the book tackles – i could ridicule it more except that it reminds me of my boy band books i have on the new kids on the block – who – by the way – released a new album this week – which made last week AWESOME)

i’m starting to write in all caps – like my kids – this is bad…


65 thoughts on “it’s a yellow dust bowl out there…”

  1. Iā€™m first!

    I was determined after Colt beat me, and now Iā€™ve got my revenge!

    Fred, King of Dinosaurs, Ninja Master, King of Birds, and King of Waffles, Out!

  2. I am still the queen. Fred does NOT overrule me. But Fred texted me informing me he was first to blog, so now I must be second.

  3. …and I dont want to be Moo anymore. The bacon kingdom is lonely without me. I am once again annabacon. (And im tired of being called a fat cow. If your not a girl and ur reading this, girls kindof dont like being called fat)
    And Colt, you have no room,to speak about size. You need a sandwich!!!

  4. 1. I love autocorrect.
    2. I drew a waffle and a bacon today.
    3. I would put it here but I don’t know how to do the online pic link thing.
    4. I haven’t even taken a picture of it.
    5. This number is useless.

    Once again, I read a lot, so sorry about the confusement.
    In ‘the lost hero’, Piper, Jason, and Leo finally escaped from king Midas. Jason made sure to cover up Midas’s son, so he would disintegrate from gold slower than all the others. They took camp somewhere around some mountains, and Piper woke up with hypothermia. Hedge tried to help a little, but obviously, goats aren’t all that great at being doctors. Leo once again cooked burgers, and even Piper (the vegan) liked them. She was upset because her stomach was ‘rebelling’ from her. She enjoyed it though! (Who doesn’t love a good burger? Well, actually, a lot of people…) In the cave, the king of wolves came up and tried to kill them. Long story short, the hunters of Artemis came up and almost killed the guy. Then Jason (who has a SERIOUS case of amnesia) realized one of them was his sister, Thalia.

    I already read like, 20 something minutes, but I kind of summed it all up into about 7 or 8 minutes. So, I will do a poem.

    Sometimes life can get you.
    When I say ‘get you’ I mean as in, drag you down.
    Put you in a bad situation, then give you false hope.
    Sometimes you wonder if life even wants you there.
    Does it want you dead? Are you such a disgrace to your race that your existence messes up the natural balance of the world?
    Sometimes life does things that you don’t understand.
    Things you really can’t understand.
    Why did you kill them? Why are they dead?
    You think that life hates you because of something you did, even when you know you can’t control when somebody’s time comes.
    When really, life is doing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, just for you.
    …because God has a plan, and eventually, everything works out.

    I hope that was any good, I usually don’t write poetry, just do creative stories.
    Well, that was a total of 15 minutes. I will do 5 more sometime this week.

  5. Ok then…..ANNABACON…. it is šŸ™‚


    Looking into the sky trying to see inmages in the clouds
    Trying to read big books to make you look smart
    Dressing yourself like a circusclown
    Pouting when having to stair at a corner
    Playing sports all at once
    Making up games when you are bored
    Asking for things costintley think that if you say it more than once it will change there mind
    Whatching T.V. all day
    Sitting in your parents laps and steering the car
    Hanging out with your older siblings
    Having play dates then complaining that there not called play dates
    Having sleep overs
    Whatching your first scary movie then whatching a kid show to get the scray movie out of your head
    Dressing your pets up
    Playing with dolls or action figures
    Going to bed peaceful…………….wake up and repeat šŸ™‚

  6. yay! i have TWO fabulous nicknames now!

    all because of a blue hoodie. šŸ™‚

    so, this week, i’ve been reading a great new book called “Walk Two Moons” by Sharon Creech. it’s about a girl going to see her mother in Lewiston, Idaho. and then, a story unfolds about her father’s relationship with her mother (who fled to Idaho), and his “girlfriend”, Mrs. Cadaver, and Salamanca’s freindship with Phoebe Winterbottom, aka, “Free-Bee Ice-Bottom” and “Pee-bee” when her grandparents ask her to “spin a yarn” on the way to Idaho to visit her mother.

    it’s a really good book. that’s as far as i’ve gotten into it, though. i’m looking forward to reading some more of it.

    i am SOOOOOO hyper right now! šŸ˜€


    now, i’ll be doing my creative.

    “A Philosophy”

    Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow is a mystery
    Today is a gift; that’s why it’s called the present.

