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Tryouts are over.  Thanks to all of the MMS athletes who tried out for the 2012-13 MMS Boys Basketball Team.  The coaches will meet and decide which players will be chosen.  The list will be posted at MMS on Monday by 12 noon.  A meeting will be held w/the players to discuss summer plans and events after the list has been posted.  Again, keep up the work to become good basketball players and people.  Go Bulldogs!!

Yesterday was a LAB day.  We got to walk/run stairs and determine the work and power used by our bodies in the walking and running.  Also, we got to calculate the work and power we used.  Today, we get to finish up the calculations for lab and finish our Thermal Energy Review Questions.

We'll be leaving at 12 Noon sharp tomorrow from Montevallo Middle School to go to the campus of Jeff State Junior College to have our physicals so that we can participate in sports next year.  DON'T BE LATE!!  We'll leave on two buses and be back by 3pm.  Wear clean shorts and T-shirts athletes.  You must have a current physical on file to participate in sports at MMS per AHSAA rules.  The physicals are good for 1 year from the date that they were taken.  Let's get PHYSICAL!!

On yesterday, we worked on a Work Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, Chapter Review and Compare/Contrast Worksheet. A few periods took their Work Vocabulary Test. Those classes who did not take their Voc. Test yesterday will take the Work Voc. Test today. All classes will take their Work Chapter Test today. Unless, of course, you've gone to Montgomery to see the Shakespeare presentation as some students did. They'll have their Work test on Monday when they return.

Montevallo Middle School Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday April 23 and Tuesday, April 24 at MONTEVALLO HIGH SCHOOL from 4 - 6pm. You must be present both days to be eligible to make the team.

Montevallo HS (varsity & JV) basketball tryouts will be on April 25 - 27 (Wednesday - Friday) at MHS. You must have signed up w/Coach McMahon and had your physical to tryout.

We discussed the simple machines, compound machines and went more indepth with the notes on Efficiency, MA and ways to increase Work Output. Students were advised about the Vocabulary Test on Wednesday and Chapter Test on Work & Machines on Thursday. Several mentioned being gone on days in the week and they were advised to make arrangements w/me before they left.