“i’m saving space in my top 8 for you…”

nothing like “myspace girl” as lightening pops across the sky as you finish another sunday long run…

“the victory season” by weintraub – story of the 1946 baseball season – it inspired me to write tuesday’s poem on the blog – and it would be a great read for middle schoolers – gets jackie robinson’s first season in (white) professional baseball – the story of returning vets from war – as they restart their lives on the diamond – and much more – so it fits well with what you’re reading in history class – as for me, it was enjoyable – lots about the season i needed to be reminded of

“sum it up” by patt summitt – we’re journaling on the book this week – she’s an amazing woman – a great coach – good encouraging read for teachers – for people who care about Alzheimer’s and those it affects – one trivia bit i could throw at you is that Pat wasn’t Pat until college – she was Trish

“running the edge” by adam goucher – i guess i needed goucher’s first name b/c his wife’s the famous one now – anyway, running/psychology book – it worked in areas – definitely a fresh read from the “couch to 5k” books – the part about running after tragedy, i’ve done that and it was a much better recap of the experience than i could write

“moon over manifest” – not only do i assign summer reading, i even occasionally read it:) anyway, this was the second time for me with manifest – it’d been three years and i’d essentially forgotten it – i could tell last year when i was grading my eighth grade papers – the book held up much better than i thought it would – so i was more impressed this time around than previously

hope you have a great patriot’s day tomorrow


62 thoughts on ““i’m saving space in my top 8 for you…””

  1. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The King is here, and heโ€™s disappointed that he was beaten by AnnMarie on the weekly first to blog competition by four minutes. I will seek the first place position next week on Sunday.

    And, Iโ€™ve made an alliance with snakes, since I have a snake- sheโ€™s purple- and from the plastic species. Her name is Violet the Vicious Viper.

    GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?! Iโ€™VE BEEN READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Inheritance if you were wondering.

    Anyway Iโ€™ve made huge progress through the book, and now Iโ€™m on page 300 something! Iโ€™d check but I donโ€™t want to. Sooooo.

    The Varden succeed in taking Aroughs, and Roran begins to venture to Dras Leona to take that city as well.

    Eragon and Ayra spend the day sparring, only to be shocked when Glaedr, Oromisโ€™ golden dragon, finally speaks from his heart of hearts. He begins teaching Eragon on how to best Ayra in fencing, because she continually was beating him and he was getting angry. After being taught, Eragon wins two out of three matches, and the third was a draw because after all day of sparring, the two were too exhausted to finish the third.

    Only a fraction of what I read, but five minutes was what I was going for.

    Also, Iโ€™m sorry to say that I wonโ€™t be able to provide a segment of my Twelve Labors story this week, because Iโ€™m practicing my self to death for my trumpet recital!

    Only trumpet players would get this: Me, Bailey, and Cody.

    Iโ€™m playing for college and high school student trumpet players. Iโ€™m so nervous! But Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll be awesome, because everyone who knows says I will.

    I think thatโ€™s it.

    HAPPY PATRIOTโ€™S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, and Fred, King of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, and Ninja Master- Out!

    P.S. Great. Time to practice for two hours to prepare for my recital.

  2. Ha GUESS WHAT I AM READING A BOOK !!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ well the book i am reading is called “Burn For Burn” So far what I have read there are three completley diffrent girls two of them know each other but they are ex-best friends and one is new to this little town. The town is cut off from everything else you have to take a farry to get there so in the town everyone knows everyone. These girls are know in highschool so LOTS AND LOTS OF DRAMA basically cheating, partying, and typical high school stuff. Well i am going to skip the stuff that isn’t impotant but they all have something in common. You see this is the most interesting part of the book they allo have debts to pay with people all of these people are connected like friends or use to be friends. It is hard for all three of the girls they are helping each other savitoge and destroy the lives of there friends but none of them have any regrets about what they are doing and what they plan to do. This is about half the book tomorrow I will tell you some of the things they do and who they do it to and why. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    PROMPT: Creative – hfvyhufbvdrffhj (it’s a poem)
    SIDE NOTES: gtyhbgfvdgvhnbjmkmnk jbszaxzdcfvnm (this was written by smashing my face onto the keyboard)


    (now on to the real creative)
    Fred is the king of mostly every thing
    He’s the king of anemones
    He’s not the king of amemomes (that’s still camden)
    He became the king of snakes over about 25 hours
    That must have been a short war
    Fred has a “recital”
    Probably not important
    Yet he still practices for two hours
    Now I’m just lengthining the poem