    Be the change you want to see in the world.

    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

    Don’t judge a book by its cover.

    Philosophy. It’s a simple thing of everyday life.
    Would the world be the world if there was no Philosophy?

    The world would be damp and gray.
    The world wouldn’t spin.
    There would be nothing to live by.

    Life would have no purpose.


    so that was what, twenty minutes? yeah, i think so….. it’s 4:38, and i started around 3:50-ish…, yeah. i’ll be posting another blog definently sometime this week. šŸ™‚

    little blue hood, peace OUT!! šŸ™‚

  7. Haha, I took AnnMarieā€™s name to make her mad.- Sort of

    Anyway I definitely overrule AnnMarie now. Sheā€™s still in denial and Mr. Mayfield made it worse by saying she was to make her feel better in first block. I can already see the name AnnMarue Poo on the blog again. Oh what has the world become!?!?

    Also, why did Anna start calling herself Moo in the first place? If she didnā€™t want to be called fat cow then she shouldnā€™t have called herself that in the first place! By the way Iā€™m not calling Anna fat here, because that would be mean.

    Letā€™s see, what else, ummm, yeah I think thatā€™s it.

    Oh wait! Iā€™m now the King of Sea Anemones, along with Dinosaurs, Birds, Waffles, and Ninja Master, but thatā€™s kind of sad because sea anemones donā€™t have brains, or echolocation as I used in my defense. I guess the Walrus and the Carpenter will get away with their crimes. I wouldnā€™t know because I donā€™t have ears either.

    Iā€™m going to share more of my story today, because then Iā€™ll reach 15 minutes.

    Here we go!


    When Will got ahold of AnnMarueā€™s laptop, (now pause, the information of getting AnnMarueā€™s laptop is classified, but I can assure you Will didnā€™t go to her house) he decided to use magic.

    ā€œBrisingr!ā€ he shouted, pointing his hand at the laptop.

    ā€œYOU IDIOT THAT NEVER WORKS!ā€ bellowed Fred.

    ā€œAAAHH!ā€ Will screamed. The squishy potato flew out of Willā€™s hand and landed on the keyboard, and it exploded into millions of bits that buried themselves into the creases between the keys.

    ā€œI think you completed that task,ā€ said Fred, dumbstruck. ā€œHereā€™s your third labor: You must spell onomatopoeia backwards, while your hanging upside down, and you must have your eyes closed.ā€

    ā€œI could never do that!ā€ Will exclaimed.

    ā€œItā€™s easier than the first two tasks,ā€ Fred calmly said. He was lying when he said this. Everyone knew that the only person out of all of Mafeldā€™s students was Shelby Nesbitt.

    ā€œI donā€™t think so,ā€ Will told him.

    ā€œIā€™ll let you read 300 pages of Inheritance if you do it.ā€

    ā€œIā€™m on it!ā€ And Will was already hanging himself upside down.


    Fifteen minutes out of the way! By the way Iā€™ve been reading this afternoon I just wanted to have a bigger blog based on what I read to get the other ten minutes out of the way and turn in my journals on Wednesday.

    Well thatā€™s all for today, ummm, will have a five minute blog tomorrow on what I read in Inheritance.

    Fred, King of Dinosaurs, Waffles, Birds, Sea Anemones, and Ninja Master, Out!

  8. hi i am gonna blog about this book im readin. Mafeld said i don’t read enough so i guess i’ll show you what i am readin.

    SO this guy named Jack does everything his older sister does. he is a copycat. He has a diary (cuz his sister has one) but can never find something to write about. He fails at writin in good handwriting and writing fast, so at school he isn’t doin a great job. His teacher is not very smart, and assigns them to write out of their copybooks everyday and write the exact same thing written in the book. One day he is riding his bike when this dog attacks him and gnaws on his leg. Jack is convinced he has rabies and is really scared.
    that is all i read and it isn’t much of a blog
    so i will do another

    I am also reading a book called THE SORTA SISTERS.
    I will start where i left off.

    Mica befriends this chubby girl named Coleen. Coleen’s mom works at their school as a lunch lady. She always gives them extra food. One day Coleen goes to Mica’s house and is surprised when mica asked her to swim. Coleen doesn’t know how. Coleen gives it a whirl with some water wings. After a while, aunt Emma tells Mica that Coleen needs more sunscreen. Mica doesn’t pay attention. The next day at school, all the kids are making fun of Coleen because she is sunburned and puffier. Coleen doesn’t talk to Mica. Mica is worried that Coleen’s mom doesn’t like her anymore. When mica gets to lunch, she is surprised when Coleen’s mom is not mad at all. She is even more surprised when Coleen starts to talk to her saying that she ins’t mad anymore.
    Meanwhile Anna is happy because she is on a canoe with miss j. Just the 2 of them, and Beauty the dog. No mr. webster and no trog. All is good for anna. A few days later, Mr. Webster comes over just to chat with miss j. They come really close to kissing, which is sooo unlike miss j, when anna got her attention. close call. Anna is kinda feeling left out because Mica has a friend like Coleen, when anna has nobody.

  9. Ok i am still the queen, im not in denial but i do say if Fred is gonne overrule someone, it needs to be someone that cant pin him to the ground and slap the waffles out of him. Im on my phone right now so this cant be long

    Ok, so you like him,
    He flirts,
    I donf’t think he likes.
    Does that make since?
    But love doesn’t either,
    guess that’s life.
    Throwin stuff at you,
    not making since.
    But perfect and crazy at the same time.

  10. week 2 of april poetry month – and more baseball!!! šŸ™‚

    “On this very Cubby Street: A tribute to Addison”
    by Mayfield

    I crossed you in seventh grade on my way to Wrigley,
    father in tow and in the midst of a summer trip
    only to be repeated in the stories we tell
    until one of us passes – stories only
    extraordinary in love.

    A generation later, I don’t cross Addison,
    rather, I run down it – in a race –
    and I’m looking for my father –
    who’s supposed to be there –
    cheering –
    except I can’t find him.
    The crowds are pressed tight,
    three and four deep,
    and I’m going way to fast
    to hear anything but a collective

    But I run on because
    I know my father is in my heart,
    that and he promised to intersect
    me at the Sox stadium.

  11. Ok AnnMarie, you can have your waffles. Theyā€™re not worth the keep. I have Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, and Ninjas.

    Iā€™m sad. One of my subjects, a fledgeling, (baby bird) fell out of its nest yesterday and my dog got it, and I found it when it was still alive, and made a nest for nature to take its course. This morning the fledgling died. He will rest in peace.

    On a happier note, I read 40 pages yesterday, and Iā€™m going to do a five minute blog to finish blogging for the week, but you guys know Iā€™ll be back anyway.

    Iā€™m reading Inheritance, and the battle has begun in Aroughs. Roran has had his beard singed from torches, soldiers have been engulfed in fireballs, and much more, and the battleā€™s not even over yet, in this account of what I read at least.

    Their goal of course is to take over the city. To do so they will have to take over every street and kill their Governor, Halstead. Unfortunately, Halstead has an enemy magician, while the Varden have Carn as their magician.

    The magicians are fighting, and Carn wants Roran and his men to shoot arrows at the magician to distract him so Carn can kill him. However, the enemy magician has wards to protect him from such things, so flying arrows just shatter when they reach a five feet radius of him.

    Roran realizes he canā€™t do anything, so he and his men decide to attack the soldiers while the magicians fight. They begin to flank the soldiers. All of a sudden the magicians cause an explosion and everyone flies in every direction.

    That is not all I read, I read a lot more but thatā€™s 20 minutes this week so Iā€™m going to stop here.

    Fred, King of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, and Ninja Master, Out!

  12. This blog has got to be short I am going to the……………….LIBRARY for english books.


    A place to feel safe
    A place to belong
    A place to call yours
    A place to own
    A place to grow-up
    A place to live
    A place to fall back on
    A place to have special meaning
    A place to hold memories
    A place to put your money into
    A place to start new memories
    A place to take control of
    A place to call home
    A place to up-hold
    A place to hold parties
    A place to eat
    A place to have a family
    A place to raise a family

  13. I’m reading Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. I’m to the part where the rebels a taking the Capitol and Katniss and her 451 squad are running through the streets when all the sudden they get to a place where children are barricaded in by presidents mansion. Then a hovercraft appears and starts dropping gray parachutes that they drop in the arena when the hunger games were going on. The children take the bags and immediately the bags blow up and kill a bunch of the kids, and then once they think its all over the bags blow up again leaving a bunch of bystanders devastated by the bombs results. Katniss sees her sister get hit by the second bomb and she basically just shuts down in the midst of it all. Well there’s ten minutes

