are those halloween decorations or cars with brake lights left on???

ooh, the scary, scary darkness of chelsea park before DST ends…

“hard choices” – by hil clinton, our next prez (kidding – that one gets people upset – although, they used to be a lot more upset prior to the current one we have now:)

“hard choices” – okay, so politics being what it is, you typically like a book according to where you are on the scale – i liked the book though in my objectionable take – or my effort at it – b/c foreign policy is good to study – particularly b/c no one else does – i guess the criticism of this book was that you could see political ambitions behind the book – and her desire to run a lot through the sec of state offices (sort of trying to be president herself)

“one world schoolhouse” – the director of khan academy outlined his view of education – that we live in an era possible for 1-to-1 education – ironically, he wanted a classroom of 100 kids and three teachers to do this (that part left me hazy) – the author is really bright – probably whatever he would’ve taken on, he would’ve done well with – he’s very balanced in his educational views – i’m not sure i believe videos are the end all, be all though

“all the truth that’s in me” – third high school BOB finished – and definitely the strangest for “entertainment” – got “missing girl” beat up and down the road for creepiness – the final message was sexist too – i hope it’s a book you never ever ever have to read:)

well, one last week of journals before my nanowrimos cut out…


54 thoughts on “are those halloween decorations or cars with brake lights left on???”

  1. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
    Mae West
    You only live once so yo need to live your life while you can but if yo live it right and stay happy then its enough

    “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”
    André Gide
    Its better for people to not like you for who you are than having them like you for someone you’re pretending to be. I think many teenagers fail to realize this and they act like someone totally different than themselves and then reality hits and they get depression because they never realized who their real friends were

    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
    J.K. Rowling
    People dwell on their dreams and wishing their lives were different and they seem to forget that their lives are happening right now. People dont change their lives and yet they dream about their lives already changed but they dont actually try to change their lives because they only dream about their actions and dont actually put their thoughts into actions.

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein
    When bad things happen people stop and get sad and dont move on with their lives what this is saying is that to stay stable and happy you must keep going in life. stop looking back at the past and saying “i could have dont that” or thriving on your mess ups, just keep going and living in the present.

  2. Sure signs of crazy
    Sarah was the last person out of the classroom. Sarah gathered her things and walked out of class, her teacher “Mr. Westler” called her back into his classroom when she walked back in he did not say anything for a second and walked over to her. He gave her a small smile and then handed her the iPod. Then said, “Don’t say anything about it…” Then went back to his desk. She smiled then walked out of the class. She gathered everything out of her locker and put it in her back-pack. Then hurried to find her friend.
    That is alll

  3. I have a very small chance of getting first today. This has been a very interesting day, so interesting that I may have to change my word count goal to something higher.

    Yesterday, I saw Tragedy Bear in the mountains. I know it was him because we saw a car flipped over shortly afterwards. (Okay, it might not have been Tragedy Bear. I saw a black bear, not a grizzly.)

  4. thanks tyler, i do miss the music on the news – particularly since she has a new album coming out – i hope mr. baker allows you to do an analysis of 1989:)

  5. I prefer 1d’s steal my girl, butfor the volley ball match/game/whatever-it-is. I’m ready for the challenge…

    Of not looking stupid

  6. 😀 look over there! 😀

    🙁 over where? 🙁

    🙂 there 🙂

    🙁 where there? 🙁

    -_- THERE there. -_-

    🙁 WHERE there there?!? 🙁


  7. i would like to point out that all of this pop music talk is the absolute musical highlight of my teaching career – no country, no rap, no metal – just light, fluffy pop – nice and runnable – i’m livin’ the dream with my students…

  8. So Warriors is still good and all, lots of new warriors and such, and I’m now reading Warriors: The New Prophecy, which is “Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red.”

    Pretty stooky stuff, right?

    Anyway, Brableclaw, son of Firestar, is trying to figure out what it means, as monsters are starting to destroy the forest. As Brambleclaw tries to figure out the prophecy, he and three other cats from different clans get a sign that they should travel far and wait for midnight, who will bring a message for them and all the clans.

  9. >Insert goofy comment here<
    "Miss Peregrine's";Line:'each room was a disaster more incredible than the last'
    Commentary:alright, so jacob comes all the way to this island for this house just to find out that it was abandoned. He wanted to meet miss peregrine and the kids. no one was there. I would hate if that was me
    WaspMan Out

  10. why am i tired?

    *sighs* okay, so i was in bed, okay? and i woke up at like, i don’t know, 4 in the morning? yeah, so i realize i suddenly hear owl noises. i stay up for the next hour (heaven KNOWS why…) because the owls hoots…they were so…EERIE!


    darned owls…


    anyway, still reading ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doerr. it’s mainly about a girl named Marie-Laure who lives in Paris (c. 1930) about the time the German Nazis start to storm Paris and bomb everything. did i mention Marie is blind? she has to flee from her home in Paris along with her father, commonly reffered to in the book as the “locksmith”, to his brother, Etienne’s house.

    at the same time, there is another tale entwining with hers about a young German boy, Werner, and his sister, Jutta, who both live in an orphanage with Frau Elena (“frau” in French is the equivalent to “miss” in English), their “nanny/mother”. Werner enjoys building things, taking them apart, studying them. his tale begins when he finds an old, smashed in, dirt-caked radio (which at that time, a find like that, for an orphan child especially, is huge) and repairs it to perfection, so that his whole orphanage begins to listen to French/German broadcasts.

    it’s a really good book.

    here’s my creative:

    “The First Signs of Miss Autumn”
    by Blue
    First, she begins to drop her dyed leaves,
    which scuttle around like frightened mice in the sweet, light breeze,
    And the birds
    Quiet themselves,
    as if being silenced by the conductor
    Of some harmonious orchestra
    Waiting to be recognized for his peaceful lull.
    Acorns, like miniature bombers, drop to the ground
    As invisible hands ruffle her hair.
    Pumpkins appear,
    and cornsalks and sunflowers
    sway in passing fields, filtering the softening sunlight.
    Cornucopias are filled, tables are set, and prayer goes around like a gentle hum.
    Sweaters come out of oak closets,
    knit scarves appear in every coatrack.
    As for summer, she dissapates,
    and surely,
    into some blessed oblivion.

    well, that was it for this week. i guess more’ll come next week! 🙂


  11. Sure signs of crazy
    Sarah talked a minute then almost ran to get on the bus because she wanted to get on the bus before the “Darts” to get there. (Darts: kids who find a person’s weakness and go out of their way to e mean.)
    When the bus let her off she really did not want to be at home right now. She did not want to be at school, her house, or for it to be summer. Now she liked the part of summer that she did not have to be at school and all but she did not want to be “sent away” to her grandmothers house.
    That is all:) 🙂