  4. Okay so like I’m the second ninja in command I think that I should be in control over at least SOMETHING. So whatever y’all think I can be ruler over y’all let me know please. So I also have been acually reading a book and the tital is pretties. In this book, this girl named Tally became pretty and she and zane and perish went out to find a cure for the desiese that is spread around to all the pretties. Tally gets seperated from the others and she must find her way back to them. Yet, tally runs into other people who try to kill her. These people then stop trying to kill her when they notice her beauty and think that she is a god. They then bring her back to their village and all the other people also think she is a god. Then tally tells the people that she must leave so that she may return to zane and perish. One of the people from the village offer to go with her to make sure that her journy is a sucess.

  5. Oh and fred, good luck on ardavinos (sorry if I spelt it wrong) recital

  6. So I heard that the King of Dinos/Ninja Master/King of Birds/King of Armadillos/King of Snakes was sad. Well HA-HA!!! I beat you to the blog. BY FOUR MINUTES!! So today I’m gonna blog about the book I’m reading. Well duh!! So where’d I leave off in Pathfinder?? Well I really don’t know. Let me go check:

    OK, so I left off at Rigg finding his sister (“finding”) POOPY!!! I haven’t read any more than that!! *meh* Here comes a poem, sorry:

    He went from me to you,
    but our friendship will forever be true.
    You can’t tear us apart,
    even when a stupid boy breaks our hearts.
    At least now we both realize,
    he was always hiding behind a bunch of lies.
    People say “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”,
    but no matter what he’ll always be the same.
    Love can come from far and wide,
    but friendship always beats some guy.

    To the second ninja in command.

    I have just sworn in Bailey (second ninja in command) as the ruler (queen) of bunnies (her name is Bailey Bunny, duh). So now she is Ninja second in command AND the Queen of Bunnies.


  7. “Life in Numbers”
    By Mayfield

    Number hurt in Boston: 4
    (Are you there?)
    Number hurt in Boston: 12
    (Have you heard?)
    Number dead in Boston: 2
    (I can’t pull away from this)
    Number hurt in Boston: 17
    (I’ve got to run away from this)
    Number hurt in Boston: 22

    And I leave…

    Numbered year I bought my Boston hat: 1989
    Numbered year the hat was a throwback to: 1912
    Number of miles I hoped to run Monday afternoon: 4

    Number of miles before I was ready to give up,
    give in the humidity, give in the oppression
    of the news I’d heard…


    And then…

    Number of friends I spotted running: 1
    Number of invites I got to run with: 1
    Number of miles we covered: 4-ish
    Minutes we averaged a mile without effort: 7

    Amount of t-shirt drenched in sweat upon return: 75
    Percent increase on my hopes in life: 100

  8. good poem maf. i have to blog 4 Mon and Tues.

    the sloppy copy slip-up (wuts i is reading)
    is about a boy who doesn’t turn in a paper and knows his mom will kill him if he has another 0. so he tells this story about his little brother stealing his money so he couldn’t buy his guitar he really wanted. so he says he was chasing his little bro stevie. his teacher is really really really really mean. so he has a very slim chance of “living” but surprisingly, he gets another chance.

    blog for tues.

    i will do a creative because i havent read much of my new book.

    Feel the wind in your hair.
    Smell the flowers God created.
    See the beautiful trees around you.
    Hear the birds sing their song.
    Feel the soft grass under your feet.
    Smell the clean, spring air.
    See the blue sky above you.
    Hear the squirrels chatter among themselves.

  9. Heyyy y’all. So I know that I wasn’t in school today (oviously) and I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to see y’all!!!!! Anyway, I really liked your poem dr. Maf and annmarie, thanks for letting me be the queen (ruler) of the bunnies. Also annmarie, nice poem and its funny how most people won’t get it. I thought I might have my creative side come out with a poem that is not as terrible as the king of dinosaurs. ๐Ÿ˜› so yay.

    Stuck in bed
    By: me

    Being at home, all alone, with no one here beside me
    I have the feeling, I won’t be needing, to do anything today
    I hate a cold, so dark and drery, that i want to run and hide
    But all I know, is what I’m told, about how bad school was.