  14. Yellow everyone. Just got done practicing Basketball and now I feel like I should write a poem about it…

    You dribble down.
    The pressure increases as players squeak beside you.
    A moment passes, a simple thought, eliminating your fear.
    The people around you watching slowly become a blur.
    A clear path to the basket enforces your thought.
    You reach the free-throw line.
    The thought burns like fire inside you.
    You jump, your 4 foot body jumps, into the air.
    People around you become a simple thought.
    The ball rolls around in your hands.
    The basket slowly comes to greet you.
    You hang on the rim.
    Everyone stares in awe, then cheers.
    The coach walks over holding you up in the air.
    You are now the school hero…

  15. Ok so I didn’t blog last night so I must do it now. On the bus. From my phone. So it must be short: poem time:

    You try your best,
    but I guess everyone elses “best” is better.
    You excel and get better,
    but so does everyone else.
    You want it,
    But because everyone else is better,
    you probably won’t get it.

  16. speaking of no sense, it’s poetry time!!!

    “Another Elegy”
    by Mayfield

    Goodbye, 1946 baseball season book that
    I never quite could remember the title of.

    You weren’t quick, 400-plus pages, but
    you take too much from me

    And you gave me so much – reminders of
    Jackie’s first season (minors),

    Of WWII returning vets (the unanswered
    question I have:

    “How do you return from war
    and pick a baseball back up?”

    Or rather…

    “Was it your therapy (on the cheap)
    to return from war and return to play?”

    Reading you reminded of Summer of ’49
    that I read as a kid,

    reminded me I never really wanted to
    grow up in the first place –

    No, I wanted a clean, white baseball
    to grind into my hand forever.

  17. Really like the poem Dr. Maf. I got on of my own!

    “Twisted Minds”
    By: Joseph Lee

    I sit with my cousin on the way to school,
    He sits and listens to his Ipod Shuffle.
    I sit and reflect to acts of my past,
    while woundering what is in his mind.

    On the way back home he allows me to listen
    I peack inside the mind of the twisted.
    I sit and listen to a track or two
    That is filled with weapons and death.

    I slowly come to find
    All he has done

    To find your cousin
    Is like a demon from hell.

    Okay, Queen, I have an idea: how about your kingdom (waffles, who are slowly being taken over) become an ally with my kingdom (the bacons, the Steves, and cows) and we both defeat Fred? WE SHOULD BE ALLIES BECAUSE WE BOTH INVOLVE BREAKFAST!!!

  19. Okay, since my small kingdom is not very popular, I will do a story on its history.

    Okay, so there was this REALLY COOL person named Anna. She eventually realized that bacon…well, is pretty darn awesome. She then took on the title of ‘Anna bacon’ and began her rule over all bacons. Her promise was to lower the number of bacons being eaten in a day. Obviously, bacon is good, so that would be a hard task. The bacons admired her courage, and agreed to join her.
    Meanwhile, a bacon named Delicious decided that HE wanted to rule the miniature bacon empire Anna had created. Delicious tried to start a revolution, but he had too little followers, and as punishment for betraying bacon kind, Anna got Emily to eat every last evil bacon.
    The bacons became a happy race, until Anna decided she wanted to expand the kingdom, because nobody knew about her amazing empire. (Because it was so small) Anna didn’t pose a threat to anyone yet, and that gave her the advantage.
    She expanded into the Unicorn territory, since they had so much, and that’s when they encountered the Steves. They were evil, CRASSY minded creatures, and their soul purpose in the world was to eat everything, and then when that would be over, they would transfer to cannibal mode.
    Anna met with The Emperor cow and they got a dinosaur named Bob to do five labors to defeat the steves. (That’s another story, I won’t get all into that) But there were so many steves, that Anna couldn’t get rid of them all. She hired professionals to tame them, and took the remaining steves under her rule. They served as an army for her kingdom, and they multiplied into really big numbers, so she had an (still unknown) army. She thought of invading the waffles, but they posed a great threat, and she didn’t want to be on their bad side. She tried to become an ally of the waffles several times, yet they were enemies of Fred, (who built a really big empire, ruling a lot of stuff now) and since her kingdom was still very small, she couldn’t afford to get on anybody’s bad side.
    Meanwhile, Anna realized how cool cows were. She murdered the Emperor, and convinced everyone his ‘last request ‘ was for her to rule the cows in his place.

