i (heart) wendy!!!

so this past week, I continued in my slack-ish ways and just read one book – technically, I finished another and read several magazines – and tried to work on scripture memory (2 Corinthians 8:7 and 9:7 if I remember right) – but I only count those typically when I’m slacking:)

“marathon man” by bill Rodgers – the last “haven’t read” running book I have that I had not read – really great book – Rodgers was underemployed, smoking, and basically going nowhere when he caught a vision of running – again – like he’d started in college – and over three year’s time, he transformed himself into a world-class marathoner – he won boston four times, starting in 1975 – and so the book reads well as a story of how hard work can bring us success, how we have a choice to become the best in us – and leave the rest aside – it inspired me – as my girl wendy does too:)


62 thoughts on “i (heart) wendy!!!”

  1. I forgot it was Sunday…….. Thanks to my mom reminding me I got on! And Mafeld, I can’t believe you put that as you title!!!!!

  2. I’m already looking up names for kid’s in the new book I’m reading – you’d notice if you’d ever break from playing on the playground at fred’s diner – I’m torn between Jacob or Edward if it’s a boy and bella or hermoine if it’s a girl…

  3. If it’s a girl, go with Hermione, if it’s a guy, then go with Harry πŸ™‚ The Harry can be for Harry Potter or One Direction πŸ™‚

  4. Party, i finished my nanowrimo!
    Don’t we get December off?

    Interesting Fact: My formula sats no threepeat for bama ( I’ll explain tomorrow.

  5. NaNoWriMo is over and I left my pin in TN. Yay Fred! I am so glad that you beat Nicole! I have given up.

  6. YAY! i’m so glad to get back to BLOGGING!! πŸ™‚ WOO HOO! also to mention, WAR EAGLE!!!!!! I think you should name the baby Harry (Styles), Niall, Liam, Louis, or Zayn if it is a boy and Sarah Nicole if it is a girl. Definitely

    Put the pencil to the paper
    and something is written.

    Put a hammer to a nail
    and something is built.

    Put the crayon to the pad
    and something is drawn.

    Put the brush to the canvas
    and something is painted.

    Well, not so good but HEY it is my first day back!


  7. I found a good lit. tool after the infinant, ongoing essays about who knows what. I took a break over the holiday and didn’t finish my novel. I’m ober sad because of it. next year I’ll have about twelve thousand words in each novel. I hope to split the book into a series of three so I can suck more money out of the average, everyday perseona. Also, in my uneventful extended weekend, I had my Birthday Party on my actual birthday (for once). The theme was Nightmare Before Christmas. We had hosted the party at a bowling ally. My over all score was 156 but I only won by 2 pins. I should have envited Gavin. He’s literally the only person who truely loves Tim Burton’s movies like I do. But back to the lit. tool.

    Using Subject-by-Subject Comparison
    *essentially, you’re writing two seperate essays, but you discuss the same points for both.
    *would be a whole lot easier to use point-by-point

  8. I have a present idea for fred already, it invovles a riddle.

    Riddle: Red and Round,
    But off the ground.
    I do not fly,
    What am I?

  9. Its been a while since I’ve been on the blog its good to be back! The book I’ve been reading is ” Matched” its about this girl Clarissa she is in this society where its been like tweaked to perfection people are genetically matched to produce the best babies or as they say Offspring so they are most likely to be normal and not have any thing wrong with them or any learning disabilities. Well there are different cities and when the kids turn 18 they have there first Match banquet and they are matched with a person from another city or usually they get these boxes that have memory cards in the with the life information of there match everything they will need to know it ranges from favorite color to picture of when they where little. Well when it was Cassia’s turn the screen they look up at it was dark and well that could only mean one thing that her match was already in the room with her and it turns out it was her best friend Xander and well she already knew everything that was in the memory card and well she was curious so she looked at it anyways and right after Xanders face another boys picture appeared on the screen and the even more unusual she new this boy to a city official in that department said that it was a cruel joke but my predicament is that it is an unusual thing but she has two perfect matches and that she will get the option to chose but before that they will have to undergo like competitions or like see which one can win her over


  10. Well, let me start off by saying that it is great to be back and blogging again. Although I did not meet the word count goal this year I plan on finishing my novel, because I spent too much time for it all to go to waste.

    Also, taking care of some very important business, I hope that said boxers are clean Mr. Mayfield. πŸ™‚

    Now, with my blogging. I may be a little rusty because I have not done journals since sixth grade, due to my journal pass and NaNoWriMo.