  10. I FINISHED A BOOK!!! The ending was a little diffrent than I expected. In all the three girls got there revenge an all the people. They got into trouble, fights with each other. Friendships were destroyed, crumbled and others burned but all on pupose. Other friendships were built, made, and came together. Somelost some gained. The girls had a good reason for doing the thing they did to embarrse these people. One was publiclly humilated, the other was beat at her own game and finally the last one well lets just say he had what was coming. These girls took something that seemed impossible and made it happen. the cool part is they keep it cool throughout the whole story i mean if you weren’t reading the story and were actually in the story you would have never thought it would be them. The leason is ” KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE AND ENEMIES CLOSER!” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Ello my champs…ok so tomorrow dont ask me why I wasn’t at school because it will take to long to tell…so here is a quick creative piece.

    So many say.
    Time seems to slow as people mourn, mourn over their friend,
    Their family.
    The bomb creeps into not only Boston but into people’s hearts.
    Pray for Boston.

  12. Im reading Brian’s Hunt by Gary Paulsen. Im to the part where Brian has found a dog that is wounded and he is hepling it survive while still attending to the wound. He thinks that the dog may have belonged to the Cree’s camp and ran off but he is wondering what happened to the dog. Brian thinks long and hard and finally narrows it down to a…….BEAR! He thinks that the flap of skin that he stitched up on the dog was made by one paw of a bear.

  13. Ok. I’m blogging off my phone and for some odd reasom I am EXTREMELY tired. I’m gonna do and poem and then read, I PROMISE!! So today I’m gonna do a poem, oh wait, we’ve already established this. Ok:

    You said “I know I love her”,
    you said “I wish I could get over her”,
    you said “I will love her till the end”.
    Who were you talking about?
    Now I only know this stuff because I was being snoopy,
    I read your paper of course.
    I pondered for a while who you were talking about,
    then you walked back in.
    You asked me what I was doing,
    I lifted up MY paper and said “Just reading over my paper.”
    It worked,
    you beleived me.
    Good thing you didnt walk in earlier.
    I never did figure out who you were talking about,
    it might have changed everything.
    It might not have,
    I will never know.

  14. Hellooooooooo!

    The King is here- again.

    First things first- intro!

    I get your poem AnnMarie. Nice. Ode to the Queen of Bunnies!

    Speaking of Queens, and Kings, hereโ€™s my account of royalty around here.

    Anna- Steves, Bacon, and Cows
    AnnMarie- Waffles
    Fred- Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Snakes, and Ninja Master
    Bailey- Bunnies
    Will M- Armadillos, (Ruled by Fred)
    Kaleigh- Unicorns

    Iโ€™m deciding that I will give an account every Tuesday to keep all the bloggers updated, because it can get confusing sometimes. Like for a week everyone in first block thought I overruled AnnMarie, and so did I, and then the event was so crazy that I just decided to let AnnMarie have her waffles, because I rule dinosaurs, birds, sea anemones, snakes, and armadillos- and ninja master.

    I think that covers my intro.


    Message sent. Time for a creative.

    Living in Numbers
    by The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, and Ninja Master

    Number of times Iโ€™ve sprung out of bed like a ninja- 84
    Number of times Iโ€™ve had a Fred Moment- 1,253
    Number of times Iโ€™ve fallen down the stairs just to get down faster- 3
    Number of times Iโ€™ve run into a screen door- 6
    Number of times Iโ€™ve written a bad poem on the blog- 9
    Number of times Iโ€™ve made an F on a paper- 3
    Number of times Iโ€™ve read the Harry Potter series- 4

    That was a great poem. One of the rare good poems I write.

    Fred- King of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, and Ninja Master- Out!

  15. My username is amazing stuff that I rule. Hahaha fred I am catching up!!!
    Anyways, I started this book called DIVERGENT a couple of days ago. And I have read over 200 pages. So…here is homework

    Beatrice is a member of the abnegation faction, which is the faction of selflessness, and that means you care and think of everyone else before yourself. She has to be plain in abnegation, her hair is blonde and in a bun the same way, everyday, and she only wears gray clothing. She also cannot draw attention to herself, because she was raised as a member of abnegation, and they must be utterly plain. She and her brother, Caleb, live in a home with their mother and father. All abnegation houses are plain and thesame, amd their food is plain, as well. (The book doesnt go into much detail about the food, it just describes it as ‘mush’.)
    5 minutes

  16. Every person, the year they are 16, they go to this big buildig called the hub and decide what faction they will be in for the rest of their lives. There are many factions:
    Erutite…knowledge candor…honesty abnegation…selfless ness dauntless…bravery
    You pick one faction. You have a test taken to decide which are your options. If you choose the faction you are already in, you get to stay witn yur family. If you choose a dofferent faction, you might not ever see them again. Beatrice watched as Caleb chose erudite, which is actually the rival of abnegation. Beatrice was going to be abnegation, becwuse she had to be the child that stayed. But she didnt even realize it when her instinct chose dauntless.

  17. A little over 10 minutes total.

  18. I have a quote from Pathfinder that I just read that i think id absolutly true:

    “For children love is a feeling; for adults, it is a decision. Children wait to learn if their love is true by seeing how long it lasts; adults make their love true by never wavering from their commitment.”

  19. Monday- I am reading The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer. The main character is a boy living in Africa on a plantation. They grow maize, which is basically corn, and tobacco. His father used to be a trader that traveled the entire country gambling and drinking. His father was huge and once got into a fight with eight men and won. They believe in magic and witch doctors. The first part is where the boy eats some stolen gum and the owner talks to the witch doctor. The owner then comes back and says that whoever ate the gum will be sorry so the boy confesses. His dad walks eight kilometers and pays for the entire sack of gum. They are living well on the boy’s uncle’s plantation until the food shortage.
    Tuesday- There were bad rains and flooding during planting season, December, and the small seedlings got washed away. The ones that managed to survive were killed by a drought and there was almost no maize, which was what they lived off of. His family was able to get five bags of maize, compared to the normal room-full. His mother made it seem like there was nothing wrong in the servings and meals they got. She then started mixing in the husk when she ground out the flour. Everything in the market was selling for two or three times it’s original value. People started selling their furniture and animals. The president promised new shoes, seeds, fertilizer, and food for everyone while running but never fulfilled his promises.


  20. Yes this a little up in the air but The Phantom is no more. Vanquished is the Phantom revived is the High Flyer, Burned is the Ghost and risen from the ashes is the Phoenix, These are my new names in these times of toils and trite for gone is the ghost, Specter, Phantom! Arisen is the High flying Phoenix! Here is a little Poem: Roses are red, Violets are Blue. the Phantom in me is gone, How about you?

  21. I just started another book it is called Dominion so far its been about this dude named clarence and his family. Clarence vist his sister everyday she lives in the projects so his wife gets kind of worried when he goes over there. Clarence is trying to convince his sister to move out of the projects and into a better place for her kids like were he lives. His sister worries about her oldest which he is a boy and 14 she worries about him and getting into a gang. Clarence went to his sister’s house and left early while he was there he caught a glimpse of a car that had been strolling bye he thought nothing about it. Clarence left late said good bye to his to little nieces and his nephew. Later that night he got a call from his sister that there had been a drive-by froma well know gang and one of his little niece’s had been shot and was in the hospital. After that call ended it was a race with time for clarence.

  22. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    Will Roberts is now the King of Stick People and is under my rule!

    Anna, youโ€™ll never catch up. You donโ€™t have a reason to rule those things, youโ€™re just making stuff up.

    The King has made his message. Peace Out

  23. Ello my Champs, ok I gotta cut this quick sooooooo here is a poem…

    I have lots…
    Then read,
    And guess what…
    More algebra!
    Time seems to slow to a stop while you work,
    The neverending algebra problems.

    Ok I have a new title I am the king of STICK PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!

  24. So, i am blogging from my dads phone because our internet is messed up.
    please refrain from killing if tthis blog is to short.

    i ate a pear. was killed by a bear.
    Plucked a hair. played truth or dare.
    i regret that pair. so would you.
    if you knew. a bear would kill you.

    another poem-

    travel the world to remove all doughts.
    return from the world with a new set of doughts.
    travel again to erase these doughts.
    erase those doughts.
    replace them with more.
    doughts are human and there is nothing wrong with them.
    your doughts are yours and yours alone.
    please do not share them with me.
    i really could care less.
    i have my own doughts.
    So get out of my way as i travel the world.

    you have to be PRETTYSMART to get that poem.
    it is funny if you understand it

  25. Ok, I am going to blog about my book, and do one those “Living in Numbers” poems.

    OK, so since Rigg hasn’t been sleeping in his room that was prepared for him (the one with the killer lizard things) He’s been sleeping on the cold hard floor (nothing abnormal for him) with all the young kitchen boys. and he’s made friends with a bunch of them. And after a few days Rigg and everyone else was at the dinner table and Rigg raised the conversation of “hey what happened to my father.” because what had happened was Rigg’s mom’s mom (his grandmother) was a total psycho and killed all the male heirs to the thrown so the only people who could rule were a women. And now the Revolutionary Council has all the royals like in their command (long story) and they can only do certain things. Well the rumor was that Riggs dad a long time ago had tried to pass the wall (I’ll explain in a second) and he passed and he died (his boat sank). The whole thing about the wall was where Rigg lives, that whole part of earth is sectioned off with this invisible BUT REAL wall, and the closer you get to it the more crazy you get, like you brain goes totally crazy or something. And the Revolutionary Council (super government really) I guess doesn’t want anyone to know what is behind it i guess. and well riggs dad has come up with this GREAT idea that he’ll just pass through the wall unconscious and he’ll be fine. so he took this medicine and passed through then woke up and then his boat sank and he died. and now rigg is trying to be able to go to the library so he can study what he’s father studied so he can try to figure out what HE learned. but since he is a royal he cant go. but since the technically isnt a royal because the council took that from them he also kinda has the right to go. so he’s having scholars come over to see if he classifies to be one, so he can go to the library. Now remember Rigg’s father isnt the guy that died under the tree (or is he) Rigg didnt even know that guy, he didn’t even know his first nae, he just always called him “Father” (the one the got killed under a tree)

    ~Living In Numbers~

    Number of boyfriends I’ve had: 11
    Number of times I’ve sprung out of bed like a ninja: 5
    Number of times I’ve fallen out of bed, non ninja like: 2
    Times I’ve cried since I was eight: 7 (all because of one person)
    Times I’ve had a mental breakdown: 103
    Times I’ve just thrown something at someone: 9
    Times I’ve burst out laughing for no apparent reason: 9,138
    Number of things I know: 10,659
    Number of things I wish I knew: โˆž
    Number of times I’ve punched a wall: 4
    Number of times I’ve regretted something: 504
    Number of times I’ve wanted to redo something: 307
    Number of times I fell down a hill: 8
    Number of bruises I have right now 5
    Number of scars I have: 9
    Number of times I’ve just straight walked into a wall: 27
    Number of song’s lyrics I have memorized: 468,148,364,328
    Number of times I’ve sang along or almost alone: 3
    Number of songs I can rap: 8
    Number of times I’ve texted something and not sent it because I was afraid: 4
    Number of times my brain hads totally died then came back to life: 107
    Number of times I’ve over heard people call me weird or crazy: 43
    Number of years I’ve KNOWN I was weird and crazy: 12

    A quote from me:

    “I think bruises and scars help explain how crazy you are, and that you’re crazy enough to not know where you got half of them from.”

    I know where all my scars are from (most of them are from falling down rocky hills)

    HAHA, I can’t sing either.

  26. UGH I messed up on somethings so i’m just going to re type the poem:

    ~Living In Numbers~

    Number of boyfriends I’ve had: 11
    Number of times I’ve sprung out of bed like a ninja: 5
    Number of times I’ve fallen out of bed, non ninja like: 2
    Times I’ve cried since I was eight: 7 (all because of one person)
    Times I’ve had a mental breakdown: 103
    Times I’ve just thrown something at someone: 9
    Times I’ve burst out laughing for no apparent reason: 9,138
    Number of things I know: 10,659
    Number of things I wish I knew: โˆž
    Number of times I’ve punched a wall: 4
    Number of times I’ve regretted something: 504
    Number of times I’ve wanted to redo something: 307
    Number of times I’ve fell down a hill: 8
    Number of bruises I have right now: 5
    Number of scars I have: 9
    Number of times I’ve just straight walked into a wall: 27
    Number of songโ€™s lyrics I have memorized: 468,148,364,328
    Number of times I’ve sang alone or almost alone: 3
    Number of songs I can rap: 8
    Number of times I’ve texted something and not sent it because I was afraid: 4
    Number of times my brain has totally died then came back to life: 107
    Number of times I’ve over heard people call me weird or crazy: 43
    Number of years I’ve KNOWN I was weird and crazy: 12

  27. i was sick today ๐Ÿ™ and i have to ask, how did the bob team do? any way i am goin to write about a book.

    This chinese girl looooves to dance (ballet) and she really wants to go to Beijing to compete and be in a fancy ballet school. Her parents say no and she is really upset. So she goes on a hunger strike until her parents let her go. In Bejing, she does very good and advances rapidly. She soon becomes a pro. When she faces teen life and broken bones, does she give up.

  28. back after a day of BOB-ing…

    “Ode to K”

    Seattle vs. Detroit
    Hernandez vs. Verlander
    Really, it’s all one and the same…

    K here
    K there

    K, K, everywhere a KK

    Baseball finally follows America
    after being so far ahead of it
    for so long (4-15-47)

    Today, strikeouts are king
    go up, take a cut,
    live large,
    die quickly
    along with my interest.

  29. Darren harkat and spits travel to the temple of grotesque to find the “holy” liquid .as they are traveling they see a small village near the base of the small temple.when they looked they saw people worshipping by pouring sheep blooded water on their head .when they were done they started to chant again then a giant worm human came out and slithered around the people . The worm had no arms but hands, his face looked like it was made out of clay . When it moved it oozed out a vile liquid that the people licked up . When it was done it went over to a small boy.the boy stood still while the worm licked his face.when the worm was done it wrapped itself around the boy and ate him.when it was over they saw two people come over to the worm and removed the venom from the worm’s fang and the worshipers retrieved the holy liquid .

  30. that’s good – i told ms. blount – we’re proud:)

    send my congrats to brent – i hope you all hated the mystery book that was set in boston – oh, and the chocolate book – i didn’t like that one either – but i LOVED verity, the future of us, and the other one that wasn’t never fall down:)


  32. Holy poop. I just typed tonight and yesterday’s homework and this stupid iPad somehow erased it ALL. Pooooooop!!!

    Beatrice and the other initiates were instructed to jump onto a train as the first part of initiation. Beatrice was worried, and so were the other initiates, because there was a very high chance of death. The most brave initiates went first, and Beatrice decided she needed to do it, too. The purpose of Dauntless was bravery, after all. She jumped onto the train and grabbed a bar, but she ended up dangling from the edge. Christina extended her arm, and Beatrice hoisted herself up with Christina’s guidance. Sadly, some of the others weren’t so lucky, and they ended up faction less. In this world, being faction less is worse than dying.

  33. Thurs.
    The train soon pulled up to a glass building. They were expected to jump off of the train onto the building. They did, a little more confident since jumping on the train. (Well, I thought, anyways) there was a dauntless-born leader on the other side of the roof. They walked up to him, and he ordered them into two lines. They were supposed to jump off the roof into a hole. A really tiny hole. And another initiates sister had died jumping off the train onto the roof, because she missed. In other factions, abnegation people are known as ‘stiffs’. Beatrice was the first to go, and she felt she needed to prove herself to the dauntless. Another boy named Peter was smirking at her. She threw her over shirt at him and jumped. She felt cringing pain shoot up her back and limbs, and thought she had landed on concrete, but she looked down to realize it was but a net. A boy named Four reached his hand out to her and pulled her up. “What’s your name?” He asked.
    She smiled a little, and renamed herself, new faction, new life, as she thought.
    “My name?” She said, “Tris.”

    Okay, total this week was almost 30 minutes. I am good!!!

  34. Heyyy. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t at school. ๐Ÿ™ too long to explain all that happened. So I’m going to do my creative and blog about the book I’m reading cause I forgot to blog yesterday. My mouth is KILLING me cause I went to the ortho and OWWWW.
    1. Fred, I am going to CRUSH you on Monday with our compatition
    2. Annmarie, nice poems
    3. Dr. Maf, you are now the ruler of “gifted” children and One Direction
    4. Why do so many numbers start with a “f”
    5. Poems time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pain. The exelerating feeling that goes through your body and numbs you.
    Hurt. The pain that will never go away, nomatter how hard you try.
    Heart ace. The hurt that can only be filled again by a best friend.
    Shatter. The loud bang that you hear before something bad happens.
    You. All of the things above yet to an extent of failer.

    Yay. Poem. Oh and I thought I should point two things out.
    1. Annmarie, you probably know who I’m talking about
    2. I have flavored fizzy water!!!! Its like the best stuff in the world. Its like regular fizzy water (that taste almost as bad as how terrible freds poems are-jk-) that taste like raspberries.
    3. Now for the book blogging part.

    I’m reading specials (idk if I said I was reading this book in my last blog or not) and tally is now part of the pretty commity but she is like in the leader part of the pretty commity called the cutters. Now this is the weird part of the book were cutters basiclly cut themselves to focus on everything around them. I think that it is crazy but you know. So tally and shays job is to keep all the new smokies out of the city and try to kill all of them so they do not ruin the pretty- head people. All of the members of the “cutters” went out on a mission to stop smokies because they heard they were going to crash a party. When they got to the party, they saw david and started to go after him. He left the city but they still followed him. David landed and took cover. Then he managed to capture shay and take her hostage. He then threw her into a river and almost drownded and tally managed to save her. Then, tally found out that zane was out of the hospital and they decided to go see him.

    Sorry I took so long bloggina about what I was reading. I have been reading like 2/3 of my day. See y’all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. I am going to do a short poem because i just had a VERY VERY LONG blog !!!!!! that just got deleted!!!!!! and now i am sad ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™


    Three games or three chances
    Red dirt stained on your clothes
    Your hand sparkle from the dirt
    Sweat everywere
    Every point counts
    Strike! ( Your less tense)
    Baaallll!!! the batter starts smiling and doing a little bit of dancing
    Full Count !!
    Both teams tied
    Both teams have lost to games the loser of this game is out of the tournment
    Last inning if no runs you can go for over time
    Strait down the middle….wait….wait… the batter pops it up strait at you….. MINE!!!!! you catch it…..boble it a little it goes for the ground…..so do you… you snag it a second before it hits the ground
    Your team bats home run every time you WON all BECAUSE of you

  36. Alright fellow pedestrians, what is up in those crazy minds of yours?? Well guess what?? I DON’T CARE!!! HAHA, today I’m going to share a little something I started writing a long time ago and never finished. (It’s only like 4 paragraphs) and then I’ll blog about Pathfinder.

    My story:

    ~The Story Of a Girl~

    โ€œHi, my name is Alyssa and I am here today to talk about how the 6th grade changed my life.โ€

    Alyssa knew that everyone already knew her name, and she knew that she didnโ€™t need to say what she was talking about, everyone had the same assignment but she went to the front of the class and said that anyway.

    โ€œIโ€ฆ..uhโ€ฆ.*ehm*. The 6th grade changed my life by uhโ€ฆ..introducing me to new teachers that changed my way of learning and made me discover my abilities in school.โ€

    Someone from the back of the class said โ€œnerdโ€ and tried to cover it with a cough, but Alyssa heard it. Mrs. Emma hushed the class then made a hand gesture signing Alyssa to proceed. Mrs. Emma was Alyssaโ€™s favorite teacher, she was the only teacher that Alyssa called by their first name. To Alyssa she was โ€œMrs. Emmaโ€, to everyone else she was just plain old โ€œMrs. Bakerโ€. But the thing was Alyssa didnโ€™t have any more to her report. Well, actually when she practiced it in front of the mirror or her parents she had this whole report about how great Mrs. โ€œBakerโ€ was but when she got in front of the class, she froze. I mean, she came off as a nerd to the whole class. They would all probably have stories about friends or sports, but no, her report was about a teacher changing her 6th grade year.

    In the beginning of the year Mrs. โ€œBakerโ€ had told the whole class to be ready because at the end of the school year they were going to have a big report about what changed them over the 6th grade. Mrs. Emma had changed Alyssa a lot and to tell the truth it was a great story to tell, but maybe just not in front of some people in her class.

    Now here’s a quote from me, from like two seconds ago:

    “I have to blog about that, just be like ‘My dog just spilled water all over me.'”

    Now to Pathfinder:

    Ok, so the scholars people come to questions him, and the first person is asking him all these REALLY easy questions and Rigg is trying to answer with these REALLY long answers so he can get in and th guy is like “boy if you keep answering answers like that this is gonna take us all year, im not questioning your smarts yet, im just trying to get to know you” so yeah…..and yeah. But in the end he gets permission to be lead to and from the library when ever he wants, as long as he gets back for supper.

    I’d say more but that’s all I’ve got. I’ll say more after I read some more (in a few minutes) and then I’ll blog about it tomorrow. wait no, tomorrow if Friday, right?? right.
    Oh no, I’m answering myself. I mean, everyone talks to themselves, but only crazy people answer themselves. Right AnnMarie? Right. HAHA

    Well actually when I asked if tomorrow was Friday, I wasn’t really asking myself, but still. Whatever. Bye.

  37. I am reading a book called the atlas of legendary places. It is pretty interesting.

    It has stuff about where different people have predicted Atlantis to be. I don’t believe in Atlantis though. It talks about the ancient city Machu Picchu, which was discovered in 1911 by a guy named Bingham. Also about this mythical city of Avalon, which is supposedly where kin author died.

    It also features a section of buetiful landscapes that actually exist. It is a really interesting book to read.

    I say that, but I don’t believe half of the stuff that’s in it though.


  38. Oops… I didn’t mean to send that. Anyhow, tonight I am going to do my famous last minute blogs because my brain chooses to think otherwise when I know that I need to do my blogs…. Now, I am going to do a creative blog, then my book-report-thing.

    The popular thing may always be right,
    And the right thing might not always be popular

    is what is hanging in a classrom at CMS.
    It makes me wonder, do people actually read it?
    Do those who cuss, and use profane language
    take it into consideration? Do the people who
    are always good tell the people that aren’t?
    Does the teacher really livwe by this?

    You never know what a person may have
    going on inside of them, despite how they
    act on the outside. The bully may have
    bigger problems at home then you could
    ever know. The good kids may be the
    worst at home. The nerd might even
    be a huge sports fan.

    The old cliche comes in handy here, don’t
    judge a book by its cover.

    That’s half.

  39. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    Iโ€™m pressed for time so here is a summary of the thirty pages I read. Inheritance is full of dialogue and this is what happened.

    Jeod has found a tunnel that leads into Dras Leona and Nasauda is going to send Eragon, Ayra, and Angela into the city and open the gates from the inside. Saphira will burn buildings and hill soldiers while Eragon is busy opening the gates. Roran has made it back to the Varden, and he is in horrible shape. Wounded, tired, hungry, and heโ€™s soon being sent back into battle when the battle for Dras Leona begins.

  40. hey mr mayfield
    this week i’m reading Call of the Wild by Jack London. buck has been on the trail for a few days now and he has become more savage than he used to be. he used to be loyal and do everything he was told. now he steals and is mean and doesn’t back down from a fight.
    the camp was just attacked by a pack of wild huskies. bucks owners tried to drive them off but there were to many so the dogs got involved. you’ll have to wait until neaxt time to find out what happens.

  41. Well, here’s the other half of my super-interesting blogs!

    I read some more of “The Name of This Book is Secret”. This book really reminds me of the “A to Z Mysteries” books. Both books/series’ contain the story of kids solving mysteries.

    So far, the main characters as of now are a girl named Cass, and a boy named Max-Ernest. Cass is a pretty average girl, except for the fact that she has pointy ears, and carries around a backpack with anything she could ever need in a crisis. Max-Earnest is really smart, and likes to tell jokes. Max-Earnest has to explain everything into great detail, much like Fred sometimes :). You are probablyt wondering why a kid’s parents wo0uld name him Max-Earnest. Well, here’s the story. Max-Earnest’s parents had a dispute over what to name him. His mother wanted to name him Max, which his dad thought was too “bland”. His dad prefered the name Earnest, after an old relative. As you can probably guess, Max-Earnest’s mom didn’t like that name. Max-Earnest’s parents disputed for awhile, to the point of the nurse deciding that if he had no name, she would take him as hers. Still unable to decide on a name, they decided to combine the name, Max-Earnest.

    Well, that’s benn the end of my super incredible, magical, cool, blogs!!!

  42. So, now I’m reading a book called Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of A Tree. Yes, I know it’s a long title, but I like reading books with long titles. Everybody does, right?!? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Or ones with catchy covers and names.

    So, anyway…..what up everybody (look, I know it’s a little late in the week to be saying that, but I REALLY needed to say it)???

    So….I’ll bet some of you are wondering why I have a new title now (hint, hint, ever notice my blue hoodie??). I just started wearing it on my head one day, and no one really had a problem with it, and so one day people started joking about how I looked like little red riding hood. Except, my hoodie was blue.

    Which something strange happened after that, a kid told me to put my face away.

    I was like, “Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!” ๐Ÿ™‚

    Seriously, nobody has time for that.

    How are you even supposed to PUT your face away?!?

    So, my new book I’m reading is about a girl named (you guessed it!) Emma-Jean, a logical seventh grader who is different from the rest of everyone. And she helps a girl named Colleen Pomerantz get over a traumatizing answer from her best friend, Kaitlin. It’s really good so far.

    Anyway, here’s my creative for the week.

    Willow, willow,
    In my backyard,
    So graceful,
    And handsome.

    Lacey leaves,
    A soft mint green,
    A broad caramel trunk,
    Perfect for admiring,
    And sitting under during the Fourth of July to drink iced lemonade.

    Beads of sweat
    Roll down my neck
    As I perch on the highest point
    Underneath the blazing April sun.

    But yet in the strangest way, I enjoy it.

    Watching the sun steadily sink behind My Old Willow,
    Sailing gracefully over the misty horizon like a ripe June peach.

    Well, I guess I better get goin’. I did my fill for 20 minutes. It was nice chattin’ with y’all, but I gotta run! ๐Ÿ™‚

    See ya!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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