  12. This is the third time at this particular blog so …… I’ve just finished reading the book ” Between Shades of Gray ” by: ……. I don’t remember the author.. oops 🙂 So I’m going to give a recap on the whole book. Its set during the holocaust but it’s not on Germany or the Jewish people, its about the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin was doing to the finns, Lithuanians , etc. The story is about a Lithuanian girl and her family’s journey. First they were taken away from there house and I also need to mention the girl is an artist so that’s a main part, then they were taken to a train station and rode in box cars for several months. The conditions were horrible and the way the author described it with so much detail I felt like I was there. In the box cars they were separated men, women , children and then the elderly. Her father was separated from them and in this box car she met some people that will continue the journey with her , but mainly she met a boy named “Adrius” so as they traveled disease fell apon them and death many people died. The guards were not very good they took what they wanted even if it wasn’t legal I don’t want to say it but lets just say it was mainly from ladies. They were sent to a labor camp where they were made to work and barley fed, some people starved. Well in the midst of this they took all the people and had this girls mother translate from Russian to their language that they were to sign a document saying they have committed a crime and their sentence was 25 years , including children as young as newborns. Most refused and protested but they made it very difficult they harassed them , abused them , and if they were caught stealing they were shot dead. This girl all through this found a way to draw and try and find out where her father is and passing this along hoping it will get to him. Over the course of this which I assume where months to a year but I couldn’t tell she grew closer to this boy and seemed to fall in love with him, but also every one around her changed she saw her little brother becoming a man and herself into a women. Through this time period she still had no idea why this was happening to her. Well after she had fallen in love with this boy she was on a list to be moved somewhere so she has to leave and he says that he will find her. The train she was on was with some of the same people she was with before most important a little girl which she talked to her dead dolly because they had took it from her and shot it . What I found interesting this so called dolly what ever the girl said it said or anything it always seemed to help or turn out to be true. Well the train they were put on to went to Siberia they told them they had to build multiple buildings from them and they had to make their own from scratch. They made this hut from drift wood which needed to bear the snow and winter, they ended up making a make shift stove from a barrel they had found. Well when the snow storm hit people died and the commander laughed in their faces. Well when the second storm hit people became sick including the children which they had gotten scurvy and her mother had something mixed with depression because one of the guards who was ” nice” kind of, had told her that her husband had been shot in prison. Well a doctor came because he was an inspection officer and if her treated people then he reported back nothing was out of the ordinary which hinted that no one knew what was going on. Well the children go well and her mother did not she passed away in her brothers arms they didn’t let them take her because how they disposed of the bodies were horrible they stripped them and threw them into a pile and let foxes eat them. They buried her and that was the end of that part but at the very end it said their were two men talking and you could hear construction noises in the back when they were digging one said I’ve found something hold one and it was a big box with papers and drawing of things that are horrific but if your a good person you will share what has happened her and she quoted her husband which was the boy, that tells they found each other and the whole book and all the stories where the letters and papers. I thought it was an interesting way to end it. I almost forgot when ever something bad would happen to someone or someone would get hurt, or anything horrific she would draw it in much detail they way it was describe printed a very beautiful picture but yet twisted, she loved the artist ” Munch ” or ” Mulch ” something like that I that makes it more clear they way she say things was very unique and in its own way beautiful.

    The end

  13. Countdown completed
    “miss Peregrine’s”;Line:”No one’s lived there since the war”
    Commentary:Alright even though jacob knows miss peregrine is dead, he starts to search for the kids. He to a museum runner and he says that quote I just posted. That hitsjacob hard.
    WaspMan Out

  14. Alright I am doing 2 journals today since my birthday is tomorrow(Happy Birthday to Me) and I don’t want to do journals on my birthday
    “Miss Peregrine’s”;Creative:Romance novel
    Jacob searches for his grandfather’s childhood home. When he arrives he falls in love with the charming headmistress, Miss Peregrine. They battle the monsters threatening the house and then get married. The End.(then every one cried because it was SO sad)
    WaspMan Out

  15. So Mom, today we were/had…
    Spiking (Correction getting spiked on),
    (My thoughts: ‘Wow this is what being an athlete feels like.’),
    Fake rules,
    Baby Lasagna,
    But yeah it’s a pretty normal day.

  16. Ooh. Somehow I thought everyone was saying “baby dinosaur.” Haha, my elf ears failed me.

  17. Billy your thoughts were just a little bit depressing, oh and I got hit with the softball in the shin twice in a row tonight at practice cause I wasn’t paying attention so ask to see my bruise 🙂

    The blog I did last night took me like an hour so I’m counting that as two days and I’m doing Wednesdays blog because its my stepdads birthday.

    “From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.”

    Edvard Munch

    Some people may find the way Munch see’s things as twisted or sick but the way we stuff is just as twisted or sick here what he said people would just say “that’s horrible” and not see the true beauty of it which can slip by without being seen, they way he saw things was unique her he saw his death as something amazing that earth replenished from him and because of that as long as though flowers lived or whatever grew from him he would live forever or eternity through them .

    “No longer shall I paint interiors with men reading and women knitting. I will paint living people who breathe and feel and suffer and love.”

    Edvard Munch

    So decided to not to paint this image others were painting of a normal house hold and everything generic , because it was a lie it shows them happy and content. Munch said he was going to paint what he saw which was real people who have problems not some lie if he saw it he painted it.

    Here’s a link for one of his more famous paintings ” Scream ” from how he talked about his work and what I just looked at what he saw he painted, it didn’t matter if it wasn’t correct or what others thought he saw them as capturing the truth that others conceal.

  18. we break from a baby lasagna feast to bring you this part of this week’s story – detective and sheerwood holmes discuss the beginnings of Tragedy Bear…

    The two began to blow bubbles from their pipes.

    “So, any leads on Tragedy Bear? He’s a tough bear to crack.”

    “I’m beginning to think he’s what this JoJo guy turns into. I just can’t believe my hero eats Alexas and hates judges when he’s not busy being a bear.”

    “See now? You’re getting better at this detective stuff every day.”

    “Yeah, but Binder Girl wants to destroy Tragedy Bear because he’s eating on the students, well, one student in particular – a lot. Ooh, that was a nice bubble.”

    “Thank you. Well, why don’t we wrap this case up?”

    “What do you mean? Are you going to send me three visitors tonight that show me JoJo past, present, and future so that I can figure this out?”

    “Hello Kitty heavens no. Why you have everything right in front of you. It’s just a matter of headwork now, not travel.”

    “Well, I’ve looked at the books. A lot. I even tried to sing a song to try and hurry things along. Tragedy Bear just seems to always eat Alexas – here, there, everywhere – even in the special edition comic ‘Tragedy Bear Fights the Titans’ he ends up eating Alexas – and Titans – but most Alexas.”

    “So what does that tell you?”

    “Alexa is less filling but tastes great?”

  19. My middle school GRC experience has ruined my love of teddy bears. *sigh* Now I must go back to My Little Ponies. Or Hello Kitty.

  20. Ah, brilliant plot building… I don’t like JoJo, but Tragedy Bear is my hero. Now I’m disappointed in my hero. Hey, wait a second! Is Alexa a baby? Does Tragedy Bear eat Baby Lasagna??? Made of baby ALEXAS????

  21. ^^
    visit the awesome website

    Creative Writing

    Quote- “The size of your effort is all that matters”

    Comment- With our basketball season starting tomorrow I chose this quote. In basketball I am the second-smallest player on our team, which means it is a little bit harder. I have to give a lot more effort, and play a lot harder all the time to earn more playing time.It can also apply to a classroom, you may not be the smartest but you work the hardest so your grades may effect it.

  22. Alright here is a creative before our game tomorrow.


    It’s what’s gonna-

    Not a chance. I think we are going to win. Hopefully they don’t start chanting for me to sit down like they did for sweet Billy on Tuesday.

    The Wait is Over

    The thing you work for
    strive for
    live for
    is finally here.
    The wait is over.
    If I could whack clock with a switch
    like a man named Crane
    to make it go faster
    I would.
    The wait is over.
    I’m ready to return
    better than ever
    and to leave a mark on the game.
    The wait, is over.

  23. Monday night and Tuesday nights creative journals
    “Knock! Knock! Knock! Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” Go the kids going trick or treating. Why make a fool out of yourself by dressing up and going from door to door; when you can pay $3.00 to buy twice as much as you get trick or treating? And besides why on such a scary night, when some crazy teenagers dress like zombies just to scare little kids? “oh your just scared” said my mean brother. “No I’m not” I said. I think that sounds like fun though dressing up like zombies and scaring little kids.

    More of my story next week

  24. this nine weeks I’m working hard to complete the book precious bones
    Wednesday and Thursday line and commentary

    line:” bones your eyes look like their about to pop out of your head”

    commentary: now that is very funny to me because just think how funny that will look but it is also sad because many people have suffered from that and have ben made fun of.

    line: ” it would be nice to have an icebox.

    commentary: I’m guessing that an icebox is a another word for refrigerator of a cooler.

  25. Im reading the book private and the line I found interesting was:
    I opened the clamshell, put it to his ear.
    Most people find this line funny because he is calling his flip phone a clamshell but if you’d read what he was opening it for you wouldn’t think it was funny. Every day someone called him and made a death threat and he would usually ask who it was or tell them to stop calling him but this time when they said you’re dead he said not yet. The police had been involved before but slowly lost interest over the years as no physical evidence had arisen from the death threats.

  26. Now for my story
    I run to Bretts house, as good as I can on four legs. I get to his house and knock on the door. He opens it and screams. I couldn’t believe my best friend didn’t recognize me. I turned to go home. Then I fell to the ground. Once again I cried out in pain. I knew what was happening. Wings. I was growing wings. I flew home. As soon as I got there I turned the TV on. I knew this would be a long day. The news comes on. Headline:Menace of Spleinsburg. Then it showed a picture of me. By the way Spleinsburg is the name of my town. It said I was wanted by the police. What could I do now?

  27. Wait, Brandon reads warriors!!!!!?????? Awesome!!!!!!! I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The Power of three!!!!!!!!!

  28. Line: Hope

    Commentary: There is a girl that was in a really bad car accident. When she was rushed to the hospital the doctors and nurses tried to save her leg but they couldn’t. When she was in the hospital and the nurses tried to get her to walk using her crutches she refused. All she wanted was pain medicine and sleep. A few days later she got to go home. When she went home she talked about feeling like a stranger in her own house. She felt like her sister was a stranger. Her best friend ‘Fiona’ called her to tell her to come back to school. She refused. Her friend called her everyday and she still refused until it was a Thursday evening and her friend talked her into going only on Friday. She said yes! On Friday she went to school in her wheelchair and her friend pushed her around all day. All of her teachers said “Welcome back Jessica! We’ve missed you!” Most of her teachers let her get out of some of her make up work. A few days after that she went to the doctor to see about getting a fake leg. The doctor said that she was doing a great job and that before she knew it she would be up walking without crutches and not having to use the wheelchair. She said at that moment she had a weird feeling. It was hope.


    On one Halloween night there was a girl walking home. She had just gone trick or treating with her friend. Her friend went home and she was walking by herself. All of a sudden she saw a shadow and heard weird noises from behind a bush. She looked behind the bush but nothing was there. She ran home but when she got to her neighborhood her house was gone like it vanished into thin air. She ran to her sister’s house but her sister’s house was gone also. She called her grandmother but she didn’t answer. Then she ran to her cousin’s house. Her house was still there but as she went inside the house it started disappearing. Then, she woke up and thought to herself that the bad dream was from eating all of her Halloween candy.

  29. Sure signs of crazy
    Sarah sat on her bed and sighed, she new it was the day that her horrid grandmother and grandfather would be picking her up. She got out her iPod and then noticed a letter, it was from her mom… She picked it up and it had a dog on the front of it (It was a birthday card) She opened it up and it said something like have a “Dog Gone good Birthday!” 🙁 And it said could you send me a picture of your “new self”? Then when she saw the signature she frowned. It said “Jane” then it marked through it. She was sad because she signed her name by her first name to her OWN daughter!!!
    I have 1 more!!!!

  30. Sure signs of crazy
    Sarah wished she new more about her mother but she new that if she asked him anything about her he would be sad for the rest of the day, then she noticed that she was in tears and she was feeling 3 emotions! She thought this was a sure sign of crazy. Then she heard a car roll up in the driveway.. She looked in her mirror and made sure she did not look like she had been crying, It didn’t. Then she got up and walked into the living room. Where her grandmother was to greet her…
    That is allllllllllllllll 🙂

  31. First journal in two weekss. Not proud of my accomplishment, if it could even be considered one. Today is almost Halloween, and to keep to the theme, were talking about mutations of humans. The one in the lastest read of CDF, is a slug-like body with a human head. The head is covered with hands like random acne on the 7th and 8th graders faces (that makes them look like they already have a mask on). The creature (call Grotesque or Kalasha [might have spelled that wrong] ), has one massive eye and two noses that jut out from a distance from a toothless mouth. While he has no teeth, he does have fangs. Going back to the slug comparison, Grotesque sweats constantly, leaving a trail much like the mucus of the slug/snail. The villagers that had worshiped “it” offered a small child as an offering, which had been swollowed howl like a snake would have.

    If you find this absolutly descusting, type CDF: Lake Of Souls on Twitter with #gross or something like that. Peace out

  32. Thursday- “Jealousy is the fear of comparison.”

    Max Frisch

    So people get jealous when they think of them selves to other people, they want what the other people have so they get jealous or they feel insecure about them self so they think negatively now.

    “You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.”

    Gary Allan

    What its saying is you can be the most beautiful thing, the most looked at, popular what ever but you still can be jealous of other people even if they so to say don’t shine as bright. Jealous is a natural thing you can’t help if it happens.

  33. Here’s a summary of what I’ve been reading for the rest of my journal credit.

    I’m reading Mike Yorkey’s ‘Playing with Purpose’ – the basketball edition, of course. So far, I’ve learned about the faith of NBA stars Chris Kaman, Stephen Curry, Jeremy Lin, Anthony Parker, and Kyle Korver. It tells of their spiritual relationships throughout their college lives, and through their budding NBA careers.

    Each player’s story includes them remaining faithful to God while in an incredibily sinful environment. NBA players are pursued by women, and the lifestyle often calls for some controversial parties or events. In fact, one of the players invited two of his friends to live with him so he would avoid people trying to be his friend for his money.

    It is hard enough to live a pure life in our everyday lives, but I can only imagine how hard it is in the NBA. These guys vontinue to amaze me on and off the court.

  34. “Well it’s not my chair anymore so why should I care?”(Flanagan)
    he just like me if its not mine why do i have to care

    “Your not suppose to think.”(Flanagan)
    if your doing something in that situation you don’t need to think

    “Halt, I’ve been thinking…” “Always a dangerous pastime!”(Flanagan)
    im starting to love this book due to the humor it has,they just keeping making jokes to each other.

    “Nothing is a problem. except those were are no solutions for.”(Flanagan)
    they are acting like all the heros they are the only one who can solve the problems

  35. Line: okay? Okay!


    Hazel just got on the phone with Augustus and they were talking about how they get to go to Amsterdam. But that night before she left her lungs didn’t hold up and she had to go to the hopital

    Line: i would not advise you to go to Amsterdam.


    After the fail thing with her lungs they said that they couldn’t let her go that it was too dangerous. But hazel didn’t listen so she decided that she she would go on stage like that.

    One afternoon coach Ashly did a round off back hand she went to te doctor and found something. Cameron didn’t go to a smarter dam they hadefg the bus!!!!

  36. Oh goodness, what an interesting week. It seemed shorter than a usual week, but then again, all of my weeks seem to jumble together recently.

    Anyways, my computer decided to act a little funky last night, so there’s why I’m blogging on this bitterly cold Friday morning.

    Yesterday was our last practice ;( I’m going to miss all of the seniors- even Owen 🙂 -yes, I know, shocker.
    Tonight we play Tarrant at Fultondale. Can’t get more ghetto than the ghetto side of town, I suppose. I feel bad for all of the parents that accidentally go to Tarrant because their children are too teenagery to remember to remind them that they have to go to the other stadium, since the other one is under some sort of construction.

    But, we had a great football season, am I right? 🙂

    One more thing- last night I attended the high school Halloween Play- The Spooky Cheese Caper. If they’re still showing I would highly recommend it to all of the gifted kids, because there isn’t a moment during it that you won’t be laughing.



    Turtle is love,
    turtle is life,
    I love turtle so much,
    turtle shall be my wife.

    For sickness or for poor,
    I love turtle forevermore,
    from dawn till dusk,
    I will always cherish my turtle plush,
    And all throughout night and day,
    My turtle is the one that will always stay,
    All of this to wonderfully say,
    Turtle is bae

    The rest of my evening was an odd one. There was no homework assigned for the night, which was a rare blessing, so I decided to go on a walk.
    In mid October, the weather is in that in between stage of being the still summer night and being a breezy bitter cold. The moon was out, but it was only a fingernail- not enough light to illuminate my path alone. As I strolled down the sidewalk, watching the cars pass and feel the harsh chill they send through my bones, I contemplated the problem that had been racking my brain recently: my future.

    Above was a short excerpt from my NaNoWriMo this year. I’m super excited to participate, and I’m going all out this year.

    Happy Halloween


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