Category Archives: Uncategorized

February 14th Announcements

Students that ride bus 13-39 will ride bus 09-63 today at dismissal.

SGA will meet tomorrow at 7:20 in room C20.

Phase 1 will meet next Thursday, February 23, after school until 4:30.

Attention 2023-2024 OMMS parents/guardians:  Sherri Spears, the Gifted Education lead teacher for SC middle schools, would like to hold two different informative meetings on “challenge classes”. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16th at 8:00am in the OMMS media center. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:00 pm in the OMMS cafeteria. We hope you can join us for one of these two meetings especially if you have questions about the challenge classes that will be offered in the upcoming school year.

A few reminders for parents and students: No gum at school. No eating (candy or food) or drinking in the halls.  Passes out of class must use the student’s own agenda.  Replacement agendas are available in the front office before school for $10.

FCCLA is collecting donations for the Shelby County Humane Society! You can drop your donations of dog/cat toys or old t-shirts in Miss Boyd’s room. Collection will take place until February 17th!

Rising 8th graders interested in trying out for OMHS guard or dance team are invited to attend an informational meeting Tuesday, Feb. 11th at 6:00pm in the OMHS Band room.  Interested students must attend with a parent or guardian. Questions can be emailed to: (guard) or (dance).

The OMMS Dance Team will be hosting open practices for students who are interested in preparing for tryouts each Thursday from February 16 to March 2. Students who plan to participate need to let Ms. Downs know in advance!

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

CommUNITY Sessions 2023  Parents & Students: There is still time to sign up to participate in our Soar Mentor Group for our 6th-8th grade Black/African American students.  We have scheduled our first meeting for February 28, 2023 from 3:00-4:30 PM.  Our topic of discussion for our first meeting will be “Leadership and Legacy”.  We are excited about this opportunity to encourage and motivate our students.  Students can sign up with Coach Civils, Mrs. Hutchings, or Mrs. Salter.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

6th and 7th grade girls – Volleyball tryouts for the 2023 teams will be March 6-9. All requirements can be found on the OMMS Volleyball Website and are due by February 27. NO EXCEPTIONS! Please see the website and flyers around the school for specific times for each grade level. 

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

OMHS & Community Information:

There will be a Pre-Tryout Parent Meeting for OMHS Cheerleading on Thursday, February 16th at 6:30pm in the OMHS Library.  Please enter through the main entrance of the building.  This meeting is for anyone interested in trying out for the 2023-2024 OMHS Cheerleading teams, including current 8th graders at OMMS and ChMS living in the OMHS school zone.  Please email with questions.

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

See the attached information from the OMHS Beta Club.

Information from OMMS: Choir Performances at OMHS Tomorrow

Parents and Guardians:

We are excited to announce that our 7th and 8th grade students have the opportunity to watch our OMMS Show Choir perform their award-winning show at the Oak Mountain High School Performing Arts Center tomorrow (Wednesday, February 15th).  Students will also watch the OMHS Singers Show Choir perform as well.  We plan to begin dismissal around 8:15. Students will travel by Shelby County Buses with their 3rd period teachers to OMHS.  Everyone is scheduled to arrive back at OMMS before 11:00 a.m.

For parents planning to check out a 7th or 8th grade student between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m., or if parents prefer that their child not attend the choir performances at OMHS and remain at OMMS, they may opt out for their child not to attend the show choir performances at OMHS by emailing Julianne Whittle, the OMMS attendance clerk at ( Please include “Opting Out of Field Trip” in the Subject line.  Please send the “opt out” email no later than 7:30 a.m. in the morning. Parents may also choose to check out their child if they desire to attend the OMHS basketball game in the Northeast Regional at Jacksonville State University.  Check outs for students attending the basketball game will be excused.

Larry Haynes, Ed. D


Oak Mountain Middle School

February 10th Announcements

Students that ride bus 05-18/09-36 will ride bus 09-63 today at dismissal.

Attention 2023-2024 OMMS parents/guardians:  Sherri Spears, the Gifted Education lead teacher for SC middle schools, would like to hold two different informative meetings on “challenge classes”. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16th at 8:00am in the OMMS media center. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:00 pm in the OMMS cafeteria. We hope you can join us for one of these two meetings especially if you have questions about the challenge classes that will be offered in the upcoming school year.

A few reminders for parents and students: No gum at school. No eating (candy or food) or drinking in the halls.  Passes out of class must use the student’s own agenda.  Replacement agendas are available in the front office before school for $10.

FCCLA is collecting donations for the Shelby County Humane Society! You can drop your donations of dog/cat toys or old t-shirts in Miss Boyd’s room. Collection will take place until February 17th!

The OMMS Dance Team will be hosting open practices for students who are interested in preparing for tryouts each Thursday from February 16 to March 2. Students who plan to participate need to let Ms. Downs know in advance!

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

CommUNITY Sessions 2023  Parents & Students: There is still time to sign up to participate in our Soar Mentor Group for our 6th-8th grade Black/African American students.  We have scheduled our first meeting for February 28, 2023 from 3:00-4:30 PM.  Our topic of discussion for our first meeting will be “Leadership and Legacy”.  We are excited about this opportunity to encourage and motivate our students.  Students can sign up with Coach Civils, Mrs. Hutchings, or Mrs. Salter.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

6th and 7th grade girls – Volleyball tryouts for the 2023 teams will be March 6-9. All requirements can be found on the OMMS Volleyball Website and are due by February 27. NO EXCEPTIONS! Please see the website and flyers around the school for specific times for each grade level. 

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

OMHS & Community Information:

There will be a Pre-Tryout Parent Meeting for OMHS Cheerleading on Thursday, February 16th at 6:30pm in the OMHS Library.  Please enter through the main entrance of the building.  This meeting is for anyone interested in trying out for the 2023-2024 OMHS Cheerleading teams, including current 8th graders at OMMS and ChMS living in the OMHS school zone.  Please email with questions.

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

February 3rd Announcements

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we must postpone indefinitely the Valentine’s Gala that was originally scheduled for next Friday, February 10th.  Parents that may have already purchased a ticket through, may apply your purchase to the next gala or you may request a refund via email to the OMMS bookkeeper

Congratulations to our Broadcast students as the OMMS YouTube channel officially launches today with the first interview.  This could not have been accomplished without the daily efforts of Mr. John Milton from OMHS and a dedicated group of students.  This first effort promises to be the first of many interviews and great stories told.  The channel link to the OMMS YouTube page is

All students need to bring their Chromebook in their case and their charger to advisory next Friday, February 10th. 

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

CommUNITY Sessions 2023  Parents & Students: There is still time to sign up to participate in our Soar Mentor Group for our 6th-8th grade Black/African American students.  We have scheduled our first meeting for February 28, 2023 from 3:00-4:30 PM.  Our topic of discussion for our first meeting will be “Leadership and Legacy”.  We are excited about this opportunity to encourage and motivate our students.  Students can sign up with Coach Civils, Mrs. Hutchings, or Mrs. Salter.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Black History Month Announcements:  Students that have signed up to read a Black History Month Announcement, there will be a brief meeting with Mrs. Salter on Monday, February 6, 2023 in room A-3 during Eagle Hour. 

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

6th and 7th grade girls – Volleyball tryouts for the 2023 teams will be March 6-9. All requirements can be found on the OMMS Volleyball Website and are due by February 27. NO EXCEPTIONS! Please see the website and flyers around the school for specific times for each grade level. 

Track evaluations today after school at the OMMS track.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

January 31st Announcements

Students that ride bus 13-44 will ride bus 22-09 and will be picked up from OMMS at approximately 3:30pm.

Mt. Laurel Upcoming 6th grade Parents:  Informational meeting tonight in the OMMS Cafeteria at 6pm.  Doors will open at 5:45pm.  Please enter using door #1 or door #4.  Parents of upcoming 7th and 8th grade Mt. Laurel students that are interested in transferring to OMMS for the 2023-2024 school year may also attend.  If you are unable to attend the meeting tonight a follow up meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th at 6pm.

Eagle Ambassadors that are helping with the 6th grade visit tonight should meet at the front of the school at 5:30pm in their formal uniform. Pick up time is 7:00pm.

SGA will meet tomorrow before school in C-20.

Please sign up to help with the Valentine Gala on Friday, February 10th.!/showSignUp/10c0e45a4aa2ca6fdc16-valentines

Gala details coming soon!

Good luck to our Scholars Bowl teams in the Shelby County Middle School Scholars Bowl Tournament, today and tomorrow.

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Buy an OMHS Outsiders Shirt! Back by popular demand! Click here to order. Can be shipped directly to your home. Deadline Feb 1.

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Help us celebrate our upcoming Black History Month by participating in morning and afternoon announcements, which will honor remarkable African Americans. You can sign up to do announcements–and find more details–here on this Google Form. Questions? Contact Mrs. Salter ( or Mrs. Hutchings ( Deadline is Tuesday 1/31.

