March 5 Announcements

Please remember when your student is absent you have three (3) school days from the time that he returns to send in a written excuse.  Please also remember to include your student’s full name, written legibly, in order for it to be correctly recorded to your student.  If a student needs to be absent and it is known in advance, please turn in a pre-planned absence form 10 days prior to the absence for approval.

Changes in bus transportation will only be approved for emergency purposes.  Please send in transportation notes, including the reason for the change, 24 hours in advance.

Book Olympiad team members will meet 7th period in C4 today. Check in with advisory teacher for attendance first. There is no practice.

Students attending Write in the Middle Conference will meet in C4 with Mrs. Hutchings at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 7.

8th grade panoramic picture today during advisory. Students need to report to the gym immediately following 3rd period.

OMHS dance team, majorette line and color guard, interest meeting Thursday, March 7th, at 6pm in the OMHS bandroom. Bring a parent to the meeting. Tryouts will be the week of April 1-5th. For more information, please email Mrs. DiPiazza, Mr. Feldman or Mrs. Sheffield at the high school or check our instagram accounts for updates and applications.

Students it is very important that you not leave your belongings in the hallways. Sports bags, electronic devices, backpacks, etc. Please use your lockers or get permission from a sports coach to leave your bags in their classroom. Items should never be left in the hallway.

Art aide applications are available now to print from Mr. Cecil’s blog: If you are unable to print the form please contact Mr. Cecil for a copy. Applications are due on or before March 7th.

Students who placed a yearbook on layaway are reminded your final payment of $20.00 is due by the end of April. Make payable to OMMS, and include student’s name on payment.

How would you like to see Rome, Athens, and cruise the Greek Isles? Join us in June of 2020 as we travel the world. There will be a parent meeting March 21st at North Shelby Library. All are welcome, OMMS students, friends, and family. Contact Mr. Parker with questions.

Winterguard girls have yearbook picture retakes right after school tomorrow. Students should check in with their advisory teacher and dismiss at 2:35 to get ready and report to the gym.

Anyone interested in traveling to Germany & Bavaria in June 2020 email Mrs. Kennedy at for details.

6th and 7th graders, if you are interested in being on the 2019-2020 Yearbook Staff, please pick up an application from Mrs. Acton or Mrs. Graham. Applications are due March 14th.

Eagle ambassadors will meet Thursday morning at 7:15 in D-5.

Images for the play-up page in our OMMS yearbook, which features OMMS students who play-up at OMHS, are needed no later than March 11th. Send to


Good luck to our tennis team at their match against Bumpus. Tennis students need to check in with their advisory teacher and then dismiss to the gym to change.

Good luck to our baseball team as they play Homewood at OMHS.

Good luck to our track team at their first meet at Hoover. Track students please check in with your advisory teachers and immediately change. We will meet at the back of the gym and are leaving at 2:45. **8th graders – If you want to be in the 8th grade picture, change first and meet us as soon as you can!!

On Thursday, Golf team members should report to the front office after 6th hour for dismissal to Inverness.

Athletic Booster Meeting is THIS Sunday, March 10th, 7-8pm at the Heardmont Senior Center. Help us make a difference in OMMS Athletics by getting involved and learning how you can help your student become more involved in athletics, meet our guest coach, and bring a friend!

Girls interested in trying out for volleyball next year, please check the volleyball blog for updates. More information coming soon. Please see Coach Gunnels (A-21) or Coach Brown (C-10) if you have questions.

Spring Football: If your student-athlete is planning on participating in spring football (dates TBD), you will need to complete AHSAA eligibility requirements via DragonFly Max. Instruction sheet will be included on the parent e-news and OMMS website announcements section). All physicals must be on the Revised 2018 Form 5 (attached on parent e-news and OMMS website under announcements) as the 2013 Form expires in April. Also, when completing DragonFly Max, do not click ‘My School Will Complete This Requirement’. If your student-athlete is in 6th grade, you will select 7th Grade Football and if your student-athlete is in 7th grade, you will select 8th Grade Football. Football sign-ups will take place at a time to be determined, but completing eligibility requirements now will help in your student-athlete being ready to begin spring practice on time. Please contact Jay McGaughy, Football AD, at if you have any questions.

Attachments (5)

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2019 Brochure Flyer for ListServ.pdf

1 MB   View   Download

OM JV Majorettes.pdf

759 KB   View   Download

Publix Partners Sign up instructions. (1).docx

46 KB   View   Download

Teen Events Mar 2019 OMMS.docx

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