Online ticket sales will end tonight at midnight. A limited number of admission tickets will be $10 at the door Friday evening.

6th grade dismissal at 9pm
7th grade dismissal at 9:30pm
8th grade dismissal at 10pm
Links to purchase provided:
Online ticket sales will end tonight at midnight. A limited number of admission tickets will be $10 at the door Friday evening.
6th grade dismissal at 9pm
7th grade dismissal at 9:30pm
8th grade dismissal at 10pm
Links to purchase provided:
Please be reminded of the Shelby County School Board guidelines concerning students who have a fever of 100.4 or greater. If your child has a fever, he/she should not attend school that day even if the temperature has been reduced with Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin). A student must remain fever-free for 24 hours (without pain reliever/fever reducer) before he/she can return to school. This guideline is necessary to provide for the health and well being of all students and staff. Thank you for helping to keep our student body healthy.
General Information
Due to today’s threat of inclement weather, Shelby County Schools will dismiss one hour earlier than normal dismissal times. Buses will also run their routes one hour earlier than normal. All after-school activities are also cancelled.
6th Grade Math Team Tryouts will be tomorrow, October 26th from 3-4 in Mr. Norris’s classroom after school. Letters with more information will go home in math classes at the beginning of this week. Parents will pick up students at 4 p.m. outside A Hall (under the bus canopy).
SGA will meet tomorrow morning at 7:20am in C-20.
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade parents/guardians: On Monday, October 31st, the OMMS Counseling Department will host Deputy Harmon from Compact Shelby County. Deputy Harmon will be presenting a lesson on the dangers of illegal drug use during PE classes.
Coding club will meet tomorrow, October 26th, from 3-4:30pm in Mrs. Carter’s room A-16.
OMMS Fall Bash Gala is Friday, October 28th. Purchase tickets online. Flyer attached. Admission tickets will be $10 if purchased at the door.
The SGA will be selling BOO Grams (candy) beginning tomorrow-Friday, during lunch in the cafeteria. Send BOO Grams to your friends, teachers, or even yourself. BOO Grams are $1 each and will be delivered during Eagle Hour on Monday, October 31.
7th or 8th grade students that are interested in joining the 2022-2023 Competitive Robotics Team, please complete the following link by Wednesday, 10/26/22.. This form is for those who are not already part of the competitive team. The Robotics Team will practice 1 to 2 days a week after school until 4:00 or 4:30 and will compete a few Saturdays out of the year at various locations around the state. For more information, please email Mrs. Whitehead at
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and Shelby County Schools is excited to celebrate and raise awareness for our students with dyslexia. Please see the attached newsletter for more information.
OMMS Sports Information:
My name is Kristi Hubbard and I am the OMMS/OMHS swim team sponsor and history teacher at the high school. If your student is interested in joining the swim team, please read the information below and then email me with any questions or concerns. Your student must be a part of a swim club for practices and regular meets. They have to compete with your club and meet certain time standards. Here is the link to check those times: Time Requirements for Sectionals and State. If they are not a part of a swim team/club then they cannot participate on the high school team. *Once your student have times that meet the minimum requirements please email those to me with the name of the meet.* Sectionals will be November 18-19 at the CrossPlex and the state meet is December 2-3 in Auburn. The fee to join the swim team is $75. I know this is an increase since last year, but I had to order swim caps and still pay the registration fees for sectionals and state. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
If you are interested in joining Oak Mountain Middle’s FIRST Indoor Track and Field team, please sign up by following the link below. Our first practice is November 7th. All paperwork must be 100% in DragonFly by November 1st for you to participate. If you have any questions, see Coach Chumbley in C-19.
6th grade dismissal at 9pm
7th grade dismissal at 9:30pm
8th grade dismissal at 10pm
Links to purchase provided:
Get your tickets now! Admission tickets will be $10 at the door.
General Information
Students that ride bus 13-44 should report to C-hall at dismissal.
6th Grade Math Team Tryouts will be next Wednesday, October 26th from 3-4 in Mr. Norris’s classroom after school. Letters with more information will go home in math classes at the beginning of this week.
Scholars Bowl match next Tuesday, 10/25, at Helena.
School photo orders should be turned in to the front office no later than upon arrival to school on Tuesday, October 25th. Orders cannot be accepted after this time.
JUNA will meet after school on Monday until 4:30pm.
The SGA will be selling BOO Grams (candy) next week, Wednesday-Friday, during lunch in the cafeteria. Send BOO Grams to your friends, teachers, or even yourself. BOO Grams are $1 each and will be delivered during Eagle Hour on Monday, October 31.
National School Bus Safety Week: October 17-21st
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Girls and Parents/Guardians: Are you interested in careers in STEM fields? Would you like to hear more about STEM jobs? Would you like to hear from women that currently have STEM jobs in the Birmingham area? If this sounds like something that interests you, please see the flyer below for “Go Red for Women: STEM Goes RED” for more information. This is a great opportunity for OMMS girls interested in this field of work. Students interested must be in good academic and behavior standing. The deadline to apply/register is October 21st. If you are interested in applying/registering your daughter for this unique, learning experience, please complete the link below. Reach out to your counselors if you have any questions. Ashley Nipp; Amy Becnel
Yearbooks! The 2023 OMMS yearbooks are ready to purchase! Please use the following link to order. We are excited to work with Jostens this year, and they are offering some limited time deals, so be sure to check it out! If you have any questions, please email either Mrs. Harding ( or Mr. McIndoe (
Yearbook Ads Now Available for Purchase! The OMMS yearbook staff is excited to announce that you can now purchase ads for your student(s). The deadline to order AND submit your ad is December 1st. You can click the following link to purchase: Please see the attached flyer for detailed instructions. If you have any questions, please contact either Lucie Harding ( or Scott McIndoe (
Purchase an Oak Mountain Community Shirt and support the OMMS Choir! You may click the link (OM Community Shirt) or scan the QR code to purchase the shirt.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and Shelby County Schools is excited to celebrate and raise awareness for our students with dyslexia. Please see the attached newsletter for more information.
OMMS Sports Information:
My name is Kristi Hubbard and I am the OMMS/OMHS swim team sponsor and history teacher at the high school. If your student is interested in joining the swim team, please read the information below and then email me with any questions or concerns. Your student must be a part of a swim club for practices and regular meets. They have to compete with your club and meet certain time standards. Here is the link to check those times: Time Requirements for Sectionals and State. If they are not a part of a swim team/club then they cannot participate on the high school team. *Once your student have times that meet the minimum requirements please email those to me with the name of the meet.* Sectionals will be November 18-19 at the CrossPlex and the state meet is December 2-3 in Auburn. The fee to join the swim team is $75. I know this is an increase since last year, but I had to order swim caps and still pay the registration fees for sectionals and state. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
If you are interested in joining Oak Mountain Middle’s FIRST Indoor Track and Field team, please sign up by following the link below. Our first practice is November 7th. All paperwork must be 100% in DragonFly by November 1st for you to participate. If you have any questions, see Coach Chumbley in C-19.
OM Community and Schools:
Oak Mountain Elementary School needs your help! We would love for students at OMMS and OMHS to sign up to volunteer for our Fall Fun Fest! You will receive a form documenting your volunteer hours, and you’ll have a great time! Please sign up by clicking the link below:
Poiema: Calling all 3rd -8th grade girls!! Looking for a super fun art camp to get ready for the Christmas season? Come join us at Poiema on Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00-2:00! All the details and the sign up can be found at or on the attached flyer! Contact Carley Toretta, Jodie Alaimo or Haley Gunnels with any questions!
Is your son in grades 2nd – 6th and interested in playing Oak Mountain Youth Basketball? If so, evaluations are being held this Sunday, Oct. 23 at OMHS gym. Please see the attached informational flyer and fill out the Google Form link if you are interested. #GOOM! Copy of OM Youth Basketball
6th grade dismissal at 9pm
7th grade dismissal at 9:30pm
8th grade dismissal at 10pm
Links to purchase provided:BEST DEAL!! ALL ACCESS PASS deadline is 3pm today
T-shirt Only deadline is 3pm today
This event is to benefit the OMMS and OMHS Robotics Programs.
Students that ride bus 09-35 will wait for bus 09-63 to return for pick up today.
8th grade students that ride the Mt. Laurel shuttle bus, 05-10, will join 6th grade students on bus 07-25 at dismissal. 7th grade students that ride bus 05-10 will wait for OMHS bus 09-19.
Thank you
6th grade dismissal at 9pm
7th grade dismissal at 9:30pm
8th grade dismissal at 10pm
Links to purchase provided:
General Information
Students that ride bus 09-35 should report to C-hall at dismissal.
8th graders attending High Flight tomorrow and Wednesday should layer clothing for colder temperatures.
6th Grade Math Team Tryouts will be next Wednesday, October 26th from 3-4 in Mr. Norris’s classroom after school. Letters with more information will go home in math classes at the beginning of this week.
There will be no Scholars Bowl practices or matches this week. Next Tuesday, October 25th, will be an away match at Helena.
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Girls and Parents/Guardians: Are you interested in careers in STEM fields? Would you like to hear more about STEM jobs? Would you like to hear from women that currently have STEM jobs in the Birmingham area? If this sounds like something that interests you, please see the flyer below for “Go Red for Women: STEM Goes RED” for more information. This is a great opportunity for OMMS girls interested in this field of work. Students interested must be in good academic and behavior standing. The deadline to apply/register is October 21st. If you are interested in applying/registering your daughter for this unique, learning experience, please complete the link below. Reach out to your counselors if you have any questions. Ashley Nipp; Amy Becnel
Yearbooks! The 2023 OMMS yearbooks are ready to purchase! Please use the following link to order. We are excited to work with Jostens this year, and they are offering some limited time deals, so be sure to check it out! If you have any questions, please email either Mrs. Harding ( or Mr. McIndoe (
Yearbook Ads Now Available for Purchase! The OMMS yearbook staff is excited to announce that you can now purchase ads for your student(s). The deadline to order AND submit your ad is December 1st. You can click the following link to purchase: Please see the attached flyer for detailed instructions. If you have any questions, please contact either Lucie Harding ( or Scott McIndoe (
Purchase an Oak Mountain Community Shirt and support the OMMS Choir! You may click the link (OM Community Shirt) or scan the QR code to purchase the shirt.
Phase 1 canned food drive will end on Wednesday, October 19th. The competition is heating up so don’t miss out on this great cause! Drop your cans off with your science teacher!
JUNA will meet today after school until 4:30pm.
Phase 1 will deliver canned goods to Oak Mountain Missions Thursday, October 20th. Students will stay after school that day, but parents will drive from OMMS to Oak Mountain Missions. Mr. Norris must have the volunteer driver forms if you are attending. Phase 1, please check your email for more information, or email Mr. Norris at
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and Shelby County Schools is excited to celebrate and raise awareness for our students with dyslexia. Please see the attached newsletter for more information.
OMMS Sports Information:
Seventh and Eighth grade boys basketball are selling shirts to promote their first home game on October 25th against Briarwood Christian Lions! Our theme will be RED OUT! All spectators are encouraged to “RED Out” the gym with as many red shirts as possible. You can purchase your RED OUT shirt on myschoolbucks by clicking the link. Red Out Shirt
The Oak Mountain Girls Basketball League is now Open. Registration for girls in the 2nd-6th grades is now open through our website Please email Coach Noel if you have any questions at Early registration coast: $155; After October 23th cost is $165; Evaluation/Placement Date: October 24, 2022 at OMMS 7:00-8:00pm 2nd-4th graders; 8:00-9:00pm 5th-6th graders. Practices will begin November 1st, mainly held on Tuesdays. Our first game will be Saturday, November 12th.
My name is Kristi Hubbard and I am the OMMS/OMHS swim team sponsor and history teacher at the high school. If your student is interested in joining the swim team, please read the information below and then email me with any questions or concerns. Your student must be a part of a swim club for practices and regular meets. They have to compete with your club and meet certain time standards. Here is the link to check those times: Time Requirements for Sectionals and State. If they are not a part of a swim team/club then they cannot participate on the high school team. *Once your student have times that meet the minimum requirements please email those to me with the name of the meet.* Sectionals will be November 18-19 at the CrossPlex and the state meet is December 2-3 in Auburn. The fee to join the swim team is $75. I know this is an increase since last year, but I had to order swim caps and still pay the registration fees for sectionals and state. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
OM Community and Schools:
Oak Mountain Elementary School needs your help! We would love for students at OMMS and OMHS to sign up to volunteer for our Fall Fun Fest! You will receive a form documenting your volunteer hours, and you’ll have a great time! Please sign up by clicking the link below: