“and my mom is waaaay older than my dad – she’s like 39 and he’s 37…”

ah, another week teaching first grade… πŸ™‚

“the simpsons and their mathematical secrets” by singh – great book for my middle school mathematically talented – really, for all my gifted kids – because part of the book, beyond the math complexity (which was great to learn – or be reminded) was that most of those early writers were actually great math guys – so the whole idea that you’re gifted at only one thing goes out the window with this book – great reminder – and great book for my students

“the champion’s mind” – great for my students in middle school – book about the mental aspect of athletics – and how the choices we make in our minds often determine the results on the field – accessible for my gifted kids – again, great read and I will pass along some of the tidbits to my kids – along with the book recommendation

“the girls of atomic city” – got this one from the public library – fascinating read about the nuclear, secret facility that the government built in 1943 to enrich the uranium used in the atomic bombs – the author did much of the research first hand – through interviewing the women that remain – and that was a gift from her to us – because those stories are dying out – and so while most of the country looks back at atomic warfare with negative feelings, the book describes a lot better just what went on in the 1940s – and so it’s a great reminder that one shouldn’t judge other time periods very harshly

i’m back to reading “trash” now – my own running books I have – so i’m happy and all is right with the world


77 thoughts on ““and my mom is waaaay older than my dad – she’s like 39 and he’s 37…””

  1. I am reading Drums Girls Dangerous pie. It is about a boy named Steven and he has to wright a paper about the most annoying thing in his life he started off by making a bullets.

    journal assignment
    dull pencils
    the pencil sharpener smell
    Miss Palma’s perfume (the teacher)
    hot girls who never look at skinny geeks
    being a skinny geek
    being a skinny geek named Steven

    But just then it hit him his little brother Jeffrey! Then he started on his paper. Here is what he said, His little brother is horrible he is always touching his stuff. But the only thing that is a big no no is his special drum sticks they are off limits! But one day Steven went downstairs to practice and decided to use his special drum sticks and when he went to get then they weren’t there. So he ran into the kitchen and Jeffery was in floor with a pot and he was stirring something with Steven’s sticks. He called it dangerous pie. It had coffee grounds, raw eggs, coke, uncooked bacon and three Matchbox racing cars. His drum sticks still smell wired!
    That is all I read today read tomorrow!

  2. I think this is everything in my kingdom

  3. yay! Finally back from Mobile. Yes it went well but I miss Danielle being at home!(sometimes, because she was always at work)

  4. Steven woke up really early one morning and could not go back to sleep so he was practicing on his practice pad and Jeffery came in there and said he did not feel good and he asked Steven if he would make him oatmeal and finally Steven said yes. While they were in the kitchen Jeffery was sitting on a high stool and when Steven was not looking Steven herd a bang and a little cry. When he turned around to see what it was Jeffery and fallen of the stool and hit his nose. Then he started balling and blood was everywhere. When his mom walked in she took him to the emergency room and the last thing he saw was Jeffery with the most confused and scared face.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!!!

  5. whattsup, my PEEPS? πŸ™‚

    that got old last year, and i resolve not to do that again.

    anyways……being sick gives you lotsa down time (wink, wink) so in my freetime, i decided to blog.

    so, i’m still on HUNGER, and Sam rounded up a lot of the kids sleeping in the plaza , and since he’s the mayor, he told all the kids to attend a special farming session where they’re supposed to harvest melons and cabbages….that’s really all they have to eat since the FAYZ…..bleah….

    only 13-14 kids came at max. πŸ™

    personally, i think this would be an EPIC teen movie. it could be the next HUNGER GAMES! WHOO-HOO! πŸ˜€

    here’s my creative for this week.

    by Blue
    The ladies keep their snakeskin dresses,
    Their boas are green, yellow and red.
    Their perfume is a sweet, mellow, cool scent.
    They sing as the wind ruffles their boas,
    the birds land in their boas and chorus along, too.

