Monthly Archives: April 2021

April 30th Daily Announcements

Traditional students were given 2021-2022 registration information to take home on Thursday, April 26th.  Remote students may pick up registration packets at OMMS this week from 9am to 2pm for current 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Registration Update:  We WILL accept residency proofs dated April-July. Please upload your proofs to SCORE by June 30th, if at all possible. Thank you!

The Virtual Locker Form goes live on the Oak Mountain High School webpage on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 7PM.  The virtual locker line will determine order of locker distribution as it will be timestamped.  Each grade level will be assigned to a specific hallway. 

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

Parents of rising 9th graders:  If you expressed interest in a credit advancement course for this summer, please complete the credit advancement form. Credit Advancement Summer Registration

OMMS Broadcast applications are available in Ms. Salmon’s room A-3. Students that are interested in joining Broadcast please stop by and pick one up.

The 2021-2022 SGA elections for officer and representative positions will be held in August at both OMMS and OMHS, and applications will be available at that time.  However, interested 8th graders may go ahead and pick up the application while still at OMMS so that current teachers and counselors can sign the form.  The 9th grade SGA application is available in A17, and is due back to Mrs. Higginbotham by May 14.  The applications will then be sent to OMHS to be used in August. 

Next week is the last week to check out books. All books checked out will be due on May 14th. If a book is lost, come talk with Mrs. Howton or Mrs. Collins to get ideas of where else to look and the replacement cost if it cannot be found.

6th and 7th grade girls and boys who are interested in applying to be an Eagle Ambassador (the schools official hosts and hostesses) should pick up a blue information/permission form from B-10. These forms are due back by Monday May 3rd.  

The 1st Annual Shelby County Schools track meet has been cancelled.

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Spring Football – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link below.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.  Last day for football signups will be Friday, April 30th. Parent Meeting will be Monday, May 3rd 6:00pm at the OMMS football stadium.  See attached informational flyer below.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

April 29th Daily Announcements

Traditional students were given 2021-2022 registration information to take home on Thursday, April 26th.  Remote students may pick up registration packets at OMMS this week from 9am to 2pm for current 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Registration Update:  We WILL accept residency proofs dated April-July. Please upload your proofs to SCORE by June 30th, if at all possible. Thank you!

The Virtual Locker Form goes live on the Oak Mountain High School webpage on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 7PM.  The virtual locker line will determine order of locker distribution as it will be timestamped.  Each grade level will be assigned to a specific hallway. 

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

OMMS Broadcast applications are available in Ms. Salmon’s room A-3. Students that are interested in joining Broadcast please stop by and pick one up.

Any 6th or 7th grader interested in learning more about the JUNA (Junior United Nations Assembly) team, should plan to attend an interest meeting Friday, April 30 at 7:20am in A17. 

The 2021-2022 SGA elections for officer and representative positions will be held in August at both OMMS and OMHS, and applications will be available at that time.  However, interested 8th graders may go ahead and pick up the application while still at OMMS so that current teachers and counselors can sign the form.  The 9th grade SGA application is available in A17, and is due back to Mrs. Higginbotham by May 14.  The applications will then be sent to OMHS to be used in August. 

Next week is the last week to check out books. All books checked out will be due on May 14th. If a book is lost, come talk with Mrs. Howton or Mrs. Collins to get ideas of where else to look and the replacement cost if it cannot be found.

6th and 7th grade girls and boys who are interested in applying to be an Eagle Ambassador (the schools official hosts and hostesses) should pick up a blue information/permission form from B-10. These forms are due back by Monday May 3rd.  

Information attached for students in grades 3rd-6th that would like to participate in the 1st Annual Shelby County Schools Track Meet, hosted by Helena High School Track & Field on May 8th.

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Spring Football – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link below.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.  Last day for football signups will be Friday, April 30th. Parent Meeting will be 6:00pm on Monday, May 3rd at the OMMS football stadium.  See attached informational flyer below.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

April 27th Daily Announcements

Traditional students were given 2021-2022 registration information to take home on Thursday, April 26th.  Remote students may pick up registration packets at OMMS this week from 9am to 2pm for current 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Registration Update:  We WILL accept residency proofs dated April-July. Please upload your proofs to SCORE by June 30th, if at all possible. Thank you!

The Virtual Locker Form goes live on the Oak Mountain High School webpage on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 7PM.  The virtual locker line will determine order of locker distribution as it will be timestamped.  Each grade level will be assigned to a specific hallway. 

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

OMMS Broadcast applications are available in Ms. Salmon’s room A-3. Students that are interested in joining Broadcast please stop by and pick one up.

6th and 7th grade girls and boys who are interested in applying to be an Eagle Ambassador (the schools official hosts and hostesses) should pick up a blue information/permission form from B-10. These forms are due back by Monday May 3rd.  

First Priority will meet on the football field at 7:15am tomorrow morning.

Information attached for students in grades 3rd-6th that would like to participate in the 1st Annual Shelby County Schools Track Meet, hosted by Helena High School Track & Field on May 8th.

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Spring Football – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link below.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.  Last day for football signups will be Friday, April 30th. Parent Meeting will be 6:00pm on Monday, May 3rd at the OMMS football stadium.  See attached informational flyer below.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

April 26th Daily Announcements

Traditional students were given 2021-2022 registration information to take home on Thursday, April 26th.  Remote students may pick up registration packets at OMMS this week from 9am to 2pm for current 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

OMMS Broadcast applications are available in Ms. Salmon’s room A-3. Students that are interested in joining Broadcast please stop by and pick one up.

6th and 7th grade girls and boys who are interested in applying to be an Eagle Ambassador (the schools official hosts and hostesses) should pick up a blue information/permission form from B-10. These forms are due back by Monday May 3rd.  

Bus 13-39 will begin running this afternoon as normal.

First Priority will meet on the football field at 7:15am this Wednesday.  

Information attached for students in grades 3rd-6th that would like to participate in the 1st Annual Shelby County Schools Track Meet, hosted by Helena High School Track & Field on May 8th.

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Spring Football (May 1-14 Tentative) – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link sent via the parent e-news.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

Updates 4/22/21

Dear OMMS Families:

As we put a wrap on week #1 back at OMMS after the tornado, I want to express my continued thanks for the constant encouragement many of you have provided upon our return to school.  We have accomplished a great deal in our four days back together, including the completion of ACAP testing.  

Here’s a quick reminder that Shelby County Schools will not be in session tomorrow (4/23) as students get a break from in-person and remote learning for an extended weekend.  

Also, this afternoon I reminded students per Dr. Brooks’ email message sent to parents on April 8th that the mandatory mask ordinance will no longer be in effect for Shelby County students or employees as of Friday, April 23rd.  

Therefore, beginning Monday, April 26th, the mandatory mask ordinance will no longer be in effect.  faculty, staff, and students will have the option of wearing or not wearing a mask.  Parents, our faculty and staff will respect any decision you make in regard to your child wearing a mask.  However, we will continue to maintain hand sanitizing stations in classrooms and throughout the school.  We will also continue to clean desks and Chromebooks between classes and continue to encourage all students and staff to wash hands often.  I pasted Dr. Brooks’ previous message below:

Thank you for your continued support.


Larry Haynes

Press Release Regarding Masks

for Shelby County Schools

April 8, 2021

Governor Ivey has announced that the mandatory mask ordinance will be lifted on April 9, 2021.  Shelby County Schools will continue to require masks through April 23rd.  Beginning April 26, 2021, masks will be encouraged but not required as a matter of community responsibility. 

Our rationale for continuing masks through April 23, 2021 is as follows:

  • There have been numerous strategies that have been implemented to protect students, teachers, and staff  members. The majority of employees will receive the second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine on April 9, 2021.  For these employees to achieve immunity, 14 days post-inoculation is recommended.  Extending the mask requirement through April 23 will provide protection for our employees. Remember, keeping our employees protected is the best option for keeping schools open.
  • Historical data from the past year has proven to show a spike in the number of positive cases following a holiday.  Requiring masks through April 23 will allow for a period of time following the recent Easter holiday, when many of our families traveled out of town.
  • Resolving this matter is certainly controversial but we will get through the next seven weeks of school and ask that each parent and student exercise personal responsibility as it relates to this issue.
  • Shelby County Schools will continue to use other mitigation strategies to support health and safety within our schools.

April 22nd Daily Announcements

Friday, April 23rd is April Break (schools closed) per the SCBOE calendar.  Teachers and students will enjoy a long weekend!

Traditional 6th and 7th grade students have received OMMS 2021-2022 SCORE registration packets to take home today and traditional 8th grade students have received OMHS 2021-2022 registration packets to take home today.  6th, 7th and 8th grade remote students may pick up registration packets at OMMS beginning Monday, April 26th from 9am to 2pm.

Academics First tutoring will resume next week.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Spring Football (May 1-14 Tentative) – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link sent via the parent e-news.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

BSN flash sale beginning on 4/23 and ending on 4/24 at 11:59 pm EST.  We are offering 20% off EVERYTHING, no minimum order required.

April 20th Announcements

Bus 13-41 will be back on the route tomorrow.  Bus 09-36 will be running their route tomorrow on bus 03-05.  Thank you to the SCBOE Transportation department for all of their hard work getting our buses back into operation so quickly!

Academics First tutoring will resume next week.

ACAP testing will continue tomorrow 6th, 7th and 8th grade ELA.  Students that have a school issued chromebook should make sure to bring the chromebook to school, fully charged, everyday.  

SCORE registration information will be sent home with current traditional learning students by the end of this week.  SCORE registration information for current remote learning students will be sent at a later time.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

Good luck to our track team at the Metro Championship today at Mountain Brook!

There is still time to order a 2020-2021 yearbook.  Extra books are available for those who may have missed the January deadline.  We will not be compiling a list, and purchases will be online only.  Please secure your book before they are sold out.  You may pay through the link sent via parent e-news.

Spring Football (May 1-14 Tentative) – Upcoming 7th and 8th graders interested in playing football in the fall should sign up using the link sent via the parent e-news.  Spring Practice is scheduled for May 5-14.   All participants must be 100% for 2021-2022 on DragonFly Max in order to participate.OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

April 19th Daily Announcement

Bus 10-11 will run beginning this afternoon.  Bus 09-35 will be bus 03-03 and will begin running tomorrow morning.

All 8th graders should bring their Ender’s Game books to science daily starting tomorrow.

Academics First tutoring will resume next week.

ACAP testing will begin tomorrow.  8th grade:  Science;  6th grade: Math.  Students that have a school issued chromebook should make sure to bring the chromebook to school, fully charged, everyday.  

SCORE registration information will be sent home with current traditional learning students by the end of this week.  SCORE registration information for current remote learning students will be sent at a later time.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

OMMS XC Info: Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.  See Coach Terino or Coach Chumbley for more details. 

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.  If you signed up before spring break and you have received emails then your information is due by April 16th.  If you didn’t get a chance to sign up and would like to, your information is due April 26th.  If you are signing up on or after April 19th please see Coach Noel.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

April 16th Announcements

SCORE registration information will be sent home with current traditional learning students by the end of next week.  SCORE registration information for current remote learning students will be sent at a later time.

Is your student a current 8th grader? Do you have questions about LIFE at OMHS? If so, please make plans for you and your student to attend our Freshman 101 information meeting.  

OMHS Freshman 101 Informational Meeting
When: Monday -May 3, 2021

Where: OMHS Performing Arts Center (please enter through PAC Commons Doors)

What:  Informational meeting for incoming students and parents of the Class of 2025 (incoming current 8th graders) will begin at 6:00pm (doors open at 5:45pm) and school tours will be available after the meeting until 7:15pm. GOOM

Students that need to replace their agenda due to loss or condition can purchase new agendas in the OMMS Front Office.  $5 cash or check.  Exact change is preferred and much appreciated.

OMMS XC Info:  Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC blog) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to tryouts on May 10 and 11.

OMHS XC Info:  Interested in running Cross Country in the Fall for Oak Mountain HS?  Upcoming 9th graders should fill out this link to get on the email list for Cross Country 2021-2022.  Email Coach Moore if you have any questions

Oak Mountain HS XC information sheet

Girls Basketball Try-outs are the following dates May 3, 5, 10, and 12th Times:  May 3rd 7th & 8th 3-5pm; May 5th 8th 3-5pm & 7th 5-7pm; May 10th-8th 3-5pm &  7th 5-7pm May 12th 7th 3-5pm & 8th 5-7pm. You can find the forms for Dragonfly and forms for Coach Noel at this website.  If you signed up before spring break and you have received emails then your information is due by April 16th.  If you didn’t get a chance to sign up and would like to, your information is due April 26th.  If you are signing up on or after April 19th please see Coach Noel.

Tryouts for the Oak Mountain Middle School summer boys’ basketball program will be held on Monday, May 17th through Thursday, May 20th. Incoming seventh and eighth graders interested in trying out for the program should talk to Coach Binkley during their physical education class or by sending an email to . Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max. The last day to sign up and have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to try out will be May 13th. More information will be sent out via email to parents from Coach Binkley at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. Incoming 8th Grade Tryouts (Current 7th Graders):  3:15-5:15 p.m. all four days; Incoming 7th Grade Tryouts (Current 6th Graders):  5:30-7:30 p.m. all four days 

BSN Flash Sale today through 4/16 at 11:59 pm EST.  We are offering 20% off EVERYTHING, no minimum order required.