OMMS Announcements will be shared on Tuesdays and Fridays only from this point, unless there is special information to share.
SGA meets tomorrow morning at 7:20am.
Yearbooks! The 2023 OMMS yearbooks are ready to purchase! Please use the following link to order. We are excited to work with Jostens this year, and they are offering some limited time deals, so be sure to check it out! If you have any questions, please email either Mrs. Harding ( or Mr. McIndoe (
Please encourage students to check the lost and found in the gym and the front office for any missing items. Items collected will be donated soon.
Purchase an Oak Mountain Community Shirt and support the OMMS Choir! You may click the link (OM Community Shirt) or scan the QR code to purchase the shirt.
Washington DC 2023 ~ February 16 – 20, 2023
There are 10 Spots Left!Final deadline is Friday, October 14th or when the spaces are filled. If you are a 7th or 8th grader interested in attending the DC Trip –> read this carefully 2023 OMMS Washington DC Trip Information, follow the steps on page 6, and register as soon as possible. Email Mrs. Kennedy if you have any questions at
Birmingham-Southern Men’s Basketball team is offering free admission to a home game for the entire family! Any student who reads 5 books by Friday, Oct. 28th and turns in their form will receive free admission to a home game of their choice! Come get a flyer from the library or print the flyer, then complete the challenge, and turn it in to the library (Mrs. Howton or Mrs. McCaleb) by Friday, Oct. 28th!
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and Shelby County Schools is excited to celebrate and raise awareness for our students with dyslexia. Please see the attached newsletter for more information.
OMMS Sports Information:
Seventh and Eighth grade boys basketball are selling shirts to promote their first home game on October 25th against Briarwood Christian Lions! Our theme will be RED OUT! All spectators are encouraged to “RED Out” the gym with as many red shirts as possible. You can purchase your RED OUT shirt on myschoolbucks by clicking the link. Red Out Shirt
If you are a current 7th or 8th grade boy or girl and you are interested in trying out for the Golf Team, please fill out the following link. Golf Tryouts will be held on October 26,2022 at Inverness Country Club. You must bring your own set of clubs.
Boys interested in trying out for the OMMS Baseball Team need to complete the Google Form link below. Tryouts will be October 20-23 at Oak Mountain High School. All required documents must be completed in DragonFly by October 14th to be eligible to tryout.
Attention all OMMS athletes, parents and fans! Show your continued support for our athletics department by becoming a member of the OMMS Athletics Boosters Club! Great spirit swag is included with all membership tiers, and the Gold and Eagle level memberships get you or your entire family into all home athletic events for the entire year! All proceeds go to provide additional resources to our amazing student athletes and coaches. Payments can by made through by searching OMMS.
From OMES:
Oak Mountain Elementary School needs your help! We would love for students at OMMS and OMHS to sign up to volunteer for our Fall Fun Fest! You will receive a form documenting your volunteer hours, and you’ll have a great time! Please sign up by clicking the link below: