“i’m gonna dance like there’s no tomorrow – or like a first grader…”

so the cooler weather this weekend made for some nice running…

“My Best Race” edited by Cooper – great concept for a book – great to use with my middle school students – for budding runners, budding people in general, to read that no matter the age or the distance, there’s always the chance that the next time you do something – good or bad – that it will be the most memorable – certainly makes you think, if you run, what your best race was – so the interactive feature with the reader is an added bonus – very recommendable for my students

“linchpins” – when one of your bosses recommends a book, it’s always good to try and read the book:) and this one wasn’t that bad at all – the author’s basic point was that you should make yourself disguisable – in a good way – in your company – I guess we disagree in the sense that he thinks this is new to business – I think it’s always been there – obviously, we don’t always think that way – the condemnation he has for public school and its attempt to enforce a “sameness” is apt – and well put

“i’d like to apologize to every teacher I ever had” by tony danza – this show was great – this book is even better – danza’s year in a philly public school – he just has some great insight into the system – I guess one thing I carried away was that he was told teachers often have adoption fantasy – they end up wishing the kids they work with were in better homes – and the older I get and the more students I see, my heart often goes out and I wish they had better places to call home

that said, orphan Amanda can keep her box b/c I don’t want to adopt her – just the loveable kind:)


57 thoughts on ““i’m gonna dance like there’s no tomorrow – or like a first grader…””

  1. when you’re the king, you just know these things – except he apparently didn’t know sarah b is too weak to even type right now and so for him to make fun of a sick, sick kid is just, um, well, sick… πŸ™‚

  2. Third actually isn’t THAT bad… Well, since Friday I’ve finished three BOB books. “Prisoner B-3087”, “Cinder”, and “Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie” are complete!

  3. third is actually second best in the Olympics – no one wants silver – gold is obviously great – with bronze, you’re just happy to have medaled – so second place people always feel like losers – which just about sums up this weeks’ posts so far:)

    I’ve been told to read Stephen king now – should I???

  4. Since Steven had to stay at home and go to school he could not think about anything but his little brother. He also was not doing well on his school work and homework. He could not strait. When he got to thinking he thought, β€œI bet that Jeffery is guzzling down cheese steaks and has every nurse wrapped around his finger making them get him remotes and food drinks. He is living large down there.” But that was not the case, every night Stevens father gets bad calls from his mom. Jeffery is getting worse and worse every second. All they can do is pray. A few days later Jeffery and his mom returned from the doctor. With some news.
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  5. I don’t know. I think my dad has read Steven King, but I could be wrong. I have for sure figured out my novel! It’s a prequel to the series of books I am curently writing. I love to write. My dream career is to be an author. I’m wearing striped toe socks with sandals tomorrow! Again: TRUMPETS UNITE!

  6. Hey mr. mayfield! Even though your not here today I will still blog. BTW i dont like this keyboard at all! it is to loud when it types and i bet im anoying other peple that are trying to read but oh well this will just be a quicky! ok so im reading perfectly unique by Annie F. Downs. and i haven’t read any more from my last blog so im going to do a typical creative/6th grader blog!

    There was a bunny. The bunny had no friends. The bunny was sad it had no friends. But the bunny wanted friends. But no one wanted to be the bunny’s friend. So the bunny died in a hole!:( poor bunny!

    There you go there is my sad poor 6th grade blog! sadly that was us last year but i dont think we were THAT bad!!!!

  7. “stuck”
    by mayfield

    wishing i wasn’t in meetings
    wishing the numbers meant something
    wishing teachers weren’t so mean to teach other

    i look out for hope –
    there it is –
    i see starbucks, mcdonalds,
    whataburger, chicfila,
    and lots and lots of water

    teachers drinking early and often
    one even with a PowerAde
    is this meeting that rough???

    wishing i was with you
    wishing my day away
    checking my e-mail fervently
    putting off the immediate for the
    hoped for.

  8. Well by reading Mr. Mayfield poem I guess the meeting went very smoothly. I am going to write a poem ! πŸ™‚


    They tear people apart and yet bring some people together
    some bring tears and others bring fists
    they are good and bad
    They eat people up inside and they just burry them down farther
    Some consist of Love and others of hate, and jealously
    shared between friends
    they get people in trouble and some are necessary
    shared among more people than should be
    mind wounds and then reopen them and make more
    Some must be keep secret or else they won’t be normal
    Secrets can be harmful and helpful be aware of who is around you and the consequences


  9. Oh great and powerful Maf…stuck in meetings i see. Or at least you WERE stuck in meetings. You should have seen me today, i had on suspenders πŸ™‚ THEY HAD MUSTACHES ON THEM!!!!

    I finished deadly today, Prudence doesnt end up with Jonathan OR Mr.Soper, pretty crappy ending if you ask me.

    I just realize all ive talked about the book was Prudnece’s (unsuccessful) love life. Well let me tell you, in this book they end up finding out that you can be a healthy person and still carry a deadly germ and it can have no effect on you, you can be fine.

    GOING TO THE VOLLEYBALL GAME TODAY!!!! Gonna make sure I scream at Janie and Madison and make them fail πŸ™‚

    BYEYO (instead of “heyo”)

  10. HEYO peeps out there! Ok here is my blog for tonight.

    It started with a ball.
    It started with a basket.
    They named it basket-ball…
    What a coincidence.
    They gave it rules.
    It showed how people can be Skilly
    Very very Skilly.
    This is how “the game” was invented

    Ok I know this poem is really really bad but i tried so…I think I might be ending up like Fred (who has badpeomitis)

  11. I started reading the book Wonder by umm, Im no good with names. ANYWAY. Wonder is such a good book so far. (almost as good as the grimm legacy or shakespear’s secret) I feel so bad for the kid. I know what its like to be an outcast- being an orphan and all. At least that kid has protective family. I have no family at all. If I were august, I would definitely be mad at my mom for making me go to school. Later in life I would have to thank them though. At school is where i met my best friends. Also at school is where i met my worst enemies. This kid august says he has an overprotective sister- which is better than an UNDERprotective sister. (new word invented by me!!!)

    BTW nice poem janie πŸ˜‰ bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Now for some creativity
    Once there was a boy named red, He was always mad for no reason
    Then there was blue poor, poor blue he had the blues so bad he don’t what to leave his house Then there was gray, he was down never ever had a good day Then pink Always happy bright and sassy Then came violet man that violet had a storm everyday and last but not lest came white she was so bright and so … so big she always had blinded the other colors with her smile Well one day white got blue and gray happy and bright

  13. Sup! why am I the only eighth grader who blog’s constantly (besides Trent)? Well I just finished my book, and one of my true favorites, for the third friggin’ time! the name of the book is “Killing Jesus” by Stephen Mansfield, the subtitle on the cover says this “The Unknown Conspiracy Behind the World’s Most Famous Execution.” and this basically sums the book up. It begins with Herod the Great in plotting for Jesus’ death before he can reach manhood to become the “Born King of the Jews,” To the book ending when he dies on the cross. All in all a great read for a history buff who is a freak about detail, Mayfield I’ll have to loan it to you some time.
    Peace out, Bona Fortuna, and TRUMPETS ASSEMBLE!!! (Ave Grigsby, Morituri de Salutamus! I’ll tell you in class Mayfield.)

  14. When Steven’s mom got home Jeffery was assembly in the back seat. When his mom got out of the car Steven asked if the doctors were wrong and Jeffery was fine, his mom looked at him for a minute and said his brother was very sick. Steven said, “He is?” “I thought it was all a big mistake! His mom said, “Mistake?” “MISTAKE?” Steven said, “Well, you know, when you did not call and all, I assumed that….” Steven’s mom looked puzzled and said, (to his dad)”YOU DID NOT TELL HIM THAT I CALLED!?!” His mom was mad! Then Jeffery woke up in the car and got out, he hugged Steven and said, “since you were not there a got you a souvenir.” It was tic tacs, Steven’s favorite snack! Steven wondered, he has cancer and he had time to find me a souvenir!? Steven ate one and offered Jeffery Jefferey ate it and puked all over Steven’s shoes!
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  15. Read some more of Wonder. The kid goes to check out the school and likes the principal and two of the three kids who gave him a tout around the school. one kid named julian is a jerk. well the first day of school finally comes and August likes his teachers… but julian makes him angry. he tells his mom that julian said “whats wrong with your face dude? were you in a fire?” his mom gets soooooo red and embarassed. she actually started to cry right in front of august. august is puzzled.

    thats the orphan’s blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I don’t care how tough you think you are.
    Just shut up and cry,
    you can’t fix what’s happening.
    All you can do right now is try to remember the good times,
    and the lives/hearts that were touched.
    Crying won’t help,
    you know that.
    But that doesn’t mean you have to bottle it in.
    Just remember to smile,
    because if she were to walk through that door,
    she’d be smiling.
    – A note to myself. Because this day is a day full of sorrow, but I want to remember to smile when the times get tough.

  17. HEY SORRY Mr. Mayfield I had to go eat and my parents get mad when I use my phone during dinner or else I would have blogged!!


    They are like children in many ways
    always need attention if you are giving them your full attention the need more
    Very attracted to shiny objects and love to bite on the end of my computer
    Will attack you legs, ankles, toes, etc. and then go Texas chain saw massacre on them
    Picky with there food
    If you have something it doesn’t matter what it is they whine and they want it
    They always want to be with you and when they are the won’t stop nipping at you
    They always want to go outside and always have to PEE ( Or is that just my dog? he does this little dance )
    They have a fetish with feet and start licking your toes
    I have just read over this and I think my dog is like the weirdest little puppy ever πŸ™‚ but he is cute and it makes up for IT!! πŸ™‚

    SHOUT OUT TO THE WORLD’S BIGGEST 1D FAN COOLEST HIPPE AT THE DANCE :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BESTIE
    Mr. Mayfield

  18. What is everything. Ok in this journal i am going to have a go at this question, it has made me think to every extent and has helped out a lot.

    Everything is a noun. Making it a person place or thing. Mostly a thing, but I think everything is all of us, the very pieces of our lives the very details of well everything. Our lives are already laid out, the descisions already made. Basically our life is already lived. God is the ONE who knows us, even more than i know me or you know you. Making us the ones to figure out descisions we make and to make the right ones. Now lets circle back to the question- if everything if just us then this is wrong. Everything would be our creator who knows EVERYTHING and is Everything. Thus making everything God. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth, the earth was empty and had no form. Darkness filled the earth.” This means that nothing excect God was here only Him. He made the Heavens (which means Heaven, and space!) And the Earth which means EVERYTHING.

    I think I made my point. πŸ™‚

  19. Our video failed and Seth if we’re the only eighth graders that blog, how are other eighth graders going to see that so that they know to blog?
    Monday- I am reading James Patterson’s Cross. The mobster and Alex Cross”s stories connect when the mobster breaks into Alex’s house while he is changing his kid’s diaper. Alex looks at him and doesn’t show any emotion, but he was embarrassed and mad at himself for letting someone break into his house and catch him off guard. The butcher doesn’t do anything to him and just walks out, thinking that it would be enough to get inside his head. Alex knew that that was exactly what he was trying to do, so he blocked him out of his head. Then the story skips ahead to when Alex’s wife is working in the project, and she isn’t where she normally is for him to pick her up. He was 10 minutes late but she was just as happy to see him. She was walking to the car when she got shot. Alex ran her to the hospital and she died in the road.
    Tuesday- Alex has three kids and his grandmother, who raised him since he was 10, is like a nanny to his kids. He works as a cop and is an ex SWAT team member. The mobster killed a college girl after he abused her and told her not to tell. Naturally she told so he followed her to her apartment and killed her. Alex Cross heard about this and knew that the man was still in DC. Alex Cross decided that the old family car was bad so he and the kids went to go buy a new one. After a few minutes, they found one that they really liked, but before Alex could buy it, he got paged. He called his partner and there was a hostage situation in a drug lab in DC. Alex told him to just blow the place up but he said it was more complicated than that. Alex took his kids to his house where Nana mama was waiting so that he could go work.


  20. I absolutly hate the orthodontist! It hurts to get my bracees readjusted, and having to be checked out from Band… Well I finally finished my book for the fifth time, I have to finish Tom Saywer!

  21. I finished the book “Son” by Lois Lowry it was basically the sequel to the “Giver” we’ll the ending to the book was like most of her other works it ended with some one dyeing and something or some one being restored in this case it was some ones youth being restored she had traded away her youth to see her son again Gabriel. In almost every single one of the books I have read from this specific author hey are set In a very similar time period and some characters have so called gifts and another way of telling the person has a gift is there eyes they are very pale blue like I said most of the books “Gossamer” wasn’t like that actually that one was about a fairy so to speak and how they bestow dreams and such. Gabriel’s gift was veering is what he called it he could go into people feel what they feel be a part of them for that moment his gift consisted of other thing but this was the most important this is the gift he used to defeat the trade master and restore his mothers youth she was marked as birth mother and so she was fourteen and already had a child the whole concept of there jobs and the community is very wired and confusing well not confusing just weird and you can use up your gift πŸ™‚ that is the very end of “Son” SPOILER ALERT !!!

  22. Journal
    Subject- Reading
    This week I read Middle School The Worst Years of my Life by James Patterson. Last week I read the second book in the series because I couldn’t find the first (off subject hold on). The first book was about Rafe’s plan to break every rule in the code of conduct at his school. He also has an imaginary best friend named Leo (P.S. Leo is Rafe’s dead twin brother). I think that the theme of this book could be don’t bite off more than you can chew because in the end he ends up disappointing everyone in his family and all of his teachers.

  23. hey, guys! guess who’s back? πŸ™‚


    a little TOO obvious, i suppose….. πŸ™‚

    so, we are officially five….six, maybe seven weeks into our year? i really don’t know.

    but who’s counting? πŸ™‚

    with a new week brings new novels, sooooo…..let’s get down to buisness.

    now i’m reading a book (i actually just finished) called Countdown by Deborah Wiles. it’s about this 5th grade girl, Frances “Franny” Chapman who lives during ’62-’63, during the Cuban Missle Crisis, the time when segregation was really bad in the south, and the time J.F. Kennedy was president. it talks about how everyone lives in fear of the Cubans launching a nuclear weapon attack/war, and how everyone jumps when a air-raid drill starts wih the loud sirens, and the “duck and cover” thing. it would actually be a really good book for any sixth or seventh grader who likes really good historical fiction/adventure novels; and may i add that any fan of Junie B. Jones would DEFINENTLY like this book. Franny is almost exactly like Junie B., but the book itself is for sixth and seventh graders.

  24. so, that was my book recomendation (and homework) for the week, so……here comes the poem.

    “Seventy-Five Cents”

    Three bright nickel Quarters,
    bouncing in my palm.

    I slide them in my pocket,
    tucking them away.
    ‘Long with the crisp paper dollar
    I earned for to-day.

    A quilt and an evening gown,
    a mink stole and some stockings.
    Gloves and 13 hankercheifs,
    my daddy’s leather jacket.

    I ’round the corner to the drycleaner’s on this
    cool, wispy autumn day in ’68.

    The fragrant wind ruffles my bob-cut hair in my face,
    and the sun drenches my face
    as I walk down the sidewalk
    towards town.

    Mother gave me di-rect instructions
    to “Get to Browning’s and give that sack to the nice lady behind the counter.”

    And I do.

    Plink, plink, plink.
    Each little quarter plinks onto the fancy marble countertop.

    The lady smiles.
    I smile right back.
    She says, “Thank you,”
    and hands me a ticket.

    I slide the yellow note in my pocket and skip out of the store.
    I stop at the corner and buy an ice-cream cone.
    My favorite,
    Vanilla drenched in fudge syrup.

    This is what my chores are like,
    I think, skipping back home
    on this crisp, autumn day,
    on the sun bathed sidewalk
    in the fragrant air.

    I am lucky to even have them.
    well, that was my creative for the week. gotta go! mom needs me. πŸ™‚

    Baibai, everyone! πŸ˜‰

  25. Steven was sitting in class and went to the bathroom, on the way back to his class he heard beautiful piano playing. When he looked into the band room it was Annette. She looked so sooth and happy. She looked at him and blushed. Then asked if he wanted to play a game and he said, β€œSure.”They played a game and then the bell rang! He realized he just ditched class! That same day he had a school dance. Steven hated dances. The two Ds of his middle school nightmares, dances and dodge ball. He could not find anything to where so he picked up a plain black t-shirt. When he got in the car he realized that the t-shirt that he had put on was last year’s band shirt, he thought to himself, GREAT!!! When he got to the dance he found a group of his friends in the corner. The best thing to do when your him it stay out of the action, try not to be seen, and don’t talk. That is all i read tonight read tomorrow!

  26. Wednesday- SOAPSTONE
    S- Alex Cross in first person
    O- James Patterson wrote Alex Cross to continue Alex’s story
    A- Young adults because it isn’t a hard book and because he is a young adult author
    P- Your life can change at any second, so live it while you can
    S- adventure, murder, justice
    TONE- The tone is peaceful with Alex because he just got his grandmother to move back in and his life is returning to normal

    Thursday- Creative- After going home for Christmas break, my mom asked me to return some library books for her. Of course I said yes and went down to the library. The librarian gave me a strange look and I looked at my Rolex. Then I realized why; he looked exactly like me except about 20 years older. I knew that my mom had found out that she was pregnant after my dad had been away for two weeks. That raised my father’s suspicions but he never looked deeper. I had always expected that something was strange in my family but I had never found any evidence because I was 15 and stayed as far away as possible from the old library in our town. My theory is that my mom had an affair and that I had just found my real dad. We stood there and stared at each other for about 45 seconds until he cleared his throat and asked if he could help me. I gave him the books and went back home to process what had just happened.


  27. Mr.Mayfield, you confused me in class today. I have switched my novel from first person to third and back to first, but nnow I think I should switch it back to third person narration. Anyway, I need to get to work on my jounal! Hump day is, was, and always will be, creative journal day.
    Two last words before I go-
    TRUMPETS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rachael Reeves

  28. Hello people. I am having to blog twice today because yesterday I didn’t blog because i was at the fair. I have no figured out something:
    I can ride water rides, I can ride stomach turning rides, idk about rollercoasters, but i CAN NOT ride a ferris wheel. I don’t know why.

    Okay, I am sorry but i have failed to get a new book from the library, i will have to get a new one tomorrow (college football spirit day, whoop whoop, war eagle) But today i will just have to write two poems, im sorry that this has happened. Since in class it was clearly established that i can not write poems and that im asian (duh)

    Wednesday (HUMP DAY!!!!! <– have to make up for not saying that yesterday) :

    When someone leaves your life it's hard to move on,
    it's hard to do anything but cry.
    Up until that point you were just worried something would happen,
    now you just don't know what to do.
    Now your world is crashing down and guess what?
    You can't do anything about it.
    You keep crying and crying,
    even though you know that can't help or fix anything.
    If only you could have said good-bye.


    ~Dedicated to Mrs. Michelle Farish~

    To the person who taught me how to twirl a baton,
    the person who always smiled,
    the person who cared for others,
    the person who could brighten up anyone's day,
    the person who is no longer here:
    You have caused smiles throughout this world,
    you have changed so many lives,
    from the tiny dancers you taught,
    to the older girls you used to.
    Even if someone just met you,
    or knew you forever,
    you could still make them smile.
    16 years we've had you,
    and now me must let you go.
    I'm sorry if i cry during this,
    i'll try to smile for you.

  29. BOOK: Eldest
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: You really should, Mr. Mayfield. It should be a multiplication bonus, like if I did 20 minutes of blogging, my score would be multiplied by 1.5. That way I can blog from a class for 20 minutes worth of blogging, I will get 15 points instead of 10. πŸ˜€

    Creative – Rep.:
    Your reputation is what you’re known as. Close to a second name. It rarely changes, and when it does, it takes work. Reputation can be harmful. This is the story of a case where it kills.
    There was a boy who was unlike everyone else. He never did anything the other kids did. They all hated him. Never once did they offer him anything. They did nothing to help him. He was constantly bullied by the other kids. There were many painful times. The kids didn’t care. They hit him, kicked him, punched him. One day, a kid took it too far. He used weapons. He put the boy in the hospital. The boy never came out…

  30. Jace, Clary, and Alec leave to break Simon out of jail where Simon and Samuel are kept.they found out that while breaking them out they find Samuel is actually Hodge, the previous keeper of the Institute.He informs them that the mirror is actually the Lake Lyn.Hodge is then killed by Sebastian in one swift blow. This causes the four to realize that Sebastian is a spy for Valentine.They return to the Hall only to discover that Sebastian has killed Max. Jace sneaks into Clary’s bedroom and tells her he loves her and always will. which is weird because they were said to be brother and sister.

  31. Oh why do I find these blog comments amusing? I think I’m just gonna blog from now on because I type much faster than I write. Oh well let the fun begin. Happy Thursday.

    Monday- Gone- 9/16/2013- Author’s purpose.
    I think this is the four hundred and fiftieth time I have tried to read this book but who cares? I’m farther than I ever have been in the book. So two points for Joci. On the other hand Maf gave me a nickname. I’m a Latchkey child but I’m no orphan who gets run over by Mr. G.

    Okay now to put on my thinking cap. This book is weird. Like when and where, would adults just poof off the Earth? And yes that is how the book put it some I’m not just saying something that makes no sense. I think the author wrote this because something dramatic happened in their life. I know when I come up with a new idea, most of the time it’s because of something that happened to me that I could make a bit more dramatic and have a good story line. So the author could of lost their parents and thought hmmmm if I take this detail just adjust it a bit then I could have a really interesting story line and this is the final product.

    Tuesday- 9/17/2013- SOAPSTONE- Gone
    Speaker- The author. Third person omniscient.
    Occasion- I think the author wrote this because something happened in their life.
    Audience- 14 yearolds.
    Purpose- The purpose of this book is to entertain.
    Subject- While Sam is sitting in class his teacher disappears. He later finds out that every one 15 and older has also disappeared.
    Tone- quizzical; sam and astrid are thinking about all the odd things that have happened.

    Wednesday- 9/17/2013- POV SHIFT- Gone
    It all happened so fast. One second I was in History listening to my boring and then all of a sudden POOF! he wasn’t there. It went from history to modern day shock. All of a sudden Astrid walks in and was all “Did you see that?” and Quinn was like “POOF.”. We all went to our houses and checked to see if our parents were home. They weren’t. So well all headed back to the Plaza and everyone was just kinda there. Dumb founded. So they all looked at me like “Sam what are we gonna do now?” And now it’s up to me to save the human race. Or at least this part of it.

    Thursday- 9/19/2013- Creative- Gone
    “You’re too cute.”

    “I know.”

    Living here without Ashton is for the birds. It’s so much quieter with out the boys here.

    “I’m thinking about getting a dog?”

    “Really? How come?”

    “Well it’s lonely around here and Tess won’t talk to me for more than three minutes without getting more nutella and shoving it in her face.”

    “Could we share it?”

    “Of course.”

    “What kind would you be getting?”

    “I don’t know I have to talk to your sister and see if she’ll bring Thor so we can get one he likes.”

    “Could we name him Titan?”

    “What makes you think I’m getting a boy.”

    “Joci, I know you come on now.”

    I laugh. I absolutely could not handle puppies right now. “You’re right. TESS! I NEED YOU!”


    She walks and little Thor is right by her. He is absolutely the cutest thing ever.

    “Thor come here boy.”

    Ashton laughs through the phone. “HEY BIG BRO!”

    “Hey baby sis. Now that you got yourself a boyfriend does this mean I don’t get phone calls from you anymore?”

    “No, but I know I can talk to you after Joci gets finished with your constant yapping about how amazing your tour is blah blah blah I get enough of that from Luke so I figure by the time you tell Joc–”

    “Tess shut up I have something to ask you.”

    “Sorry. What’s up?”

    “Joci wants to get a dog and we’re gonna share it and we’re gonna name it Titan!” Ashton shouts.

    “Thanks babe.”

    “Wait, you wanna get a dog?”

    “I do.”

    “AW THIS IS GREAT!” Tessa yells.

    “Well we’re gonna need to take Thor so he can chose the one he likes best.”

    “No problem.”

    “Thor you wanna go get a friend?” I ask rubbing the top of his head. He climbs up my chest and lick my face.

    “Alright Ash I gotta go. I e-mail you when I find something out.”

    “WAIT!” Tessa yells. “Before you go, you have a package from the University of Sydney.”

    “WHAT?” Me and Ash scream at the same time.

    “Here you go. Can I stay in here or…?”

    “Yeah. DANI GET IN HERE!” I yell.

    “LADS GET IN HERE!” Ashton yells.

    “Dear Mrs. Smith,

    We are here to inform you that we received your essay. It was very well written and has several officials look it over. We are also here to inform you that it we be out honor if you would COME JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST SEMESTER OF THE UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR!” I read aloud.

    “You applied to a college without telling me?” Tessa asked.

    “Well I wanted to make sure it was all going to work out.”

    “YOU MADE IT!” All the guys say at once.

    “I made it!”

    “LET’S GO GET A DOG TO CELEBRATE!” Tessa screams.

    “I love you Ash and I’ll Skype you when I get home.”

    “Love you to babe. GUYS SHE MADE IT!”


    “I still can’t believe you’re wearing sweatpants.” Tessa says.

    “Tessa, even you are wearing sweatpants.”

    “So you’re well you.”

    “And it’s not like I’m going to a fashion show.”

    “It looks like the boys not being here is rubbing off on her harder than we thought.” Dani says.

