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Today, we finished the notes on Electricty by talking about the types of circuits and their differences. We also discussed the formulas for calculating Electric Power and Energy. We completed the class by calculating Electric Power on a word problem worksheet. There will be a vocabulary test on Electricity tomorrow and Chapter test on Electricity on Thursday.

Students were introduced to the types of batteries, the substances they contain and how current flows from them. We also learned the symbols I, V, and R in electricity and their units. We finished class talking about Ohm's Law and it's calculations. The word problem worksheet on Ohm's Law was due before 8th period. An Electricity Vocabulary Test is scheduled for Thursday with the Chapter Test coming on Friday. Calculators are needed daily.

On Monday, April 29, students were involved in End of the Year Testing for English in Periods 1-3 and 6-8. Therefore, certain Physical Science students' classes did not meet. Today, Tuesday, April 30, the Math End of the Year Test was given for Algebra students in the morning during Periods 1-3 and in Geometry in Periods 6-8. So, different students attended class while others were testing. Those students that were in class were working on the Electricity Review Questions. They were turned in at the end of class. The students who were testing will complete them on Wednesday.