OMES is looking for student volunteers for their upcoming Fall Fun Fest!
- This year the FFF will be hosted at OMES on October 19th and it is from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
- Coordinators of the FFF will also need some help on the afternoon of Friday,October 18th…..
- ….as well as after the event on Saturday, October 19th for clean up.
- A Signup Genius has been created that you will need to complete if you are interested in helping with the FFF. Click on the link below AFTER you read this entire post:
- At the end of the Signup Genius, you will be asked to check which school group with which you are afflicted. Choose OMMS NJHS.
- You will need to arrive 15 minutes before your shift.
- Go to the Volunteer Table in the lunchroom where you will be directed to your assigned a spot.
- At the end of your shift, you will need to pick up a form that verifies your volunteer work. This form will then be signed by one of the FFF’s coordinators. (This form will accepted in place of the Service Hours Form linked at the top of this NJHS blog page.)
If you choose to volunteer at the Fall Fun Fest, you are WORKING! You should not play the games, chit chat with friends, be preoccupied with your phone, etc. Rather, look for ways to HELP and ASSIST. Be a polite and pleasurable hard worker seeking opportunities to make the FFF a successful event. Represent yourself, your family, OMMS, our school’s chapter of NJHS, and your sponsors appropriately. Otherwise, disciplinary action will take place and consequences will be issued that could result in something as severe as dismissal from NJHS.