January 31st Announcements

Students that ride bus 13-44 will ride bus 22-09 and will be picked up from OMMS at approximately 3:30pm.

Mt. Laurel Upcoming 6th grade Parents:  Informational meeting tonight in the OMMS Cafeteria at 6pm.  Doors will open at 5:45pm.  Please enter using door #1 or door #4.  Parents of upcoming 7th and 8th grade Mt. Laurel students that are interested in transferring to OMMS for the 2023-2024 school year may also attend.  If you are unable to attend the meeting tonight a follow up meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th at 6pm.

Eagle Ambassadors that are helping with the 6th grade visit tonight should meet at the front of the school at 5:30pm in their formal uniform. Pick up time is 7:00pm.

SGA will meet tomorrow before school in C-20.

Please sign up to help with the Valentine Gala on Friday, February 10th.


Gala details coming soon!

Good luck to our Scholars Bowl teams in the Shelby County Middle School Scholars Bowl Tournament, today and tomorrow.

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link https://forms.gle/rriJRnzP6AvqGdoN7

Buy an OMHS Outsiders Shirt! Back by popular demand! Click here to order. Can be shipped directly to your home. Deadline Feb 1.

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Help us celebrate our upcoming Black History Month by participating in morning and afternoon announcements, which will honor remarkable African Americans. You can sign up to do announcements–and find more details–here on this Google Form. Questions? Contact Mrs. Salter (csalter@shelbyed.org) or Mrs. Hutchings (shutchings@shelbyed.org). Deadline is Tuesday 1/31.

Soar Mentor Group (CommUNITY Sessions)  Greetings Parents & Students:  It has been brought to our attention that some of you have not been able to access the google form to sign up.  I do apologize.  We have reset the link and you should be able to access it now.  We have had a positive response so far, and quite a few sign ups.  We are looking to have our first session by the end of February.  There will be more detailed information after we complete sign-ups.  Thanks so much for your support!  csalter@shelbyed.org  Google Form  https://forms.gle/ASr2viwSLMQaiqCx8

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at smcindoe@shelbyed.org. Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

Track and Field Evals will be held February 3rd right after school at the OMMS track. You must be 100% in DragonFly to participate in track and field. Follow the link below to sign up. See Coach Chumbley or Coach Harris if you have questions. https://forms.gle/BF5EddHjfzRLCiZm9

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.  http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/alabama/birmingham/oak-mountain-middle-school

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs