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Today, the students took the 1st 9 Weeks Exam in Earth & Space Science. Upon finishing the Exam, those students who had not finished the Earth's Resources Vocabulary were allowed to finish them. They had been assigned for homework. The Earth's Resources vocabulary will be the 1st grade of the 2nd 9 Weeks.

Due to another prearranged AP Lab from Chemistry, the SI Lab final day has to be rescheduled to Tuesday. We will complete the Length Lab and SI Lab on Tuesday. Classes began either the Length Lab or Scientific Method Vocabulary during class today. This is the final day of the 1st 9 Weeks.

We took the Rocks Test today. Tomorrow we will take the 1st Quarter Benchmark Test. The Benchmark Test will be the last grade for the 1st 9 Weeks in Earth & Space Science. After finishing the test, students began the Earth's Resources Vocabulary. It was for homework. This is the 1st grade of the 2nd 9 Weeks.

10/6 (Monday)- Metamorphic Rock Notes
Students finished the notes on Metamorphic Rocks and their major characteristics. Then, we reminded them that their Benchmark Test will be on Friday. They will have a Rocks Vocabulary Test on Tuesday and the Chapter Test on Wednesday. They were assigned the Rocks Seek-N-Find for homework.

10/7 (Tuesday) - Rocks Voc. Test
Students have the Rocks Voc. Test today. They will also have the Rocks Chapter Assessment and the Review Guide to complete. They were Reminded of the Rocks Chapter Test tomorrow and the 9 Weeks test on Friday. They have already received the 1st 9 Weeks Exam Rev. Guide. They must have a pencil.

10/6 (Monday) - SI Lab Introduction
Students received their SI Lab directions and answer sheets. We went over each part of the lab w/directions that they were expected to pay attention and work the lab by themselves w/little to no assistance. Reading comprehension was emphasized. Questions were to be asked during the review session and not during the lab. They were also directed to have a pencil and the proverbial calculator for the 9 Weeks Exam on Tuesday.

10/7 (Tuesday) - 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test and SI Length Lab WS
Students were to take and complete the 1st 9 Weeks Benchmark Test during class and begin the Length Lab WS. The Length Lab WS begins the individual measurements and calculation that will be needed in the SI Lab. They were reminded to dress appropriately for the SI Lab on Tuesday.

1st Pd - Worked on the Measurement Rev. Guide in class. Most of them did not finish, so it was to be finished for homework and turned in Monday. They also picked up the Measurement Crossword Puzzle which was for homework to help them review for the Measurement Quiz on Monday.

All other Physical Science classes took the Measurement Crossword Puzzle when the bell rang. Then they took the Measurement Quiz afterwards. They were all given the 1st Quarter Review Guide for their Benchmark Test on Tuesday.