    I am currently reading The Gifted by Anna Kathryn Davis. This book is very good, due to the author’s style, which is very different from other authors that I have read. Her writing is descriptive, but it’s very simple, not a lot of depth into it. It’s almost like Stephen King in a way, with its simplicity. Anyway, in the book, there are a group of teenagers with special abilities that have to fight something called the Infestation, where apparently there is an epidemic breaking out and the creatures are giant insect-like things that live inside of humans until they’re ready to hatch. When they hatch, they try and murder every single human they can. So, the Gifted are the only ones who can stop the Infestation from taking over the world and wiping out the human race. I don’t want to spoil it for you, so that’s all I will say on the book, but again, it’s amazing and I highly recommend it if you’re mature, because there are certain sections that only mature readers could handle.

    Rachael, thanks for acknowledging my defeat of the sixth grade, even if you are in sixth grade yourself. It’s about time that I got first on the blog.

    Nicole, hahahahahahahahaha I beat you!!!!!!!!!!

    Nanoer, who are you???

    Mr. Mayfield, again, Harry or Hermione is the way to go. πŸ™‚

    Happy….. December? Back to blogging? Ehh, you guys pick.


  11. Im giessing for that riddle the answer is a red bouncey ball.

    Im blogging from my phone so it will have to be kinda short

    Im back!!! I finished my NaNoWriMo book!!! Well….actually i finished the word count, my book is long time not done.

    Welll the book im reading is called “Return To Messager”, it is pretty much about this family whos dad get hurt and they need to keep the farm going because 1)its the family bussiness and 2)its their way of money.
    So they hire this family (from mexico) the mom may or may not be in mexico (depending on if she made it back, came illigaly) the dad (came illigaly) oldest daughter (came illiagly) two younger daughters (both born in america) they starts working for the people who own the farm. Long story short the oldest girl starts going to school with the youngest boy from the farm family. And their class is doing a thing where you write about your summer. The teaxher was going around checking papers and the gurl didnt have abything to wright aboyt so she is writing to the president about her trip
    Thats ptetty much it, i really dont like this book, ill probably get another one

  12. I’M BACK! AND I’M BETTER THAN EVER! For all who recognize the song, your welcome. Now time for a awesome Corbo story (i said i would write it on monday, never said which monday), So here’s to ya!

    (Seth) “So Corbo, my job for you is for you to back to your “homeland” and seek out this Cole, he is now vital to my plan since Craig died not-so-tragically.”
    “What do I tell them about my disappearance?”
    “Say Mayfield kidnapped you and make up some story.”
    “I could make up a version with my incident with the fuzz.”
    “Long story, a long, boring, stupid story that a creepy stalker made more of a dramatic story than what it truly was.”
    “Got it… Anyways, your mission, should you choose to accept it, shall be to seek out Cole and bring him to me.”
    “Pshhhh, piece of cake. Cole is my butler after all, and finding this place should be easy.”
    “No it won’t be. No man, other than the men who are citizens or soldiers of Sethland, find it twice. I shall need to go with you.”
    “WHAT!!! No you can’t! the Corbotian people are very unwelcoming of outsiders, almost as unwelcoming as you or Hans Van Ripper.”
    “That shouldn’t be a problem, I have my ways… who is Hans Van Ripper?”
    “Yet another long boring description of a person I learned about when School was required, CURSE YOU JAMIO!!!”
    “Who- I remember now, Jamio is your sister right?”
    “I don’t talk about her… but still you can’t come with me! that’s basically suicide!”
    “A lot of people have tried to kill me, I’m still here though.”
    “But, I, Agh! You Win! I accept the mission.”
    “Good, Good, succeed and you will be know as a citizen of Sethland, you’d never have to go back to Corbotia.”

  13. last post for, Prisoner B-3087 πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
    In the camp, Yanek and all of his fellow “Prisoners” were all asleep; however, one night they all were awoken by gun shots and bomb’s. One of the “Prisoners” got up, and got out of his bed. He ran to a window while some “Prisoners” were yelling at him to get back in bed, they will shoot us all; while, some were silent. Very few got up after him and looked out the window. Yanek was one of those that were silent. Then some of the Nazis yelled at them to get back in bed and don’t get back up again. Yanek and all the other “Prisoners” tried to go to sleep but with the gun shots and bomb’s, they quite frankly could not go to sleep. The next morning the same man got up to look out the door, because the Nazis had not come in when they oftenly do. the man yelled there are no more Nazis! then they ran outside then they saw solgers. But they were not whereing Nazi clothes. They were Americans. After the Americans gave the “Prisoners” food, Yanek found a company that helped people like Yanek get to America.
    That is all for today! Have a good day!

  14. WAAAAAAAR EAAAAAGLE!! how many of you watched the most exciting game of the college football season!?

    MEEEEEEE!! πŸ˜€

    i danced and sang the rest of the night. not to mention, i did scream after the last, oh i don’t know, ONE SECOND of the game?!?

    oh my gosh, that was the most exciting Iron Bowl game i’ll probably ever see.

    anyways, now that Thanksgiving is over, i guess we’ve officially entered the Christmas holiday.

    i mean, it’s amazing how just a week ago, i was registering for 7th grade (smirks), and now, it’s almost Christmas. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!? πŸ™‚

    guess what? i FINALLY finished my GONE series! in the end, the Dome, aka, FAYZ wall, never comes down. but, on the bright side, they (the few inhabitants inside the wall) have daylight again, and can see the outside world. yay! πŸ™‚

    i’ve started a short book called “Emma-Jean Fell out of A Tree”. i don’t have the book with me currently, so i cannot remember the author’s name. however, i do know it is a female.

    here’s my creative for the week.

    “Full Canvas”
    ~by Blue~

    The color of the canvas
    before the painting starts.
    I dip the end of my thin brush
    into the mixture of acrylic.
    I take a deep breath,
    and close my eyes,
    and press the tip onto the contrasting surface.

    This is what it feels like
    to color in the Earth.
    I give it strokes, blossoming gently across the empty horizon.
    The color fills the lava sky,
    the lavish blue sea,
    the pea green fields,
    and the Japanese blossoms
    blooming on the canvas.
    I was
    well, that was my blog for the week. guess i’ll be back next week.

    Blue Hood, peace out!

    (btw, congrats on all the NaNoWriMo-ers that won NaNoWriMo this year!)

  15. Almost time to leave for the first match a ASB, gonna be awesome! Thought that I would go ahead and blog for tonight… No Corbo though, sorry everyone.

  16. Well i feel like a nimrod, the name of my book in fact is NOT “Return to messager” it is “Return to sender”

    Okay, you know how i was talking about how the girl (Her name is Mari, FYI) was writing to the president? Well i think that is where the title comes into the book, i think the pres is gonna somehow answer her. (Even though she made sure not to tell who the farmer people she is living with’s names are so no one would get arrestest, but i think somehow the tittle goes into that. BUT the cover has a bird on it, meaning maybe it’s is sent by a bird? Or maybe the bird is just a symbol for sending stuff? (olden days) OR maybe the birds tie in to the story because Mari mentions birds that are in the place she is in now and then she figures out they are the same ones she has seen in Mexico before, because that is their migration places (Not the best word-edge < Didnt know how to spell it) yeahhhh…Im probably going to get a new book tomorrow, i dont really like this book, plus i ave to go work on something, so bye, i promise ill blog extra good tomorrow. πŸ™‚

  17. Hunger Games
    Katniss was awoken tyring to feel the warmth of Prim’s body; however all she felt was a old rugged quilt. Katniss figured that Prim had, had a nightmare, then went to sleep with their mom. Katniss thought right, Katniss found Prim curled up beside their mom. Katniss sliped on her shoes, to go hunting, and found a pice of goat cheese. Prim had left Katniss that piece of cheese for Katniss. Then Katniss left her house, went to the woods. Katniss found “Gale” on the top of the hill, where they allways meet. Gale had been Katniss’s friend for a long time. They sat down and Gale pulled out a piece of bread. A real piece of bread not the kind you get in District 12, where they live.
    That is all for today! Read again! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  18. Heyyyyyy everyone so my first basketball game is Saturday!!!!!
    Here is my blogs:


    On the wet cobblestone sidewalk
    Are people, rivers of songs pouring from their lips.
    They wear faded toboggans and rotted jackets.
    While ringing gray, rusted bells.
    They look up and down the foggy streets.
    Looking for someone.
    They sit down and put out a old soup can.
    And huddle together, bright roses on their cheeks.
    Still singing there joy and power

    I look down through my crystal window.
    And sit beside a warm fire In a velvet chair.
    I feel their song’s power and watch their soft bells ring.
    I grab my silk top hat and black jacket.
    Slide down the stairs and open the door.

    They look at me with bright baby blues.
    And smile.
    I come upon them throwing in 5 crowns.
    They bawl.
    I come behind them and push
    I insisted

    They now stand singing our carols.
    Ringing bright silver bells.
    And wearing silk jackets.
    We sing our joy up and down the foggy street to, no one.

  19. So I see the blog hasn’t changed. Fred is still taking such pride in the defeat of the sixth grade, and there is that annoying person that changes their name to an anonymous one, and thinks its fun to see who can guess who they are-Billy, we all know that 95% of the time it is you. We can all recognize your lack of capital letters.

    Anyways, I was looking at one of my old journals from sixth grade-I was surprised at how childish my writing was, despite the fact that I thought I was being all scholarly. I also found a letter from Maf that was to me and my parents that was being used as a bookmark. It was dated, December 2012-I guess it never made it that far.

    This brings me to what I am going to blog about. The letter was in my “Playing with Purpose” book -basketball edition- by Mike Yorkey. I love reading this book because it teaches me so much about being humble with my gifts or talents, and staying true to what I believe in. Kevin Durnat reads scripture at his locker before every game. Stephen Curry writes “I can do all things” on the toes of his basketball shoes so that when asked, he can tell them about Philipians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength)-by the way, I am totally stealing this idea.

    These guys stand for what they believe in, and they are humble both on and off of the court. I admire what they do, and it is just so amazing to me how they can do this through the fame and fortune.

  20. Hey and Yes Mr. Mayfield I am super fast so fast you can’t even see me and Fred I will lap you twice before you even start to sprint ( just kidding).
    I am still reading the book “matched” and well Cassia’s grandfather died well in there society once you turn eighty they will have a last banquet for you and well then you say your goodbyes and I don’t know they didn’t explain that part and well they did something and he said “I love you ” to his family and then he died. Well after like three weeks from his death she was with her friends and they went to go see a movie and the boy that came up onto her screen Ky well he showed up and she couldn’t stop staring at him so I think that she is starting to like Ky in the boyfriend type of way

  21. SHOUT OU 2 MY RUNNING BUDDIE MR.MAYFIELD sorry I forgot to do my shout out at the end of the blog πŸ™‚ my apologizes people I know you cant live with out my shout outs

  22. I got a new book as i said i would, it’s called “What you don’t know can kill you”, it is about this girl (named Debra Geddes) she has an older sister named Ellen. Ellen is pretty much perfect and it makes Debra look even less perfect. But then after a blood drive Ellen gets a call, turns out her blood is positive for HIV. Ellen later on discovers that her forever boyfriend, jack, (her first sexual partner) had an affair at college (She was a senior in high school and he was in college) and never told her because it was “just a night of meaningless sex”

    FYI: for anyone that doesn’t know “HIV” is an illness that alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases.


  23. This week I’m reading The Last Coach. It’s about the life of Paul Bryant. I just started and so far it has told about his childhood. I just got to the part where I tells the story of how he got his nickname “Bear.” The reason he got that nickname is because he wrestled a live bear.
    The tone of this book is probably serious, or informative. My reason for this conclusion is that the book tells the story of “Bear” Bryant’s life.

  24. This isnt the only book in this series but it is the only one I have.

    Satch & Me
    A Baseball Card Adventure

    This book is so far about a young boy named Stosh and his baseball coach and also a baseball card store owner Flip Valentini who travel back in time with a radar gun to take the speed of the fastest baseball pitcher ever Satchel Paige. Stosh has a power where if he gets a old baseball he can travel to that year. This wasnt Stosh’s first trip to the past so he knew what he was doing. But Flip who was 72 two years old had never traveled back with Stosh. Stosh and Flip traveled back to 1942 to meet Paige. When Stosh travels he stays the same age because he wasnt born in the years he travels too. But Flip was a teenager in 1942 so he was a 72 year old in his body when he was a teenager. They met Satch(Satchel Paige) and Satch is taking them to watch him play and clock his speed on the radar gun. Satch told them to clock it when he throws to one of the greatest hitters of all time Josh Gibson.

    That is where I am now (pg. 134)

  25. Sup guys?

    Dear Jordan, thank you for telling me I spelt ‘Durant’ wrong. My apologies.

    I am going to do a creative poem-enjoy.


