January 10th Announcements

Attention Parents/Guardians:  The OMMS counseling department is hosting a guest speaker for all grade levels in the month of January concerning the topic of bullying and social media safety.  The presentation schedule is as follows:

Friday, January 13th: 7th grade during ELA classes

Thursday, January 19th: 8th grade during ELA classes

Upcoming 8th grade field trip: During school hours on January 13th, the entire 8th grade class and teachers have an exciting opportunity to travel to OMHS to view their production of The Outsiders, which is a class novel the 8th grade read this year, and to learn about the theater program.  Each student paying $5 through MySchoolBucks.com will cover our bus transportation. Click here for the info letter & link to MySchoolBucks. If you have any questions, please email your child’s ELA teacher.  Payments should be made by January 12th, 

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link https://forms.gle/rriJRnzP6AvqGdoN7

SGA will meet tomorrow at 7:20am in C-20.

Phase 1 will meet Thursday, January 12 after school in the media center. Parents should pick up students at 4:30 in the bus lane. Please pull all the way up to the gym. 

Dance Team Interest Meeting on Wednesday, January 11 at 7:20am in Room A-1. Students interested in trying out should make plans to attend.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.

Two spots have become available for the 7th grade DC trip.  First come, first serve, please see Mrs. Kennedy if interested.  7th grade students that are attending the Washington DC trip should see Mrs. Kennedy in D-6 for roommate requests.

OMMS Sports Information:

Good luck to our girls basketball teams as they play at Simmons today and at Clay on Thursday.

Good luck to our wrestling team in their meet against Berry on Thursday at OMHS.

Good luck to our boys basketball teams as they play Clay on Thursday and Simmons on Friday at OMHS.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.  http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/alabama/birmingham/oak-mountain-middle-school

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs