it’s all fun and games until the 1950s worksheet round begins…

so scholar’s bowl was a taste of awesome fun yesterday – big props to lil bri for hanging with the “cool kids” for a change

al michaels book – i think it’s like “you can’t make this stuff up” – maybe not – but michaels was a famous announcer for years with abc – for nbc – his book was a great recap of the significant moments of the last 30 years in sports – and in reality TV with OJ – definitely enjoyable read

“the westing game” – first time i’d ever read it – it comes with high acclaim – i’d always felt guilty for having not read it – as far as newbery winning, i get it – for 1979 – and it’s easy to see how many books have come from it – the psuedo mystery “play along at home” version thing – the underlying racism and sexism (really not underlying, just not noticeable to kids) gave the book more meat – that said, i honestly didn’t get the book – it may have been b/c i was reading fast – but the clues didn’t really solve anything – the plot was advanced by things happening – not b/c they were discovering anything – at least, i thought

“for the love of God” – by DA Carson – we’ve been reading through the Bible this year at church – i just haven’t mentioned it every week, but i’m done with the NT and 1/2 through the OT (that’s on purpose with the reading plan) – the devotional was through the church – and i read each one until i went ahead this month – to finish – it was certainly helpful for understanding passages – particularly 1-2 Kings and 1-2 Chronicles – and definitely my slowest read of the year at 11 months

i am curious, is there a Bible reading count amongst my bloggers? like, have you read books of the Bible this year, verses, anything like that? again, i just haven’t mentioned it – i figure there are others

happy finals studying


29 thoughts on “it’s all fun and games until the 1950s worksheet round begins…”

  1. turtle – turtle wins life

    (oops, there i go with another spoiler – hopefully there’s no high school girl in the crowd that now must leave the room crying:)

  2. that’s a great question – i don’t know – i’d say red – corbo would be blue

    of course, princess sarah elizabeth would’ve figured such things out a year ago – and i would’ve had little control over the color

  3. All the other city league coaches have already requested all-day tournamets every saturday (except the one after christmas) until the end of febuary, and Im game, it’s up to you.

  4. Sure Signs of Crazy
    Then as Sarah was on the porch She heard small feet dragging across the floor then Mrs. Dupree’ came to the door, and Sarah said, “I wanted to know why Mr. Duprees’ car has not moved in so long.?” Then Mrs. Dupree’ invited Finn and Sarah inside and they sat down at the table and Mrs. Dupree’ proceeded to tell then how Mr. Dupree’ fell asleep one night and never woke up the next morning. Then she kept asking Finn and Sarah if they wanted apples until they finally they said that they would eat a apple.

  5. Sure Signs of Crazy (Quote)
    “She is a book determined to be read.”
    When Sarah says this she is talking about Mrs. Dupree’.
    This quote means that Mrs. Dupree’ is a woman that when she sets her mind to something she becomes focused and she will not stop until she had finished what she has started, she is determined. 🙂

  6. Red makes sense, school pride and all. Target has Hello Kitty coloring stockings in the dollar section!

  7. billy, by “i’m game,” you mean “to answer most questions too quickly – and wrongly – so that we blow Round 5 in the last toss-up period – an 80 point lead vanishes – and then get blown out in quarters”

    in such case, you may be game, but i’m not – i don’t like spending saturdays getting beat – when we go again, we go to win…

  8. Uhhhh, Billy? Those are squirrels, not bunnies. Honestly, I would think that you would know the difference.

  9. have i ever told any of you the story of how i read the potter series over christmas??? winter 2008 – first time – all in two weeks – i was proud – i don’t know how i would’ve lived waiting for each book…

  10. getting closer to 40,000 – just 10,000 behind rachael…

    “See? Mmmm,” Morgan Elizabeth said as she had a bite of waffle, “Detective has these people trained well.”

    Binder Girl didn’t correct her. Binder Girl actually thought it was the manual she’d provided Detective, “So You’re the New Ruler,” and the one she’d provided the people “So You have a New Ruler that is a Detective” that made the difference. Almost overnight, there were junior detectives everywhere, solving The Case Which Sibling is More Annoying, The Case of How Fat the Dress Makes Me Look, and The Case of Who Gets the Last Bite of Waffle, among the more notable.

    “I’m still worried about Colonel Bunny and the Alexas,” Binder Girl said, “My map shows them getting closer.”

    “Relax, that’s what Kate’s for.”

    It was true, sort of. As her first executive order, well, okay, the Detective’s first executive order had been to rescind the law in Jamiot against blowing bubble pipes indoors. For her second order, Detective appointed Kate as chief of security. Shortly thereafter, the remaining shadow bunnies had fled in fear.

    “DIE BUNNY DIE!!!” Kate sprung out of nowhere to stab a stray dust bunny in the air – just in front of Morgan Elizabeth and Binder Girl.

    “Um, thanks,” Morgan Elizabeth said.

    “No need for thanking me, it’s just another bunny in the bank, the bank of death, the bank of dead bunnies, the bank where you go and deposit dead bunnies and you never see them again because they’re dead and…”

    “We get it,” Binder Girl said.

    “Sorry, forgot there’s a former superhero here. Anyway, must run. Some bunny’s in trouble because I’m going to find it and stab it!!!”

    “She’s the one you’re counting on to defeat Colonel Bunny?” Binder Girl said once Kate left.

    “Well, I figure, turn Tragedy Bear loose on the Alexas, Kate takes on the Bunny, and then if she’s like struggling…”

    “You mean dying?”

    “Well, yeah. Then, we’d like poison a victory carrot or something and give it to Colonel. Have you got a better plan?”

    “Actually, I don’t. I just have the map with Colonel Bunny on it.”

    “Are you sure your Binder isn’t losing its powers? Maybe we could recharge it.”

    “BUNNY BLOOD!!!” Kate re-entered the room, stabbing away, “Bunny blood recharges everything!!!”

    “I worry about her,” Binder Girl said. “And about Colonel Bunny. Mostly, Kate. Sometimes, the bunny. It depends on the day, I guess.”

    “What about the case of the missing Fred?” Morgan Elizabeth said while side-stepping a stabbing Kate “Shouldn’t that be something the would-be detectives were looking into?”

    “I tried some ‘Wanted: Fred or Alive’ posters from my binder but no one seems to pay attention to them.”

  11. I GOT SEPERATED FROM ALL OF MY FRIENDS EXEPT FOR ALLOURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-( 🙁 (We seperated our classes) 🙁

  12. boo, hiss for class separation – discrimination on any level is just wrong

    except that sixth grade should be placed in cages:)

    long live the memory of seventh period’s epic win today (epic b/c no one knew what that word meant)

  13. For some reason, I’m not as excited about Christmas this year. It could have something to do with my extreme loathing for Christmas music.

  14. Never would’ve thought I would be watching the Stag Bowl, what am I watching Mayfield?

  15. I GOT ON BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-). 😮

  16. yeah li’l bri – elvis penrose iv says congrats

    (apologies if i missed that one – the full name – but i read that book and finished yesterday)

    billy, you had me there – but it’s stagg – as in, alonso stagg (pretty sure alonso – not alonzo)

    i just feel sorry for anyone in the state of wisconsin this time of year

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