    “Excuse me, but we’re going to pick out a dog.”

    I grab my bag and the girls grab theirs. Tess grabs Thor. We head out the door and head to the car. But as soon as we open the door we see paps.

    “Who are you?”

    “Do you girls know the 5 Seconds of Summer boys?”

    “Why are you in their house?”

    “Are you their girlfriends?”

    “Hey tall girl! Your names Joci right?”

    It’s Tessa who finally answers them. “I am Ashton’s sister and these are my friends that is all I have to say have a good day.”

    We get in the car and head to the pet store. Titan here I come. I can’t wait to meet you. When we get to the Pet Store we open the door and are bombarded with animal sounds. Any animal you want you name it’s here.

    “Hello my name is Julie! Is there anything I can help you with today?”

    I speak up first because I have a plan.

    “Two things actually.” I say.

    “Okay lay it on me.”

    “Number one I need a dog. I don’t care what kind just something to keep me company. It needs to be a boy, it needs to get along with this one, and it needs to look like a Titan.”

    “Okay now whats number two?”

    “Have you heard about the group 5 Seconds of Summer?”

    “Oh my gosh I love that band!”

    “Nice. Who’s your favorite?”


    “Welcome aboard.”


    “Well you see Julie I wouldn’t tell just anyone this but you seem like a trustworthy person.”

    “You’re not going to kill someone are you?”

    “Oh gosh no! But I am going to tell you that I’m Ashton’s girlfriend, that’s his sister and Luke’s girlfriend, and this is Dani, Micheal’s significant other.

  32. Again I say the cheerleaders are soooooooooo annoying! Just two more quaters to go and we’re home free!

  33. Ender’s Game
    Drson Scott Card
    So far Ender is in this army called launchy and makes a friend named Alai whom is Bernard’s friend. Well Bernard is a huge butt to the everyone but Alia. Latter He is put in Salamander army where he makes a new friend named Petre. They call Petre “Petre the poet”. Bonzo is the leader of Salamander army. Well Petre teaches Ender some new things that he didn’t learn when he was a launchy. Well Bonzo said for him to study when they are training so he will not be in the way. He also made a friend named Mick.

    Well I wrote allot but I may update this weekend and have a great time at the County Fair this year guys and they took the Freak out “out”. They are stupid. Why take the most fames thing out of the fair? That is just stuiped. Well if you agree with me put I agree plz so I can make a revolution.

  34. Just can’t stop watching that video <3 Anyway gotta blog for 2day and yesterday b-cause i was @ church.


    i am re-reading the pearl. Kino (i think his name is) goes outside to watch the sun rise. he comes back inside to the smell of corncakes his wife Juana has prepared. his baby is in his hanging box smiling and happy. Kino and his wife Juana notice that there is a scorpion crawling on the ropes of the baby's hanging box. Kino hears the song of evil loud and clear in his ears. (Songs are kind of a thing for him) Slowly, Kino reaches over to grab the scorpion that could instantly kill the baby. The baby shakes the ropes and the scorpion falls onto the baby's shoulder. Kino lunges to catch the scorpion, but it falls through his fingers. The scorpion strikes the baby in the shoulder. Kino's Baby cries in pain. Juana instantly grabs the baby and starts sucking the poison out of its shoulder, and spitting it out. The baby's arm is swelling. Kino's baby's cries turn into moans. All of the neighbors come by because they hear the baby's screams. They all chant "TAKE HIM TO THE DOCTOR!" Some family members say that the doctor will not help them. Juana does not want to lose her first baby, so she says, "We will go there ourselves."

    I will do a creative for today.

    It is sad to lose your loved ones.
    The ones who brighten your day.
    Its hard to go on with out them there.
    You constantly think about them.
    Wishing you could just spend one more day.
    Wishing that you could've said goodbye.
    Its hard knowing that you can't wake up to see their smiling face.
    Its sad to lose your loved ones.

    there thats my depressing poem for today!!! πŸ™‚

  35. Today’s word of the day: afonishing.
    This word was discovered by a long ago GRC student.
    on a completely different note: Mr. mayfield , there will probably beca lot of similarity between mine and Nicole’s creative journals. That is because we are writing our novels together. Hers and mine should be about the same in some scenes, but ours are from two completely different points of veiw. TRUMPETS UNITE!!!

    I’m out to finish my dialectical journal.
    One of the awesome sixth graders.
    Rachael Reeves

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