    So still and majestic,
    they stand in a crowd
    on the highest hill
    and scrape the sky.

    so, i guess that’s gonna be it for now. c u l8ter! πŸ™‚

  6. wow. believe me, this is shorter than it took. πŸ™‚

  7. NO FRED PUT IT BACK TO THE LONG ONE TO SCARE THE 6TH GRADERS!! (Thought you’d see it if in was in all caps) But Camden is the king of Sea Anemones.
    So what’s up fellow G.T. er’s?? Guess what is in two days??? (Yup, I just heard you say it)

    I’m reading book named, “Deadly” (supposed to be underlined too bad) I’m not going to do what I usually do and just pretty much sum up EVERY SINGLE PAGE, what I’m just gonna do is talk about a part (parts) in the book and how it makes me feel or how i am reacting to it.

    Okay this book I’m guessing is set before women had as much rights as men, and weren’t treated with as much respect. Because Prudence (main character) Goes to this school that teaches her how to “be a proper lady” and the teacher person has hated her since the 3rd grade because she’s not exactly the perfect, girly girl graceful girl she wants her to be. And like when she told her (the teacher) that she got a job as an assistant to a scientist person they have this whole conversation about “why would she want to do that”, “why cant she get some other job like…” (stuff she approves) and then Prudence drops the news, (after the teacher accepts the job) if she takes the job she cant make school (starts at 8:00, job starts at 8:00)

    I hate how back then people thought that girls couldn’t do certain things, and that we needed to act a certain way and leave all that stuff to the guys. In this book, a lot of parts have stuff like that that really gets on my nerves and pushes my buttons. And some people still think that, they think women were put in this world to I guess just sit there and look pretty and be “proper” and leave everything to the men. Well guess what?? If men were made to do everything God would have made them WAY smarted (ha ha)

    Lol, best pick-up lines (from the book of course):
    “Want to look through my microscope?”
    “I live alone”
    “Mr. Soper gave you the job because he likes being around pretty girls.” (Creepy but kinda flattering)
    (He also has stayed after work twice to walk her home, they are both around 16)

    Ha I think this dude needs some advise on how to get girls, cause it’s not working. He freaks me out a little bit. Like when he said “I live alone”, that was a little creepy, plus it’s hinting at something he should know isnt going to happen. (His name is Jonathan) I have the slightest feeling they will end up together. πŸ™‚

    Okay, bye guys!!! I’m about go eat dinner, YUMMY!!! OH and Mr. Maf tomorrow in class get on the Caleb, because he wont tell me how he did this “magic trick” (the card kind) Normal magic tricks are easy, those are so easy to figure out. But just the normal ones you can do to your friends drive me nuts because I can never figure them out and he wont tell me. πŸ™

    BYE YA!!!!!

  8. Band camp, sometimes i really think that Grigsby does shoot fire out of hi ears when he’s in a good mood! So sittin’ here at the school ,STILL WAITING, at my bother’s football practice. The book I am reading is Chaos, awesome book but read in order(Chosen,infidel,renegade,chaos,something, and Elyon) to understand otherwise you will be so confused.

  9. im reading lincolns killer and ive gotten a decent way into the book and ill start where i left off last time. im to the part where lincoln has been shot in the head by a derringer;the weapon of choice by john wilkes booth. booth shoots him and then he jumps onto the stage and runs away with his horse. he gallops as fast as possible until he approaches a bridge at which are guards, but lucky for him the news hasnt spread yet and he convinces the guards to let him pass and he does and his partner in crime soon comes galloping along beside him. they ride off into the night and reached the safehouse which they have chosen.well theres today and tomorrows.

  10. Heyo people out there:) so Mr.Mayfield i really hope you are able to run in Boston…I am reading treasure island,great book so far! Here is a poem!

    “Boston Marathon”
    After the race of a lifetime.
    After all the news crews and lights.
    After all the confusion and fear.
    They run again…
    They run for their family and friends.
    They run for joy instead of fear.
    They run for the men.
    For the women.
    For the children…
    They stike Joy into people’s souls.
    Thumping their feet to the beat of one great heart.
    Not just alone but together, staying in time with the world.
    They run.

    πŸ™‚ I hope this helps you Mafeld!

  11. the broker-

    so now joel backman is in england and is now trying to find a job so that he don’t have to live in a box like Amanda dose=) and he finds a fast food shop witch the name of is crusty’s burgers and he gets fired b/c he dose not speak french and its a french burger shop however if that wasn’t ironic enough then this guy comes and knocks on the door and asks the guy if he wants any french lessons and then proceeds to tell him that there is a american BBQ spot on the corner that is hiring.

    i know this part is weird b/c a french and BBQ spot in england HAHA its just weird :p

  12. make up journal-

    after the guy gives him the french lessons he goes down to the BBQ spot and ironically enough the man at the register is the guy that gave him lessons and told him that that BBQ shop was hiring so the story go’s on and the two become best friends and then they go out for a night of clubbing and the other guy not joel backman gets in a bar fight and gets shot and killed so then the president of the U.S flys to england and talks to backman about how he needs to be carefuller of who he hangs out with b/c if he would have got killed then it would have been all over the england and United Sates news,newspapers,internet and so on.

  13. I am reading ” Son” by: Lois Lowry the story is basically the other side of a previous book the author wrote “The Giver” the book is bigger than the others but the writing has not changed it starts off slow and then as the book progresses the writing picks up same with her other works. I have gotten sufficiently far and since I have read “The Giver” the book reference back to it and some parts are clearly obvious on what is going to happen but on the other hand there is a small part that you think that the author may be misleading you I mean it is another side to the story the story will stay the same but other things like emotions, reactions, characters differ from one side. This side of the story has introduced new characters, opinions about certain thing, basically a hole other ” side” to the main conflict and other minor things. This is my analysis of the book ” Son” πŸ™‚

    – Why do people blog so early I mean we all now that you have to be sitting at your computers waiting for the blog to pop up and to respond to other peoples post CREEPY πŸ™‚

    – SHOUT OUT 2 ” MY BEST BUDDIE” Mr. Mayfield πŸ™‚

  14. So far in The Missing Girl, Beauty has a crush on a boy named Ethan! IN her head she makes a movie called Beauty and Ethan the move. Well Ethan stutters and she moans for him. She also made Beauty and Ethan the movie part 2.She watches him, listens to him, and she like I said has a crush on him. The guy that watches the 5 girls has a shrine to them. If he could ask them a question it would be why are you changing the numbers stick to one number plz.
    I hope yall like my entre part 2 will be tom.

  15. This poem is going to have to be short, sweet, and to the point. I have to go practice πŸ™‚

    Fighting and Excuses

    If you love something why let it go ?
    Why waste your time giving second chances
    If you love someone don’t let them go without them knowing you do
    Don’t leave someone that you can’t go a day without thinking about
    If there is something or reason keeping you apart FIGHT AGIANST IT!
    Every day is a blessing not a given right make it count
    If you dream about them dreams are just wishes you heart makes when your sleeping
    If you Love something why let it go?
    why should you keep trying to make it work just let it fall apart
    Do you really love them if yes and something is in between you stand down walk away
    If you remember details like there birthday, favorite candy, eye color, etc. maybe you just pay attention
    If the reason why you went up and talked to them for the first time is because you couldn’t get them out of your head its just because I was curious
    If you love anything why should you let it go and more importantly why should you fight for it ? πŸ™‚

    And on that note if any of you have every watched the movie ” Forest Gump” when he starts to run and all the people start to follow him that’s what we need to do we need to plan it one day and all jump ou twhen we see Mr. Mayfield and run with him !!!! πŸ™‚ COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THE IDEA!!!

  16. That same morning that Jeffery fell off the stool Steven had to go to school. When he got to his locker he ate a tic tac. Then went to class, every day the teacher would wright a question on the board and the kids in his class had to wright about the question. The question today was, “A kid has 4 tic tacs and want’s to save them until he leaves school.
    How long does he have wait in-between the tic tacs?” Then the teacher asked him to share his writing, but he had not done anything, so he told her it was privet. Then he realized that the real question was, “should foreign languages be taught in middle school?” Then the bell rang. But all he could think about was his little brother. But when he got home his mom told him that his little brother has leukemia! It is blood cancer!!!
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  17. just finished red pyramid got the next book so far it is about the kids and their trainees broke into a museum to steal a statue but their mission does not go as planned they awaken an ancient griffin which tries to eat Sadie then their trainees unleash a curse which distracts the griffin and lets out 7 evil monsters made of fire the griffin swallows 1 and their girl trainee sends the other six back to the duat after ll they get what they want

  18. That would be awesome if y’all had a Forest Gump moment.
    Monday- I finished The Old Willis Place but I didn’t finish until last block so I’m going to do both of my journals on it.
    S- The speaker is the main character, Diana, in first person
    O- The author lives in Columbia, Maryland, which is also the setting of the book, she thinks there are ghosts in some of the old houses near her
    A- 12 year olds because Diana is 12 forever, it is an easy book
    P- Let people have a fair chance to defend themselves, and forgive where ever you can(I will explain this in the next blog)
    S- ghosts, family, friends, rules
    TONE- The tone changes. In the beginning it is light and humorous, and in the end it is peaceful

    Tuesday- Diana shows herself to Lissa and she is scared because since Diana had lived in a she for almost sixty years, she looks like bigfoot’s wife. Then she steals Lissa’s diary and tells her to meet her again. Diana cleans up and steals soap and clothes from the old house. Lissa thinks she looks okay so they talk, and Lissa asks Diana if her parents are a part of some kind of very strict religion. Diana decides that that was better than any one of her lies so she goes with it. Georgie still won’t be friends with her but eventually he dicides that she might be okay since she gave him the bear and Lassie Come Home. Diana and Lissa go into the old house and let Ms. Willis’s spirit out, who chases them. Diana gets two more rules, the just come to her somehow. Diana tells Lissa a version of the truth, but Lissa eventually figures it out. Ms. Willis catches the kids and explains that she locked them in the closet as a lesson, but she had a stroke and couldn’t talk. They forgive her and everything works out. Lissa tells her dad and he calls the cops. They find the bodies and bury them by their parents. Then Ms. Willis, Georgie, and Diana go to there parents when the see the light, and Georgie leaves the bear for Lissa. She was watching them when they went to the light and she figured everything out.


  19. SHELBY: I like the idea. But maybe we should just jump out right before the finish line and run (it will save us a lot of running) And we can just ride in a car along side messing with all the people running their guts out and we’re just like “Mwah ha ha ha ha, we have food, and water, and air conditioning, BEAT THAT”

    FRED: Nooooo. Camden got it first. And even if he didn’t give him some slack and let him rule over Sea Anemones, I mean, what else is he gonna live for, i mean, he’s afraid of pencil sharpeners

    CALEB: Do your journals!!!! (Why am i putting this, he’s never going to see it, or at least not until Thursday, please none of you get Caleb-idous, you’ll start only blogging, or whatever he does, on Thursdays)

    Guess what day it is??? Pre-hump day!!!! (yup, i said it)

    Okay, this book is, to my surprise, really good. At first i didn’t like it and i was just like “eghh, pshhhh” and now i really like it, im gonna try to finish it tonight, or tomorrow.

    Oh and Mr. Maf, you need that Edmodo thingy, just cause its kinda cool, i guess. it’s like facebook, kinda. AND you still need Instagram

    Okay, so that Jonathan guy almost kissed Prudence!!!!!! So what had happened was, Prudence went to the lab early in the morning to check some stuff out (snoopy…) and turns out he was there. And he even started like getting close to her and she goes “I wouldn’t do that” and he goes “Oh really? Not even a little kiss? You’re so serious all the time. I just want to give you a little kiss to make you smile.” (creepy, little too cocky if you ask me, but kinda smooth, idk)
    So she just turned her face and held her breath (pushing him away with her mind I guess, lol yeah, that’s SO gonna work)

    And then Mr. Soper comes in and he’s like “What’s going on here?!” and Jonathan backs off pointing at her and says “She came in here. I was trying to get some work done, but she interrupted me” (what a jerk wad)

    After Prudence told her whole story (while crying) (Jonathan is gone now) Mr. Soper patted her back and whispered in her ear “It can only bring trouble, one so young and lovely”, now i know that she is 16/17 and he’s like, idk 20 something but idk, to me in this situation it’s just kinda gross to me. I mean, i know people who are 10 years apart but idk, i guess it’s cause she’s not of legal age yet, but idk. Not the point. Now she’s “in love” with him. And Jonathan passed her in the hall and kinda like bowed his head, as an apology i guess, (I seriously kinda like him, he’s again too cocky, but idk, I mean if i was her i would have either slapped him or let him kiss me, BUT if he was ugly i would so slap him, kidding! idk what i would do, ugly or not ugly.)

    Okay, i really would do more, but i want to finish the book, but i promise when i do, i will type a big thing about it (I can hear you now “Oh joy”)


  20. So far in the missing girl autumn is taking prisoner or kidnaped by this man. He is abusing her, slapping her, ties her up, and he even made her nose to bleed. I am in part 2. Well before Autumn gets kidnaped she goes out side for a walk on the do her sister, Stevie, is leaving. Her mom wires about her and I think that they are going to call the cops l8r. ( She needs to call the safe house) I want to stay though.(band comment) Plz don’t make me go! I am one of your Good kids in your class and your fav’s right r. Mayfield?

  21. Sup peeps? Im in the library during math class…not intending on getting back anytime soon. I’m going to write a creative poem.


    A sea of your team color fills the stands.
    Visiting colors are scattered on the other side.
    You wear your number pridefully, for your represent it and your school.
    You listen to the cheers from both sidelines, some for you,
    and others against you.
    You are eagerly stalking the coach, ready to play.
    You scream for your teammates, to show you pride.
    You congratulate even when your losing to show your positive attitude.
    You wait,
    and wait,
    and wait.
    You realize you are down, which makes you cheer up.
    You actually believe you are going to get to play.
    It is a landslide, the coach turns around to pick his troop carefully to send into battle.
    He chooses you.
    Inside, your heart does a happy dance.
    As soon as you step out onto that field, you realize that all of the sweat, all of the hard work, has put you here.
    You line up,
    eye the defender.
    He eyes you back, and you grit your teeth beneath your mouthpiece.
    Everything fades from your attention.
    The crowd,
    the cheers,
    the intimidation,
    your gut telling you that you cant,
    until you hear the word.
    It reminds you of a general ordering his men to attack with everything they’ve got.

  22. okay stopped reading Kane series halfway through freak the mighty its a really good book Maxwell is funny and freak is awesome but i do not want to keep reading because at least 4 people told me freak dies at the end and that is way too sad

  23. Last week I read Middle School Get Me out of Here. It’s about a kid who is going into the seventh grade but not at his old school he is going to an art school called Cathedral. He isn’t the best artist there and he is certainly not the most popular. He gets a new friend named Matty who get Rafe into a lot of trouble when Rafe has a goal to stay out of trouble.

    Speaker- a new student at Cathedral named Rafe
    Occasion- Seventh grade year
    Audience- Sixth or seventh grade students
    Purpose- mostly to entertain you (it has like no real facts about middle school)
    Subject- a kid named Rafe who goes to Cathedral for the first time
    Tone- humorous

  24. I am now the ruler of band nerds. I CALLED IT! ITS MINE! ALL MINE! NOT YOURS! Message received. I’m going to go write my journals. I would but them on the blog, but I would forget. That’s why I always have my notebook out in the open so I don’t forget. Billy is right though, opener needs work and so does Dream On (even though bulky didn’t mention that one) love y’all!!!!!!!!!! Bbbbbyyyyyyeeeeeee

  25. I just spent 30 minutes on my blog and I lost it πŸ™


    There unpredictable and some unstable
    they can give you joy or break you down in tears
    It could be a wish
    they can scare you out of your clothes
    bring you as much happiness that nothing else can
    Wake you up in a puddle of sweat, your heart pounding, and mind racing r
    They can be there one minute and gone the next
    It is your head and heart’s playground
    sometimes it gives you that extra push
    maybe it builds up a wall
    there about as predictable as first graders
    windows or doors to something and your dreams are the key
    range of emotions love, joy, hate, loneliness, scared, etc.
    can be as real and as touch able as the thing right in front of you know
    might be your greatest fear or your deepest desire
    it feels like reality all the way to the color to the coldness
    anything is possible no limits or restriction
    It could simply be a dull black television screen at night or the teacher could tell you to wake up πŸ™‚

    SHOUT OUT 2 MY “BRO” Mr. Mayfield πŸ™‚ I still think we need to ambush him we need to get a petition going to see how many people would then we all make the plan AGREE πŸ™‚ * long pause* AGREED!! PROJECT : NINJA is in order !!!! ANNMARIE START THE PETITION !!! πŸ™‚ lights, camera ACTION !

  26. Sup! So great week so far trying to get journals out of the way so here it is.

    12 years ago…
    I was sitting with my mom.
    Watching TV.
    She was watching it all.
    While I looked over in confusion.
    I was only one. I had no idea.
    Through the years I have come to fully understand the,
    Honour that has come out of it.
    The Honour of the men and women,
    Who sacrificed themselves for all of us.
    Cranes and trucks might have built the new foundation of the Trade center.
    But we all know that these fair people created it.
    The towers may have fallen. But they never gave up!
    Many people died on this day. Now we know that they get to stand in front of God. <—He is the one who they went to.
    He has brought those many who are gone, everlasting life.
    This has put that one spark in the people of America hope that
    All need on this day.


  27. Sup guys, Seth here, and I’m… you guessed it: HAPPY IT’S HUMPDAY!!! but sad that it’s 9/11. So this blog is to commemorate those who lost their lives in the twin towers on that fateful day.
    Their is a buzz in the city,
    A plane droning
    then the explosion.
    To think that this had started out as a regular Tuesday,
    the masses buzzing
    the horns blaring
    a typical Tuesday in New York.
    People then hear the planes pass overhead
    lower than most would like,
    just as an eagle attacking it’s prey.
    Then the thunderous impact of steel on glass,
    The explosion of jet fuel erupting from the engine,
    and it’s not over.
    Just as the people get over the shock of plane 1
    plane 2 hits.
    It just became a un-typical tuesday for New York,
    and the war against terrorism has begun,
    Al queda has just set off the shot heard around the world
    and worlds over…
    hundreds lost their lifes
    millions in shock
    the government in hiding
    and in 2010 the matyrs of this day were finally avenged.
    This was 9/11 and this was their story.

  28. Dang that was downbeat wasn’t it, Trumpets assemble, Bailey has no power over me, Blah Blah Blah. HUMPDAY!!!

  29. Wednesday- Since I finished The Old Willis Place, I started James Patterson’s Cross. I haven’t read much of this book, but so far a infamous mobster/butcher and his partner break into a Members Only club that no one should dare break into. They go in the front door while people are eating at a lunch meeting. The sidekick has a .45 caliber automatic rifle, but the main guy has only a knife. A foot solider comes a little bit too close to him so he cuts off a piece of his nose and ear with deadly precision. The mobster is infamous for being a human butcher and he has no mercy. Alex Cross is married and his wife is pregnant. They have one other kid that couldn’t sleep and they stay up with him. On the front cover it says that Alex Cross’s wife is killed and that he is going to have to face the deadliest psychopath that he had ever dealt with. I predict that Alex Cross will hunt him down at all costs now that he has a lead on where to find him.
    Thursday-Creative- While playing in the village square, an old lady drove past in a hearse, going at least 60 down a dirt road. All of us were too confused to throw the clay balls that we had made for the next car that passed. She poured something out of the window of her stickshift, while changing gears constantly. In other words, she didn’t have either of her hands on the wheel, flying down a dirt road, in a hearse. Later that same day, people had begun to talk about this mystery woman. Someone had had the nerve to follow her and found out that she had just moved to the old house on the other side of the bridge. Before her there was a witch doctor that died in the house.
    The next day four people didn’t wake up. They weren’t dead, but rather in a never-ending sleep. Some say that they saw her outside of the city late at night. Personally, I think that whatever she poured out of the hearse was a type of poison or potion that made them sleep until something happens, like true love’s first kiss, except in a darker, more evil way.

    Someone finally respected 9/11 and a cop that was on the scene of the twin towers sang the national anthem at a baseball game.


  30. Im reading chasing lincolns killer and im to the part where they finally get to the safehouse and booth realizes that he has broken his leg, and is in pain. the man letting them stay pulls the bone back into place, and puts a splint on it, and fashions a crude pair of crutches out of a plank. they begin there journey in the mrning to a pine thickett where they can hide out unitl someone comes to help them in the morning.

  31. This is hard to do on a kindle touch. Anyway, I have two ideas for the novel thng. One, fantasy-swordfight-bloody&epic OR Civil War hstorical fiction about my great great great great grandfather who lost his arm in the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. I can’t decide, but all of the resaerch I would have to do for the Civil War thing might be to hard for my puny 6th grade brain. πŸ™‚

  32. Lately, I’ve been reading Summer Ball by Mike Lupica. Danny tried to impress one of the coaches, but everything he does seems to be wrong. no behing the back passes-which was the only way Danny could’ve gotten that pass off at that angle.

    Towards the end of the game, Danny saw Rasheed with the ball, breaking down the court wide open. He sprinted to catch up, and when he did, he set up right in Rasheed’s path. Rasheed knocked him right over and went around and did a no backboard layup, Rasheed’s specialty. No foul was called, and Danny protested. He lost the call, and the game.

  33. Yup, this is me, blogging during 5th block…

    I read a little bit of Tuck Everlasting today during 1st block, and a few questions that I imagine would be answered if I read farther were brought to my attention. In the beginning, it describes the Tuck home far away from the town, or anything really, except fot the wood. Mrs. Tuck wakes up Mr. Tuck telling him that she’s going to the town to get some wood. She explains that no one will recognize her because its been so long since she has appeared there. Mr. Tuck seemed to be eased knowing this. What could be so bad about showing your face in the city? Why hasn’t anyone seen it in so long?

    Mrs. Tuck also talks about going to see her sons. Why would her sons not be around in their life? I have lots of questions, that’s why I’m just gonna read some more tommorow.

  34. Shelby: I will start a petition.



    Prudence kissed Mr. Soper!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She was crying because this dude who used to know her dad told her that he was dead (he was MIA and they [her and her mom, marm]had spent their whole lives waiting for him to come home. And when the day was over he walked he out side and held her two hands telling her that it was okay and stuff like that and then she just leaned in and kissed him and then the bus thingy can up and she hopped on before he could do anything. AGHHHHHHH!!!!! IM DYING RIGHT NOW!!!!!

    Prudence also met a WOMEN doctor and has decided to go to medical school (the doctor told her there is actually a medical school for girls) So she has decided to go to medical school but she knows her mom cant pay for it so if she wants to be able to go she has to do really good on the first testy thing and they might donate money and stuff.

    AND Prudence hasnt told her mom about her dad being dead yet, shes waiting for the “right time” and now i have a quote for her:
    “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
    – Napoleon Hill

    And now im going to leave you all to cry and weep because im gone. but first since now i am in a quoting mood i will put another quote (by Steve Jobs, love him) :

    “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently…

    …Becuase the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
    -Steve Jobs


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