    Today, Anna still rules the bacons, steves, and cows.
    And her army is growing stronger…

  20. šŸ™‚ four blogs

  21. My empire is growing very rapidly, and I only entered Mafeld politics in January and I already rule four races!!!!!!

    Take that Mafeld politicians.

  22. Are class is kind of wierd compared to first block šŸ™‚ but we are more awsome anf funyy so its even.

    5th block

    Talking non stop
    Making jokes left and right
    Fighting over who gets to wear the….Cape
    Debating over who has the lowest self-astem issues and yes we actually do no joke
    Asking the most random questions ever
    Coming up with all the jokes for Dr.Mafields 6th grade
    We have the Queen of Waffles
    We have Red
    And of course we have the three dumd blondes
    5th block is the more AWSOME CLASS!!!!

  23. I finished a book at last.
    But I will instead write a poem.

    The Blog-
    Start with a first blogger war
    Add a cheesey love poem by Annmarie
    Add some moo cows that turn into bacon
    Add a ninja dinosaur waffle king
    Add an evil teacher who make us use the Internet for homework
    Add some hater-aid
    Add bobey and some squids
    Add little blue riding hood
    Add another cheesey love poem by Annmarie
    Add another moo cow
    Add another ninja Dino waffle king
    Add more blue riding hoods
    Add another evil teacher who makes his student use the Internet for homework

  24. I object Shelby.

    First block has dinosaurs, ninjas, birds, sea anemones, unicorns, and weā€™re smarter!

    Besides, you canā€™t spell dumb right. dumd isnā€™t a word, and astem is spelled esteem.

    Jeez. Are you one of the three dumb blondes?

  25. I declare war on Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have such a huge empire that she should just surrender.

  26. Darren and harkat killed the panther and and found part of harkat was.the were scribbled into the teeth when he finished arranging them it said HARKAT MULDS. Harkat cursed when he saw it but they saw something promising it was a map on the panthers belly. it said the find the toad. They followed the map and found the toad. The thing is the toad was bigger than a cow and it took a bird for a fly and ate it.

  27. Wazzup my peeps! Also I like your poem Dr. Mafeld!
    Ok I have been trying to think of something to write a poem about and here is a poem about the first thing that came to my mind…

    “Wet Floor”
    You walk to go get your food
    The line ahead of you becomes a distraction.
    You slip, on the tracks of the mop like a snail slipping in its own muck.
    People around you help.
    As you blush.
    Then you think, where’s the sign!

  28. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Joseph found the blog the only thing worse would be if he and keaton joined forces, & fred since when have you had anmarie’s #

  29. So I’m blogging from my computer today. At home, instead if on the bus. I am on page 348 of Pathfinder:

    I don’t even know where I left off. Aright so I just checked and I left off at Umbo going into the future instead of the past. After that a new chapter starts and its on the boat where Rigg still is. In his own mind he thinks of the only logical reason they jumped off. Which he ends up with the right one. (You know what the reason is, I don’t want to explain it) Well Rigg takes this long boat ride (to the place where his mom and sister are) and nothing really happens that whole time other than Rigg’s unsuccessful attempts at the whole time traveling thing. Well Rigg gets to the house and everything and nothing really happens that big except a few things:
    1. Rigg didn’t sleep in the bed he supposed to because in his studyed of the paths by it someone had trapped it where he would fall into a thing of deadly lizards.
    2. he was out late and saw paths of someone but there wasn’t a person there. the person he later figured out was his sister, who wasn’t really turning invisible (like it seemed) it just had alot to do with the way your eye worked. (hard to explain)

    bye bye now

  30. i sit here, typing early thursday morning, couched in fear for the storms that will come… šŸ™‚

    “Atlanta Flying (for now)”
    by Mayfield

    Early in the spring, hotter than
    an August in Augusta or Tiger
    with a lead on the back nine on Sunday,
    crushing like Aaron and Spahn and Murphy
    and Hudson (wait, still on the team)
    did before, dominating the new year
    because “Hot”-lanta always chills
    come football season,
    the (toma)hawk flies.

  31. Anna, if you take over Kaleighā€™s unicorns, I will attack! That was the origin of my declaration of war on you because the unicorns will always be Kaleighā€™s.

    So give them back, or your puny empireā€™s mine!

  32. bOoK:HaRrY PoTtEr aNd tHe dEaThLy hAlLoWs
    sIdE NoTeS:Hi<mY NaMe iS KeAtOn.
    *-lOoK It uP.

    cReAtIvE- Rift:
    I was walking down … road(very creative), when I noticed something small and blue on the sidewalk. I picked it up. I never knew anything like it, I was being surronded in blue light. I started to hear a humming. It sounded like a familiar tune. It was from my childhood. I remembered it from Portal*, so I listened more. I then heard nothing.

  33. bOoK:HaRrY PoTtEr aNd tHe dEaThLy hAlLoWs
    sIdE NoTeS:Hi<mY NaMe iS KeAtOn.

    cReAtIvE- Rift:
    I was frightened. Too frightened to notice that, though my location hadn't changed, it's condition did. After this time of fright, I tried to move. I couldn't. I gripped the small, blue thing harder, forgetting it was there. It happened again. The light, the tune. The road returned to it's original condition. I wondered if it was the blue thing that caused this, but decieded against it, convincing myself it was my imagination, it wasn't reality.

  34. So I have this theory that the apocalypse is actually happening right now… and we will all choke and die on the pollen in the air.
    Unfortunately we have a huge gigantic pine tree in our front yard that has so much pollen come off of it.. Everything in our front and back yard is coated in yellow and as soon as I walked outside I felt like I was going to suffocate from the pollen. We are all dying.

    MANY APOLOGIES for not being able to blog at all yet this week.. I know you probably missed me but our desktop computer has gotten a virus and I missed my baby. But we got it fixed so it’s working just wonderfully now. And I get to do one super long 20 minute long blog. yayyyyyyyyyy

    So I haven’t been able to find a new good book that I can read so I am just re-reading some of the books that I already have.

    I finished The Sun Also Rises and it was really good I enjoyed it.

    Also the Giants beat Colorado 10-0 yesterday and it made me really happy. Buster Posey got three hits yesterday; a single, a double, and a triple. And Barry Zito pitched a shut-out for his second victory of the season. He has now pitched 14 innings of shut-out Baseball for the year.

    Faryn is being forced to spend the night with me tomorrow and I am going to corrupt her and force her to play video games with me. Faryn just doesn’t seem like a video game person to me… šŸ˜€

    So for Easter my mother bought me and my brother books instead of candy… because we are nerds like that. So Jake got the book Skin by Ted Dekker. I have ready a couple of other books by him before and they are all pretty good so I told Jake I wanted to read it when he got done reading it.

    SKIN IS SO SCARY. Ted Dekker wrote another book called House that I read over the summer and I thought that one was scary.. I cannot even read this book if I am alone because I feel like I will get shot or something.

    It’s about this girl named Wendy who lives in a town outside of Las Vegas. She was driving down a county road in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm and there was a tornado warning and everything.

    It was storming so badly that she couldn’t even see the road ahead of her or the lights coming off of her car so she was trying to pull off the road when she ran into a pickup truck that was on the side of the road. ‘

    She got out of her car and realized that the car that she had hit, had bullet holes in the door and no one was in the car. So she leaned into the car trying to find out whose car it must have belonged to.

    Then she heard a scream but she couldn’t even see anything around her because it was raining too hard. She found a gun in the truck so she got it out and started trying to figure out how to shoot it and she tried to find where the scream was coming from.

    then a bullet shot right by Wendy and she couldn’t see who it was that was shooting her so she ran back to her car to hide away from whoever the person was that had tried to kill her.

    Then it moved ahead to talk about the sherriff of the town and he starts getting black mailed by this murder who keeps killing people all over the town and he goes by the name of the red and he threatens the sheriff to do bad things.

    That is pretty much where I am at right now with that book and I also started re-reading The Book Thief just because it is an amazing book that doesn’t get old to me.

    That is all


  35. I declare Will Morris the King of Armadillos! I also declare him part of my empire so now heā€™s just the Earl of Armadillos.

  36. Im reading Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. I’m to the part where Katniss has just recovered from the recent shock that she recieved when her sister was hit by the parachute bomb that fell from one of the capitals hover crafts. And after that she realizes that her sister is dead. She stays in the recently captured, president snows mansion

  37. Yep, thats my name. Thanks Fred, you rock!!!!

    Well last Thursday, I started reading a book called “The Name of this Book is a Secret”. This book is definitely an interesting read, considering the fact that the characters are secret agents. The author is very careful not to tell you certain things about the characters, to protect their identity. The whole first chapter is a bunch of jibber-jabber; the author later tells you that the first chapter couldn’t be read because that is where the characters name are revealed, as well as your location.

    I like this book particularly because of the way it twists your brain. Since the location can not be revealed, the author says that you can picture the plot in your hometown. The author also states(this one’s a brain twister) that the story might actually take place in your town. Of course this book is fiction, but little things like that make this book interesting so far.

    There is more to come, KEEP BLOGGING PEEPS!

  38. I now add Armadillos to my list because even though Will Morris is now the King of Armadillos, he is under my rule because he allowed it.

    So there.

  39. Here is what Iā€™ve gathered.

    AnnMarie- Queen of Waffles
    Fred- King of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, and Ninja Master
    Will M.- King of Armadillos (under Fredā€™s rule)
    Anna- Queen of Bacon and Cows
    Kaleigh- Queen of Unicorns
    Andrew- King of Squishy Potatoes and Floating Lemons
    Madison, Janie, and Shelby Peel- The three dumb blondes, or as Shelby would put it, dumd blondes.

    I think thatā€™s all of it

  40. To be a ghost
    to be a guide
    you must be stripped
    of thous’t pride

    So now to Fred
    Hunter, Ruler, King
    The boy who made a Waffle
    you Need an inner ring

    I say this to you
    because you will be blue
    when the flu
    gets to you

    I am sorry
    I am a just guide
    for the past is a lie
    yet it is also the ultimate ride

    Now I sound like Dante
    just without the circles
    but when in rome do like the romans
    Or like Heracles

    Now listen close
    listen hard
    so now I will stop
    sounding like a bard

  41. Waz up??? Now for my other ten minutes, I will do a creative poem. Btw, sorry Shelby, but this is my version of your poem.

    1st Block

    Dead baseball players,
    Bobey sqiuds,
    and Lebronitus.
    Fifth block may be funnier,
    but we’ve got the brains.
    I’m not saying that we actually
    use them for smart stuff,
    but we have them.
    We don’t throw rocks,
    or fish for babies.
    We don’t have armies of bacon,
    (dinos are better).
    Armadillos are better than lemons,
    and Jason is cooler than squishy potatoes.
    Yep, I said it.
    Forever enemies?
    I think so.

  42. hi i haven’t gotten to blog tues. or wed. so i will be writing three blogs today


    I am reading Heads or tails and I will start where i left off. Jack finds out that the dog did not have rabies so he is happy. This girl quit her job which is one of those traffic people. The girl is in Jack’s grade, so he takes the job. There is an old lady who is cra-cra and says that her bird died. Jack is told to bury it. Jack feels bad for the lady so he buys her a new bird. The girl with the job before jack gets mad because she told him not to help the old lady. SO the girl tells a teacher a lie about jack so jack gets fired. Jack has to start watching over his little brother peter. Jack likes to do risky stuff but he know peter can’t do. One day Jack is with his dog bobo at the river. Jack came to the river because Peter was asleep. Jack leaves Bobo to go get a soda. When Jack comes back, he sees that an alligator is eating bobo. Jack is hit by the fact that the alligator could’ve eaten peter. Jack starts to take better care of peter.

    I will leave where i left off in the sorta sisters. Anna doesn’t want her friends to see that she hung out with cody, so instead of playing with popular kids, she suggests climbing the old tree. They climb and climb really high. Anna finds a good branch to stop at, but cody wants to go one branch higher. Anna says ok. Cody falls Ten feet out of the tree. miss j and anna don’t hear any news about cody for a while. later anna visits cody and finds out that cody broke his arm and got a big cut on his head. meanwhile Mica’s dad wrecks his motorcycle but isn’t hurt badly. Mica finds out her dad is drinking again. It is good news and bad news for mica because she later finds out she gets to spend a month with anna and miss j when her dad goes to rehab for bring an alcoholic.

  43. oops! i didnt mean to hit submit.

    I will do a creative today.
    Red is like anger, its fierce color is the color of blood.
    Orange is the color of hope, it is bright and beautiful.
    Yellow is the color of happiness, It is the color of sunshine.
    Green is the color of plentiful harvest, it is the color of trees, grass, and veggies.
    Blue is the color of sadness, it is the color of tears.
    Purple is the color of royalty, jesus’ robe is that color, along with many kings and queens.

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