    Here it comes
    it is drawing near
    don’t look back
    it isn’t visible
    it just comes
    sometimes unexpected
    sometimes well anticipated
    you can never tell when its coming
    it just comes
    and most everyone loves it
    for me it is on the
    when I get in the game
    it hits me
    and I love it
    I embrace it
    when I lose it
    I feel hollow inside
    like I need to be revived
    so i seek it again
    where is it
    I need to find it
    I want it
    so I seek anything to
    get me to this feeling
    hard work
    I shall conquer this deprive
    of joy
    I doubt
    it doesnt look so good
    but then i feel it
    here it comes
    it is drawing near
    I don’t look back
    because I know it isn’t visible
    it just comes
    but now I expect it.

  26. (Seth) “Well, I suppose we should be on our way Corbo.”
    “Yeah, best be gone and get in and out of Corbotia before the crap hits the fan…”
    “Indeed. Ryan fetch the horses!”
    “Yes sir!”
    (Corbo) “Do you just have people waiting on your every whim here?”
    “Yes, Yes I do.”
    “Must be nice, my “butler” just sits and plays his fantasy football league all day every day for 362 days a year except on leap year then it’s 363 days a year.”
    “Why 363 days?”
    “Christmas, his birthday, and my birthday.”
    “Okay, lets hit the road before the cattle come home.”

  27. Fred I can’t wait for you to see your Christmas present from me!! I think your dinos will like it!!!! And for Rachael and Sarah, don’t tell him what it is!!!!!

  28. Im reading Rot and Ruin

    Benny and his older brother Tom set out into the rot and ruin to show Benny what it’s out in the great beyond. They see two zoms standing in a field and Tom asks him what he sees. Benny replies with the living dead and Tom tells him that they were once humans and they continue.a little bit down the road they see a gas station are ” the children ” come out . “The children ” believe that the zoms are here by gods will and they don’t kill them, some even give themselves to the zoms because they think they’re supposed to inherit he earth. Once they leave they see three bounty hunter chopping off limbs of the zoms and loading them into the cart to prove that they killed them.

  29. Man I forgot to write this week and I type faster so here I go! I read two books this week so… yeah.
    The lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

  30. lol wrong button oops
    so far in the lightning thief Percy (son of Poseidon) just got to camp half blood with his friend grove who is a sayer. He also had just got up and was sitting in a rocking chair with a drink beside him that tasted like blue chocolate chip cookies that his mother makes. Then Grover puts a box in his lap which contained the horn of the minotaur that he had killed a couple days before. Then he realizes that his mother was really dead and that he had really killed the minotaur and that he was an orphan.
    Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (yes I am a Twilight fan. Don’t judge me!)
    So far in Eclipse Alice (Edwards “sister”) had a vision that Victoria ( Vampire that wants to kill Bella) is back. Then they both go to Florida to go see Renee and Edward comes with her. But before they go they get in a big fight on that Edward is coming and then Bella plays the move out card and that shuts up Charlie (Bella’s dad) Then to the part where Jacob comes to Bella’s school and then Edward is not very please so he asks Bella to stay in the car which she really doesn’t want to so she follows Edward to go see Jake (werewolf)

  31. Nicole, love the present. I will put it up on my shelf so I walk past it every time I walk into my bedroom.

    I will blog after the parade

  32. Hunger Games
    After Katniss and Gale ate the bread, Katniss came home to find her sister in Katnip’s first reaping dress. (Katnip is what Gale calls her.) Then Katniss walked into her own room and there was a dress sitting on her bed. At first Katnip was mad at her mom for making hed were a dress. So Katniss took a bath then put her dress on. Her mom walked in after she put the dress on and told Katnip that her hair was bad so her mom also made he fix her hair. Katniss thought that her mom was pushing the limit here! “First it was the dress now the hair?!” katnip thought. She fixed her hair anyway. Then they were told to go to the reaping. At the reaping the kids are sent to another section.

  33. Prompt:Creative
    Book:The Roar(i will do something based of a thing that happens in the book)

    by Brandon Abernathy


    that is all i got…..

  34. Ok the last blog wasn’t my real blog just an extra thing. I just made it to see if it worked for one if I made it longer(I shall ask thou teacher). Here is my real one:
    I read The Roar and at the beginning a girl thirteen years old named Ellie is running for freedom from a space station in something called a Pod Fighter. When the Animal Plague started, mutant humans started to get born. Ellie was one of them. So was her big brother, by ten minutes, Mika. She had webbed hands. He had webbed feet. When she would was tracked down and brought back, Mika started playing a new game called Pod Fighter(In which you protect the Earth from the Red Star Fleet). Suddenly a competition comes up in which he plays in. Will he win? Or will he lose? Is this game the answer to finding his sister? I have absolutely NO idea.

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