April 22nd Announcements

Reminder to students that these items are not in dress code:  leggings/yoga pants of any style, crop tops, pants with holes above the knees, athletic shorts.

Students should not bring food or drinks with them in to school or have it dropped off at lunch.  Examples are Starbucks, Chick Fil A, Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s, etc.

Book Olympiad will meet Tuesday, April 26th after school in room A16. Parents will pick up at 4:15 outside A Hall. Students should have read our last book if they plan to attend.

Mrs. Harding and Mr. Huggins’ 7th grade ELA students need to purchase a copy of The Giver by Lois Lowry by April 25th, 2022. Purchases can be made through local book stores or online. If ordering online, please allow for delivery time. If you have any questions, please email either Mrs. Harding or Mr. Huggins.

8th Grade Banquet:  8th grade students received invitation letters to take home with information about the upcoming 8th Grade Banquet that will be held on Friday, May 20th.  Deadline to pay is Monday, May 2nd.

Attention 7th and 8th grade girls!  If you are interested in Engineering, or STEM fields in general join Eureka. It is a teen achievement program full of adventures and scientific exploration.  Summer registration is open for the Eureka program until April 30th!  Fill out the form by going to https://forms.gle/Hs3r4ZyJDTeVLsZt8 you can also reach out to astrickland@girlsinccentral-al.org for more information. 

Attention 6th and 7th graders!  Check your school email for a link to a Google Form from the yearbook team.  If you are interested in joining our team, please complete the form by April 28th at the latest.  You only need to complete the form if you are interested in joining the yearbook staff for next year (2022/2023).


OMMS Spring Football Sign up Information:  Go to OMMS Football website https://podcasts.shelbyed.k12.al.us/omms-football/  Parent Meeting will be Thursday, April 28 @ 5:30 pm (OMMS Cafeteria)  May 2-4 Heat Conditioning & Testing / 3:15-5:00;  May 5 – May 13 Spring Practice / 3:15-5:00  Equipment: Shorts, Shirt and Cleats (shorts and shirt can be red, blue, white or gray) Summer and Fall Fees and Schedule: will be discussed at the parent meeting.

OMMS girls basketball tryouts will be held May 2-5th.  All information is on the OMMS Girls Basketball Website.  Click on the Try-out Button for more information.  Please, make sure you and your parents read all of the information before signing the forms.  Everything must be completed by April 22nd, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!    If you have any questions, please contact Coach Noel.  jnoel@shelbyed.org

OMMS boys basketball tryouts for 2022-2023 boys basketball will be held on April 25-27th for the upcoming 7th and 8th graders. Please fill out this google form if your student is interested in attending tryouts. OMMS Boys Basketball

Help OMMS Boosters with Spirit Attire: Hey, OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan!  Mom deserves the best. You deserve to save. Make both happen with our 48-hour FLASH SALE! For a limited time use code MOM and take 20% OFF everything at our OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store, including NEW custom t-shirts, hoodies, caps and accessories. Celebrate Mom, Grandma and all the other mother figures in your life today. Hurry–sale ends 4/22.