Soar Mentor Group (CommUNITY Sessions)  Greetings Parents & Students:  It has been brought to our attention that some of you have not been able to access the google form to sign up.  I do apologize.  We have reset the link and you should be able to access it now.  We have had a positive response so far, and quite a few sign ups.  We are looking to have our first session by the end of February.  There will be more detailed information after we complete sign-ups.  Thanks so much for your support!  Google Form

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

Track and Field Evals will be held February 3rd right after school at the OMMS track. You must be 100% in DragonFly to participate in track and field. Follow the link below to sign up. See Coach Chumbley or Coach Harris if you have questions.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

January 27th Announcements

Hello 8th Grade Parents!  We are excited to have your student join us at OMHS next year. We want this transition to be enjoyable and stress free! Please review the presentation, video and other resources for you! All of these are linked below. We want to encourage you to come to OMHS Thursday, January 26th at 6pm or Friday, January 27th at 8am for this same presentation. The counselors and some teachers will be available for some questions at the conclusion of the presentation.

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Buy an OMHS Outsiders Shirt! Back by popular demand! Click here to order. Can be shipped directly to your home. Deadline Feb 1.

JUNA will meet Monday after school until 4:00pm.

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Help us celebrate our upcoming Black History Month by participating in morning and afternoon announcements, which will honor remarkable African Americans. You can sign up to do announcements–and find more details–here on this Google Form. Questions? Contact Mrs. Salter ( or Mrs. Hutchings ( Deadline is Tuesday 1/31.

Two spots have become available for the 7th and 8th grade DC trip.  First come, first serve, please email Mrs. Kennedy if interested.  Washington DC Student/Parent Meeting – Monday, January 30th – 6:00PM – OMMS Cafeteria

Soar Mentor Group (CommUNITY Sessions)  Greetings Parents & Students:  It has been brought to our attention that some of you have not been able to access the google form to sign up.  I do apologize.  We have reset the link and you should be able to access it now.  We have had a positive response so far, and quite a few sign ups.  We are looking to have our first session by the end of February.  There will be more detailed information after we complete sign-ups.  Thanks so much for your support!  Google Form

8th Grade Parents!The yearbook staff is working on a very special memories page for the yearbook. In order to complete the page, we need your 8th grader’s baby picture as soon as possible! If you would like to share a baby photo of your child, please send it to our yearbook co-sponsor, Scott McIndoe at Be sure to include your student’s name with the photo.Please be sure to send a photo by February 24th! We are super excited about this and can’t wait to show you the final result! Thanks so much for your support!

OMMS Sports Information:

Good luck to our wrestling teams at their Metro South Conference Championships tomorrow.

Track and Field Evals will be held February 2nd right after school at the OMMS track. You must be 100% in DragonFly to participate in track and field. Follow the link below to sign up. See Coach Chumbley or Coach Harris if you have questions.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

OMHS Parent Meeting and Course Selection Information

Hello 8th Grade Parents! 

We are excited to have your student join us at OMHS next year. We want this transition to be enjoyable and stress free! Please review the presentation, video and other resources for you! All of these are linked below. We want to encourage you to come to OMHS Thursday, January 26th at 6pm or Friday, January 27th at 8am for this same presentation. The counselors and some teachers will be available for some questions at the conclusion of the presentation.

January 24th Announcements

Thank you to our PTO and parents for the wonderful catered lunch, desserts and drinks enjoyed by our faculty and staff today!

Class of 2027 informational flyer is attached. This contains information for our 8th graders regarding 9th grade course selection and a parent meeting.

SGA will meet tomorrow morning at 7:20am in C20.

Eagle Ambassadors will meet Friday morning at 7:20 in B-10.

Coding Club will meet Wednesday, January 25th (tomorrow) after school from 3 – 4:30 p.m. in Mrs. Carter’s room.

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Buy an OMHS Outsiders Shirt! Back by popular demand! Click here to order. Can be shipped directly to your home. Deadline Feb 1.

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Help us celebrate our upcoming Black History Month by participating in morning and afternoon announcements, which will honor remarkable African Americans. You can sign up to do announcements–and find more details–here on this Google Form. Questions? Contact Mrs. Salter ( or Mrs. Hutchings ( Deadline is Tuesday 1/31.

Two spots have become available for the 7th and 8th grade DC trip.  First come, first serve, please email Mrs. Kennedy if interested.  Washington DC Student/Parent Meeting – Monday, January 30th – 6:00PM – OMMS Cafeteria

Attention Students & Parents:  This semester, we are starting a Soar Mentor Group 

(CommUnity Sessions) for our African American students. This mentor group will be for boys and girls 6th-8th grade.  Purpose Bridging the gap of cultural divides in efforts to bring more diversity and more unity to our school community.  Mission:  To mentor young African American boys and girls by providing opportunities to motivate and encourage them to be more embedded within the Oak Mountain Middle School Community.  Our mentor meetings will be held after school from 3:00-4:30 PM. If your child is interested in participating, please complete the Google form below, or they can sign up in room A-3 with Mrs. Salter, room B-16 with Mr. Civils, or room C-4 Mrs. Hutchings.   Google Form CommUnity Sessions

OMMS Sports Information:

Congratulations to our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who participated in Special Olympics Bowling on Friday, January 20th. OMMS students placed first, second, and third during this fun event at Oak Mountain Lanes.

Track and Field Evals will be held February 2nd right after school at the OMMS track. You must be 100% in DragonFly to participate in track and field. Follow the link below to sign up. See Coach Chumbley or Coach Harris if you have questions.

Good luck to our girls basketball teams as they begin Metro tournament play today.  7th grade vs Bragg @ Bumpus at 7:45 and 8th grade vs. Homewood @ Pizitz at 5:45.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

January 20th Announcements

Students that ride bus 10-12 will ride bus 09-63 today at dismissal.

JUNA will meet on Monday after school until 4:30pm.

Class of 2027 informational flyer is attached. This contains information for our 8th graders regarding 9th grade course selection and a parent meeting.

From OMMS PTO:  Please help us shower our teachers with some goodies for their luncheon next Tuesday!!

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Buy an OMHS Outsiders Shirt! Back by popular demand! Click here to order. Can be shipped directly to your home. Deadline Feb 1.

Dance Team Clinic & Tryouts for the 2023-2024 season will be held March 13-17 in the OMMS Gym from 3-6pm. All tryout paperwork and the $25 clinic fee are due by Wednesday March 8. The clinic fee can be paid on MySchoolBucks.

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Two spots have become available for the 7th and 8th grade DC trip.  First come, first serve, please see Mrs. Kennedy if interested.  7th grade students that are attending the Washington DC trip should see Mrs. Kennedy in D-6 for roommate requests.

Attention Students & Parents:  This semester, we are starting a Soar Mentor Group 

(CommUnity Sessions) for our African American students. This mentor group will be for boys and girls 6th-8th grade.  Purpose Bridging the gap of cultural divides in efforts to bring more diversity and more unity to our school community.  Mission:  To mentor young African American boys and girls by providing opportunities to motivate and encourage them to be more embedded within the Oak Mountain Middle School Community.  Our mentor meetings will be held after school from 3:00-4:30 PM. If your child is interested in participating, please complete the Google form below, or they can sign up in room A-3 with Mrs. Salter, room B-16 with Mr. Civils, or room C-4 Mrs. Hutchings.   Google Form

OMMS Sports Information:

Track and Field Evals will be held February 2nd right after school at the OMMS track. You must be 100% in DragonFly to participate in track and field. Follow the link below to sign up. See Coach Chumbley or Coach Harris if you have questions.

Good luck to our wrestling teams at the Buc Brawl at Hoover HS.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs

January 17th Announcements

Attention Parents/Guardians:  The OMMS counseling department is hosting a guest speaker for all grade levels in the month of January concerning the topic of bullying and social media safety.  The presentation schedule is as follows:

Thursday, January 19th: 8th grade during ELA classes

Class of 2027 informational flyer is attached. This contains information for our 8th graders regarding 9th grade course selection and a parent meeting.

SGA will NOT meet tomorrow.  Members are encouraged to check Schoology for information on upcoming events.

FCCLA officers will meet this Thursday morning in Ms. Boyd’s room at 7:20am.

Good luck to our 6th and 7th grade Scholars Bowl teams in their match at Helena today.  8th grade will not practice or compete this afternoon.

Coding Club will meet tomorrow from 3-4:30pm in Mrs. Carter’s room.  Students should bring Chromebook, charger, snack, and water bottle.

Please fill out the PTO form at the following link

Cheer clinic and tryouts for 2023-2024 will be held on February 27-March 3 from 3-5:30pm in the OMMS gym.  Tryout Paperwork, DragonFly requirements, and the payment of $40 is due Friday, February 17th.  The payment of $40 can be made on MySchoolBucks beginning Tuesday, January 17th.  The DragonFly requirements will be submitted as of the current year, 2022-2023, and will be transferred when the new year is created. 

Two spots have become available for the 7th and 8th grade DC trip.  First come, first serve, please see Mrs. Kennedy if interested.  7th grade students that are attending the Washington DC trip should see Mrs. Kennedy in D-6 for roommate requests.

OMMS Sports Information:

Baseball and softball practices are canceled for today.

Good luck to our boys basketball teams as they play at Chelsea today.

BSN:  Jump into January with 15% OFF orders of $100 or more at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Stock up for yourself or for a fellow OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL fan who’s had their eye on that special hoodie, hat or tumbler. Best of all, this awesome sale is on for the ENTIRE month! So head over to Sideline Store now and save on all your faves with code JAN23 today.

Community Information:

The OM Color Run is happening on Saturday, March 11th at Oak Mountain State Park. All proceeds are given to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB.  Participants can visit the click here to register. Online registration is open now until March 9th. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the event. For more information about the OM Color Run, visit the OMHS SGA website or follow us on Instagram @sgaomhs